Gohan’s Multiversal Travels

Chapter 5: Vol: 1 Ch: 4: The Solution

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(Polycosmos POV)

Polycosmos appeared in a chair that was in the center of a room with many floating spheres where many different images were flashing inside them, some of them had what looked ships in the middle of the ocean, people in black fighting against monsters with swords, an orange nine tailed fox attacking a village, some people fighting with what looked like magic, different students at different schools, and many other things.

“Hmm… what should I do?” Polycosmos asked himself as he sat staring into space as the spheres floated around him. “I didn’t expect he would deny my offer, most people would jump at a second chance at life, but not him… now I’m more certain that he’s the perfect choice.” Polycosmos said with a smile.

The spheres kept floating around him as he sat thinking of what he could offer Gohan so that he would accept his offer. “It has to be something good or I’m going to have to find someone else.”

Polycosmos sat there for what seemed like hours, struggling to come up with something, “… maybe I can find the answer if I… no that would be cheating…” Polycosmos said shaking his head.

“… wait his biggest concerns are that he wants to see his family and friends again, and to know what happens with the boy… maybe I can give him that...” Polycosmos said as two spheres passing by him caught his eye, inside one was a different Gohan with his family and friends, and in the second one was Trunks walking towards Gohan’s dead body.

“… I can offer him the chance to reunite with his friends and family in some capacity as a reward and I can tell him what happens with the boy as well.” Polycosmos said as he brought the sphere with Trunks in it closer to him.

“Now let’s see… what happens with the boy and Gohan’s old world.” Polycosmos said grabbing the sphere and closing his eyes.

Polycosmos watched as Trunks walked up towards Gohan’s dead body which was face down in a puddle of water. Trunks looked down at Gohan’s body as the rain rolled down his face, he crouched down next to Gohan’s body and rolled him over and started shaking him, calling his name.

Trunks soon screamed into the dark sky as the rain continued to fall his fist was clinched in pain as he drew blood from cutting his palm as the blood rolled down his wrists. Trunks closed his eyes in pain and anger as the tears finally came flowing, they merged with the rain as he continued to yell into the sky.

When Trunks suddenly underwent a transformation, his hair turned yellow, his eyes green and he seemed to be on fire as a yellow aura appeared around him, Polycosmos knew that this transformation was called Super Saiyan he learned about it when he looked into the Gohans life. The ground shook as Trunks continued to yell in anger as he started to pound the ground, cracks formed from the impact as smoke rose from those cracks.

“… this is where things start, I need to see where they lead.” Polycosmos said his surroundings started rushing past quickly, he stopped when he saw Trunks talking with a blue haired woman named Bulma who was working on a machine.

“… this isn’t what I’m looking for I need to look further.” Polycosmos said as his surroundings blurred past him again where he saw Trunks fight and then lose against the cyborgs, then he saw Bulma finished the machine, and Trunks using it.

Polycosmos followed him finding out the machine was a time machine, “Interesting I didn’t expect anyone to be capable of building a time machine… to bad this is a parallel world and anything they do here won’t affect their original world.” Polycosmos said as he watched as Trunks warn Gohan’s friends and family about the cyborgs and give Gohan’s father some medicine for the heart virus he died from in Gohan’s world.

“This still isn’t what I’m looking for… I need to go further.” Polycosmos said as things started flashing past quicker, he saw Trunks go back to his timeline and then come back a few years later. He saw how Trunks travelling back into the past changed things like the cyborgs being completely different than the ones who killed everyone in Gohan’s world, and how there was a new threat, that came from a different future, it was a green bio-android called Cell.

“Still not what I’m looking for.” He said as he sped things up until he saw the younger Gohan fighting against Cell, “Oh! This looks interesting.” Polycosmos said as he watched the younger Gohan fight and later transform into a higher form of Super Saiyan becoming powerful enough to kill Cell.

Polycosmos watched Trunks go back to his world where he finally killed the cyborgs. “… ok, all that was very interesting, and I could use a lot of what I learned here.” Polycosmos said as he closed his eyes before opening them again brining himself back to the room with all the floating spheres.

“I can tell him that Trunks ends up killing the cyborgs… I can even show him that would make Gohan happy, but what can I do about his other concern?” Polycosmos wondered as he let go of the sphere letting it float back with the others. “I can’t think of anything that won’t bring up questions.”

