Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono

Chapter 1: 1.1

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Chapter 1 Senior blows the world through the window

Part 1

What's wrong with you? Whether it's your appearance, or your eyes, your lips, and your wrinkles, it all becomes your appearance. Whether it's your voice, your breath when you talk and laugh, or when your tears run down your cheeks, when you talk to me; including your character, words, desires, and dreams, to me. In other words, it's all this that is what makes you unique.

——Excerpt from the embarrassing love letter that Amaharashi Asahi wrote in the past


It was a moonlit night. Fresh air.

The night breeze slowly passed between Asahi and Senpai. Senpai who was wearing cute pajamas with cat pattern, was standing on the balcony of her room, smoothing her long hair. It was like seeing the joy of Asahi's heart oozing out of his eyes.

……Can't lose one-sidedly to him.

Today! We have to decide the outcome with him tonight!

Asahi tightened his body and said.

“Senpai. Is there something wrong?"

From the window of Asahi's room to senpai's balcony, the distance—as long as both sides reach out to each other.

The house where Asahi moved was close to his senpai's house. Especially Asahi's room and Senpai's room. Asahi didn't understand this well—perhaps the people who built the house ignored civil law. But Asahi was also blessed by him. Although there was a slight difference in angles, the rooms of the two of them were opposite each other and were basically the same height. His senpai often threw pebbles at the window pane and told Asahi to come out.

As a result, the story becomes interesting.

“Would you like to play a game with me?”


"Yes. I bought a very interesting game.”

Senpai's voice always sounded like a steadiness far beyond her years. Only when it reached his ears from the balcony would he become as emotional as a child looking at a cake.

"After I saw that, I suddenly thought of Asahi-kun's face. I thought of Asahi-kun's blushing face as usual. Then I thought of this game. Do you want to play against me? If you think you can beat me, would you want to fight me? Want to try? Try?"

The elusive Senpai seemed to be saying: 'Asahi can't beat me.'

This is clearly provocative. Asahi understood this. At the same time, he also understood that he couldn't step aside when his senpai said this.

Precisely because the other party was senpai, he didn't want to be afraid of being scared.

"What kind of game is that?"

“If I tell you, it doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make sense to eat a dark hot pot with the lights on. But if Asahi-kun beats me, I'll give you a reward. It's me. A gift for Asahi-kun that was carefully prepared"

The senpai leaned his left hand on the balcony railing and pushed his body slightly forward. Today is sunny, but soon it will rain. Asahi's room clothes and senpai's pajamas were very thin. He leaned forward, making Asahi's eyes wonder where to put it.

"What's the prize? Is this some kind of trap?"

"This isn't a trap. I can fulfill any one of Asahi-kun's wishes – whatever it is. I think so."

"... Whatever?"

"Anything? Oh. Whatever it is, it's fine. Isn't that bad? ...Ah, Asahi-kun is too fast. Cheeks turning red? Are you thinking about something naughty?"

“I, I didn't think about it!”

I didn't even look at senpai's plump breasts—Asahi couldn't say this.

"I was just thinking—is this really a trap? After two months, I learned quite a bit. Senpai will talk about this kind of thing, basically because she wants to do something. If senpai wins, what do you want to do?"

"Um... at first I wanted to say "Let Asahi-kun fulfill my wish", but it's too normal for me to beat you. I can't say this line. So forget it, you notice me a bit. Just a wish, a wish that a child could do. do. Does Asahi-kun still think that this is a trap?"

“Senpai's bid for such good conditions is basically nothing good.”

Asahi replied, causing senpai to smile slightly.

Her mature and beautiful appearance showed a slightly evil and provocative expression.

“Even so, Asahi-kun would agree to toy with me right?”

"... So ."

Asahi nodded. That's right, tonight-

this time— I have to decide the outcome with senpai!

"I promise you. I want to ask, what kind of tour is that—"

Play—Asahi was speechless.

The senpai smiled, slowly got out of the armrest, and stretched out his right hand. By the way, he always hides his right hand behind his back very naturally.

A lollipop crossed the sky and reached Asahi's eyes.

The senpai muttered.

"It's blue cheese flavor."


