Gohan’s Multiversal Travels

Chapter 6: Vol: 2 Ch: 5: My Name is Gohan

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(Nami POV)

A young orange haired lady named Nami was standing by a window staring out it as the cruise ship sailed across the ocean, there seemed to be a party going on based on the people dancing and mingling around without a care in the world. “Excuse me Miss may I have this dance?” a young man came asked as he held out his hand.

Nami smiled, as she accepted his hand, the man led her to the dance floor where they started dancing, with the other passengers, they kept dancing until the ship started shaking, which was followed by two crew members running inside yelling, “Captain… Pirates!”

“What!” the captain shouted as people soon started rushing out in a panic, “People please stay calm, panicking will only lead to injuries.” The captain shouted trying to keep the passengers calm, but his cries fell on deaf ears as the passengers continued to run out.

Nami slipped away from the crowd easily thank to the years of practice, she kept close to the wall of the ship, smiling as the other passengers rushed past her. Once she was able to, she slipped out of the room holding up her white dress running towards the deck of the ship, where she saw another ship with a jolly roger with a heart on it pull up alongside the cruise ship.

Nami quickly found a place to hide where she ripped off her dress revealing a different outfit underneath it, she was dressed like the pirates that were boarding the ship. Nami used the chaos to slip in with them making her way towards the pirate ship.

Nami used one of the ropes that were connected to the two ships to slide down on to the pirate ship she quickly made her way towards a nearby door looking around making sure no one was around when the door suddenly opened, and a pirate came out. “Who are you, I’ve never seen you before?” he asked taking a closer look at Nami. She then proceeded to kick the pirate in the balls dropping him to the ground clutching his balls in tears as she quickly made her way inside the ship.

Nami found the hold of the ship and started to loot all their treasure putting it all in a bag as she was finishing, she heard the noises from the deck indicating that the pirates were loading up the loot, they got from the cruise ship. She quickly finished packing the treasure she stole and made her way to the deck of the ship taking a different path then the one she entered through, once she reached a door, she took a quick peek to make sure no one was watching or nearby.

Once she saw that it was clear she silently made her way out noticing that everyone’s attention was on a large woman with an iron mace standing across from what looked like a teen boy. She noticed that there was no one near her so she quickly made her way to a small boat letting it land in the ocean where she quickly checked everything before rising the sails.

There was the sound of cannon fire as she looked up and saw another small boat come crashing into the water near her boat spraying her with water, she saw the teen boy from earlier, he had black hair, and was wearing a red vest and a straw hat. Nami noticed that the straw hat boy was smiling as the boat quickly left, she noticed there was also another boy in the boat with him who had pink hair and glasses.


Nami found herself on the small island of Shells Town a few days later where she was sneaking into a Marine Base looking for a sea chart that she needed to complete her life mission. Nami had snuck into the base through the vents and was currently picking the lock to the Captain of the base’s room.

“After him!!” Nami heard Marines rushing past her location causing her to quickly press herself against a wall as she watched them run past her armed with weapons chasing after somebody. “Hurry up before the Captain gets angry.”

“They’re chasing after someone… this works out for me.” Nami said as she quickly opened the door looking for the safe which she found hidden behind some barrels, she moved the barrels and found the safe was already open she looked inside and found what looked like a rolled-up scroll, “This is it… I knew they had it.” Nami said happily as she opened it to make sure it was what she was looking for.

When she opened it, she found that it was a picture of skull and crossbones with a red nose with a message saying, “I’ve flashily taken the map! Buggy.”

“Wait this isn’t what I’m looking for… damn it this mark its… Buggy’s, so he has the map.” Nami said crushing the message in anger. “I guess I know my next location, I have to find out where he’s at.” Nami mumbled as she quickly made her way out of the base, to gather information on where Buggy was.

It didn’t take her long to find out that he was on Orange Island a small island a few days away, so she bought provisions and set sail towards Orange Island trying to come up with a plan to sneak in and steal the sea chart she needed.


Nami was sailing towards Orange Island in a boat that she stole from some of Buggy’s crew, looking into the sky thinking of a plan on how to steal the sea chart, when suddenly there was a bright flash of light in the sky. “… what’s that?” Nami said shielding her eyes.

Nami was blinded for a few seconds and when she was able to open her eyes again, she saw the body of a man appear out of nowhere falling from the sky before he crashed into the ocean in front of her, “… what the hell was that… where did he come from?” Nami asked herself looking around before looking at where the man landed.

Nami was debating on weather or not to just sail around him when he broke the surface in front of her boat and Nami got her first look at the man’s face, he had short black hair, black eyes, and a scar on the left side of his face. Nami wanted to just ignore him, but she couldn’t because they had made eye contact and were staring at each other before he asked, “… how far is the closest island?”