“… If he accepts, I can ask for some more time to come up with a better solution to reunite him with his family and friends.” Polycosmos said

“I can offer him the information about the level above Super Saiyan and any other information I find... like knowledge of techniques from his universe… I can even make a game of it, rewarding him for accomplishments. If he doesn’t accept my offer, then I’ll have to find someone else, I really hope he accepts the offer… it’s just that I have a real good feeling about him.” Polycosmos said.

“Well, I’ve kept him waiting long enough let’s go see him and see what he thinks.” Polycosmos said standing up and disappearing, appearing next to the table they were sitting at earlier where Polycosmos found Gohan meditating under a tree.

“… I hate to interrupt your meditation but I’m back.” Polycosmos said after watching Gohan for a while.


(Gohan’s POV)

Gohan opened his eyes and looked at Polycosmos, “It’s fine… what did you come up with?” Gohan asked as he stood up.

“I’ll get to that later but first please sit.” Polycosmos said gesturing towards the table as he sat down.

“… Ok.” Gohan said as he walked over to the table and sat down across from Polycosmos.

“First things first, based on your concern for Trunks, I decided to look into the future a little and see what happens, so I have something to show you.” Polycosmos said snapping his fingers making a crystal ball appear on the table, “This happens about 3 years after your death.” Polycosmos said waving his hands over the crystal ball making images appear above it.

Gohan saw an older and taller looking Trunks fighting against the cyborgs where he killed 18 and then 17 in quick order before the images disappeared, “… wow he really does it… HAHA THAT’S GREAT!!!” Gohan said as he started laughing after he got over the shock of what he saw.

“Yeah, I thought you would like to know what happens.” Polycosmos said as he snapped his fingers making the crystal ball disappear, watching as Gohan slowly stopped laughing.

“… wow I knew he would be the one to do it.” Gohan said as he wiped some tears that formed from laughing. “I’m glad that I wasn’t wrong and that he’s the one to finally bring peace to the world. Thank you for showing me that.” Gohan said smiling.

“It’s no problem, you should know that I have my own motives for showing you that.” Polycosmos said

“… right.” Gohan said nodding

“Now I believe that I’ve come up with an offer that I think you... will find hard to refuse.” Polycosmos said.

“… ok I’m listening.” Gohan said surprised at what Polycosmos said.

“… when you refused my offer, I was surprised because most people would have jumped at the opportunity at a second chance at life, but then I thought about it, and I realized you had no reason to accept. Almost all your friends and family were dead, and I had just told that I wasn’t going to send you back to your old world, so why would you accept a second chance if there was no chance at seeing them again. That’s when I came up with an idea where we can both benefit, how would you like to have the chance to eventually see everyone again, and have the chance to get stronger?” Polycosmos asked looking at Gohan.

“… what do you mean?” Gohan asked.

“What would you say if I’ve come up with something that I believe we will both benefit from, a chance for you to get stronger, to see everyone again, and a way I’m properly entertained?” Polycosmos asked.

“… that I’m intrigued, and I want to hear more.” Gohan said sitting up straight

“That’s good but I have to warn you that I just came up with this idea so it’s a work in progress.” Polycosmos said

“… I still wish to hear it.” Gohan said looking at Polycosmos

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“Good then what I’ve come up with is something like a game, I’ll send you to certain universes giving you some quests or objectives that you can complete, if you do, I’ll give you some rewards, like techniques, knowledge, or something from your world or others. This will allow you to grow stronger and learn plenty of new things that you can use.” Polycosmos explained.

“… that does sound very interesting, and I have to admit that I’m willing to consider it… but I have some questions.” Gohan said.

“I would be surprised if you didn’t, go ahead.” Polycosmos said nodding towards Gohan.

“First question, how would that work exactly?” Gohan asked

“For example, let’s say I give you a quest like… defeat this opponent and if you do then I’ll give you a reward like, knowledge of how to use certain techniques, or give you some items, it depends on how hard the quest I give you is.” Polycosmos explained.

“… what happens if I don’t complete a quest?” Gohan asked.

