Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono

Chapter 6: 3.2

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Chapter 3 - Senpai wants to eat cake


Part 2


On Monday. I didn't see Senpai.


Tuesday. Didn't see Senpai. I haven't seen Senpai for three days straight. I thought about it carefully. This is the first time since I met through the window since early spring.

Some of the flowers in the vase withered, and the flower decorations had withered—and this was not heard from his Senpai.


Wednesday. Heavy rain. Even if Tsubasa wasn't around, it was hard to chat by the window in this weather. Even so, Asahi opened the curtains a bit at 9pm. After suffering for three days, perhaps that Senpai was starting to miss him too—

Senpai also opened the curtain.

She didn't go to the balcony or open the window, she just stood by the window and looked at Asahi's room. Asahi subconsciously extended his hand to the window, but Senpai shook her head.

Senpai held up a piece of drawing paper with writing on it. "Perhaps she will appear—she seems to have been waiting for this moment." On the drawing paper were written a few bold words with a marker:

“Tsubasa was there ten minutes ago. Holding an umbrella, it's on a path overgrown with trees."

...True or not-Asahi was very surprised. In such heavy rain? Asahi opened the window subconsciously and leaned out, he wanted to check the surroundings, but was powerless. But since Senpai said so, it must be like this. Senpai must have been paying close attention to this, so he looked around.

Then he found Tsubasa. Asahi began to imagine: in the pouring rain, a junior high school girl holding an umbrella - although the security in this area wasn't bad, she had been standing there alone, staring at her Senpai's house. Asahi's house.......

Do you want to call the police? ——Half of Asahi's mind was serious. But that doesn't make sense. After all, she is a holy girl protected by the "Goddess body". Even if she was questioned, criticized and educated, she would never give up.

As long as she didn't accept it—

Tsubasa's gaze kept Asahi and Senpai on either side.


Thursday. In the morning, on the way to the bus stop, Asahi saw his Senpai holding an umbrella. Senpai also noticed Asahi. A smile immediately appeared on her face, and she waved at Asahi - the next second, she seemed to remember what happened last night and held it in.

Senpai hesitated, Asahi also hesitated.

This time in the morning was very busy, even if Tsubasa was guided by the body of the Goddess, she would not be monitoring Senpai and Asahi's current situation.

Even so, Senpai nodded slightly after the matter, and looked away from Asahi. She must have been afraid if something happened, or if she judged it better not to be crippled.

Asahi also kept his distance from his Senpai according to his intention. Asahi and Senpai were standing at the bus stop with a stop sign in between.


Friday. Stop when it rains.

It's been like this this week—when I was at school, Tsubasa's gaze made people's backs hurt. It was as if a knife had been stabbed. Asahi thought that he was thinking too much, but as long as Tsubasa was behind him, he would feel the prick of a needle in the back of his head. However, Tsubasa couldn't talk to him.

But today is different.

After "Amaharashi" finished from school, as soon as the class meeting was over, Asahi was caught by her.

Asahi couldn't pretend he didn't hear, he could only look back. Tsubasa's gaze was still sinister—she lifted her head to look at Asahi, and didn't hide her hostility—but…is there a hint of doubt in it?

Compared to the first half of the week, Tsubasa's eyes had more doubts.

“Do you think Senpai is beautiful?”

Asahi warned her, and answered naturally at the same time.

“Are you talking about Himi-Senpai? If you say that… of course.”

“Do you like Senpai?”

Of course, Asahi naturally always said this to himself. But so straightforward, Asahi was silent for a moment. Asahi wanted to speak—to Tsubasa, this moment seemed to be enough. She had no doubts about it.

"Of course. There's no one in this world who doesn't like Senpai. Even if you forcibly want to confess to Senpai, it's fine as long as you don't hurt Senpai. I will definitely let those who hurt Senpai be erased. ...Home life neighbor over there, a beauty like Senpai, who is perfect, attractive, and gentle to others, will naturally fall in love with her.”

It's like the fact that he fell in love with Senpai as much as a fact-it's like saying in Tsubasa's mouth the paper airplane will eventually be attracted and fall by gravity, and there's no need to point it out specifically, and take it as a problem. However, Asahi was slightly dissatisfied with Tsubasa's words.

