Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono

Chapter 2: 1.2

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Until now, Asahi felt it was like a dream.

Asahi didn't think so. Even if Asahi had no experience of love and was called out from the windowsill many times by senpai, that was what he wanted to think.

——Senpai might like me?

However, somewhere in my heart… an area controlled by common sense has rejected this idea. This is natural—you do like senpai, but why should senpai like you? She's more beautiful than anyone you've ever met, she's a megami-senpai that everyone loves. How could I be liked by him for no reason—how could there be such a good thing in this world?

But senpai did say it. Speak clearly.

——Because I like Asahi-kun.

——I like Asahi-kun.




Just thinking about it calmly, everything appeared on his face. Time off. in the classroom. In his seat. A passing female classmate cared—

“Amaharashi-kun, are you uncomfortable? His expression is so weird!”

Refreshing scent like drifting orange. ...She is Tsubasa. Noumachi Tsubasa.

He greatly admired his senpai. She's a local idol and has been advertising for local companies for a long time—and she's also the queen of the Asahi class. Every time that tiny and cute face bent down, Asahi would feel nervous.

Asahi is not ashamed. Actually, he was a little bad at dealing with Chun.


"You're too slow to react. I obviously called you. I'm not talking about rain and sunny weather. Things like that are fine. I just wanted to ask you something. If you're there nothing wrong, just answer me"

like this.

Before Asahi could answer, Tsubasa made his classmate's chair creak and sat in front of Asahi. Asahi's position was at the front. He is not good at dealing with Tsubasa's toughness and pressure -even if he has a lot of contact with Tsubasa.

Tsubasa asked in a low voice.

“This morning, I saw you and Senpai getting off the same bus.”

Asahi surprised him by saying this.


"Eh? Ah, I mean Himi-senpai. Himi Kanako. Megami-senpai"

Asahi knew who he was talking about. For the first and second year students at this school, the word "senpai" has become a noun. Asahi asked him to come back to get some time to cool off.

... What did he want to ask next?

“…What's wrong with Himi-senpai?”

“Didn't I tell you, you were on the same bus, right? Are your house and your senpai's house close?”

This was Asahi's first time being asked by someone. Location relationship between home and senpai's house. Asahi tried not to let his inner tension show on his face.

Due to this reason, Asahi failed to say a few words to his senpai. But according to Asahi's observations, Asahi felt that if this incident were to be hit by an external storm surge, the unstable world that Asahi and senpai had finally formed would collapse in an instant.

Asahi had been doing some things he couldn't do since he was born - that's called pretending to be confused.

“Like Noumachi-san said, I sometimes take the same bus as Senpai.”

“Don't you know where Senpai's house is?”

“…I'm not following. I've never asked him before."

Asahi thought that the conversation would end there, but it didn't.

Tsubasa slapped his tongue hard and said something very unexpected.

"You have to follow him, it's useless."

Asahi didn't understand what he was saying.


“If Amaharashi-kun is like a mollusk and sneaks behind senpai, of course he will have to die ten thousand times. But this kind of trivial thing is fine.”

“What does Noumachi-san want me to do??? "

“I'm not used to the same class students calling my name, you can call me Tsubaki? Overall, I was able to get some new information from you……. Very close, so there's a high chance that you'll see Senpai wearing casual clothes taking out the trash, or something I've never seen before. I plan to hire you to take pictures.”

“You actually wanted to hire me to do this kind of thing.”

“I want to be closer to senpai. But, don't look at senpai, she can be said to be a bronze wall outside of public places. I want an abandoned child who can go straight to work.”

“You are so outspoken.... Aren't you pretty good in front of Senpai?”

Tsubasa's face showed a hint of surprise. As if to say: You know more than I thought. Asahi realized that he was talking too much. Better not to say something that shouldn't be said- Asahi covered his mouth, and Tsubasa put on an expression he thought was good.

"I know you can't sneak photos, so I'll just say something. If senpai drops something while you're on the same bus, and senpai doesn't notice, you can bring it to me. Okay."

After Tsubasa said this, he left without looking back. I shouldn't have said a few extra words at this point - but Asahi still spoke:

“Why should I send the things that senpai dropped to you?”

Tsubasa stopped. After a while, he turned his head and said,

"I said. Amaharashi-kun, don't you know how much I respect and love my senpai? Are you saying that because you don't know? You're right when you know this. Did I say something inexplicable like that?"

"...Is that inexplicable? Huh? Am I weird?"

