Gohan’s Multiversal Travels

Chapter 7: Vol: 2 Ch: 6: Conversation

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After shaking hands, Nami checked Gohan for any weapons while she did this Gohan got his first real look at Nami, she was shorter than him, had short orange hair, reddish-brown eyes, a nice face, a curvy body, a thin waist, nice hips, and long legs with toned thighs. She was wearing a white shirt with blue stripes, a short orange skirt, and brown boots.

Gohan stayed silent while she finished her check, she soon stepped away after seeing he had no weapons. “Not that I’m not grateful for the ride but you don’t know me, so why go out of your way to help me?” Gohan asked.

“… well, I was trying to come up with a plan on how to steal the map from the captain of the pirates I stole this boat from and then you appear out of nowhere and land in front of me, if that’s not a sign then I don’t know what is.” Nami said shrugging. “I know how to take care of myself so I’m not too worried.” Nami said sitting down slowly crossing her legs while looking at Gohan.

“… I see… so what’s the plan and where do I fit in?” Gohan asked sitting down on the edge of the boat looking into Nami’s eyes.

“… what do you mean?” Nami asked looking at Gohan.

“I mean you are the thief; I have no experience stealing so I’m going to guess that you want me to do something else like maybe create a distraction or something along those lines while you get in and steal the map. I just want to know what my part is in this, I would also like to know how you will let me know that you got it so that I know when to leave, I have a feeling that I shouldn’t stay on the island especially once the pirates find out that the map is missing. Unless you plan on not letting me know that you got the map; leaving me alone to deal with the pirates while you make your escape.” Gohan said crossing his arms looking at Nami.

“… I … no I wasn’t planning on doing anything like that don’t worry.” Nami said fanning her hand in front of her face, with a forced smile. “… the plan is a work in progress and depends on what you are good at.” Nami said changing the subject.

“… if you say so… I’m a pretty good fighter, I’ve been practicing martial arts since I was a kid… and I have lots of other hidden talents that can prove useful.” Gohan said looking into the sky for a few seconds before looking back at Nami.

“… Ok, then once we get to Orange Island we find out where the pirates are staying, watch them for a bit, then we find the best time for you to create a distraction drawing their attention away so I can sneak in and steal the map, and then we meet up at a designated area where you can come with me or go your own way. Does that sound good?” Nami asked.

“… that sounds ok.” Gohan said wincing as he felt a stab of pain in his head.

“… are you ok?” Nami asked.

“… yeah… just getting a headache, I think… I’m going to try and get some sleep if that’s ok.” Gohan said rubbing his temple.

“Yeah, that’s fine.” Nami said nodding at him. “… I have some food and water if you want some.”

“… no thank you I’m not hungry right now.” Gohan said shaking his head.

“If you’re worried about us running out don’t be I have enough food to feed four people for about a month.” Nami said.

“…maybe I’ll have some later after I get some sleep.” Gohan said rubbing his temple.

“You should at least drink some water; you are probably dehydrated.” Nami said pouring him a cup and handing it to him.

“… thank you.” Gohan said drinking the water and handing the cup back to Nami. He then leaned against the bow, closing his eyes. “Let’s talk some more once I wake up.”

“Ok that sounds good.” Nami said.


Gohan closed his eyes the pain slowly going away as he fell asleep, he soon found himself back on the lookout standing in front of Polycosmos, “Hello, Gohan.”

“… hello, Polycosmos, did something happen?” Gohan asked.

“No, why do you ask?” Polycosmos asked making two chairs appear and sitting down in one.

“Well, you brought me back here.” Gohan said gesturing around as he sat down, “So I thought something happened making you bring me back here.”

“Oh this… you are not back, we’re currently inside your mind, you are still sleeping right now on that boat, with the girl Nami. I brought you here for two reasons, one is to give you the info you needed about this world it took a while because I had to research the world first, the second reason I brought you here is for this.” Polycosmos said snapping his fingers.


“… what’s that?” Gohan asked as a transparent screen appeared in front of his eyes with that written on it.

“It’s something I came up with to make giving you your quests and rewards easier.” Polycosmos explained.

“… how does it work?” Gohan asked looking at the screen.

“It’s better if I show you by giving you your first task.” Polycosmos said snapping his fingers again.

(Task: Help Nami Steal Map; Rewards: One Item From Home World.)

“The way it works is it gives you quests, or certain tasks based on your decisions or actions, like agreeing to help Nami steal the map and then it gives you a reward based on whether you complete them. The rewards won’t always be the same they can be items, knowledge on different things that I believe will be useful to you, or anything else that I can think of, I’m also planning on using it to communicate with you. You don’t have to worry no one else can see it and it won’t appear when you are in a fight or busy, it will only appear when you are safe. I’ll give you more information on how it works later.” Polycosmos explained.

“I see thank you very much.” Gohan said, “Is this also how I will receive the information about this world?”

“Usually yes, the system is how you will receive any information or knowledge that I give you but not this time since you are already here, I’m going to give it to you directly. Although, I need to warn that I’m going to transfer the information directly into your brain, this might be a little uncomfortable, since it’s the first time, it should be better the next time.” Polycosmos said.