Asahi wasn't interested in Senpai's shallowest parts, so she was fascinated by Senpai—no matter who she spoke to, Asahi couldn't stand her calling her love so despicable.

He couldn't stand Tsubasa comparing his Senpai's kindness to others.

"...It's not like that. People are different. Whether they're beautiful, handsome or not, whether their grades match, whether their talent isn't high, etc... People won't be convinced because of these special conditions, so they'll like each other. other"

Hah? ——Tsubasa's cute face changed.

"What do you want to say?"

“Suppose the person I like is beautiful like Senpai. The so-called love simply because there is a deeper, more complicated, and the reason why this person is indispensable, so that is what is called love. Is not it? Everything about this person plus the time Tsubasa said earlier—..."

Asahi stopped.

Tsubasa showed a surprised expression as Asahi suddenly stopped talking. But the next second, she immediately threw up: Anything like this is fine.

"What I want to say is that the problem this time is not with you. I don't think you will approach Senpai without shame because you live close. I just want you to see that Senpai. I want you to see what Senpai has. don't know where it came from. This is definitely not a good thing for Senpai.... you're a bit like the character "Aquavit" –"

Asahi also saw Tsubasa watching Senpai's house and Asahi's house that night. It was around seven in the afternoon. Even though the day had gotten longer over the last period, it was still very dark at seven o'clock. Bad weather made the sky darker. Tsubasa stood across the tree-lined road. There are many people on the street. She held an umbrella and stood in front of the vending machine. Asahi saw her accidentally through the living room window.

But Asahi couldn't see her expression.

It was 9 pm -

it was confirmed that Tsubasa was no longer in sight, more than an hour had passed. Asahi felt it was fine, so he opened the curtain. It started to rain again, and Senpai was naturally invisible on the balcony. The curtain in Senpai's room was also drawn.

However, there was a sheet of drawing paper between the window and the curtain.

After the day before yesterday, Senpai wrote another line of characters with a marker.

I thought you might open the curtains, but seeing Asahi's face when it's not raining would make me run to the balcony to play with you, so I have to restrain myself now!

Asahi was in his own room, and he laughed to himself twice.


It's Saturday again. On this day, Asahi clearly felt lonely. Asahi wanted to talk to Senpai. To endure the pain here made him unwilling. He also wanted to know more about Senpai, apart from that, what he wanted to see the most was her ever-changing expression—

countless vortexes of emotions hidden deep within the smile of "Everyone's Goddess".

Asahi glanced at the phone and thought—what is Senpai doing now?

Of course Asahi didn't know that his Senpai was using her cell phone to check the weather forecast. I don't know, Senpai isn't just checking it now, she's going to check it from time to time today.

He didn't even know – Senpai made up her mind after reading the weather summary from the Meteorological Department.



Asahi watched—his phone rang.

A phone call came.


The rain was not too heavy before noon, as the weather forecast said, gradually becoming fierce. Although it was a little weaker at night, as soon as night fell, a heavy rain suddenly fell - it was the Milky Way rain. In this torrential downpour that issued this short-term alarm, Asahi's cell phone rang in the living room after eating.

8.30 pm

Asahi couldn't help but doubt his eyes.

The name displayed on the phone was- Himi Natsuko.

After eating a full meal, Asahi was sleepy, and Asahi was wondering in a daze, whether to go take a shower or read a book—these text messages made him really sleepy.

Senpai never called him. After ringing, the phone called again. It was like an agreement that before starting to chat at 9 pm, Senpai asked Asahi to come out as he pleased and threw two pebbles—Asahi felt the same way.

Asahi was a little confused. He panicked-what's wrong? He glanced at his mother who was putting the dishes in the dishwasher in the kitchen, and then walked down the hall. He climbed the stairs on the second floor and connected the phone at the same time.


"Hello? Asahi-kun."

Naturally Senpai's voice came from the phone.

But that wasn't all—plus the sound of rain Asahi heard, and the sound of heavy rain coming from the other end of the phone. Asahi was taken aback—Asahi knew that her voice could be so loud that it was definitely not in the room.

"Sorry. I can't help but call you. I've been thinking about it all this time. Yesterday, I thought about it after reading the weather forecast - when it rained, I called. However, I don't think I can last long, so I can't wait until 9 o'clock."

