Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono

Chapter 5: 3.1

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Chapter 3 - Senpai wants to eat cake


Part 1

Asahi's heart skipped a beat.

Looking back, Asahi couldn't hold it in anymore. Uh? ——A question arose in Asahi's heart. Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump—the heartbeat gradually began to quicken. Wait a moment. Cold sweat was pouring down. Why suddenly—


She had always wished Asahi could do this. She expected Asahi to be tougher - even if Asahi wasn't as strong as his Senpai expected, it's wasn't far off.

No matter which angle you look at, you can see that Senpai is nervous.

There was worry on her face.

"—...Senpai. That"

Asahi finally made a sound. Senpai came back to her senses and looked around—of course, there wouldn't be anyone around. Senpai blushed.

Her face was red, but different from when she saw Asahi's reaction and started shaking involuntarily. This was not out of joy and satisfaction, but out of great shame and panic.

The voice of Senpai's hasty reply was a little sharper.

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry, ah ha ha, ...thank you"

The senpai touched her head. When she raised her hand, Asahi had not pulled it back. Due to too much effort, I accidentally touched Asahi's hand. This made her even more confused—his expression seemed to say that she was desperately holding back these emotions.

She wanted to pretend that nothing happened—but that backfired.

"Really...so pretty! May I take her?"

Senpai smiled, looking at the window pane as if she was looking in a mirror. However, looking from the dim balconies to the bright interior, nothing was reflected in the glass. The same was true for Asahi—the overwhelming feeling that had just filled her body turned to shame.

Senpai showed her embarrassment.

…Why is Senpai so confused?

This was exactly what Asahi had expected, but he couldn't find the answer. And because of that sudden turn of events, he couldn't find any further answers—was it because he had given her a flower ornament? …Senpai was overjoyed when she saw the floral ornament, but when Asahi put it on, she looked panicked.

Is it because of her flowery eyes? Or did She and Asahi reconcile like before? ...But the timing wasn't right. After Asahi arrived at the balcony, Senpai looked shaken.

Is it because of this distance? It's so close that a flower decoration is stuffed into Senpai's hair? ...But this wasn't the first time Asahi was so close to Senpai.

For example, in a hidden place on a tree-lined road, hiding on the other side of the fence, avoiding the pedestrians who secretly smelled Asahi at that time - much closer than now.

At that time, Senpai was calm and comfortable. Only Asahi had his face reddened.

What's different this time? Why is Senpai suddenly so angry? While her heart was beating, Asahi thought in despair. ... Is that room? Is it because of the room? Senpai was right next to him. You can see it clearly from the window sill — is there something Senpai doesn't want to see? After agreeing to start chatting at 9 pm, that senpai set a trap for Asahi on the first night and purposely let him see hers room.......

………… Um?

Asahi looked at Senpai's room—then she saw a doll in the room.

To be true, it is a doll.

Mounted on a shelf on the wall, on the table beside the wall. When Asahi stepped into the room and looked at Senpai's room, he didn't see that. From Asahi's bedroom window, this location would be a blind spot that was hard to see. Now, from Senpai's balcony, these dolls could be seen clearly.

These dolls are mostly cat dolls. The patterns on Senpai's pajamas, pillowcases, and sheets are also cats, and Senpai must really like cats. However, there are still some dolls besides cats. What Asahi cared about was the boy doll inside that closely resembled the animated character. There are many of these dolls...not one or two, they vary in size, and there are plenty of them.

Asahi suddenly remembered the question asked by Senpai.

——Why do I like Asahi?

“Senpai…, that doll”

"Eh? … that? …Ah, you mean Yoru, right?”

"Hah? Her name is Yoru. I guess… I've never seen her before, she looks like she's from American animation—"

It was an animation published by a world famous American animation company a few years ago. There is a cute artificial life form in the shape of a dragon in the animation – the animation name is "Aquavit". You are the protagonist of this animation. This work is based on Japanese culture, although Asahi only knows domestic animation, he also knows quite a bit about it. Senpai blushed and nodded. (TLN: I don't know what animation is, or maybe it doesn't exist)

“Ah, he's called Yoru-Magach. He's a Japanese boy."