"You really are weird. Listen, senpai—"

Tsubasa looked back into Asahi's eyes, and inclined his face. come closer. So the smell of hair drifts here. Even though her face was slightly plump, Tsubasa's eyes pierced Asahi. He began to speak non-stop:

——Senpai is a goddess who appeared in this world! Every cell in her is made up of beauty and love. Senpai was a miracle—even if he respected her as a Virgin, it wasn't an exaggeration. Do you smell senpai? If you had kissed him, I would really have given you a beating. You haven't smelled it yet, have you? There was a scent within him—even one couldn't help but feel like they were in the land of pure bliss. It smells like the scent of white roses, becomes as noble as white sandalwood, becomes as rich as Casablanca, becomes as refreshing as fruit, and becomes as delicious as vanilla so it's hard to control yourself. Whenever I talked to my senpai, I would whisper it in secret — the feeling of happiness even made me faint on the spot! Do you think humans can emit that scent? Don't you think so? She's like a fairy, right? Senpai's voice is also very good. I think if a schoolboy becomes an announcer for a TV show, even if it's a ridiculous job, he can win an Emmy Award. Her gestures were the same—although she usually spoke very quietly, when she was surprised and excited, she would make a high nasal sound like a child. It was really a wife and so cute! I ask you, would most people be so cute? Isn't he a god? I saw the opportunity to touch senpai's cheeks and arms, her skin was smooth and soft, I always thought she had a special ability. She is a fairy! I really wanted to become a creature that could endure rubbing my face against Senpai's skin and hair, but this was really hard in reality, so I gave up——.

[TLN: wow Tsubasa is a yandere, Casablanca : the biggest city in Morocco]

He spoke very quietly, but it contained endless enthusiasm for otherwise.

Asahi listened to him and hid this sentence in his heart——

(This guy is too mean!)

Tsubasa's appearance, confident appearance and popularity have earned him a lot of popularity. People say that if senpai is not in school, she will be the prettiest girl in this school. He has many fans. ...But what should I say? Why doesn't everyone realize how bad Tsubasa is? This is not normal at all. Even those sparkling eyes that only appeared in dreams now looked terrifying.

After Tsubasa finished talking to himself, he sighed as he was overwhelmed.

After that, he put on another stern look, changed his attitude, and became rude.

"Do you understand? "

... Just that? Asahi doesn't understand anything! The context is completely irrelevant. But Asahi clearly understood one thing, namely, Tsubasa liked Senpai more than Asahi thought. But otherwise, it could be said that Asahi only understood this. Even so, Tsubasa still asked:

“You, got it, got it, right?”

"...Noumachi-san, no, no, Tsubasa. Are you talking about taking Senpai's things with someone else?"

Asahi Doubt, I don't know why Tsubasa froze on the spot.

Tsubasa thought it was amazing, he frowned. Asahi tilted his head, as if to say: 'What's wrong?' However, this matter ended here. Because the teacher in the next class said, "Everyone sit down", and walked to class. Tsubasa's head returned to his seat without looking back. 'Ah, hateful'——Asahi cursed. And the chair—it's still there.

Asahi returned the chair to its original seat. At this time, the class bell rang.

After Asahi and Tsubasa brainstormed, they made a new decision.

Don't let other people know the world on the windowsill with me and my senpai. Especially Tsubasa. What kind of extreme reaction would he make—just thinking about it, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.


Since there was a book she wanted to read, Asahi went to the library after school and walked out of school after leaving.

After walking to the bus stop closest to home and getting on the bus, Asahi thought about his senpai. Today, she only met senpai once at school—she and she accidentally rubbed shoulders in the cafeteria, and that senpai was walking with her friends at the time.

After senpai senpai passed him, he looked back at her, nothing more.

Senpai wouldn't destroy her image as everyone's goddess.

...Now when I look back, when Asahi met Senpai for the first time, Senpai didn't pretend to be "Everyone's Goddess". If Asahi had met the "Everyone's Goddess" Senpai first, would it be different now?

Or, even if there were other ways to meet, would there still be a "seed" that would link them to the same future?

Asahi and senpai met on the usual windowsill. They met at night—that day, the Asahi family moved into the former house where he now lives. At that time, Asahi was waiting for school to start, which was the second half of March during Spring Break.

Due to the delay in delivery, the new curtains have not yet been delivered.

Therefore, the window of Asahi's room was completely open. In addition, the glass used in the bedroom windows has not been atomized. No obstruction is required in civil law.

Until senpai opened the curtain, opened the large window in her room, and appeared in front of Asahi - Asahi didn't know that there was a goddess living in the room across from her window. After all, Asahi's mother had just moved in, and Asahi's mother didn't greet her neighbors nearby.

As a result, their eyes met each other.

Asahi was very surprised, and his senpai was just as surprised.

