GODSLAYER: Dark Dreams Don’t Die.

Chapter 2: 1: Iridescent Changes

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Lexi POV 

I don't know how long i slept, before i remembered i was dead.

I remember my death clearly... The thing from my dream bombed the school. Sarin gas... It fought the police, using some strange ability to throw explosives made from whatever he had at hand... The last thing a saw was the Devastation following in his wake... And now, i guess I'll open my eyes.

An Unknown abyss looks back.

Endless nothingness, spiraling outward from a single point, And At the very edge we sat, Unmoving, as though we were waiting for something. 

Within that empty seeming void, suddenly, were lights, billions of souls all crying... As two clusters impact one another, those screams suddenly cease... A million little lights go out... And we FEEL it, like the heat of 1000 suns... I feel my skin crawl, and the abyss fades... Replaced by Eyes, The mirror of my own, one Green one Red... A voice echoes in my headv <Sorry about that! I get distracted sometimes and space out. All those lives, trying so hard... But in the end, it doesn't matter... Nothing they do really matters... still... i care about every single one. My name Is ARCHIVE, The living repository of all of creation. nice to meet you!>

Court and Levi were awake, i could feel them... but still couldn't move or speak. My question was understood somehow.

<Due to HIS meddling, This was all I could do. I'm sorry, but you three indeed died. Actually, its worse. He changed the world record. You three never existed. Your parents dont have memories of you, no records exist... Gone. But i needed three souls, so i intercepted you three. Will you incarnate into my world? Ive prepared bodies... bodies that match your souls. So, Whaddya say? Will you be my heroes?>

I heard the others answer.

"Hell, i dunno.  Kinda feels like I don't have a choice. I guess." Levi smiles as he agrees, then fades from veiw.

"A body i don't hate? I'm in!" Court seemed thrilled... and very Masculine. Then i was alone.

"Hmm... I suppose. But one question?"

<Yes, what is it?>

"Why me? I mean, Levi is tough, cool, and strong. Court isn't afraid to be who she/he really is, but me? I'm weak. I can't let go of my mamas wishes, i can't move on... and now, i dont even exist. So why me?"

<Because She calls to you, across dimensions. Go now child, and awaken in your new body...> As the light engulfed me, i heard her voice again.

<Go my heroes. Courtland Rambeau, Leviathan Strauss, And Alexis Stein. Go become as you were meant to be>

I woke up on a stone slab. In a coffin...

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