Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3646: 3650

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With a muffled sound of "Dong", the deep waves hit the barrier of the devil Qi storm. The bones and meridians of the whole body seemed to be completely broken, and there was no intact place.

The nine turn Dharma seal in Xin Kui's body is like a woven chain, which firmly binds his remnant body together, otherwise Shen Lang's body would have been torn apart.

Although Shen Lang was not dead, his body almost collapsed. There was still a large amount of black light energy in his flesh and blood. The fire of the glazed heart lamp at the heart vein maintained his last breath and was in danger.

At this time, if the spirit is out of the body, Shen Lang's body will collapse completely, and he will be disconnected from the spirit. He will not be able to use the three flowers to gather the top to recover the body for a long time.


Feel the glass heart lights are almost unable to maintain the vitality of the body, Shen Lang consciousness gradually blurred, the mouth issued a hoarse roar, eyes transmission of a strong unwilling!

He doesn't want to die yet!

After the black awn was gathered away, all the chains on the dragon's body were broken.

At this moment, he finally broke the seal.

"Ha ha ha ha, for more than a billion years, I am finally free again!"

With the dragon's head held high, the moon bone dragon made a hysterical sound of laughter. The whole cave roared and the stone walls on both sides even cracked!

Seeing that the Shen wave on one side of the ground has become a waste man, the moon bone dragon is too lazy to pay attention to this mole ant for a moment, and his eyes are fixed on the black rock above his head.

"Shiji, Shiji, you can't think of it. I still break your seal after all! You have been enslaved and sealed for half a life. Now how about taking Laozi as your master

The dragon was laughing wildly. His blood colored pupils were staring at the black stone on his head and said with a grim smile: "this chaotic nine color sky mending stone will be accepted by me!"

As soon as the words fell, the eclipse bone dragon couldn't bear to poke out its claws. It was like lightning rushing toward the black rock and grabbed it in the past.

Who knows, the dragon claw of the lunar eclipse bone dragon just touched the black rock, it was a powerful force to bounce open!

"What's going on?"

The large body of the dragon was shaken back a few steps, and was shocked and angry.

Shiji has been dead for a long time. Normally speaking, this black rock should not have spirituality. How can he actively exclude himself?

In the month when the dragon was suspicious, the black rock suddenly splashed out a huge black awn.

The black awn became more and more powerful until it covered the whole cave. In the bath of the black awn, the black stubborn stone turned into a woman gradually. The woman was very beautiful, with black skirt and black hair, pale face without a trace of blood color, cold eyes without a trace of impurities, temperament is extremely cold, a pair of blood eyes staring at the moon bone dragon, giving people a kind of unspeakable terrible force

force, the air seems to condense to the freezing point!

"Stone Rocky

The dragon was startled. The strong sense of horror made him step back subconsciously. He was shocked and said, "no way! Did you not die long ago? Why can you still show your body? "

The frost white lips of the woman in the black dress trembled slightly: "evil, I want you to follow me for many years. I spared your life. Instead of repenting, you want to take away my body. You are so stubborn

"Shiji, I have been enslaved by you for so many years, and I am loyal. You're dead. Why can't I take away this chaotic nine color mending stone? "

"I asked you not to tamper with my body at the beginning. Did you listen to my words?" The black skirt woman's face color peaceful counter rebukes a way.

"Don't be so wordy! I have been sealed by you for more than a billion years, and nine out of ten of your soul power has been sucked away by you. Are you not satisfied with this woman? "

The dragon of the eclipse of the moon completely fell into madness, and said, "I don't believe that after you were killed by Asura, the noumenon can survive? Don't pretend to be like me. I will tear you, you cunt

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As soon as the voice fell, the Dragon claws of the moon's bone and dragon's claws splashed out thousands of rays of grey light, and grabbed the black skirt woman with the momentum of tearing up the stars and destroying the sun. Looking at the hysterical appearance of the dragon, a trace of helplessness and sadness flashed in the black skirt woman's cold eyes, and she shook her head slightly: "the reason why I sealed you is to save you. I was expecting you to make a change. It seems that I have been thinking too much If you complain so deeply, it will be futile for me to keep your life. "

"Heaven and earth Xuanzong, prove my magical power, nine you kill the soul, evil filth return to empty!"

After reading this sentence silently, the woman with black skirt pushes her palms toward the dragon of the moon.

Suddenly, the endless black wind swept out from the palm of the woman with black skirt.

The dark wind contains indescribable mysterious power, where even the space is slightly distorted, it seems to be able to swallow up everything and crush it into nothingness!

"Jinxianshu? No

By the time the eclipse dragon reacts, it's too late.

The black wind swallowed and drowned the dragon.

"Boom, boom!"

The fierce black wind tore and strangled the body of the dragon, and the dragon made a shrill scream. The keel was broken by the wind and turned into a lot of white powder.Of course, the lunar eclipse bone dragon is a powerful sorcerer, but its physical body is relatively weak among the sorcerers, which is quite similar to the phantom dusk beast.

Even if the body of the dragon is weak among the sorcerers and beasts, Shen Lang's strength alone can't hurt it.

In front of her eyes, this woman with black skirt is much stronger than Shen lang. the dark wind released by her is so powerful that it can't be imagined that it can defeat the whole body of the dragon.

After the body was defeated, the moon bone dragon showed a blue-green dragon soul.

The black wind from the black skirt woman stopped at all and continued to devour the soul of the dragon.

"Mother, spare your life!"

The dragon soul of the moon bone dragon sends out the voice of seeking forgiveness in horror.

However, the face of the woman in the black dress, as cold as frost, did not fluctuate and continued to attack.


The black wind even strangled the blue-green dragon soul into nothingness in the extremely painful scream of the moon bone dragon!

The eclipse bone dragon is dead!

"This What is this? "

The last trace of consciousness remained in the fallen Shen Lang, who witnessed the whole process of the killing of the eclipse bone dragon, and was shocked beyond measure.

Is this woman in black dress suddenly the big witch stone rock? Otherwise, how could there be such an appalling combat power!

After killing the dragon, the figure of the woman with black skirt is bright and dark. It seems that she will soon disappear.

On her deathbed, she glanced at Shen Lang, who was about to lose consciousness. She opened her mouth and spewed out a mass of white air, which poured into Shen Lang's body.

A magical scene appeared.

After absorbing the white air, Shen Lang's broken bones and collaterals, meridians, and even organs and viscera are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the residual destructive energy of the body is also quickly eliminated. Shen Lang felt his spirit was greatly improved, and his own breath was climbing rapidly. The purple flame snake tooth fire spear which fell on the side turned into a little bit of golden light and entered his body again.

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