Later, according to senpai's own statement, she wanted to blow the night breeze because she lingered in the bathroom. That senpai naturally knew that there was no one next to him, and the people who lived before had no need to let him care about his eyesight. Hence, he was only wearing pajamas at the time—with a face towel rolled up around his head and a lollipop in his mouth. He didn't expect anyone to be there, so he didn't take any precautions—only buttoned two or three buttons on his pajamas.

Asahi now clearly remembered how senpai had faltered back then. Since Asahi didn't really see her senpai's expression right now, the impression was even deeper. Senpai's eyes were all embarrassed, shaking back and forth, causing panic in an instant. It was the same with Asahi, and Asahi panicked. With cold sweat and hasty hands and feet—he couldn't look directly at someone I hadn't seen so far, so unprepared. He wanted to cover the windows with corrugated boxes stacked near the windows.

But her anxiety turned her upside down, and the corrugated box flipped over towards Asahi and scattered on the floor. Asahi tried again to cover the window with the corrugated cardboard box, but he caught a glimpse of Senpai through the window-which made his heart start to beat. In front of Asahi's gaze, Senpai wanted to tightly hug the towel that had fallen from above her head. So-

only a while.

Since Asahi saw it from the front, it was obvious.

...Senpai's brother was trembling slightly.

Even now, Asahi didn't understand what senpai was thinking. Senpai's face was still shaken, she wasn't completely calm. He shouldn't know what to do. Nonetheless, that senpai burst out laughing.

Although there was a hint of worry mixed in the laughter.

Instead of saying that the smile was as gentle and kind as "Everyone's Goddess", it was better to say that it was the smile that pierced Asahi's heart deeply. Senpai not only failed to pull the curtain, he even went to the balcony. He leaned against the armrest and said.

Even if the sound was cut by the glass and couldn't be transmitted, from the movement of senpai's mouth, Asahi could tell what senpai was saying-

(can, handle, window, door, open, open?)


While Asahi was losing consciousness, the bus passed a familiar intersection. The nearest bus stop from home will be arriving soon. However, no one pushed the button to get out of the car. Asahi hastily suppressed it. Luckily, I caught up—the bus didn't brake sharply, but came to a slow stop.

The temperature started to rise recently, although not to the point of unbearable, humid air blows and makes people feel uncomfortable. Asahi got off the bus and walked from the street where the bus was running to the side of the road. Walking through the street with local bank branches and large supermarkets, and walking towards the transformation of the old river into a green street in the park-Asahi saw a figure squatting next to the green street.

Asahi started to think.

At that time, on the first night, what was Senpai thinking about doing such an act? Once you figure it out, can you find the answer to the question yourself? Or does it have nothing to do with the problem this time around?

And again, can you find the answer to that question?

…The reason why senpai likes herself.

Senpai who was crouching on the ground and playing with the little dog who was walking standing up.

The senpai waved to the puppy and its owner, and waited for Asahi to come to his side. Perhaps he noticed that Asahi was here first. The senpai spoke first.

"The puppy seems to be a hybrid of a Pomeranian and a mini dachshund. When walking on the street, I run into him often, how about Asahi?"

"I... don't run much..."

Asahi often saw Senpai jogging.

"It's very comfortable to go for a walk when the weather is nice? You don't have to run. Seeing the cute butterflies and puppies can also soothe your mood.... Asahi-kun, you came back a bit late today. Could it be for a walk? Library?"

"Huh? Ah, um"

"Asahi-kun likes to read books, it's really amazing. Some time ago, Shimao-kun also said that he likes reading books. Although I haven't stopped reading, but basically I only saw some comics and movies. And so on. Because of that, I originally thought we could take the same bus. Nice to meet you. Since I didn't see you, I was just wondering if I could wait here for a bit, I can't help but see you."

"...Waiting for me?"

Waiting here specifically? If you have something to say, just wait until nightfall as usual and throw a pebble at the window! Perhaps a question mark was written on his face, and that senpai pursed his lips and smiled.

"Actually, you can wait until evening. But it would be better not to say that this matter is on the balcony today.... Didn't we pass the cafeteria at noon today? I've been a little worried since then. Asahi-kun, come here a little bit." ."

While that senpai was saying so, he walked from the path towards the slope. After arranging the river land into a path, and planting flowers and plants around it, this green path is considered a garden. The middle part, the part where the water flows from, is used as a temporary drainage channel. After a heavy rain, water will accumulate inside, and on a clear day, there will be soil inside.

Senpai brought Asahi to the land where the river was.

Asahi followed senpai and tilted her head.

“Senpai, when we pass, is there anything you care about?”

“Asahi-kun knows why I speak quietly when I talk to you?”