“… ok I’m ready.” Gohan said after taking a few deep breaths.

“Alright here’s some basic information about the world you are in.” Polycosmos said snapping his fingers again. After Polycosmos snapped his fingers, Gohan felt a pressure on his brain for a couple of seconds before it disappeared and once it did a rush of information flowed into his brain, Gohan closed his eyes as the information came.

Gohan found out the world he was in was mostly dominated by water with one large continent called the Red Line and other landforms made up of islands of varying sizes. The ocean was divided into four seas by the Red Line that acted like a wall as it wrapped around the entire world, the seas were called, North Blue, East Blue where Gohan was currently in, South Blue and the West Blue.

Gohan also found out about, The World Government, The Revolutionary Army, The Navy, The Seven Warlords of the Sea, and Bounty Hunters and how they operate but that was it he didn’t get any more information about them. Gohan learned about how pirates were looking for some large treasure called the One Piece that was left by the pirate king Gol D. Roger who told the world that he left everything on an Island called Raftel before his execution.

You are reading story Gohan’s Multiversal Travels at novel35.com

He also learned about how some people gained special powers that came from something called Devil Fruits but the people who ate them lost their ability to swim from eating one of the fruits. That there were three different types of Devil Fruits that gave different powers based on which type they were, one was called Logia which gave the person who ate it the ability to create, become and manipulate a certain substance or element. The second was called Zoan which gave the person the ability to transform into a specific animal or a human animal hybrid. The last one was called Paramecia and it gave the person a random ability to control one's aura, manipulating probabilities or forbidding things.

Gohan also received some knowledge on how to sail, navigate, the worlds currency, and some other information that would prove useful for him to live better in the world. “… that was a lot of information.” Gohan said as he rubbed his head, “thank you especially for the sailing information.”

“It’s no problem, it’s the least I can do.” Polycosmos said with a nod, “I threw in some extra knowledge that you should find useful; you should have processed the extra info by the time you wake up. Do you have any questions.”

“Yes, a couple, one is what do I tell Nami and anyone else I meet about where I came from, do I tell them that I came from a different world, or do I come up with something else?” Gohan asked.

“… yeah, sure you can tell them that you came from a different world if you want to, or you can come up with something else, it’s up to you really. However, if you do tell them the truth don’t mention my name… just tell them that you were sent to this world for a second chance.” Polycosmos said.

“Ok I understand.” Gohan said nodding his head.

“Any other questions?” Polycosmos asked.

“Yes, what about the system and the rewards I’ll receive do I tell anyone about that or not?” Gohan asked. “I can’t think of how I would explain getting an item from my home world or knowing something I didn’t know before.”

“Hmm… if you want to tell them about the system you can, that way it will make explaining any rewards you receive easier but if you choose not to, I’ll try and come up with something to help explain them.” Polycosmos said stroking his beard. “Any other concerns?”

“… no, I think that’s it, thank you.” Gohan said.

“Ok then if you do have any other concerns then the system should work on letting you communicate with me but don’t expect me to answer every question you have.” Polycosmos said looking at Gohan.

“Understood, thank you for everything.” Gohan said nodding his head.

“It’s no problem like I said, now good luck, live your life as you like, and remember I’ll be watching… unless you require some privacy.” Polycosmos said with a grin and a wink.

“...wait!... what?” Gohan said as everything faded to black.


“Gohan… wake up.” Gohan woke up with a start as Nami called out to him.

“… I’m awake… what’s wrong?” Gohan asked sitting up to see that Nami was looking at him.

“Nothing I was about to have lunch and wanted to know if you wanted some to.” Nami said pulling out some dried food and water.

“Yes, thank you.” Gohan said taking the food and water with a smile.

“No problem. So, tell me a little bit about yourself.” Nami said sitting across from him.

“… only if you tell me about yourself.” Gohan said.

“… I guess that’s fair.” Nami said with a nod.

“Ok I’ll go first if that’s ok with you?” Gohan asked as Nami nodded her head. “Ok… why do you need to steal this specific map aren’t there others?”

“… maybe but this is the only one that I know the location of… this map is a map of the Grand Line; with it I can reach my goal quicker.” Nami said smiling.

“Really what’s your goal?” Gohan asked.

“It’s to—no wait it’s my turn to ask a question.” Nami said.

“Ok my bad, ask your question.” Gohan said laughing.

“…how did you end up landing in front of me?” Nami asked.

“… I don’t know the last thing I remember is fighting some evil people and then a flash of white light blinding me and then me landing in the ocean in front of you.” Gohan said looking into the sky.

“… evil how?” Nami asked.

“… I don’t want to talk about it… let’s just say they’ve killed lots of people, people that I cared a lot about.” Gohan said as he closed his eyes and taking a deep breath to calm himself as he saw flashes of the androids killing and destroying.

“… I know how you feel someone I loved very much was killed in front of me when I was just a little girl by someone evil.” Nami said as she looked into the sky taking a deep breath.

“… I’m sorry.” Gohan said looking at her with a sad smile.

“I’m sorry too.” Nami said returning the sad smile.

“… do you want to continue this conversation later?” Gohan asked.

“Yeah, that’s fine with me.” Nami said with a small nod.

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