“Senpai likes it?”

"If I didn't like it, I wouldn't have bought so many dolls."

Makes sense. Asahi looked at Senpai. Look at the doll again. ... She remembers the faces she sees in the mirror every day. The Yoru Magach doll was placed in Senpai's room — this trivial matter needed no mention. However, after Asahi noticed this incident, he noticed something else.

Saying this sentence made her a little embarrassed.

"That character...how should I put it, is it a bit like that?"


"Is it similar to me—if Senpai said that wasn't the case, it would embarrass me."

Senpai suddenly froze—

—Different from when Asahi jumped onto the balcony. He's more nervous. Asahi didn't know the meaning of Senpai's reaction. Senpai replied nervously—

"That's true even if I say that."

"Good. Well, is it... because of this?"

"...Which one?"

The more I continued, the more Asahi became convinced—

but Asahi controlled his pride and asked.

"Eh, is it because the character that Senpai likes is so similar to me? Is this the answer to that question? At least because of this... Senpai became interested in me at first. Just when I just moved here. That first night, when we saw each other through the window—"


After hearing Asahi's words, Senpai lightly touched her head - touched the paired flower decoration and smiled.

The tension on Senpai's face disappeared slightly.


"Oh, I see. Maybe so."

Asahi blinked.


"Um. Maybe. Asahi-kun. I'm not saying that this is the correct answer. Because I don't know the answer to that question myself."

Asahi fell into confusion. Do not know? ...Remember...that was the day Aki ran into trouble. Before Aki entered the room, Senpai said one thing - you can ask anything, and you can ask the answer to that question. Didn't she say that because she knew the answer?

……Wait a moment. Think carefully, what Senpai said is not what I can tell you, but you can ask me.

“…I don't even know the answer, why is Senpai asking this question?”

"That's because I didn't know it myself. ...Why do I... like... Asahi-kun. So, I want Asahi-kun to think about it with me. Asahi-kun, it's rare for you to find an alternative answer. Will you come and verify it?"

Senpai's tone of voice gradually returned to normal. Halfway through, Senpai faltered, not at all like her - but in the end, she turned back into the Senpai that Asahi knew. She laughed like a prankster. The senpai entered the room and took a medium-sized Yoru Magach doll. She placed the doll next to Asahi's face and looked at them.


Senpai nodded.

"It really looks very similar."

Asahi shifted his gaze to the doll next to him, and Senpai turned the doll towards Asahi. Facing the doll head-on, Asahi had an illusion—almost like using a cell phone software that turned the person in the lens into an animated style. The senpai deliberately moved the doll, so Asahi and the doll kissed each other.


The white rose petals in Senpai's hair shone and trembled slightly under the moonlight.


The next day.

Asahi usually sets an alarm on his cell phone at 6:55 am. Then Asahi would wake up at seven to make preparations. Five minutes before waking up was the time he prepared himself in a daze. Asahi was taken aback, got out of bed, and heard a click—he had heard it.

At first he thought he had made a mistake.

Obviously, during the first day or two of this week, I heard this voice a lot—now it feels like I haven't heard it in a long time. This was the first time he had heard this sound during the day. But this is not the illusion. Click—the voice rang again.

Asahi walked to the window with a surprised expression and opened the curtains.

-Good morning.

Senpai said so. Under the morning sun, even if her voice was completely blocked by the window—Asahi could understand it from Senpai's lips. Senpai was already wearing her school uniform, which was very different from Asahi, who had just woken up and his hair was still messy. Senpai held the floral ornament that Asahi gave her last night in one hand, and said again –

—Can you open the window?

Asahi opened the window in a panic.

Nearby, sparrows were chirping.

“Senpai, what's wrong? …Good morning”

"I know when Asahi-kun wakes up. It's been very bright in the morning lately, and it's not easy to tell—but I can still tell through the curtains that you turned on the light. Therefore, I also know when you might wake up. . Asahi-kun has to wake up at 6:50, 6:55 ... It's almost 7 o'clock. So I thought you might have woken up. If you're still sleeping I woke you-I'm sorry."

"Nothing, I'm already here..."