“I haven’t thought about that yet, like I said it’s a work in progress, since I just came up with this idea… I’ll make the starting quests easy with no penalties and as you get more familiar with the new universe, I may make them harder with some penalties.” Polycosmos explained

“What did you mean when you said I’ll have a chance to eventually see everyone again?” Gohan asked

“Ahh, that well I was thinking that I’ll find a way to let you see your family and friends again, I haven’t been able to come up with something concrete yet without questions being asked. If you accept my offer then I’ll have some time to come up with something better while you are in the other universe.” Polycosmos said stroking his beard.

“… may I take some time and think about it?” Gohan asked

“Of course, you can, just call my name once you’re ready.” Polycosmos said standing up and disappearing.


Gohan was sitting under the tree again mediating over Polycosmos new offer. “It sounds like a good opportunity, overall because I’ll have the chance to live a new life and get stronger while I’m at it. He said that he’ll try and find a way for me to see everyone again and something is telling me to believe him. I also have a feeling that if I don’t take this chance, I’ll end up regretting it even if I won’t remember meeting him… I guess I’ve reached a decision.” Gohan sighed opening his eyes.

“Polycosmos I’ve reached a decision.” Gohan said out loud.

“That’s good, what is it?” Polycosmos asked appearing a few seconds later.

“I accept your offer.” Gohan said standing up.

“That’s good, I’m positive you won’t regret it.” Polycosmos said smiling sticking his hand out.

“I have the same feeling.” Gohan said shaking his hand.

“Good now let’s get things started.” Polycosmos said snapping his fingers changing their surroundings.


Gohan found himself in a room where there was a single chair in the middle of millions of floating spheres, “Where are we and what are those?” Gohan asked looking around pointing at the sphere that seemed blank.

“This is one of the places where I watch the multiverse, and those spheres are one of the ways how I watch it.” Polycosmos said gesturing around

“… the spheres are blank.” Gohan said looking at Polycosmos.

“No, they just look like that to outsiders, but we aren’t here for that we are here to pick the first universe to send you to.” Polycosmos said looking around. “hmm… how about you pick.” Polycosmos said looking at Gohan.

“… what!!? How would that work I can’t see anything in them.” Gohan said looking at Polycosmos.

“… you have a point… how about this close your eyes—” Polycosmos said looking at Gohan indicating that he should close his eyes.

Gohan sighed and closed his eyes, “Now what do I do?” Gohan asked

“I want you to try to feel out a sphere anyone that calls out to you, then reach out and grab it.” Polycosmos said waving his hand over Gohan. “It might take a while for you to feel something so don’t worry if you don’t feel anything at first just keep your eyes closed until you feel something and grab a sphere.”

“… ok if you say so.” Gohan said and concentrating on trying to feel something from any of the millions of spheres. Gohan stood there for what seemed like hours, but he kept his eyes closed until he started feeling something that was pulling his attention it was coming from somewhere from his left side that was moving in front of him where he then reached out and grabbed it.

“Good you can open your eyes now.” Polycosmos said

Gohan opened his eyes and looked at the sphere in his hand and was surprised that he could somewhat see what was inside, it looked like some ships in the middle of the ocean. “Seems like we have your first destination, hope you are ready.” Polycosmos said smiling reaching out his hand with his palm up.

“… ready for what?” Gohan asked looking up and placing the sphere in Polycosmos hand.

“Ready to start your new life.” Polycosmos said smiling at Gohan.

“…wait that’s it?” Gohan asked

“Yes, that’s it, I hope you enjoy your life and like I said I promise you won’t regret accepting my offer.” Polycosmos said.

“I agree, I have a feeling that this opportunity will prove worthwhile… is there anything I should know about where I’m going?” Gohan asked

“Not anything that comes to mind at the moment but don’t worry I’ll give you some basic information and anything else you need to know about the world by the time you land.” Polycosmos said with a smile before snapping his fingers making a glowing white circle appear under Gohan’s feet.

“Ok thank you… wait land?” Gohan asked before the light from the circle blinded him and then he started falling.


(AN: This chapter was longer than I wanted it to be but I wanted to finish this mini arc so I apologize if the chapter feels rushed but like I said I wanted to finish this arc and introduce the first universe, which will be One Piece. I decided to add something like a system to the story, but I’ll try and not let it affect the story too much, I decided to add it to give Gohan a little push to do better.)

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