GODSLAYER: Dark Dreams Don’t Die.

Chapter 3: 2: Bring me to life.

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??? POV

"Sir, the strange reading is coming from these children!"

My assistant was extremely excited. We'd been tracking these energy fluctuations for weeks, Deep into the ruins of Malte City. But for that reading to lead to children? And one appears to be a female! "Any potentials?"

"No sir. despite appearances, all three are Male. What do we do?"

I smiled at her. "Amelia, These children are giving off Etheric Energy. Naturally we test them. Call for Evac. Let's go back to the base."

"Yes Sir, Director!"

Lexi POV...

I woke up on a slab, in a coffin! I started to panic, but a mans voice suddenly spoke.

"Calm down, Boy. You are perfectly safe!"


"A Coffin? HA! Be Serious, Haven't you seen a medi-pod before?" I must have looked confused. "Never mind, i can see you haven't by your face. Calm down, subject 3, And we can talk. First, Who Are we? My name is Tokito Hannam, Director of the Valkyrie institute. And you are?"

"Alexis Stein. 13."

"And where are you from, Alexis Stein?"

"I... I don't know." my head was hurting... the more i tried to recall the more it hurt. "Its... Ive got no memories... just my name and... WHERES MY BROTHER AND COURT?"

"Relax, the other boys, Subjects 1 and 2, are fine. In fact S1, Who calls himself Levi Strauss, Has been trying to escape his room to find you.  I assume he is the brother you mentioned, but our machines show no genetic similarities between you."

"He's my step-brother. And whaddya mean other boys? Courtland should be a girl... i think... nnnn... hurts." My head was splitting.

"Alexis, STOP! Stop trying to force your memory, you'll harm yourself... For a male, you certainly do have a huge Etheric output..." 'DING!'  "Ah, seems the scan is done... Same as the other two, 100% Healthy... sigh. Time to start the testing, i suppose."

I was released from the Pod, my clothes sitting on a nearby table... And a tall blonde man came into the room.

"Ah, you've dressed. Good. I won't pry about your... unique... Style, but please keep up with me." I was led to what looked like a gymnasium, filled with black pods. A few seconds later, The others were brought in... and i was nearly knocked over by their hugs...  And court was a guy... Because of couse he is... why did i think he was a girl? Forget it, thinking about it hurts.

The pods, we were told, were test devices, simulations of mankind's greatest weapons... And they would give us various tests, teaching us things we need to know.... 

Inside the black pods were two crystal-like handles. The moment I touched them... The information i wanted flooded into me...  And suddenly i was in a combat simulation. I took a moment to familiarize myself with the controls... Then followed the objective, just like a game.

Aemelia POV

"Sir, its incredible! not only has the crossdressed boy triggered the Systems Simulator, hes already beat Maya's score!"

"Thats impossible. the sim shouldn't even run for a male." An alarm began ringing . [Enemy attack! Enemy attack!] "Shit." the director pulledal a device out and shouted "ALL HANDS, BATTLE STATIONS!"

"sir, you go as well, i can lead these three to a saferoom."

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"Very well." The commander Turned and left. I hit the shut down on the pods, and once the three were out, i told them to follow me. The crossdressing boy was acting a bit odd, twitching, but i paid him no mind. i really should've. A voice came over the intercom. [HOLY CRAP, 13S GOING BERSERK AGAIN! ITS BROKEN THE RESTRAINTS!] I suddenly had a BAAAAD Feeling. I had to hurry.

Lexi POV 

Who is it? this voice in my head?

<Wake Me Up!>

Who are you?

<I am Me. you are close. Come awaken me.>

We were following miss Amelia to a saferoom, but i felt a pull... and followed it to a hangar bay. 12 empty docks, and one with a hauntingly familiar face.

[Hey, whose that kid! get outta there, 13s dangerous.] I guess he was right, because as he Said this, It Attacked me. Kinda. Its head split open, wide enough to engulf me. And suddenly i was in a cockpit... A visor lowered onto my head, I felt Something being implanted into my lower back... but there was no pain... Mechanical parts encased my body... And a bright light filled the room. [Kid, can ya hear me? The names Harrison, in charge of logistical support. Are you alive?] How do i respond?

<just think it, Partner.>

okay. I will Sierra. Wait. who?

<So that is to be my name? I accept.>

[Kid! KID!] Its mister Director. [KID, ARE YOU ALIVE?]

[We are fine. Is the attack still happening?]

[THANK GOD! It hasnt eaten you. yet. Calm down, and we'll get you out.]

[No really, we are fine.]

I could feel he was about to argue, but Sierra put a stop to that.

[HE SAID WE ARE FINE, STUPID MAN! Now open the gate like a good little boy, or i WILL SMASH IT!] The massive blast doors opened, and i saw large masked monsters fighting against 12 others in mecha. [Sierra! Let's go! They need help, right?]

<Indeed. Lets do this.>


Harrison Elwin POV 

13 was shining... The entire time, she was shining... i knew what it was.

"Harrison, can you remotely disable it before it eats that boy alive?"

"Sorry, Toki, Systems locked. besides that kid'll be fine. The damn thing just phase shifted. They cant do that unless the pilot is compatible. Youve found a male pilot."

"Interesting!" My assistant and wife, Tokitos elder sister, ran into the room. "Oh good, Toki's here too. 13 is evil! she sent me her processes. that boy... shes changing him. Not sure how, but... Thats beside the point, ive got her operating specs." We looked at the tablet.

"Huh. 13s stage 1 shift looks like a fox. interesting... very interesting..."

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