“Did it scare you when I called you in the morning?”

“...It really took me by surprise.”

"Sorry, sorry. Don't look at me like this. Actually, ever since I was a kid, I was the type to find it hard not to eat cake in front of me. So I couldn't help but eat it."

Senpai said that just to surprise him. She knew that saying that would make Asahi look surprised—and she did see Asahi's surprised expression. Senpai's shoulders shook lightly, and she smiled lightly with her mouth clenched.

"I want to see the flowers Asahi-kun prepared for me before I go to school."

... It turned out to be a flower. Senpai was very happy after seeing the flowers, and Asahi was very happy about it - but he thought that Senpai would say that he wanted to see her face. Asahi followed Senpai's gaze, turned around, and saw the countless flowers on the windowsill.

Senpai said again—

"I just wanted to see Asahi-kun's face."

Asahi stopped for a moment-then looked at Senpai. He could tell his cheeks were getting hotter. Senpai stared straight at his face from the front, shaking her body in excitement. The worries and tensions that were revealed last night had disappeared.

"I'm done watching-I'm satisfied. Thank you for showing me your shy face and beautiful flowers. Asahi-kun must work hard not to be late…. Ah, even though it's sunny now, it looks like it's going to rain after school. It's almost summer rain."

Senpai turned around—just as she was about to walk into the room from the balcony, she turned around and said, as if remembering something.

"Asahi-kun. I'm very happy today."

Asahi heard those words earnestly.

Senpai closed the balcony door and closed the curtain. Asahi thought about it—closed the window, walked out of the room, and went to take a shower and have breakfast. The curtain in the room was fully open—

……This is so that Senpai can see flowers at any time.


Senpai is really happy.

Apart from the morning conversation- Asahi sensed this elsewhere. It was Tasogare on the steps of the teaching building when he changed classes. Asahi heard it from him.

"Hello. Asahi-kun."

Tasogare only spoke once yesterday, but Asahi developed a sense of intimacy with Tasogare's sights and sounds. Gratitude and guilt are intertwined. Asahi understood why that was—it was because Asahi felt the intimacy of Tasogare.

Girls who are obsessed with Tasogare say that his personality and appearance are completely different—perhaps because Tasogare treats people without discrimination, giving off the impression of gentleness and good, academic character.

However, the girls don't know that when Tasogare talks about the writer he likes, it seems like they have found friends in their previous lives.

“Did you borrow the book I mentioned yesterday from the library?”

After letting his classmates go, he stopped in particular.

“Sorry. Yesterday… I had something. So I was planning on going to the library today.”

"I bought the electronic version of the book Asahi-kun said from the Internet. But I haven't read it yet. Even though my family isn't very rich, I've never been there. Saving money on buying books... Asahi-kun saw Senpai today?"

"...Senpai? You mean Himi-Senpai?"

"Right. You haven't met her yet? …She's really cute. Now the students in the lower grades are running to the floor where the third-years are. This is rare — it's the first time in my experience this has happened."

"What's wrong with Senpai?"

“This is the first time Senpai has worn such flashy accessories for the second time. Our school basically forbids accessories that are too flashy. But after all, the other party is the “Goddess of Everyone”. Even the teacher is her fan, so there's no talking about that. Not to mention, the accessory suits her so well, everyone wants to keep watching."


“It was a white rose decoration… But it was really sudden. I asked Senpai, and Senpai only said that she wanted to wear it today. If the teacher didn't allow her to wear it, she would have taken it off. …Actually, the day before yesterday Tsubasa told me."

Tasogare didn't notice the shock in Asahi's heart. He continued,

"Noumachi Tsubasa. She's a big fan of Senpai. Even though her relationship with me isn't very good, she talks occasionally. She's the star - you know what I'm saying?"

"... I know. She's in the same class as me."

"That's right. To be more precise, Tsubasa came to me and told me. It was supposed to hold me back. My confession to Senpai has become a phenomenon-she must just want to see the situation on my side. Tsubasa doesn't want Senpai to like someone who doesn't deserve him... Tsubasa said she think Senpai looks very strange. If Senpai was in love, she would be very sad. I suddenly remembered her words, what do you think Asahi-kun?"

