Gohan’s Multiversal Travels

Chapter 8: Vol: 2 Ch: 7: Luffy

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Nami found herself watching Gohan again as he did his Image Training for the day, she had asked him about it the first time she saw him do it and Gohan explained that it was a form of training performed on the mental level. Since he didn’t have enough room on the boat to practice actual Martial Arts, Nami thought it was an excuse for Gohan to sleep at first but then she saw the variety of emotions that flashed across his face making it look like he was actually fighting someone, she soon found herself thinking that maybe there was some truth to what he said.

Nami didn’t know why she found herself trusting him so quickly, especially when she would never normally take a chance like this, but there was some voice in the back of her mind telling her that she could trust him. Nami’s instincts have served her well during her long journey and if they were telling her she could trust him she would take a leap of faith and trust him.

She believed that another reason she found herself trusting him was because of their shared pain of loss, they hadn’t raised the subject again since last time. They seemed to have reached an unwritten agreement that they wouldn’t ask each other any uncomfortable questions again, or about the nightmares that woke them in the middle of the night.

Nami had found out after talking with Gohan that he was very smart and that he absorbed information quickly, which wasn’t surprising when she found out that he had wanted to become a scholar when he was younger, but life had forced him onto a different path.

“You’ve been staring at me for a while is something wrong?” Gohan asked not opening his eyes.

“… no sorry I just wanted to let you know that we should be landing soon.” Nami said shaking her head, cursing herself for staring at him again.

“Ok, thanks for letting me know.” Gohan said opening his eyes nodding at her.

“… no problem.” Nami said turning to look at the horizon where she could see land emerging.  



Gohan and Nami had reached Orange Island disembarking at a small landing on the east side of the island. They quickly made their way into town finding themselves standing in the middle of a small courtyard with no sign of life nearby, “I wonder where’s everyone at?” Gohan asked as he looked around.

“They’re probably somewhere hiding from those damn pirates, who have taken over the island.” Nami said angrily. Gohan had a feeling that there was a story behind that anger and that maybe it had something to do with the person she lost but Gohan didn’t think it was his place to ask so he didn’t.

“You’re right… there are two large groups of people… one is over in that direction, and the other group is in that direction.” Gohan said closing his eyes and pointing towards the North and then to the South side of the island.

“… how can you tell?” Nami asked looking at Gohan with doubt.

“… I can feel people’s… auras or life force.” Gohan explained opening his eyes.

“How… is that one of your hidden talents?” Nami asked looking at Gohan.

“Yes.” Gohan said with a quick nod and smile.

“… can you tell who’s who?” Nami asked skeptically.

“… yes somewhat, follow me.” Gohan said walking north.

“How do you know that this is the right direction?” Nami asked after following him for a while.

“… the aura of the group in this direction feels different than the ones in the South.” Gohan explained.

“Different how?” Nami asked walking up next to him to look at his face.

“… the auras to the South feel… scared… worried… while the auras to the North feel… happy…like they’re celebrating something. I don’t think the villagers would be celebrating having pirates taking over their island. There’s also one aura to the North that feels… unusual… trust me, this is the right way.” Gohan said looking at her with a smile.

“Unusual how?” Nami asked.

“… it’s hard to explain it just feels different than everyone else’s on the island.” Gohan said when he sensed the unusual energy heading towards them making him look around for it, before he realized that it was a second energy that he was sensing. “There’s someone or something heading towards us.”

“… What--” Nami started asking when there was a sudden explosion in the sky causing them to look up and see a cloud of smoke, followed by someone falling, screaming as they crashed into the ground in front of them kicking up a cloud of dust.

“… SHIT!! What was that?” Gohan asked getting into a defensive stance in front of Nami. While trying to sense what happened, Gohan sensed the second unusual energy from earlier inside the dust cloud in front of him.

“Why did they shoot a cannon at me?” a voice said as the dust slowly cleared reveling a boy with black hair, black eyes, and a slim build. He was wearing a straw hat, red vest, blue shorts, and sandals, he also had a small scar under his left eye.

“… how’s he still alive after falling from that distance?” Gohan asked surprised as he watched the boy dust himself off. “Maybe it has something to do with his unusual energy?” Gohan thought to himself.

“Hey, do you guys know of a good place to eat around here?” the straw hat boy asked after seeing Gohan and Nami standing there looking at him.

“… no sorry we just arrived here.” Gohan said looking at the boy stunned that was the first thing he asked.

“Oh, man I’m really hungry.” The straw hat boy said holding his growling stomach, falling to the ground dramatically.

“I’m sure we can find somewhere to eat, in town.” Nami said looking at the straw hat boy with a gleam in her eye, Gohan could have sworn he saw a light bulb go off in her head.

“Really!?” the straw hat boy said jumping to his feet.