"I like the sweets made by this manufacturer. This manufacturer makes a very strange limited time taste. I thought it was delicious, but all my family members thought it tasted weird. So, this is a game that suits Asahi-kun's taste."

Well— Asahi was taken aback. After he realized senpai's intentions, he became afraid.

He wasn't afraid of the taste of blue cheese. Asahi's tastes are very similar to his father's—both have strong tastes, and both taste the delights of the mountains and the sea. His cousin has also said in the past that their "gold tongue and wooden tongue are really only separated by a piece of paper." In that case, what was he afraid of?

"If Asahi-kun can eat it deliciously, then Asahi-kun wins. If Asahi-kun succeeds halfway, 'what is this?', 'It tastes weird', ——Wait for his expression, it means Asahi-kun lost. What is this alright?... Asahi-kun, come on, “Ah——”.”

………… hateful.

This was really no different from a trap. Even if Asahi wanted to be patient, Asahi couldn't do anything about this situation. Because he is a senpai who feeds himself. No matter who it was, being fed by someone had to go back to when he was fed by his parents in his childhood. And now senpai is doing this. This is the beautiful "Everyone's Goddess".

Asahi naturally didn't know what kind of expression he was making. But that could be easily deduced from senpai's face. Senpai's cheeks were slightly red, and she smiled twice.

"Hey? Asahi-kun, what's wrong with you? It's obvious that the game has started, why aren't you doing anything, blushing and not moving? Come on, 'ah—' Asahi-kun. Don't you want to be rewarded?"

Asahi was very unwilling. Obviously he was on guard against Senpai, but he still didn't stop him—after all, Senpai had never done this before, so from the result, Asahi seemed to have been attacked all of a sudden. Asahi's doubts were completely within that senpai's grasp. ...Is it really good to continue like this?

Asahi tightly held her hand on the window sill. He couldn't find any reason. In these two months and days, Asahi had been teased by his senpai. He often said to himself: This kind of thing is nothing. If you retreated here at this time, it would only make that senpai win.

And the so-called “become an equal relationship with senpai”—it was only going further and further.

...... can't be like this!

Asahi suppressed his embarrassment and stuck out his face. He couldn't see how senpai was grinning there, so he closed his eyes. At the same time, he let out an ah and opened his mouth. To make a final fight, she also stated that she wasn't shaking - she was the one who bit into the round lollipop herself. Hard touch and great taste...doesn't spread in the mouth.


Asahi opened his eyes. The lollipop that senpai gave him had disappeared.

Lollipop arrived and stood across the balcony—senpai's mouth.


senpai muttered, and looked at Asahi who couldn't help but sweat. With a blue cheese lollipop on her lips, the corners lifted slightly.

"It is time."

Asahi was shocked and made a final protest.

“…Why, se… senpai is too shameless, I was just planning to eat it—”

"Really? But Asahi-kun is really too slow. I'm afraid it will be dawn by then. Judging that you won't be fighting."

“Senpai, you lied, you lied to me. You pulled your hand When I was about to eat it! It must be like this, you are so shameless……!”

"Oh my God, it seems Asahi-kun is very unsure. It's very strong, looks a bit like you. Then I will treat it as a special service and give you another chance. Okay?"

"Don't pull your hands back while I'm eating!"

"I know, I know. Then, come on.... It's, “Ah——“."

The senpai stretched out her hand vigorously this time — the next second, the lollipop touched the corner of Asahi's mouth. This lollipop is still in his mouth now.

He did not replace it with a new one, but handed over the previous one. (note: it's great to get an indirect kiss from senpai)


Asahi really froze this time.

...It took a lot of time for him to understand the situation. The blue flower candy on the white background was wet with saliva, and under the moonlight, it reflected an even more seductive light than before. The candy just melted a little in senpai's mouth. does this still taste like blue cheese? For Asahi, it was more than that. The taste of this candy is senpai's taste.

This is senpai's mischievous taste.

Asahi understood that her cheeks became hot in an instant. The sound of my heart pounding and beating came from my body. He even forgot to open and close his eyelids, and his gaze shifted from the lollipop to the senpai on the opposite side. What kind of expression was Asahi making?

