Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3491: 3495

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However, Shen Lang was very happy to get a magic treasure.

Even if the Xuanhua axe can't be used in actual combat now, it will come into use sooner or later when its physical strength is up.

Although Shen Lang wants to play with the Xuanhua axe, in order to avoid embarrassment, he honestly put the two axes into his body, waiting for the words of the Moon Palace fairy.

"This fairy has nothing, so I can only give you other people's things. It's a bit crude, but don't give it up. " Moon Palace fairy helpless way.

"How dare you! The fairy has already given the younger generation enough benefits. It's too late for me to be grateful. "

Shen Lang was ashamed.

This Moon Palace fairy is regarded as his own noble person, Shen Lang also remembers this kindness in mind.

The Moon Palace fairy nodded slightly: "well, since you are satisfied, you will not waste this fairy to go back to Guanghan palace. All the benefits I can give you are for you. Benxianzi will send you away now. "

As soon as the voice fell, the Moon Fairy turned her hand and made a white light, quickly wrapping Shen Lang's whole body.


In an instant, Shen Lang was sent out and returned to yaochi on the top of the holy mountain in Tianchi. This time, the Moon Palace fairy did not go with Shen Lang, but sent out a message in his ear: "this fairy has set up a transmission array at the foot of the holy mountain in Tianchi, which can directly lead to the outside world. The border and prohibition around the Yao pool will be closed after a stick of incense, and then you can leave Tianshan as soon as possible. " "After you leave Tianshan, this fairy will seal Tianshan in space again. After you break through the fairyland of Luotian next time, come here again, benxianzi will untie the seal of Tianshan again. Remember, if you can't reach Luo Tianxian, you can't see any fairies. "

After listening to the words of the Moon Palace fairy, Shen Lang respectfully responded, "yes!"

"You go, don't let me down..."

The voice of the Moon Fairy became weaker and weaker until it disappeared.

"Thank you, fairy

Shen Lang took a deep breath and bowed to the sky.

What Yao Chi saw and heard really made Shen Lang feel like a dream.

Shen Lang collected the flat peaches from the table and packed them in jade boxes.

His cultivation has already broken through to the peak of Dixian medium-term, so I'm not in a hurry to eat flat peach fruit for a while.

It is worth mentioning that flat peach can be divided into five grades according to the grade: growth stage, slight ripening stage, semi ripening stage, firm ripening stage and complete ripening stage. The effect of each grade is different.

After taking the same grade of flat peach fruit once, the effect of the second use will be greatly reduced. However, taking higher grade flat peaches is not affected by this.

After the fruit is ripe, it will be enough for you to eat it.

Shen Lang plans to wait for his cultivation to break through to the later stage of Dixian, and then take this fruit to achieve the maximum effect.

After taking the flat peach fruit back to his storage ring, Shen Lang turns his eyes to LAN xian'er.

LAN xian'er lies beside the Yao pool, still unconscious. Shen Lang quickly came to her side, into her body into the glass skylight, trying to wake her up.

"Fairy girl, wake up!"

The border around the Yao pool will collapse after a long time, and the celestial friars such as the sun and moon ancestors are trapped outside. When the border disappears, these guys will rush in at the first time, and then they will become the target of public criticism.

Shen Lang poured a lot of glass skylight into lanxian'er's body at one breath, which finally smoothed her disordered spirit and made LAN xian'er wake up.

LAN xian'er opened her eyes, and her head was dizzy: "brother Shen, to What's going on? "

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"A lot of things have happened. I'll tell you later. We are about to leave Tianshan, Xianer girl. You should come back to me. "

Shen Lang spoke a little faster. The border around the Yao pool began to light up and down, roaring, as if it might disappear at any time.


Orchid fairy also did not ask more, fight spirit into a white light, fly into Shen Lang body.

Shen Lang quickly came to the edge of the border, ready to wait for the breakup of the border, the first time to leave yaochi.

After a moment, the energy of the white light curtain surging on the junction surface rapidly weakens, and finally "boom" suddenly collapses, like a broken mirror.

Unfortunately, in the garden in front of Shen Lang, the ancestor of the sun and moon was sitting in the path with his eyes closed. After perceiving the collapse of the border, sun and moon opened his eyes, fixed his eyes on Shen Lang in front of him, and said with a light smile: "ha ha ha ha, I still underestimated Shen Daoyou's ability after all. I didn't expect that you were so brilliant that you monopolized all the benefits.

, so that the Tianxian friars who were waiting for the chaotic stone mountain to meet the wall and eat ashes Shen Daoyou is really a model of our generation. "

Shen Lang glanced at the sun and moon ancestors, looked around again, and said with a dry smile: "the sun and moon friends are joking. How come you are the only one who came to the yaochi, and other Taoist friends

"They are all eliminated. The monks who arrive at the top of the mountain are just you and me," he said with a smile"Oh? Are all the other Taoist friends killed in the hands of sun and moon Shen Lang sneered and a fine light flashed in his eyes.

The sun and moon ancestor raised his eyebrows and said with a light smile, "is Shen Daoyou so sure it's my hand?"

Shen Lang said bluntly: "it's just intuition. Shen always believes in his own intuition. The sun and moon Taoist friends not only killed other Taoist friends, but also wanted to take Shen's life. Am I right? "

"Ha ha ha ha!"

With a long smile, sun and Moon said, "interesting and interesting! It's the first time I've seen such a clever monk like you for half a life. " After saying this sentence, the sun and moon ancestor roughly scanned the surrounding area of yaochi square, and determined that there was no one there. Then he said with a grim smile: "unfortunately, you know these are useless. No matter how much benefit you get in yaochi, it's still the

to be owned by me. "

"Yes? It depends on the ability of Sun Moon Taoist friends! "

Seeing the sun and the moon, the ancestor showed his true colors, and Shen Lang's face suddenly became gloomy.

Sun and moon ancestors are also too lazy to talk nonsense, immediately shake out a voice: "the eighth level of celestial immortality, bright moon sky fall!"

As soon as the roar fell, the old sun and moon burst out a huge white light, which turned into a new moon white awn, like a whirlwind dart, flying towards Shen Lang.

"Five thunder in one, the palm sends thunderbolt to subdue demons!"

Shen Lang's eyes burst out with pure light and quickly drew a Dharma seal.


In a flash, the sky above the Shen wave suddenly rolled up a vortex formed by five kinds of thunder, black, white, purple, blue and black. The five kinds of thunder poured down like a huge wave and quickly rolled to the body of the deep wave.

"Boom! Boom!"

Shen Lang's mouth, nose and ears were full of electric light, his face showed a trace of ferocity and madness, and his mouth roared like thunder: "the eighth level of celestial immortality, five thunder Zhengfa!"

As soon as the roar fell, Shen Lang pushed out his two palms with five different kinds of thunder, which swept out like a mountain and a sea, and hit the white light of the new moon.

"Boom The two magical powers collide, sending out a huge sound like the collapse of heaven and earth, and the intense thunder light and white light collide endlessly.

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