Asahi listened to Senpai's voice and ran towards his room.

"Calls are used instead of pebbles. You shouldn't hear pebbles today. Calling doesn't have a special feeling of chatting by the window, so I don't really want to use them. Therefore, calls are limited to today. Asahi, before I enter wind- "


Asahi opened the curtains of his room and opened the window.

Huh—the rain blew with the sound of the wind. The last vase left on the windowsill was wet with rain. There are still some dead roses in the vase. Senpai was standing on the balcony, holding a cell phone in one hand, submerging her whole body. Her long hair stuck to her skin, and the water that was bouncing off her skin quickly ran down Senpai's body. Asahi panicked and let out a sound——

“Se…Senpai, what are you doing! Are you alright……!?”

"Huh? Ahhh...it's okay"

At this moment, Senpai disconnected the call. She waved her phone.

“My phone is completely waterproof.”

“I'm not talking about cell phones! You will catch a cold! Because of rain- "

"So it really helped me that Asahi appeared this way, I was able to do it before I caught a cold"

"What's wrong? I've been thinking about it all this time means—"

"Maybe it'll take some time. Maybe a week, maybe ten days, I don't know, but I think it's been effective. As long as we continue in this state, things will definitely end successfully... But, hold on. The energy isn't enough. the flowers have withered too."

“Energy? Senpai, compared to this, this will make your body temperature drop.”

Even though Asahi responded to Senpai's words, the fact that Senpai was drenched in sweat made him dazed. What Senpai said couldn't enter his brain. What he most wanted to do was let Senpai go back into the room where heavy rain wouldn't be able to enter, and everything else was fine.

I don't know if Senpai knows Asahi's inner anxiety, she was drenched in the rain and kept talking.

"After seeing the heavy rain forecast, I thought about this. I don't want to risk being seen by Tsubasa, because I'm afraid I'll be too happy when I play with Asahi and relax.... Even if it's only for a short time, this rain can also be very heavy. With this way, the umbrella won't work. Even Tsubasa has no way of monitoring us when it's raining so hard. Not only can she not. But, her vision is also blurry. The important thing is that I won't let go. Because I can't stay in the rain thick all the time."

Asahi couldn't understand what Senpai was trying to point out. Even Tsubasa—or as Tsubasa asked, couldn't monitor these two houses. Of course. Even so, this rain couldn't make people enjoy the conversation this time.

Now, it was simply unbearable to stretch out the window.

Senpai tucked her cell phone into her pajama pocket.

“Sorry, but if you don't say it quickly, Asahi will be drenched in the rain.”

"Does not matter. I'm in the room. This is no big deal. Senpai, please say it right away."

“Before that-Asahi-kun, I have a request. Can you stick your body out as much as possible? Three seconds is fine."

Three seconds? Although the reason for this request was unknown, to Asahi, it didn't matter. If this allowed Senpai to return to the room and wipe her wet body, this kind of thing was good. Asahi threw the phone on the bed and stuck his body out through the window.

Senpai held onto the armrest and pushed her body hard.

She let go of the armrest and held Asahi's cheek with both hands. Under the pouring rain, Senpai's eyes made Asahi shy and hesitant, but he saw the blazing fire in Senpai's eyes. ……Eh? When he thought so, it was too late—Senpai brought her face closer. Senpai's smell gradually covered Asahi's body—not inferior to the rain.

——The world seems to have stopped.


Senpai's lips lightly touched Asahi's lips-


but only for a second.

It took Asahi a second to protrude, a second to kiss, and once her lips parted, Asahi pulled her body into the room for a moment. It really only took three seconds—only three seconds.

In just three seconds Senpai changed all the colors in Asahi's world.

It cannot be changed-the color cannot be changed back.

——I really can't go back.

Asahi sat on the floor of the room, looked through the window, through the heavy rain, and stared at his Senpai. Senpai was still like that—he stood up from the armrest, enjoying Asahi's expression and Asahi's reaction. Even at this night and in this rain, he could tell that her pretty face had turned red—this was from the same shame and joy. A smile appeared on the corners of Senpai's mouth, and she trembled slightly.

You are reading story Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono at novel35.com

As if showing it to Asahi, she gently caressed her lips with her fingertips.