"Eh, I can't think of anything."

"I see. Senpai really made my little deer go berserk. She's so cute. I really want to date her right away. But I care about one thing - I always have a question: Can someone give her a flower decoration? ...But there are at least two things aren't wrong. One of them is that today's Senpai is prettier than usual."

As Tasogare, he touched his slightly curly hair, and continued—

"Secondly, the flower decoration can't be worn on my hair.

"I wish you could wear it"

"There's one thing I hope you don't misunderstand. Even though my hair is naturally curly, my heart is straight."

After separating from Tasogare, Asahi said to himself in his heart—

…So, Senpai wore that flower decoration.


After school, Asahi goes to the library to read the mystery novel that Tasogare told.

There's no one in the library. There is also no librarian. He originally wanted to read early before borrowing a book—but when he started, he couldn't stop. The sense of innovation and traditional elements are mixed into one, giving people the feeling of a new era of work. Tasogare says that the story of this book will be very unpredictable from the middle, but the plot before this is also very good.

As soon as he finished reading page 30, Asahi's eyes darkened completely.

A cold feeling came, and Asahi's eyes closed.

Then, a voice was heard.

"Who am I?"

Asahi focused his attention on the book, and he didn't see anyone entering the library at all.

He saw nothing. He only knew his voice. Except for Aki, no one in this world would do such a thing to Asahi-until this voice was heard. In a sense, it was a blessing to be covered with hands from behind.

Asahi's heartbeat, and his breathing stopped for a moment. After that, his cheeks became hot… he immediately understood who was covering his face. Now, Senpai didn't see Asahi's face from the front, she wouldn't know this because she couldn't see the blush on Asahi's face. Asahi caught his breath before replying "Who am I?", and then he used all his concentration.

He's calm.

Everything is ready-

"...This is Senpai"

After Asahi answered, Senpai who was standing behind him let go.

"Correct answer."

"Of course I know. After all, what is Senpai thinking. I heard it from Tasogare-san at noon. Senpai today, uh-”

He still failed to forget.

Asahi sat on the chair and raised his head—while his Senpai trembled slightly, staring at him. A faint smile appeared at the corner of Senpai's mouth. Senpai didn't hide her joy—her cheeks were dyed bright red, and her eyes sparkled, as if she was talking about her happiness.

Asahi suddenly fell silent.

Senpai pointed her finger at the white rose ornament on her head. Her white petals were still smooth and moist, showing that she was still full of vigor.

"Are you talking about this floral ornament?"

You are reading story Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono at novel35.com

"...Yes. Tasogare said that this floral ornament attracted a lot of attention."

"Yeah, it could even be said to be breaking school rules. It must be because I usually don't make trouble. I originally thought the teacher would let me off the hook, but no one said that all day."

Senpai didn't say anything. She took two steps, sat in the seat in front of Asahi, and then placed the bag on the seat next to her - she seemed ready to go home.

"After talking to Asahi in the morning, I brought this flower decoration with me again,"

Senpai flipped through her bag and explained.

"After I put it in front of the big mirror in the sink. I don't want to let it go. Because it's made of flowers. I don't know if it can last a few days. If I leave it at home to go to school today, I'll wait until I get home. When the time comes, the flowers wilt... isn't that so sad?"

Asahi asked worriedly—

"There's nothing wrong with Tsubasa, right?"


Senpai tilted her head. She seemed to be saying that she didn't know why I suddenly mentioned this name. Asahi was only paying attention to why this was happening now—Senpai should have known that Tsubasa really liked her, but she didn't know much more than Asahi.

Senpai didn't know — whether it was a “goddess body” or an obsession — that no matter who Senpai liked, that moment that Tasogare would perish—

But Asahi couldn't be with Senpai about this matter. Even if he just wanted to convey the facts, he would turn into saying bad things about Tsubasa to his Senpai. Asahi said cautiously.

"Tsubasa seems to be the first to suspect that Senpai has a lover."

“Is that so?… Except for Asahi and the two of them, I have the same attitude towards everyone. Surprisingly, Tsubasa liked me a lot for a long time. Even if I said many times that I wasn't interested and turned her down—she would still invite me to her agency. Obviously this has drained all my energy... Huh? Where did I put it?"

