Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 3647: 3651

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In an instant, Shen Lang's body completely recovered. It's a miracle!

"Feeling Thank you for saving your life

Shen Lang was shocked and excited, and bowed to the black skirt woman in the sky.

"Boy, I would like to ask you, who are you? Why do you hold Guangtian palace and fire spear spirit? " She asked whether she was cold or not.

Shen Lang's mind is awe inspiring. He hears that Shiji Niang has ever had a feud with Taiyi immortal and Nezha. If she answers truthfully, she is afraid of her life.

But if it is not as good as the actual answer, it is estimated that the other party will see through.

After thinking for a moment, Shen Lang decided to follow his heart and let heaven do what he wanted.

"Immortal Taiyi is a great benefactor of my younger generation, and I'm half a master."

Shen Lang tells the black skirt woman of his relationship with Taiyi.

The beautiful face of the black skirt woman suddenly became ferocious: "boy, you are the apprentice of Taiyi old son. Do you know that I have nothing to do with that old thing?"

"A little bit." Shen Lang said calmly.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?" The black skirt woman's face is full of evil spirit, the whole body releases the cold evil spirit, which makes people's heart tremble.

"My life was saved by the elder. If the elder wants to kill me, I have nothing to say. I will return this life." Shen Lang sighed, without fear.

The black skirt woman snorted coldly: "you are quite backbone! Tell me how you were cheated by the old Taiyi son. "

"What do you mean?"

Shen Lang frowned.

"Well, it's time for me. You'd better tell everything honestly, and I can show you the way. Otherwise, you will become a chess piece of Taiyi old son, and Asura is a lesson from the past! "

Black skirt woman cold way.

Shen Lang's heart was shocked. The words of the woman in black dress are quite similar to those that Sun Wukong said to himself at the beginning.

Although he shouldn't believe Shiji, such a notorious witch, Shen Lang was really curious. He simply told the black skirt woman about his meeting with real Taiyi in the ancient spirit world.

The corner of the black skirt woman's mouth revealed a trace of irony: "so it is! In terms of demagogues, if the old man told Shen Lang instinctively, the black skirt woman in front of him seemed to have no malice.

"To tell you the truth, the younger generation is chosen by heaven." Shen Lang said it after all.

"The chosen one That makes sense. Hum, it's no wonder that your breath is extraordinary. It's the breath of the fragments of heaven. " The black skirt woman once again looked at Shen Lang several eyes, cold eyes covered with a trace of fine awn.

Shen Lang is shocked. She is indeed a disciple of the master of jiejiao Tongtian sect. She is indeed well-known.

"Boy, do you know who was the last chosen one?" Asked the woman in black dress.

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"This I don't know. "

Shen Lang shook his head.

In the Tianshan mountains before, the Moon Palace fairy once told him that there was also a celestial selector in the war of extermination, and it was he who prevented the extinction of the fairyland.

What the black skirt woman said was the last chosen one, that is, the chosen one in the war of annihilation.

"Listen to me! The last one chosen by heaven was Nezha, the disciple of Taiyi immortal. He was also the Mazu Asura who appeared in the war of extermination

Black skirt woman tone Yin cold way.


Shen Lang took a breath of cold air and looked unbelievable.

He knew that Nezha was the reincarnation of Asura, but he could not have imagined that Asura was the destroyer in the war of annihilation! "Think about it clearly. Nezha was the apprentice of old Taiyi, and he became the chosen one. You've been watched by Taiyi, and you've become a natural choice. What kind of coincidence do you think there will be in the world? "

The woman with black skirt glanced at Shen Lang and sneered.

"This..." Shen Lang couldn't believe the words of the black skirt woman. He clasped his fist and said: "listening to the tone of the elder, he seems to be extremely disgusted with immortal Taiyi, but immortal Taiyi has not done anything evil to the younger generation. Do you have any evidence to prove that Taiyi's contact with the younger generation later is for another purpose

"I'll tell you a story before the spirit of this seat dissipates."

The woman in black dress talks.

It is said that at the end of the emperor's era, the fairyland once suffered a rare disaster, with the cracked heaven and earth, and a large number of cracks were produced at the interface.

WA, the wife and daughter of emperor Fuxi, used her own blood essence to repair the interface cracks of the fairyland. After the Xianjie interface was repaired completely, Nuwa died of exhaustion of blood essence, and nine pieces of chaotic tonic stones fell from the cracks of the complete interface. After integrating the energy of heaven and earth, the nine chaotic sky mending stones had nine attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, Yin, Yang, wind and thunder.

These nine chaotic tonic stones, which were stained with Nu Wa's blood, are scattered all over the fairyland, and later generations are called "chaotic nine color tonic sky stones".

Among the nine chaotic mending stones, only Yin and yang are attracted to each other and are not separated.At the beginning of his practice and preaching in tianmang Xianyu, Tianzun picked up these two stones and named them "lingzhuzi".

Hearing this, Shen Lang's face suddenly changed. It turns out that this is the origin of lingzhuzi.

Shen Lang couldn't help asking, "as far as I know, lingzhuzi should be the pseudonym of Nezha's three princesses. How did it become a chaotic nine color sky mending stone?"

"Listen to me

The woman with black skirt snorted coldly and didn't like to be interrupted.

Shen Lang was silent and continued to listen to the story of the black skirt woman. "The chaotic nine color mending stone has been used to repair the heaven and earth. It is related to the Qi of heaven and earth. At that time, Tianzun had not yet set up a hermeneutics. He tried his best to study the two stones of yin and Yang, trying to absorb the Qi of heaven and earth in the two stones of yin and Yang, so as to change his ranking in the list of "gods of heaven and earth." "Who knows, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun just separated the two stones of yin and Yang, and the two chaotic mending stones instantly repel each other, breaking through the void and flying away. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun only captured Yangshi, and Yinshi flew to the celestial sphere and was intercepted by the master of Tongtian sect, whose Taoist name is "Lingbao Tianzun" "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun asked for Yinshi from Tongtian sect leader, but he refused. Both of them are Daozu Tianzun on the list of deities. If they fight, they will consume the power of faith and fall into the list of gods. This resentment has to be

let go. " "From then on, Tianzun and Tongtian sect became mortal enemies in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and they established Hermeneutics and jiejiao respectively. The two religions fought for countless years until before the war of annihilation."

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