"——...... Asahi-kun"

This almost stopped Asahi's heart! He didn't realize it until he heard Senpai's voice—his heart seemed to burst, and it was pounding. All those feelings came back—the sound of the rain, the chill after three seconds of rain.

And the sign of excitement left by Senpai's lips that dispelled all this chill.

These memories are sweeter than lollipops and chocolate.

Senpai grabbed the handle and slowly returned to the balcony. She laughed twice—more seductively, and when she was excited, she put her arm around her shoulders.

Ah, I've always wanted to see Asahi's expression. I'm energetic again…. I'm really sad lately. Asahi-kun is right across from the window, but I can't do anything about it. However, this way, the energy is gone. It's even a bit too much."

Senpai trembled a few more times.

Asahi looked at Senpai and became even more panicked. Even if he knew that his reaction would make Senpai even more excited; even if he knew it would make Senpai even more excited. But reason couldn't help feeling this way.

Because, Senpai's lips—

because of that gentle touch—

because of that warm breath—

because of that intoxicating drool—

"This way, I can continue to endure. Soon, it will make Tsubasa feel relieved. Asahi-kun, let me see your face again?"

As Senpai said, Asahi, who originally wanted to lower his head, immediately raised his head reflexively. What mixed eyes did Senpai see in Asahi's eyes? This passionate feeling seemed to be unbearable any longer --- Senpai snorted again with a warm breath.

"Asahi's expression is only mine."

In the pouring rain, Senpai said so-she was so pitiful. It's not just her beauty; it wasn't just her long, drenched hair; not only is her innocent appearance childish, but seductive and affectionate; it's not just her tone that's unique; not just what comes out of her heart. Colorful emotions.

These are all things-is the world of me and Senpai, and this world is connected by this heavy rain.

Asahi thought to himself—

……Are she and I really equal? Even if you know the answer to the question asked by Senpai; even if you know Senpai better because of this-it's just self-convenience, isn't it?

Because, I really…I really fell in love with Senpai.

Senpai's eyes, words, and feelings pierced deep into her heart, leaving her breathless, yet allowing herself to feel extremely refreshed. It's like a gem that will never go away. This was something that Asahi had not known before, before spending every day with Senpai.

Asahi never thought about it—Senpai truly cherished such a special and precious thing in her heart. This week, Asahi had a lot on his mind—but this kiss made all the things he thought about disappear.


In Asahi's room, the dying rose was wet from the rain and was shaking slightly.


The heavy rain last night didn't last long. The weather forecast this time wasn't bad at all. After a heavy rain at night, it basically stopped in the middle of the night. After dawn, the clouds disappeared. When Asahi went to school, the sun rose.

The weather forecast says this week will be mostly sunny. The weather forecaster said on TV that it might rain. On the tree-lined road, the water remaining on the grass and the road reflected the light of the rising sun, flickering and flickering.

However, this was no better than Senpai in Asahi's eyes.

On the way to the bus stop, Asahi saw Senpai's back, his heart skipped a beat. Even though this was the case before, the place that Senpai was in was even more special. To Asahi, other things in this world were incomparable. Just there, it seems full of blessings from the gods.

Asahi had just seen Senpai and remembered the two of them kissing last night. His cheeks became hot, and he couldn't help but stop.

At this moment, Senpai suddenly turned her head. She and Asahi's eyes crossed—after seeing Asahi's expression, her lips curled up and her body trembled slightly. ...and Asahi groaned in his mouth, and his heart was full of shame.

It's so happy!

Obviously, no Senpai was talking, just looking at each other, hearts filled with happiness. Thoughts that rippled like a dream, coupled with physical excitement made Asahi's heart beat non-stop. Even seeing his Senpai's triumphant smile, Asahi no longer felt remorse. My heart just kept pounding. The sharp sword that was thrown by the competing desire, was crushed by that kiss.

He couldn't come up with the least bit of courage to fight back. Asahi could only put on a grin and look at Senpai's back—to see her walking forward again.

Distance after distance was already a million light years away. Perhaps from now on, even if he was ridiculed by her Senpai, Asahi would only blush and sink into happiness— like a creature that only laughed.


Evening. Aki uses the spare key given by Asahi's mother to enter their house. Asahi was studying at the table in the middle of the living room, and Asahi's mother was cooking in the kitchen.