Asahi didn't know what Senpai was looking for in hers bag. He looked at Senpai—looking elsewhere. He cut the bookmark and closed the book.


"Did you notice?... I left it alone before buying it. I brought it with me today. Although it's no better than this flower decoration, it suits me right?"

The characters on the Yoru Magach-ribbon are very similar to Asahi.

The ribbon hangs on Senpai's school bag. She wore a ribbon with a cat pattern before. She must have removed the ribbon and replaced it with this one.

...Senpai was very happy, was it because we talked about the answer to that question last night?

There must be a reason for this. Asahi thought that was the correct answer to the question, but Senpai said that she didn't know if it was. During this time Asahi had been thinking - therefore, he had come to the conclusion-

maybe, maybe the characters that Senpai likes and I are very similar, but that's only one of the reasons.

In order for a certain character to be liked by others, the character and characteristics of the role will be very important. And buy lots of dolls and put them together—if you don't like how they look, you won't have this behavior. The so-called resemblance to the character refers to Senpai who likes Asahi's temperament, this is proof that this character is very special.

Last night, apart from that question, they also had a good chat. Asahi understood for the first time what it meant to make peace—they made peace, and Senpai laughed. Although Asahi was a little afraid to stand on the armrest when I returned, Senpai was on the balcony. Now Asahi didn't understand why Senpai would tremble like that. But one thing Asahi can be sure of is that he has seen a new side of Senpai.

Of course Asahi knew that Senpai was very happy, and this could be seen from Senpai's mood. Asahi's heart was itching—but not uncomfortable. He felt that his relationship with Senpai had gone one step further. Although it cannot be described in words, it can be felt with the heart.


……Because of this, Asahi had to work even harder.

“Senpai, what are you looking for?”

"Find something.... Anyway, I understand what Asahi is worried about. I'll pay more attention to Tsubasa and Shimao-kun. But don't worry. After today, I won't be wearing flower decorations at school. I'll be wearing them again on Saturday. and Sunday, although the interest will be almost gone by then. So just for today… I found it.”

Senpai took out a lollipop with the same brand as last time.

Asahi thought to himself: Could it be that it will come again? ——And Senpai seemed to look into Asahi's heart and smiled and said——

"It's not the same as blue cheese. It tastes weird for a limited period of time. Looks like grated radish. It's forbidden to eat sweets in the library—we really are bad boys... How about getting revenge one last time?"

Asahi had been taught a bit earlier-Senpai wouldn't just repeat the last time "Ah——". Asahi didn't want to lose—he tried hard to respond in a calm manner, but it backfired—Senpai trembled three times with excitement.


Both Asahi and Senpai made a big mistake.

Senpai's fault was that she was self-conscious and couldn't help but become crippled… But Asahi's fault was that she didn't explain Tsubasa's danger to Senpai beforehand.

As he was about to walk out of the library, Senpai happily spoke to Asahi. Senpai walked in front, she looked back at Asahi and opened the library's sliding door at the same time.

"Asahi-kun, the taste of the spicy grated daikon is really good. It seems like it's a limited flavor in Asia. I don't know if it will be accepted outside of Japan? In Japan, it seems that a lot of them aren't sold—"


It doesn't summon Asahi. She questioned what that Senpai said. Senpai and Asahi looked at the master of the voice at the same time. Since there had been no sound before, neither Asahi nor Senpai expected that there would be someone outside the sliding door.

The corridor was silent.

You can even hear rustling outside the teaching building, and the rain slowly begins to fall.

"I've been waiting for Senpai near the school gate. But Senpai never came. I still wonder if Senpai came back before I arrived at the school gate, or she still lives in the school building. Then, I heard Senpai's voice here."

Tsubasa's face was expressionless.

While she was saying that, she looked at Asahi and Senpai.

“I was listening here for a while. To be honest, I don't understand what you're talking about at all, but you guys were having fun talking…. Senpai just said the word “Asahi”? It's “Amaharashi”. I've never heard Senpai call out names. boy. That was also when I was in junior high school. Never even had Tasogare back then."