In short, he asked why I pretended not to know each other in front of people.

Asahi thought for a moment, then replied in a mocking tone.

“Since you seem to have a good relationship with me, senpai will feel embarrassed?”

"Even if it's a joke, please don't say bad things about the person I like."

When senpai said this, her tone of voice turned out to be beyond Asahi's expectation. Asahi was silent. The senpai stopped somewhere in the green line that looked very inconspicuous.

There were obviously a lot of people walking on the promenade and nearby pedestrian paths, but the dense trees, short hedges, and scattered rocks made the place suddenly empty. It's very quiet inside, and you can't see what's inside from the outside. The senpai looked back - instead of showing anger on his face, he smiled.

At this moment, Asahi realized that he had been led into a trap by his senpai.

“Se, senpai?”

“I don't want others to know about my relationship with Asahi-kun, not for being too rude. ……Asahi-kun, listen to me.”

In order to keep the pedestrians away from the trees, the hedges heard, the Senpai lowered his voice—and this voice made Asahi's heart tense.

"That's what I think—wouldn't this be more interesting?"

The senpai slowly walked back and walked to Asahi's side. Even though her heart was pounding Asahi still reflexively took a step or two back. However, before retreating far, he hit a boulder on his back. When he realized it, he had been pushed into a desperate situation. Asahi couldn't help but swallow.

"...More interesting?"

"Yeah. Think about it. It's on the other side—it's only two or three meters away from us, and there's a lot of people passing by. Just like the Pomeranian and Dachshund just now. Like their owners of mixed puppies, there might be some people walking their puppies. -walk. Or maybe there are elementary school students and people out to buy something... But"

Senpai placed her hand on the rock behind Asahi. The senpai was hiding her face from the front—I could even see the length of her eyelashes.

Just as Tsubasa said, the smell of senpai was in my nose. But this smell wasn't the "mythical goddess-like scent" that Tsubasa had said. But it's not far. The senpai smiled slightly, and his body trembled—he continued.

"--No one knows."

He stroked Asahi's hair lightly.

"Whether it's now, Asahi-kun and I are talking here, or looking at each other at such a close distance.... Or touching your hair-no one will know. This will only be felt and stored by you. In your memories "When you and I were formed-don't you think it was amazing? Even if I do this with you, the passersby won't notice."

The senpai stroked Asahi's hair, slowly bowing. Asahi thought he would be hugged tightly by his senpai, and immediately shrunk his body in cold sweat. However, senpai senpai didn't do this, but did something else-

he buried his nose in Asahi's hair and kissed it.

... He smelled Asahi.

"Se...senpai!? What are you doing, hey, ah--"

"Shhh-it will be heard by others"

Senpai said this, and stopped Asahi.

Asahi didn't move—while Senpai kept kissing her hair with his nose. ...Sounds of sparrows came from a nearby tree. In the sky before Tasogare, the clouds rolled in and the overcast was cool, the children's cheerful laughter alternated. The senpai took a deep breath before finally blowing his nose.

"Yes. That's right. Hehe"

The senpai tilted her head and looked at Asahi's face. The hand that was stroking the hair still wouldn't leave, at this moment - Asahi noticed goosebumps on her senpai's exposed wrist. Senpai really enjoyed Asahi's blushing face. Her words like this, at such close range, were smelled by others—no one could keep their cool.

Asahi finally let out a few sounds--

“Se, Senpai… uh, um, when we passed in the cafeteria, did you see the smell of sweat on my body…?”

"Huh? No, It's a scent, I don't care about the smell, but notice that you change the bath soap."

"...... bath soap?"

"Yeah, when the cafeteria passed by, I found your body and scent a little different from before. Even though it's your taste, it always tastes a little different than before. So I was wondering if you changed to another body wash. Therefore, I would like to confirm - now it's as I guessed. By the way. Did you change the shower gel?"

"Hey ... well, my mother bought bath soap, it should be like this ..."

The senpai smiled happily, as if he was saying: 'That's how it is.'

"Looks like my guess was right. It's true. My nose is pretty good. I can remember the new Asahi-kun's scent now. If you stand the upper hand, even if you are fifty meters away from you, I can smell it from afar."

Asahi didn't understand if that senpai was really saying this or joking.

"How about we go home together?"

Senpai turned around and stepped away. The steps are very light. Asahi followed him, climbed the slope, and returned to the trail. Asahi's heart was still torn apart… senpai's goal was definitely this. This throbbing didn't irritate Asahi, but instead made him want to smile—it made Asahi not want to.

Asahi clenched his fists tightly and thought: 'I can't be led by my senpai——.'

"-- Asahi-kun."