(Gohan’s POV)

The last thing Gohan saw was Polycosmos smiling before he was blinded by a bright light that felt like the Solar Flare technique. Gohan then felt his body free falling before he was finally able to open his eyes seeing nothing but a clear blue sky and blue water rushing towards him before he crashed into the water.

Gohan opened his eyes and looked around seeing plenty of different types of fishes before he swam back up towards the surface, as he broke the surface, he found himself staring at a girl with orange hair and brown eyes inside a boat, with a Jolly Roger with a red nose. They stared at each other for a few minutes before asking the girl, “… how far is the closest island?”

“About a day or two that way depending on the winds.” The girl said pointing behind Gohan,

“… I see thank you.” Gohan said glancing behind him before he turned around thinking about swimming towards where the girl pointed at, he didn’t want to risk flying or showing any of his powers until he knew more about the new world, he found himself in.

Polycosmos said that he would give Gohan some basic information about the universe he was in, but he hadn’t gotten it yet, so Gohan decided to swim towards the island instead of flying and risk bringing unnecessary attention to himself.

“… you’re welcome… wait you aren’t planning on swimming there are you!?” the girl asked in surprise

“… yes, I was. Why?” Gohan asked looking back towards the girl.

“… WHAT!!!, that’s crazy it’s about a day or two away on my boat, but it would take you a lot longer swimming there and that’s not counting the sea monsters or storms you may encounter!!” the girl said looking at Gohan like he was crazy.

“… I’ll be ok, I’m pretty strong, so I’ll be fine, thank you for the directions.” Gohan said bowing his head and turning back around.

“… yeah you’re welcome… NO WAIT!!” the girl shouted

“What is it?” Gohan asked turning back towards the girl.

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“You aren’t even going to try and ask me to give you a lift to the island?” The girl asked

“Hmmm… no not really.” Gohan said

“What why!?” the girl asked,

“I don’t think I can trust you.” Gohan said pointing at the Jolly Roger behind her.

“… what this I stole this from some evil pirates.” The girl said looking at Gohan.

“… so, you’re a thief?” Gohan asked

“Yes, and a good one.” the girl said nodding her head with a smile.

“That doesn’t exactly bring forth a feeling of trust.” Gohan said

“No, I only steal from pirates, so unless you’re a pirate you have nothing to worry about and besides from the looks of it you don’t have anything on you that would be worth stealing.” The girl said smiling.

“… so will you give me a lift to the next island?” Gohan asked thinking that he should be somewhat safe until he gets to the island, especially since he couldn’t sense much from the girl.

“… yes, I would if you would agree to a few conditions.” The girl said after thinking about it as she looked at Gohan.

 “Really? What conditions?” Gohan asked

“The first one would be to make sure you don’t have any weapons on you that can harm me. I hope you understand that after all I am a beautiful young girl, and I need to protect myself against you.” The girl said placing her hand on her chest dramatically trying to draw attention towards her chest.

“…” Gohan looked at the girl without saying anything for a while, “… is that all?” Gohan asked

“…No there’s more.” The girl said sighing after noticing that Gohan didn’t react to her at all.

“Ok what are they?” Gohan asked

“Usually, I would ask for some type of payment but I’m guessing you don’t have anything on you.” The girl said looking at Gohan who nodded. “Ok that’s what I thought well then you need to help me do a job once we reach the island as payment for the lift.”

“… what’s the job?” Gohan asked, “I’ll tell you right now that I won’t do anything bad or that may harm other people if that’s what you have in mind, I would rather swim towards the island.” Gohan said seriously.

“No, I won’t make you do anything bad... unless you consider stealing from a group of pirates bad.” The girl said looking at Gohan

“What do you mean?” Gohan asked

“I need help stealing something from a group of pirates.” The girl said looking at Gohan.

“What is it?” Gohan asked, “If you don’t mind me asking.”

“… it’s a sea chart that I really need and that’s all I can tell you right now because just like you said I don’t know if I can trust you.” The girl said looking at Gohan

“Is that all you want?” Gohan asked

“… Yes, after that you help me, I’ll consider us even.” The girl said nodding at Gohan.

“… are there any other conditions?” Gohan asked

“No that’s it.” The girl said shaking her head.

“… ok than I accept.” Gohan said thinking that it would be better to go with her for the time being learning what he can about this new world.

“Ok, climb aboard.” The girl said

“Thank you.” Gohan said as he climbed onto the boat.

“The name is Nami.” The girl said holding out her hand.

“My name is Gohan, it’s nice to meet you.” Gohan said shaking her hand.

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