Tsubasa looked at the two places.

One of them was Senpai's hair—for Tsubasa, that beautiful hair was comparable to a "goddess body". She sees the flower decoration in her hair. The other place is Senpai's school bag -Yoru Magach's ribbon in Senpai's school bag.

"That's a character in "Aquavit", right? Why did you wear it all of a sudden? I've seen Senpai's back, so I know about it. But I've never heard Senpai mention it. This work, I've never heard of it. Senpai mentioned this character. Didn't Senpai say that she didn't like her that much? I asked Senpai in April—Does Senpai only like cats? Senpai was still thinking about it then. After a while, answer me—about that"

...Hah? ——Asahi thought. He looked at Senpai's profile, and Senpai accepted Tsubasa's gaze and Tsubasa's words from the front. Perhaps, she was desperately thinking about how to respond to Tsubasa.

Tsubasa held a paper bag in her hands—she clenched her fists tightly.

"This, how is this possible... no way... you guys are not a match at all. But, but... Senpai, my Himi-Senpai"

Asahi looked at the paper bag.

Asahi went to buy flowers, steel wire, and ribbon for the paper bag. When he met Tsubasa, she held it in her hands. She said it contained bath lotion. It was the bath lotion bought for Senpai.

“Senpai, what happened between you and Amaharashi-kun…? Senpai was very happy today—she was very unhappy yesterday, but she suddenly changed her appearance today. Senpai… do you like her? this? Then, I—"

Tsubasa clenched her teeth.

I clearly disagree—it looks like a fire is raging behind it.

"I don't agree... why Amaharashi Asahi?"

This sentence is equivalent to saying-I will never forgive you.



In the morning, an unknown phone number called—the rain had stopped just then, the sky was cloudless, and Asahi was about to head out of the hall to do some shopping. Asahi hesitated a little, because he had a hunch—it couldn't be a wrong call, a phone scam, or anything like that.

He hung up the phone, spoke for a while, and hung up.

He raised his head, and a figure appeared slowly from the path of the trees. ...That's Senpai. What she was wearing today was not a uniform, nor pajamas—it was sportswear.

His senpai was wiping sweat with a sports towel slung around her neck.

"Senpai, good morning"

He didn't know whether to use good morning or afternoon, he hesitated for a moment, and then lowered his head.

Senpai nodded.

"Good morning, Amaharashi-kun"

She probably wanted to run during this time when it wasn't raining—after running one lap, she was gasping for air. Even so, when she said that, she was able to calmly put on an expression that she found quite attractive. Sweat dripped from her cheeks down her neck, then down her chest. Senpai lowered her voice and said.

“… Asahi-kun, even though I'm not as shy as Asahi-kun, it still makes me embarrassed to sweat a lot.”

"Yes, I'm sorry"

“Actually I wanted to tell Asahi-kun who saw my sweat dripping down. A little lewd, so I can enjoy your reaction—but, I'll forgive you.”

Senpai said with satisfaction—she glanced at Asahi's face and her shoulders shook. For a moment, her expression was as if she had eaten a delicious macaron. Just because I heard the word "pervert" from Senpai, Asahi's heart trembled. Asahi tried his best to restrain it, but it was only for a moment for Senpai to show such an expression.

Senpai didn't continue to talk to Asahi, but went towards her herself.

This is exactly what the two of them said last night.


Senpai at the library entrance, answered Tsubasa like this--

——Tsubasa, you have some misunderstandings. Nothing happened between Amaharashi-kun and me. We just met at the library today and had a little chat. It was the same before.

Senpai naturally panicked—but I don't know how she refreshed her spirits and transformed back into "Everyone's Goddess" again. Senpai was as clear and pathetic as ever, tender and juicy, without the slightest hint of hesitation or guilt. If it was someone other than Tsubasa, that Senpai might force her to accept it.

-But, but! Senpai said the word Asahi!

——I never said it. I'm not talking about Asahi, but morning? What I'm talking about is this: hot grated radish in the morning is really good.

Senpai's face was unexpectedly thick.

Tsubasa still couldn't accept it—Senpai continued.