Walking on the small path, senpai turned her head and looked at Asahi.

His body trembled slightly, and there was a hint of temptation in his eyes.

"Are you that excited?... Huh? Don't show that expression. Asahi is really kind and strong. If you show me that kind of expression... I don't want to see you at night again."

...This person, why--

At this time, he would just reveal Asahi's eyes like that? At this moment, what was he thinking? If Asahi finds the answer to that question, will this be a hint of a reciprocal relationship with his senpai? Asahi's fists clenched harder. He didn't want to lose just because he liked his senpai. Asahi didn't want to be like this alone—he wanted to make that feeling crash into his heart. This idea was the driving force behind Asahi.

Senpai's question reminded Asahi of something that would soon be forgotten. Facing "Everyone's Goddess"-Senpai, who was full of thoughts about Asahi, the first thing Asahi would do to make a bullet pierce Senpai's heart was--.

You are reading story Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono at novel35.com


On Friday and Sunday nights, Senpai threw stones at the window and called Asahi out. Not on Saturday. On Sunday, Asahi asked subtly, but senpai was only vaguely. It's just that senpai thought: Calling Asahi day and night will drive Asahi away - Asahi can't think like that.

Senpai sometimes didn't call him out of the window.

It also shows facts.

That is, the dominance is with senpai.

This does not refer to the dominance of this relationship. In terms of falling in love, there was no point in being taken over by Senpai now. Asahi wanted to master half of it, even if it made him very unbearable, Asahi never gave up.

This dominance refers to the dominance to start chatting on the windowsill.

On Saturday night, Asahi looked at the balcony of her senpai's house through the window, thinking in her heart—

It's not hard to throw a stone at someone's window from the balcony without breaking the glass. Even if there was a balcony blocking it, throwing stones from Asahi's bedroom window into Senpai's room was difficult to get there.

It is very easy for small stones to touch the window pane. But if you use too much force to break or break the glass, then you really can't talk about it. Asahi was worried about this, so he never asked that senpai to come out.

Usually senpai started chatting with Asahi. Only at night when senpai wanted to chat, at the time when senpai wanted to chat, senpai would hold the prepared pebble in his hand.

...On Monday morning, Asahi thought about the evening's business and walked out of the house. He had been in trouble for a long time over the weekend. Therefore, when he walked to the bus stop and ran into senpai on the street, he was taken aback—though normally he would.

His senpai was wearing a uniform, pushing an old car, and talking and laughing with a strange old woman (a stranger to Asahi, but that senpai knew). Senpai showed a smile, and the old woman smiled as if she had seen her grandson again after a long time. At this moment, senpai noticed Asahi. Senpai bowed to the old woman, and then walked to Asahi's side.

"Asahi-kun. Good morning. You woke up earlier today than usual."

"...Good morning. I usually wake up at this hour."

"Really? I thought you lost badly at the wording game last night. Because of me, I didn't want to do it, so I sulked and went to bed early."

The night before, Asahi had completely lost to him in a word game. Modern Japanese was originally Asahi's area of ​​expertise. She shouldn't have lost, but her senpai would always say something annoying from time to time-like [Ah... I really want to see Asahi-kun's sleeping face], [Don't... don't look at me like this, my breasts are actually quite big] or so on, and in the end Asahi lost to him.

When Asahi was shaken and couldn't say a word, that senpai would get excited.

This residual feeling seemed to last until this morning, and the senpai looked at Asahi and smiled in satisfaction. …When they walked side by side, the senpai immediately tilted his head.

"Asahi-kun, what's wrong? Do you care about Grandma Futatsuka?"

“Grandma Futatsuka?”

"That old woman earlier. Of course, she's not my grandmother. My grandmother is watching TV at home now, and my grandmother runs a hotel on an island in the countryside. Because Grandma Futatsuka lives nearby, so I sometimes stand and talk to her for a while. His grandson seems to be working in Kobe. "

“…Senpai, do you know everyone around here?”

"Hahaha. How is that possible. There are a lot of apartment buildings around here. I really like other people talking to me, so I'll have a chat with them. Did anyone talk to Asahi-kun?"

“One often talks to senpai, because senpai has an approachable atmosphere for everyone.”

And Senpai is also very cute—Asahi hid this sentence in his heart.

"Playing with Asahi-kun...that's right, I really enjoyed talking to Asahi-kun. But it doesn't matter, Asahi-kun's strength..."

Just as he was about to walk down the main street, the senpai stopped.

Asahi walked a few steps forward, senpai? ——Then turned around. The senpai raised her lips and smiled twice.

"Asahi. I'm looking forward to tonight."