The senpai couldn't contain his excitement, he blushed and looked at Asahi, Asahi's eyes overlapped, and then his body couldn't help but tremble. Her appearance exuded a lewdness that Asahi couldn't explain, and this tightly gripped Asahi's heart.

Indirectly kissed the senpai.

If you put this lollipop in your mouth, you will definitely turn into a creature that only thinks of Senpai in your head.


"What is it!?"

Asahi's shoulders couldn't help shaking—this made the senpai tremble as well. Then next, senpai looked satisfied, and smiled slightly. He slowly pulled his hand back, and Asahi could only watch him do this. The lollipop was in senpai's mouth again.

He flicked the lollipop and said.

"This is mine. I won without a fight.”


“You can challenge me again from the windowsill at any time. But the first prize was cancelled. wish"——This good condition is cancelled. Too bad. I'm kind of curious to know what kind of perverted request Asahi-kun will make of me."

"I, I won't make such a request...!"

"I I think I can take this opportunity to assess Asahi-kun's sexual interest. Oh, having said that, I won this time. I can make a request to Asahi-kun. that can be realized--"

“Did you say it before? You said it was just a very small request… Uh, senpai. What's that smell?”

Seeing senpai taking out another lollipop from her pajama pocket, Asahi couldn't help but ask. Senpai said, “Huh?” He tilted his head, then popped a lollipop into his mouth—the sugarless one on the armrest. After that, he opened the new lollipop wrapping paper. Blue floral marble pattern on white background exposed.

The senpai answered after putting it in his mouth.

"It's blue cheese flavor."

“Since you have another, let me challenge him a second time with that one…!”

Senpai smiled happily with a calm expression on her face. ...Like this, he always does tricks like that at the last moment. Asahi was shaking, embarrassed, or nearly fainted—and Senpai always kept his cool. Asahi never felt that he could beat the senpai in front of him. He never felt that he and his senpai were equal.

She was the goddess-senpai that everyone longed for.

He is a cute and scary senpai.

Himi Kanako.

By the way, the so-called petty wish from senpai was to take a photo of Asahi wearing a cat ear headband. A photo of a first year high school boy with cat ears held by his senpai —— Asahi needs to fight this worry for a period of time from now on, and at the same time continue to live.


Amaharashi Asahi's father and mother have a very good relationship, I am very jealous of Asaho's cousin, Aki once said that.

Currently, Aki's parents—namely, Asahi's father's sister and her husband—are not divorced. Asahi is still in the lower grades of elementary school. After Asahi was said so by Aki's sister, she also thought about it.

——It's true to say that, my parents are indeed very harmonious.

Aki once said: "The relationship is so good that you can fight." This sentence is clearly a hoax. Better not to fight and talk and laugh.

Asahi sees his father joking with his mother every day, and then his mother will be happy. Even if one of them left the house first, they wouldn't miss a kiss before departure. Therefore, before Asahi heard about the situation of Aki's parents from Aki, he had always felt that this was a very natural, rare and common thing. He doesn't know that some couples have bad relationships.

Asahi once asked his father: Why is the relationship between father and mother so good? Why is the relationship between Aki's sister's father and mother bad? His father only answered one sentence at first, "Every family has guidelines." And this sentence did not relieve Asahi. So he continued to dig into the roots. Asahi's father wore a confused expression and agreed.

Dad took out an old photo album and showed him a picture of a young woman.

"This is your mother"

Asahi sat on his father's lap, staring intently at the photo.

"Isn't she beautiful? She is also very beautiful now"

You are reading story Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono at novel35.com

Asahi hummed and nodded.

"Father and mother attended the same high school and the same university. Your mother was an idol in school, and my father really liked mom at that time. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was unrequited love. Parents are similar to us. Aki's mother really likes Dad. Aki. I still remember — it was really like that until they got married. This isn't a bad thing, it can only be said that Aki's mother worked really hard at that time."


Even though Asahi was still an elementary school student, but he could even imagine it. This aspect of Aki's mother is energetic in good ways, but aggressive in bad. Aki's brother often fights with his mother. Asahi never quarreled with his parents.

Maybe he relaxed after marriage. Aki's mother never tried again to make Aki's father like her. She knew that Aki's father would not deal with other people's harsh attitude, so she insisted on keeping it. About this marriage. I have spoken these words to her. Aki's mother several times..."