"Excuse me"

Aki greets like a boy in a sports club—and Asahi's mother replies with a smile, "Welcome". Aki walked right in front of Asahi and placed the Blu-ray disc in the box on the table. A cute and funny dragon is painted on the CD package, and a teenager with a Japanese face is sitting on the back of the dragon.

"Asahi, this is for you. This is what you wanted"

"Thank you. Aki Nee-san, is this yours?"

"It's not mine. I'm not very interested in "Aquavit". I saw your text message in the morning. Then, I borrowed it from my university friend."

Even though Aki's staple food was Japanese manga, she should have liked the maker of "Aquavit"—that's what Asahi thought.

Can I have dinner at your place today? But don't mention love letters again—Aki texts you in the morning. Asahi thought it was her parents' business that made him unhappy anymore, but that didn't seem to be the case today. She just wanted to come and play. So Asahi wrote in his answer-

if you have an "Aquavit" DVD disc or a Blu-ray disc, can you take it with you?

Aki smiled slightly and whispered.

"Overall, it's a bit like Asahi is like Yoru in "Aquavit". ......Could it be that Himi-san said that? You're like that."

"......This is what I found out a while ago"

Previously, Asahi didn't know that he resembled that character, but after seeing the doll in Senpai's room, he realized it - if he were to say this line to her, he still didn't know what he would say. I don't know how Aki understands Asahi's reaction she smiles and sits on the sofa.


"What is it?"

"I just saw Himi-san."

"...You saw Senpai!?"

Asahi couldn't help but let out a loud voice. Terrible—just as he thought so, he saw his mother in the kitchen. Mother received water and did not hear. Although this relieved him, it didn't solve the cousin who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

"Ahaha, mother is still here, your voice is very loud."

"...Did you talk to Senpai?"

"Say it. Himi-san was jogging, we watched each other almost at the same time, and then she came talking to me. I was just casually chatting. After all, I still let the despicable Asahi hold the love letter as a hostage.... Himi-san is right, right— "

Aki said the next sentence deeply. Enter Asahi's heart.

Let the fog in front of Asahi dissipate in an instant.


"--I really like Asahi and I really like him"


Kara—The sound of ice cubes rang out. This sound came from the cocktail glass Aki was drinking. The mother who made this glass of wine had just gone to take a shower. ... Asahi's father loved to drink when his mother was with him, she slowly started to make cocktails. When I moved here, my mother was still hesitant to throw away the distilled wine and liquor, when Aki started playing, these things came into use. Aki also seems to have the gene for drinking.

"Don't look at me like this, I'm actually quite worried about you."

Said Aki who was a little drunk happily. She chuckled and chewed on her snack. Asahi held grape juice in one hand and looked at the "Aquavit" that Aki brought to the living room.

"Asahi is immature. When I heard Asahi's mother decided to move, it was actually quite understandable. I really thank people like Himi-san for being here."

The Yoru Magach that moves in the animation is even more like an Asahi than a puppet. However, the personalities are not completely similar, Asahi doesn't have the genius mind of Yoru. But the five senses and temperament... both make people feel very charming.

Aki continued—

"To be honest, I was also very surprised, but also some beautiful loneliness. I actually have a good girl Asahi like my refuge - but today not anymore"

When Tsubasa got in the way in front of the library, Tsubasa said that Senpai didn't like Yoru Magach from "Aquavit".

Asahi is on the balcony of Senpai's room and says that Senpai likes herself because Asahi is similar to her favorite character. Asahi felt that although this relationship wasn't that specific, she was at least interested in Asahi.

——Even if the correct answer to the question was not stated, this could be considered as one of the reasons.

If Tsubasa were to tell the truth, her basic assumptions would be completely opposite.

"I'm not stupid. I didn't take the marriage agreement I said when I was little. Actually, it's possible to marry a cousin in Japan. I still think if I don't find the right person. I'll still have the last insurance. ——By the way this, it really starts from scratch.”

It wasn't because Asahi was like Yoru Magach that Senpai liked Asahi.

But because Yoru Magach is like Asahi so Senpai will like Yoru Magach.