Asahi took his phone out of his pocket and glanced at the clock. During peak hours of work and school, buses are often late, enough time for them to catch the bus. Asahi touched the phone and started thinking: He knows senpai's phone number, and also knows senpai's email address and SNS number.

In mid-April, they exchanged contact addresses on the balcony. Her full name was registered on her cell phone--Himi Kanako. It wasn't difficult to communicate with each other on cell phones at night, but senpai never used her cell phone once, and she always used pebbles.

Now, Asahi knew why—Asahi herself didn't want to use an ordinary cell phone, she wanted to meet senpai senpai at the same time in that quiet and special world. It's like on an ordinary window sill...like in a hole beside a green street with few pedestrians.

Hence, Asahi made up his mind.


Evening. Asahi caught his breath and waited quietly. Without knowing when it started, it became difficult for him to calm down. Asahi thinks every day: Can I see senpai? At the same time he would fall asleep with these thoughts every day. For Asahi, it was necessary to remedy this unfavorable environment. ...With a click—the window rang like 9 o'clock. Asahi walked to the window and opened the curtains in one breath.

Only then did Asahi begin to understand how terrifying Senpai was.


The so-called dumbfounded--should refer to the current situation.

Today, after morning, Asahi never saw senpai again.

Nothing to mention happened at school. Except that Tsubasa asked once "Did you take the same bus as senpai this morning?", other than that, the usual school life was no different. Senpai couldn't hear what was happening to Asahi. The only thing that could affect senpai's mood was the conversation in the morning.

After all, senpai still pierced Asahi's heart through the window.

Even if the window is opened to confirm, there is no denying that this is a fact.

The senpai made cat paws and shouted splendidly.


Senpai wears cat ears on his head.


…Last week, Asahi received a punishment game where he was photographed wearing a cat ear headband. However, unlike Asahi back then, Senpai was still wearing cat-like clothes. It's supposed to be for makeup—she's wearing a gothic mini dress with a cat tail. Hands that look like cat claws are gloves that look like cat claws.

The reason why Asahi couldn't say a word was because one was afraid, and the other reason was ---

Senpai who was dressed as a cat stared at Asahi, her face red, like a cat with upturned fur. same, shaking the body.

After that, the senpai closed his eyes as if feeling a lingering excitement. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and said calmly.

"Asahi-kun. Have you showered today? What are we going to talk about? Is there anything you want to talk about Asahi-kun? I'll listen as much as you talk—"

"--Not "

Asahi finally returned to himself with his own strength. Courage and consciousness shattered with just one blow—he tried desperately to collect the remaining shards while feeling dissatisfied.

“Senpai, you really scare me, why are you dressed like a cat…!?”

"Hey? Didn't Asahi-kun wear cat ears the other day? See, you brought it yourself. What else can I say—my hobby is wearing cat ears."

"Please don't confuse the facts! It was a punishment game my senpai asked me to play, and it has nothing to do with the present...!"

Senpai tilted her head. ——That look is very cute—— and said.

“I just thought Asahi-kun would be happy… What do you think?”

There's no doubt—Senpai's appearance is very cute. But this was only one of the reasons Asahi froze.

Why is that senpai pretending to be a cat? This cuteness can undoubtedly make Asahi's brain fall apart! So Asahi couldn't immediately respond. To her senpai, what she wanted seemed to be exactly what Asahi wanted.

Senpai's shoulders shook slightly again. With a slight smile on the corners of her mouth, looking at Asahi, her upper body was lying on the armrest like a stretched cat. The senpai asked again,

"What do you think?"

"Um...you can tell by my reaction?"

"I want to hear Asahi-kun say it from his mouth. Does this cat costume suit me...... Or the answer to the question that arose in the punishment game the other day. Asahi-kun, could it be—"

The senpai looked at Asahi and asked.

"Have you figured it out yet? Was it last night or this morning?"

...This question made Asahi completely understand.

Why is that senpai dressed like a cat?

"...Senpai. Did you feel anything this morning?"

"Um... if I really want to say it, it's only vague. It doesn't feel so clear. I just thought that the look in Asahi-kun's eyes was looking at me... Asahi-kun's clear eyes were full of confidence. There was a feeling of confidence So I thought: 'Did Asahi-kun find the answer'. So I've been looking forward to it, until now."

The cat dress is Senpai's weapon.

It could be said to be intimidation, or it could be said to be a series. No matter how you describe it, it was meant to make the attacking Asahi immediately stop and make a defense.

In fact, quite effective. Asahi's enthusiasm was enveloped by another heat.