"Isn't that true for Mom and Dad?"

Asahi's question made his father smile slightly.

"Dad was very afraid that my mom didn't like Dad. Mom and dad didn't let her go after they got married. Dad wanted his mom to always like Dad. So he did a lot of hard work….Be it before or after marriage. So Mom and Dad, the relationship isn't that one person was in the former, but the other was the same."

"...Equal? ​​Is this important?"

"I think it's important to be alone in the former and the next.... However, Asahi was born. After that, Father's thoughts changed slightly. Every day with Asahi was precious. Perhaps compared to peers, ordinary days and so- continuously being superimposed this is the most important…”

Father lightly touched Asahi's head. Asahi really liked his father touching his head. To be touched gently by a father's strong and strong hand will give you the feeling of being treated as a special treasure. It's like my dad told him: "I love you".

Since then, Asahi who has become a high school student, always remembers this conversation between himself and his father. His heart was filled with unbearable anxiety and a feeling of not wanting to admit defeat.

This was because Asahi didn't feel like he was equal to senpai.

Senpai is called "Everyone's Goddess" by everyone.


There are many reasons for this. The first reason is her charming appearance. Everyone will be taken away by him. The upper and lower eyelids were well defined, and the eyes were slender and delicate—a refreshing feeling could not help but spontaneously ooze out. The bridge of his nose is straight, his lips are rosy, and his ears are like two smooth shells. Her smooth skin was like white petals wet with morning dew.

Her graceful figure, her long hair fluttering in the wind, and her model-like sassy steps, with a touch of gentleness in her admiration, gave off a clear and depressing atmosphere. There is a touch of roundness to the slender figure, and the gaze of others is always so gentle.

“Senpai was born different. She is not only beautiful on the outside, she also looks like a saint in her heart. She is a goddess. It's like a miracle that there is someone like her in the world. Ahhh... senpai. I like you. … "

Asahi's classmate, Tsubasa Noumachi, who is also a first grader, would often say that.

Tsubasa has been working as a local idol since elementary school, he should have met a lot of people who rely on faces for food, including himself. Even so, he was still fascinated by his senpai—whether it was his appearance or his heart.

Because Tsubasa often spoke loudly about Senpai, Asahi always heard him. It's like this—


"That's all I heard and witnessed. Helping old people cross the street doesn't count. I helped a stray cat twice, sent a lost child home, or sent him to the police three times... One time, he hugged him. When he was little , the girl peed on her back. Even so, senpai didn't hate her, and smiled to comfort the crying girl…. That senpai is really an angel…”

It seems it was called the "Holy Woman's Fountain Incident" by the public.

And similar incidents, only Asahi knew about it, there were already countless, whether it was senpai's fellow, senpai's junior, or teacher - no one would speak ill of senpai in secret. Senpai was also very enthusiastic about participating in social volunteer activities.

The reason why senpai senpai was called “全民” (Zen-min, meaning everyone) was because he had told everyone that he had no intention of dating anyone.

"--excuse me"

Asahi once watched senpai earnestly lower her head. At that time, many cherry blossom petals were still scattered on the ground. The location is at the school gate, and the other party is a sophomore. He is similar to Tsubasa, a famous person in the second school after his senpai.

His name is Tasogare Shimao.

The name is very majestic. But the name suited him very well. He is handsome, over 180 centimeters tall, is good at soccer, can also study, and has many friends—in one sentence, he is the number one "good guy" in school. Her hair is naturally curly, and this is what makes her cute.

Asahi didn't know at the time that he was infatuated with the senpai who had raised him for a year after enlisting at night. Since then, he had confessed to his senpai almost ten times.

Tasogare-san held the letter in his hands and knelt on the ground, but senpai still bowed his head to him. Even though there were a lot of people gathered, it wasn't surprising that everyone was watching the joke. In short, to people other than freshmen, Tasogare-san's acknowledgment in this pretentious display and rejection by senpai had become a constant sight.

Only senpai raised her head, showing a serious expression.

He looked at Tasogare-san shyly.

"Shimao-kun is very happy to be able to do this. But I don't want to hang out with anyone right now. Sorry. I sometimes ask myself-Will I like someone else?"