...Asahi didn't think that Tsubasa, who was observing Senpai so closely, would mistake Senpai's preferred character. In other words, this is a fact. ...Asahi suddenly had an inspiration—

On the balcony of Senpai's room—

The reason the wobbly Senpai froze was because I thought Asahi would point it out? Maybe... because of this? Precisely because of being like him, Senpai would gather the environment of that character——? Was it because Senpai felt so embarrassed to be asked about this?

"She really is unbelievably beautiful. I thought she would be arrogant, so I fanned the fire and said that she was just toying with Asahi—and she came back with a serious expression on her face. Such a pretty girl left me completely clueless. what to do."

It is true. The night Aki provoked, Senpai was also very angry.

Asahi was shocked by Senpai's anger. Because the reason she was angry was Asahi. If it was someone else's business, no matter how or how much she did it, Senpai wouldn't be so desperate—that she would put on an angry face and look away the next day. It was because it was related to Asahi, and because it was a two-person world with Asahi——because these things were very precious to Senpai——

"...Really, Asahi and Himi-san too. I've always felt like you guys. I'm so happy, it really makes me jealous.... I also envy Asahi's father and mother... This is also my spiritual sustenance. Precisely because seeing Asahi's father and mother I will not marry and love is like muddy water. Will Asahi and Himi-san also be like that..."

Aki drinks the last remaining cocktail (made of vodka and orange juice). The ice cubes bounced in the cup—when the cup was placed on the table and the ice cubes returned to their original position, there was a creak. Asahi once again recalled the things he remembered when he talked to Tsubasa in class on Friday—that was what his father had said.

——Maybe more than reciprocity.

——These ordinary days that are constantly superimposed are the most important...

"Aki Nee-san"

Asahi said while watching the TV screen "Aquavit" was about to end. By this time, Yoru had already regretted using the self-aware Aquavit as a tool for revenge, determined to get back on track.

"What is it…?"

“Senpai… Does she really like me? Uh, I'm not suspicious of her feelings for me. I don't mean care, concern… but some kind of anxiety."

“Are you showing off to me? Are you teasing me?"

“Didn't Aki Nee-san just say…! Senpai really… really likes me… desperate. Did you meet Senpai before you came to my house? What are you saying, why do you feel that Senpai thinks like that?

"Same with me?"

Aki said “hahaha, oops, oops”, shook her head and stood up. She moved into the kitchen and made another cocktail. Asahi saw a higher proportion of vodka than Asahi's mother made. Aki took a sip of the cocktail and walked back. She sat on the sofa again, and said "Asahi".

She repeated it many times—

"Asahi Asahi, Asahi. Asahi Asahi Asahi Asahi!"

"Aki Nee...?"

"...Don't look at me with that weird expression. That's not what I'm saying. I'm just here imitating Senpai who loves Asahi the most. That means—she's the same as Asahi, who keeps calling her... I've known this for a long time, maybe because I'm Asahi's relative, she doesn't stop calling Asahi's name, every time she calls her face will be happy and her eyes sparkle. I don't need to say that. Go and peek at Himi's main phone page. Wallpaper must be your photo."

...It's nice that Senpai isn't here right now. If Senpai saw her expression, Senpai would definitely burst out laughing again. Speaking of which, it's a good thing for Aki to be so drunk-she probably forgot that she had said so much.

“Aki Nee-san…Thank you. Thanks to you, I've made up my mind."


It's too early to be a laughing creature.

Senpai liked Asahi-this was different from when Senpai asked she calmly. Perhaps, Senpai liked him as much as he liked his Senpai. Even if it's not of this level, there must be a gem-like emotional fragment in Senpai-sama's heart with Asahi's heart.

Asahi still had something to try.

On TV, Yoru and Aquavit reaffirm the bond between each other and start preparing for the final battle. They should be able to win and come back because Yoru believes in Aquavit. It seemed Asahi believed in Senpai's love for him.

Asahi remembered a few things.

Asahi thought a lot about Senpai, and now, he knew her better than in the spring.

First of all, he had to let go of the shackles that were preventing the two of them from chatting- Tsubasa suspected.

The clock on the wall shows 9 pm. But the window can't be opened tonight.

Senpai's color still remained in Asahi's world.

...And it will be the same from now on.

You can find story with these keywords: Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono, Read Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono novel, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono book, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono story, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono full, Gogo Kyuu Ji, Veranda Goshi no Megami Senpai wa Boku dake no Mono Latest Chapter

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