“Yeah! Let’s go.” Nami said walking into the town.

“… what are you planning?” Gohan asked catching up to Nami.

“… nothing.” Nami said unconvincedly.

“… sure, if you say so.” Gohan said glancing at her.

“No really I’m not planning anything.” Nami said looking away from Gohan.

“Nami, I haven’t known you that long, but I can still tell when people are lying to me.” Gohan said looking at her.

“I—” Nami started saying.

“Hey, what are you guys talking about?” the straw hat boy asked as he walked up next to them.

“About where we can find something to eat.” Nami lied quickly.

“Oh cool, I hope it’s something good.” The straw hat boy said rubbing his stomach.

Nami mouthed the world ‘later’ to Gohan who mouthed ‘fine’ to her as they continued looking for somewhere to get some food.

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While walking they introduced themselves, finding out the boy’s name was Luffy, they found a restaurant where they found some dried food, “So what are you guys doing here?” Luffy asked in between bites of food.

“We’re here to steal a special map from the pirate Captain Buggy, and we could use some help.” Nami said as she sat on the table where Luffy was eating at.

“So, you guys are thieves?” Luffy asked while eating.

“I’m not a thief she is.” Gohan said from where he was sitting.

“Hey! I just steal from people who deserve it like… pirates.” Nami said crossing her arms.

“A thief is still a thief in my book.” Luffy said looking at Nami, before turning to look at Gohan. “If you aren’t a thief why are you with her?”

“She helped me out when I was stranded, so I owe her a favor and she said that if I help her steal the map, she will consider us even.” Gohan said.

“You don’t have a problem stealing?” Luffy asked Gohan.

“Normally I would but these pirates have taken over this town, so I don’t see anything wrong with stealing from them. It also helps that I’ll get a chance to fight them so that’s a plus in my book.” Gohan said shrugging his shoulders.

“…what’s so special about the map you are trying to steal?” Luffy asked.

“It’s a map of the Grand Line, that will help me get the 100 million berries I need, to buy a certain village.” Nami said looking out a nearby window, the determination in her voice surprising Gohan.

“Why do you want to buy a village?” Luffy asked.

“… it’s none of your concern.” Nami said looking at him.

“Wait… a map? Does that mean you’re a navigator?” Luffy asked.

“I’m the best navigator you are ever likely to meet.” Nami said turning around smiling proudly.

“Really!?” Luffy asked happy.

“Yeah, from what I saw on the way here she’s really good.” Gohan said giving Nami a smile.

“Thank you.” Nami said beaming.

“Oh, that’s perfect why don’t you join my crew, I’ve been looking to recruit a navigator!” Luffy said smiling. “You can both join.”

“Really?” Nami asked excitedly.

“Yeah, you both can be our new pirate crew members!” Luffy said excitedly standing up. 

“NO!” Nami shouted slamming her hands on the table, “So you’re a pirate?” Nami asked looking at Luffy angrily.

“Yeah, I swore to the man who gave me this hat that I would gather my own crew and become the greatest pirate ever.” Luffy said taking off his hat and looking at it fondly.

“There’s nothing I hate more than pirates!” Nami said slamming her hands on the table again. “The only things I like are money and tangerines!”

“Come on become our navigator.” Luffy said again.

“I said no!” Nami said again before she walked away towards the window.

“Ok your loss.” Luffy said before he sat down and started eating again. “What about you do you want to join?” Luffy asked looking at Gohan.

“… I don’t know, I’ve never thought about becoming a pirate.” Gohan said glancing at Nami who was watching him through the reflection in the window.

“Come on it will be fun.” Luffy said smiling at him.

“… I can’t I still have to help Nami steal the map.” Gohan said shaking his head.

“What about after you get the map can you guys join my crew then?” Luffy asked smiling.

“I already said that I’m not joining your crew!!” Nami said getting angry.

“… there’s someone in the town.” Gohan said standing up and walking up to stand next to Nami.

“How can you tell?” Luffy asked.

“I can feel people’s auras.” Gohan said.

“Really that sounds cool.” Luffy said.

“Is it a member of Buggy’s crew?” Nami asked looking out the window.

“… no, I think it might be one of the villagers.” Gohan said walking towards the door and opening it.

“Wait where are you going?” Nami asked.

“Well, I was thinking that we could ask whoever it is for some information on the pirates.” Gohan said looking at Nami.

“… I guess that makes sense.” Nami said as she followed him outside.

“… hey, wait for me.” Luffy called out before running after them.


(AN: I originally planned on having Gohan and Luffy fighting 6 members of the Buggy crew who were sent to search the town by Buggy, but I didn’t like it in the end, so I had to rewrite the chapter. I have written up to chapter 10 after I had a bout of inspiration, but the other chapters still need proof reading so once I’m done.)

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