Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3492: 3496

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After Shen Lang's accomplishments soared to the peak in the middle period of Dixian, the power of the five thunder positive Dharma was nearly doubled, and the casting speed could keep up with the sun and moon ancestors.

"Boom, boom!"

The explosion continued, deafening.

Although the flowers and plants in the garden have been subjected to a violent energy impact, once the external energy touches the surface of the flowers and plants, it is like hitting in the mire.

After the plants were destroyed, they recovered quickly. Even though the explosion caused by the collision of the two gods was so violent, everything in the garden was not damaged. There is a layer of mysterious power of law in the holy mountain of Tianchi. Under the power of this law, anything existing in the holy mountain of Tianchi will not be destroyed. Unless a powerful attack beyond the power of law can destroy the environment here.

It can't be done by the attack of celestial friars.

Shen Lang's five thunder method was in a stalemate with Haoyue Tianjiang, which was produced by the ancestor of the sun and moon. For a time, neither side could restrain the other.

"Tut, the old man's wound has improved, and his magic skill is much better than before!"

Shen Lang smacked his lips and said in his heart.

There was also a surprise in the eyes of the old sun and moon. He thought he could stabilize the waves, but he didn't expect that the five thunder positive method played by this boy was much stronger than before. He urged his magic power to the extreme level to resist the attack of the other side!

I don't know whether the boy got any advantages in yaochi, which greatly increased his strength, or concealed his real strength?

After a strike, the two sides were even. The sun and moon ancestor's face was not so ugly, but said with a light smile: "Shen Daoyou, you are really amazing. I appreciate you a little. I always respect the strong, but it's a pity that a person like you dies. I might as well give you a chance to live. As long as you hand over the storage ring and all the things on your body, I can let you off

Shen Lang ha ha ha smile, eyes Sen ran way: "old thing, up to now, do you still think you have an advantage?"

The old sun and Moon said: "if you can, I don't like to cheat to win. But since Shen Daoyou has given up the chance to survive, don't blame me for my ruthlessness

As soon as the voice fell, the sun and moon ancestor offered a dark green pearl from the storage ring, and quickly poured chaotic spiritual power into the Pearl. The green light of the dark green pearl rose sharply and made a strange roar.


All of a sudden, Shen Lang's whole body was covered with bits of green energy. These green light spots whirled around Shen Lang like a whirlwind, which seemed to resonate with the Pearl in the hands of the sun and moon ancestors.

"Not good!"

Shen Lang's mind was awe inspiring, and he rolled up a large number of thunder arcs, trying to destroy those green light spots.

Surprisingly, these green dots are not affected by the attack of the five elements. They still linger around the Shen wave, like maggots of tarsal bones.

"Old man, there is something wrong with the spirit tea you gave us before!"

Shen Lang's face became a little ugly. He thought that he had refined his spirit by the light splitting water. Moreover, his body had been soaked in the holy water of yaochi for so long. No matter how strong the toxicity or curse was, he was still hit.

Seeing Shen Lang, he reacted immediately. Sun Yue Lao zulue was a little surprised and said, "you are really smart! It's a pity that you didn't respond at that time, but now it's late! "

"The wood poison entangles the silk!"

Sun and moon Laozu a strong drink, only to see those green light spots quickly turned into a long and thin green silk, like dense silk, Shen Lang whole body tied tightly.

The green energy is so strange that it can shield the attack of the five elements. Shen Lang is almost unable to resist. The body is bound by a large number of green filaments. The chaotic spiritual power in the body is like a deep mire, and it is difficult to agglomerate.


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Shen Lang's mind is great.

After he failed to resist with the five elements attack, he tried to drive the nine turn Dharma seal in his body with all his strength, and his flesh exploded into the sky with golden mansions, trying to tear the green filaments with his physical strength! Sun and moon ancestor's mouth showed a trace of scorn: "Shen Daoyou don't have to do this kind of unnecessary resistance. Previously, I put some essence blood of the ancient witch beast "thorn dragon" in the tea. The essence blood of this animal is not toxic at all, but it is also a great tonic, so you can't detect the problem in the tea. " "But the blood essence of the thorn dragon contains wonderful original energy. Once swallowed, these energy will be quickly absorbed by the monk's body and spirit, and will not be eliminated within three days. At this time, as long as the friar holds the magic weapon refined by the bone marrow of bramble dragon,

can stimulate this source of energy, form a wood poison to entangle the silk, seal the monk's body, and make him a waste man! "

"This kind of folk magic was learned by me from" cangxuan Xianyu ". Today I just want to take you to practice. Ha ha ha, Shen Daoyou, it's hard to feel the smell of wood Gu entangled with silk? "

The ancestor of the sun and the moon laughed and was very happy.

"Old man, you'd better not be happy too soon! The devil is changing

Shen Lang was furious and his eyes were bloodshot. He began to drive the demons in his body crazily. Yin Shi displayed the magic power of the heaven and the devil.As soon as the roar fell, Shen Lang's whole body gushed out a rolling black awn, which wrapped the body like layers of waves. The body of Shen Lang began to twist and changed into the posture of a hundred eyes demon.


The Baimu demon's body is full of golden light, and Shen Lang pushes the nine turn Dharma seal in the body to the extreme, and attempts to tear off the wood poisonous insects and entangled silk on his body with his physical strength!

Sun Yue's ancestor sneered: "boy, don't waste it..."

The word "strength" has not been finished.

"Bang bang bang!"

The green filaments twined around the whole body of Baimu demon were broken by Shen Lang with brute force!

"No way!"

This moment, the sun and the moon old face suddenly changed color, showing an incredible expression.

The monks below the middle of the celestial immortals were caught in the wood poisonous insects and entangled with silk. They had no resistance at all, nor could they break them.

Even if the boy is physically strong, he can't be so strong, can he?

All of this is due to Shen Lang's vigilance at the beginning. The light dispersing water he had taken before had actually washed away the essence and blood of bramble dragon on the spirit.

Later, the holy water of yaochi also purified most of the real blood of the bramble dragon left in Shen Lang's body. In fact, the blood of the bramble dragon remained in Shen Lang's body was very small, so the ability of the wood Gu used by the ancestor of the sun and moon to wrap silk was greatly reduced.

"Bang bang bang!"

As Shen Lang continued to break free from the shackles, more and more green filaments were broken.

It seems that before long, Shen Lang will be able to break free completely.


Sun and moon, whose face was black like the bottom of a pot, had a bad secret in his heart. He quickly displayed his magic power and tried to kill Shen Lang before he broke free from his bondage!

"The eighth level of celestial immortality, bright moon sky fall!" The sun and moon ancestors were about to split their eyes, and urged the chaotic spiritual power in his body with all his strength. He shot a sickle shaped bright moon again, shooting toward the Shen waves like lightning and thunder.

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