——But we have one thing hidden from Tsubasa and everyone else. If there are bad rumors, I will be too embarrassed for Amaharashi-kun. But don't let Tsubasa misunderstand, I'll tell you. I hope you try not to tell anyone else.

Tsubasa became nervous, she didn't know what Senpai would say next. Asahi was like her, he didn't know what Senpai would say next.

Senpai said something unexpected to everyone-

-We are actually neighbors.

Asahi was surprised, and Tsubasa was even more surprised.

Her reaction was like hearing someone say that there are aliens in this world.


——My family and the Amaharashi family are neighbors. Just this spring, Amaharashi moved next door to my house by accident. It took me a while to notice this happening. But that's it. Of course, I've never been to Amaharashi-kun's house, and I'm not shy about greeting each other for a meal at my own house. Tsubasa should also know that it's impossible for people to like each other just because they're neighbors, right? I also asked Amaharashi-kun about this matter, and I told him—to avoid misunderstandings, don't talk about it.

After returning home, Senpai didn't walk to the balcony chatting at 9 pm. The two of them chatted by the window of their bedroom across the balcony. Senpai lowered her voice and started to explain what Tsubasa said.

——I only knew after seeing Tsubasa's expression. No matter how much I say to deny it, she won't accept it. Her doubts and questions stem from her beliefs and anxieties. ...Asahi-kun, I'm sorry.

Senpai is rarely lethargic.

——Obviously, I complained a lot to Asahi-kun about Aki, this time I was too careless. Just as Asahi-kun was worried. I had to endure the flowerless one... In the end, she wouldn't be looking for me anywhere if it weren't for making her suspicious.

Asahi shook his head.

—I should have discussed this matter with Senpai earlier. When Tsubasa told me that Senpai was in a good mood, I had to speak.

——Overall, it would be counterproductive for us to now claim that we have nothing to do with each other. So I told her part of the truth, wanting her to think that we were just neighbors. I think there is more or less effect. At least not zero. I think Tsubasa has some of those. It seems there are only a few.

Senpai sighed.

——The period before Tsubasa accepts it is dangerous. After all, this incident just happened today, Tsubasa probably hasn't finished it yet, and there shouldn't be anything wrong with us chatting here. But just in case, I still don't want to go to the balcony. I don't know what will happen from now on. Seeing Tsubasa's mood, plus what Asahi-kun said to me...

We will be watched over by Tsubasa.

Needless to say at school, maybe even at home.

Senpai thought of this possibility. After Asahi thought of the "Goddess body", he felt that it was even a must.

Even if this is the case, it is not the worst case. In the worst case, he couldn't accept how much he explained to Tsubasa, and he destroyed the world that only Asahi and Senpai belonged to—or he could be suspected forever. After listening to Senpai's words, Asahi understood what she meant.

——Senpai wants Tsubasa to treat this as her own misunderstanding, right?

That's it—The senpai answered.

Then Asahi discussed with Senpai again and explained the details. Telling Tsubasa that they were chatting through a window wasn't the best policy—it was the biggest precondition. Tsubasa made it very clear in the past: I will destroy Senpai's love affair.

From today onwards, Tsubasa would likely continue to monitor Asahi and Senpai, there was no doubt about this matter. However, it would be a good thing for her to keep an eye on her even at home. Even if Asahi and Senpai noticed Tsubasa, they would pretend not to notice her. They would pretend that the incident that happened with Tsubasa would be settled in front of the library, and they would live naturally.

In addition, Asahi and Senpai will reduce contact.

Show Tsubasa-nothing happened between us.

They would end every interaction Tsubasa saw and suspected something was going on between the two—whether it was secretly calling outside or chatting on the balcony. As long as Tsubasa saw it once, she would never be able to resolve her doubts.

——I think when Tsubasa thinks like this, as long as Senpai gets angry at her…or warns her that she's troubled by a misunderstanding. I think Tsubasa must never have imagined that Senpai would be angry.

Asahi also talked about some of his own experiences, and then the policy was determined.

There will be a long way to go in the future.


Sunday. As I said on the phone a few days ago, the guests arrived at noon.