He stood up as Tasogare-san. Say it at the same time.

"Of course, I can! I… will definitely make Senpai experience a strong love affair!”

"So. Thank You."

Senpai smiled, and the students around Tasogare-san and the students couldn't help but take a deep breath. Asahi was probably the only one who noticed this—senpai looked at Asahi for a moment before smiling, and beckoned at her with her eyes. Only Asahi knew that Senpai didn't smile at the people who jeered at Tasogare-san. Asahi had a really great feeling at that moment — Senpai smiled at Asahi.

Now, he still feels amazing.

Everyone's "goddess" why—

knock—small stones were thrown at the window and made a sound.

Asahi stopped writing. Thump, thump, thump - the heart gradually accelerates. He glanced at the animated character's wall clock hanging on the wall. It's 9:17 p.m. right now. ...Time is almost here. Asahi stood up.

Asahi first took the chocolate on the table in his hand.

Then I started thinking about what happened last night. While feeding the lollipops last night, Asahi lost his body without a trace. But taking this as a warning, he would take revenge today. As long as Asahi has a weakness, it can only be a dream within a dream to become the same as Senpai.

He definitely wanted to embarrass that senpai so he wanted to find a hole to enter.

So Asahi thought of a battle plan. ……Therefore, he didn't expect that the person who prepared the big bomb tonight would be Senpai.

Asahi took out the chocolate from the bag. When he came home from school, he walked briskly to the city center across from his house, and bought this specially. This is a world famous premium chocolate. Even if there were only six chocolates in this bag, it was very expensive for Asahi. But this was to make senpai very embarrassed to find a hole, so Asahi gave it a try.

The thump rang again.

Asahi hid the chocolate behind his back, opened the curtain with his left hand, and opened the window.

His senpai was wearing pajamas and standing on the balcony. He rested his elbow on the armrest, his right hand supported his face, and he looked at Asahi with eyes that shone like little devils. …This expression is completely different from the senpai in front of the people I saw at school during the day. It even gives people the illusion-are there two people in one body? Which Senpai?

Senpai was actually taller than Asahi. But when she stood face to face through the window, Asahi's line of sight was slightly higher—this was because the structures of the two houses were different. Asahi looked straight at that senpai and said.

“Senpai, do you want to play a game with me?”

"Hah? Yes, but is there a punishment game?”

Senpai certainly didn't expect Asahi to say the same thing as last night. But senpai looks very calm. There was frustration in Asahi's heart. Asahi whispered—'I have a chance to win.'

"There's a punishment game for serious, right? Of course. If I win, I'll ask Senpai to do something a child could do. What does Senpai want to do?"

“Well… if Asahi-kun only has one small wish, then I'll win, of course—I can't ask for too much… Let me give you an example Do you think it's too much if you hang on the windowsill and do fifty pull-ups?"

"......to the point that it makes me want to cancel this game."

"Oh. I'm kidding, in Himi Kanako's heart, you are a passionate Asahi-kun, and she doesn't want to. Let me write it down,"

senpai said, but actually didn't do it. But---senpai will remember everything clearly in her heart, so you shouldn't be careless. Asahi would also take Senpai's every expression and every sentence to his heart. This is to find out how to attack senpai.

“Then… um… what do you want to do? … If I win, I will let Asahi-kun answer a question. How about this?”

"Questions? I don't care.... And I won't lose, senpai must listen to my request. Can the game start now? Three, two, one——'Ah——'." 


Asahi stood from the window, squeezed the chocolate with his hands, and reached out.

Senpai stared at the chocolate spread before her eyes, then looked at Asahi's fingers, her eyes wide—she was really surprised. Asahi thought: "How?" At a glance, this is not much different from what senpai did yesterday. But in fact not the same.

Senpai's lollipop has the same meaning as the term, referring to candy with a handheld stick on it. Not so with Asahi chocolate. This chocolate is clamped by Asahi's thumb and index finger. In other words, if Senpai wanted to eat it, he had to touch Asahi's finger with his lips.

After all, senpai senpai would definitely hesitate. Maybe that would make him feel like a deer. If this happened, it would be exactly what Asahi had planned. If senpai was shaken so that she would eat her chocolate, she would withdraw her hand at that time. Just like yesterday's senpai-then put chocolate in his mouth, showing a calm expression.