I'll be watching Senpai's frantic appearance, this spine, shocked and clearly seeing Senpai's cute appearance, crumbled to pieces. ...However, after realizing this, Asahi's spine recovered. The fire is burning again. He muttered in his heart: Senpai, this Tasogareta will let you dig your own grave. This was the proof—precisely because the senpai was aware of Asahi's enthusiasm that he thought of this as a Tasogareta.

In short, senpai was quite defensive.

Senpai felt that Asahi's enthusiasm and preparation content would likely allow them to change attack and defense tonight. So he made some preparations to defeat Asahi.

This had nothing to do with Asahi's self-evaluation. No matter how much Asahi thought he wasn't worthy of his senpai.

No matter what Asahi thought -

no matter how unbelievably that senpai liked Asahi -

even if he knew how dangerous it was, senpai still liked Asahi, there was no doubt about that.

Show confidence!

If you want to sit on par with senpai, don't hold back!

Show courage!

Asahi let out all his resolve and smiled.

"The cat dress fits Senpai very well, it's almost like it's made to be measured. But sadly, I didn't think of an answer to that question, I didn't think of that at all."

"Just that."

“However, please don't be disappointed too early. Even though it wasn't an answer to the question—but just as senpai said, I had been thinking a lot from last night until this morning. Precisely because senpai has a problem that I have. I can make decisions."

"What's that?"

Senpai's tone was not disappointed, her eyes were full of hope. He looked at Asahi and waited for Asahi to say something more interesting.

Asahi said slowly and firmly.


“—Before that, I want to know everything about Senpai”


The wind suddenly stopped. Tonight, quiet serenity. This silence and serenity gave people an illusion—that is, there were only two people left in this world, Asahi and Senpai.

"Senpai is called a Goddess by everyone. Even though Senpai will show me another aspect, I still don't know enough. I want to get to know Senpai to know more. Otherwise, I definitely can't figure out the problem. The answer is to do what I want to do. even more of a dream within a dream. So, if you could--"

"...If you can?"

"Don't use pebbles to call me like you're doing now. ...Though I still don't know what to do on a rainy day, I don't know when to meet up — from today onwards, should we open the windows at a fixed time? days. As long as nothing is done."

Asahi took a deep breath and continued to add.

“If senpai feels embarrassed, annoying, or disinterested…or if she's afraid she can't tease me by doing that…Of course she can refuse--”

" --... Asahi-kun. Did you know? ?"

Senpai stood up from the armrest. This was the first time Asahi saw Senpai's serious gaze, he seemed to be enjoying what Asahi was saying. Senpai should be surprised.

"I can see Asahi-kun's room from mine? But this will only keep Asahi-kun from escaping? If Asahi-kun won't come out, even if I throw pebbles, Asahi-kun can pretend to listen. No, pretend -pretending not to. In the room. Compared to me—can Asahi-kun's rationality and shyness endure?"

Can't help myself here.

Asahi tried his best and boldly said-

“I also want senpai to know everything about me!”

Perhaps this courage was showing on her face-Asahi wanted to pretend to be calm. Senpai's expression slightly changed.

"...I really want to hear what you have to say."

Senpai muttered and smiled. His eyes were full of smiles, and his body was shaking slightly. Her cherry blossom lips exhaled a warm breath. Senpai's long hair fluttered in the wind—the beauty of her posture made Asahi tremble. The air seemed to be turning pink—thankfully it was by the window.

If this happened in Asahi's room or in Senpai's room, Asahi couldn't help but touch Senpai.

“My behavior will make Asahi-kun appear several times… an expression like just now, what kind of attractive expression would Asahi-kun appear… Hehe, if Asahi-kun wants to do this, I will naturally accompany you”

"No regret?"

"You are the one. How do you manage the time? From now on, let's set a special rule?"

…The time is between 9 in the evening and 9 fifteen at night. ...At this time, two people should be in their own rooms. Showers, etc should be completed at another time. ...In general, we should meet at all costs. The senpai said: "If you don't have time to get dressed after taking a shower, put on your underwear and open the window first." If you encounter heavy rain, strong winds, or bad weather, you should make a judgment based on the situation. However, this is not mandatory. However, everyone has their own life.

As long as the special rules were set, that senpai was very interested and very happy.

This failed to make senpai lose her composure.

Because of that, after all, I can't go back. Asahi has opened the door to a new world. It opened up a new world that was completely different from the past.

“Meow” - a real cat, meowing somewhere.

Senpai stopped her movements and looked at Asahi. “Meow” ——The cat meowed like a child again. From the charming look just now, senpai smiled like a little devil, and slowly raised her hand with the cat paw mitt to the side of her face—even more proficient than the first time—with a real cat for the third time. Talk and pose excitedly.