Asahi temporarily moved all the vases to another room and recruited guests into his room.

said the guest.

"Sorry, I checked your phone number without permission. I asked Asahi's classmate to ask. Did the sudden call yesterday surprise you?"

"...A little. I borrowed it from the library. The book you told me about."

I brought a hamburger set as a present for Tasogare. He smiled bitterly.

“But for this reason, Tsubasa saw that you were with Senpai. You are also very guilty.”

Asahi had known for a long time that he suddenly called at this time just to mention this.

Asahi was nervous in half because he couldn't let Tasogare notice what was happening to him and Senpai, and the other half because he had a good impression of Tasogare.

Whether it was hearing a second year student confess to his Senpai, or seeing his true appearance- Asahi always looked at Tasogare with a negative light.

Asahi heard that he has a very good personality, and his only weakness is that he can't control his hairstyle—but this is just a joke. Asahi has some jealousy in his heart: he is not only handsome and cool, but also civil and military, and he has a very good impression - how is this possible!

It was only after meeting him twice that the impression he left on Asahi was completely reversed.

Asahi felt this feeling for the first time in a boy from a different school year. Asahi realized that he wanted to have a good relationship with Tasogare.

"I want to be friends with Asahi... Because Asahi is the first person I've just met who likes to read books recently. So I'll make it clear. Tsubasa contacted me. She said you might be a prisoner."

"Did she say I was like a criminal..."

"Haha, it must be a crime for Tsubasa. So she asked me to help her. She asked me to monitor your condition and interrogate you according to the situation.... To be honest, I also want to know, I also don't want to destroy Senpai. I want she looked back at me, but until now, I haven't had the chance to gain anything."

Although Tasogare's tone seemed like a joke, Asahi saw a trace of sadness and anxiety in his eyes. This appearance, this temperament, this communication ability—the reason why she didn't have a boyfriend after she entered high school was because she was sincere to her Senpai. This incident really hurt Asahi's heart.

This is completely different from the wonderful Tsubasa, Aki, and Senpai.

"There's no sign of this. So, if Senpai really likes someone… even if that person isn't me, I think that's a lot better than zero. It's definitely better than no one liking her. More. If You asked me why-I thought, even if this was just a push from Senpai, it would definitely become my reference: what kind of type does Senpai like.... No matter what, it would be me stealing a hint from Senpai's heart. I don't want to give up"

"...What does Senpai like about Himi-Senpai?"

Asahi asked subconsciously, and Tasogare answered right away.



Tasogare suddenly couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm joking. Of course the chance is Senpai's appearance. After all, there's no one as beautiful as her in this world, right?...After being rejected by Senpai for the first time, this has changed a bit. It would show the smile of "Everyone's Goddess" So I thought that her expression must be more than this. One day, I'll see another expression of Senpai... let me see. The expression behind that smile"

At this time-.

Asahi couldn't help but lower his head. He thought to himself: I understand this too. I feel the same way. It was precisely because of that empathy that Asahi's heart was slightly tickled. Asahi raised his head, and looked at Tasogare—his eyes were full of seriousness.

Is Asahi a villain like Tsubasa said? Do you have anything else besides being neighbors with Senpai? Asahi's expression did not change, he replied—


But it was out of strong will, not without guilt. Tasogare sighed and said with a wry smile.

"Too bad, sorry."


“If my love rival was Asahi, I would be so happy every day from now on. Although I say it's much better than zero. But when I felt uncomfortable in my heart when Senpai fell in love with a stinky boy out of nowhere. And at this point, Asahi won't let me have this idea.... In short, I'll say that to Tsubasa. Sorry But…After all, Tsubasa is aggressive now, no matter how much I say, she won't take it easily.”

If Tsubasa wasn't around, Asahi would probably confess to Tasogare. This way, Asahi won't feel guilty about denying his words, and maybe they can build a relationship with each other—a tenacious relationship that can compliment each other frankly. But this assumption has long lost its meaning. The most important thing right now was to clear up all of Tsubasa's doubts.

You can find story with these keywords: Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono, Read Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono novel, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono book, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono story, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono full, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono Latest Chapter

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