--It is time.

Asahi dreamed this in his heart—and before his eyes, Senpai smiled slightly.

For a moment, Asahi felt like a carnivore—not a goddess-senpai. This animal is gentle and beautiful like a cat. Asahi was shocked and froze there.

When he regained consciousness, he had already missed that opportunity—Senpai grabbed Asahi's right wrist.

Senpai grabbed Asahi's hand and opened his mouth——〝Ah——〟. Then put the chocolate in your mouth.

Chocolate- that's not true. To be precise, it should have been the chocolate Asahi was pinching with his thumb and forefinger. Without hesitation, beyond touch-Senpai's face was slightly reddened, her eyes were watching Asahi, and she gently bit Asahi's finger, leaving a faint trace of teeth on Asahi's finger and heart, and took the chocolate.

...Asahi emptied his brain for a second or two.

He just felt his whole body stiff and sweaty.

He pulled away from the window and crouched on the spot. ——The sound of a fierce blood stream came, and he screamed in his heart.


Wait a moment! Wait a moment! What is going on, what is going on, why is it like this! too weird! Why was it different from what I expected, and completely beyond my own expectations-why the goddess-senpai, who was considered the most beautiful person in the world by Tsubasa-Himi Kanako-senpai, would be so easy…, just say it. Put your finger in your mouth. Senpai's hard teeth. The soft touch of senpai's lips. Senpai's breath felt warm. Senpai's saliva slightly touched my finger—




Senpai's voice came from across the window.

The voice seemed unbearable, as if suppressing emotions that were about to overflow, and sounded very flat.

"No...Let me, see your face"

Asahi turned his face away carefully. At that moment, Senpai's expression changed. The red leaf on senpai's flushed face was blown away in an instant, and she covered her cheeks, shaking her body slightly—her mouth filled with chocolate sweetness. Senpai looked at Asahi's face, ah-ah, and sighed softly.

Asahi tried his best to make the only sound.



"Hey, hey, hey.... Asahi-kun, I haven't asked about the specific rules, but I won this game, right? ... It's so sweet. This chocolate must be really sweet. Expensive. Do you think I might eat it?" that and buy it specifically?”

“Yes… Yes. Uh..."

"Oh, when Asahi-kun took the confident chocolate, I paid it back I was a little surprised. I thought: Asahi-kun dug a hole for himself again.... But then again, this chocolate is really delicious. What a shame. eat it all, I don't want to chew it. Look."

Senpai took a bite of the chocolate and showed it to Asahi.

Although the chocolate melted a little, it didn't melt as much as Asahi's heart.

"In short, just go with the punishment game we agreed on, and I'll give Asahi-kun a question. If you can answer it right away, answer it immediately. I don't mind if you spend more time. But you can't give up until the answer is right. Cheer up. ...Asahi-kun. Amaharashi Asahi-kun."


 ——So beautiful Senpai, why is it so exciting when we chat by the window?

Immediately after that, those senpais uttered a sentence that made Asahi's doubts explode even more-

this sentence completely subverted both Asahi's common sense and the world that Asahi lived in until now-

what is this, why?

"I, Himi Kanako will use Amaharashi Asahi for fun because I like Asahi-kun. But why I like Asahi-kun explain why?"


The moon is bright, the clouds are flying, and the stars are shining—

the night wind caressed senpai's hair and blew her scent to Asahi's side.


Asahi muttered dumbfoundedly - he saw that senpai was staring at his face, trembling again. Senpai's current expression was very coquettish and beautiful --- Asahi couldn't help but feel tense. That senpai seemed to eat something tastier than chocolate, he was a little shy and smiled.

Seems to add-you heard it right.

...In this way, the Asahi battle officially begins.

In order to be equal to each other, important moments that are constantly superimposed, and every day is repeated-

in this world that only Asahi and senpai knew, far and near, far in the night, on the balcony-

Asahi and senpai The distance between them was only slightly more than a meter.

And this distance of more than a meter was, to Asahi, imminent, but like the horizon.

You can find story with these keywords: Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono, Read Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono novel, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono book, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono story, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono full, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono Latest Chapter

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