…Stand. Asahi said desperately to himself holding it in. Tonight, I finally didn't feel defeat from senpai, and endured it until now. Have to endure it. Sweat broke-but don't show it on your face! Can I hold it---

Senpai posed as a cat, and he sighed, and his body shook twice. Her cheeks were red and her eyes were blurry. … Asahi couldn't seem to hold on anymore.

Obviously, ever since he was born, he had never been interested in animal ears. From another point of view, Asahi did open the door to a new world.


In the third grade of elementary school, Asahi saw his cousin, Aki, cry for the first time.

Aki is four years older and is a junior high school student. At the previous house, when Asahi was playing video games in his room, Aki came straight to his house after school-Aki asked for a spare key from Asahi's parents. After entering Asahi's room, Aki asked—

"Where is your parents?"

"...They haven't come home from work yet"

"Is that so?"

Without Asahi's permission, Aki sat in her room without permission. Asahi didn't think about it, after all, he often did this. While they were playing games together, Asahi's mother came home. Counting Aki's share, Asahi's father also returned home while Asahi's mother was cooking dinner. Asahi's father was a very good cook, and the food of the day was made by the couple.

After having dinner with them, Aki sat there in a daze. Asahi's father glanced at his watch and asked—

"Should you come back today? Or stay here?"

"...Keep staying."

Aki only answered this sentence - when Aki lived at her house, she would always sleep in Asahi's room. Therefore, after finishing all the preparations, Asahi and Aki returned to their bedroom together. Aki doesn't like bathing—so that day. So the two of them continued to play games in the room. In the middle of the game, the role played by Aki suddenly stopped moving.

Asahi only noticed that Aki was crying.

It's not like I cried for a while—even though Aki held it in and didn't make a sound, there was still a whimper accompanied by a little pear rain.

"Aki Nee-san"

Asahi called out to her—the next second, Aki burst into tears. Aki hugged Asahi tightly, sobbing and crying, at the same time crying: I don't want this.

——Why would my father and mother do that.

——It would be great if Asahi's parents were mine.

——I really envy Asahi. very jealous. very jealous.

--I hate it. I definitely don't want to marry like them. Wasn't right before you married, you liked each other?

It was about a week before Aki's parents officially decided to divorce. Asahi hasn't asked her until now, what happened to Aki's house the day before or the morning she went to Asahi's house?

Aki cried for a long time, even when she slept on the bed, she would remember the incident before crying again. He got into Asahi's bed without permission and hugged Asahi tightly. Aki cried and said--

"Asahi... If you meet someone you know, someone you know, and get married, will you spend your life in peace? Or will you become helpless like my parents. What about a couple who can't be saved like my parents? Asahi, what do you think? If I can be you, if I grow up to be a handsome man, I might think this is good too--"


After a long time, Asahi recalled what happened that day again. In this memory, it was rare for Aki who was a nobody to be so weak.

This was when Asahi was about to go to school in the morning when he received a text message.

"Sorry, Asahi! Can you make a cup of coffee for mom too?"

Asahi's mother said to Asahi while putting on makeup while eating toast at the dinner table. Asahi replied to him wait a minute, let me see the text message first.

"Who sent it to you?"

"Looks like Aki Nee-san.... By the way, I haven't contacted her recently."

The sender of the text messages received on the phone is Amaharashi Aki. Asahi's address book basically wrote his full name. When Aki was in the first grade of middle school, he changed his mother's last name to "Amaharashi". The text message is very long-

[Hi! Since Asahi moved in, we never saw each other again. Are you okay?

Can I go over to your place to play tonight? It seems that you have moved into a new house, you and your mother will also talk about it. My father, mother, and my mother's remarried partner seemed to be discussing something at my house. I think it's about me and money. I don't wanna listen, and I don't wanna stay home, I wanna see you? Or, let me stay for one night? I'll be there as soon as I get home from work, and I'll be there before eight. I will stay for one night. Please say hello to your mother.]


……Today? Aki Nee-san wants to stay for one night?

Last night, Asahi and senpai had just agreed that they would open the window at 9pm to chat! At first, he still greeted and asked for instructions, but gradually it became a sure thing - these few words suited Aki's style very well. Asahi holds the smartphone in one hand and freezes on the spot-on


this time, Aki sent another text message-

[I forgot to ask!

Did Asahi have a girl in high school? I'm just going to say it face to face - do you have a boyfriend? Have you kissed? If you haven't kissed yet, I'll give you some advice. If you have a boyfriend, let Aki Nee-san come and judge you what kind of person you are, don't worry!]


Asahi had an unknown premonition.

You can find story with these keywords: Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono, Read Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono novel, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono book, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono story, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono full, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono Latest Chapter

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