Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic

Chapter 315: 319

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Translator note

I’m a level 0 translator (took me 8hr to translate 3000 Japanese characters  T_T) so don’t expect much from me. You guys can comment on any errors and I will try to correct it if I have time. Also, if someone can give me a corresponding name list that would be great. Well enough rambling.

Chapter 319 of Jikuu Mahou


In the devils’ town, me, Aya, Hilda teleport to the final POW camp that Bunmi-san and the others are guarding.

In the vicinity of the entrance of the last POW camp, the devils were flooding in like a wave.

Standing against the large group of the devils are Bunmi-san and Mai-san.

With the versatile attacks from the two people, the devils are flying everywhere. The devils that are lucky to escape the attacks from those two are blown away by Cassandra-san with wind magic.

However, due to the continuous fighting, the 3 look tired and gasping for air.

「Bunmi-san, Cassandra-san, Mai-san, I’m late. Is everyone alright?」

Since we got here, we can regroup.

「I’m alright……However, I don’t have that much mana left」

Truly an answer from Bunmi-san who fought continuously.

「I understand. Hilda、give everyone the『candy』!」


Hilda quickly goes around and distribute the candy.

「I’m saved」「Thanks」「Thank you~」

Thanks to Hilda’s candy, everyone’s MP started to recover. Now, with everyone together, the battle begins once again.

「Okay, now then, I’ll go help the prisoners. Everyone, please hang on a bit!」


After leaving the battle at the entrance to the others, I rescue the remaining 100 people and escape. Finally, finished rescuing all the prisoners.

「I’m done rescuing!」

I rush to where everyone is fighting.

Now we just need to escape….. or not.

If we stop now, our effort will be wasted.

「Leave it to me」

Like giving out the last souvenir, Bunmi-san puts a lot of mana into the sword and swings it down.

When the sword swings down, the wind starts to rage and a tornado, which starts to trample the devils, is made.

Then with Cassandra-san’s wind magic, the two made a combo skill.

「OH, so cool! I’m gonna do it too!」


Aya and Hilda use a combo magic『Flame tornado』.

「Then, I will too」

Mai-san added a super large 『Flaming Straight Fist』

With all the attacks exploding, the devils got push back in an instant.

「Ok! We’er gonna escape now!」


While the devils are confused, we teleport and escape from the 『Devils’ town』


After escaping the devils’ town, we quickly go to the main base where Rirura and Rondo are protecting.

「Rirura, Rondo, how’s it going?」

「「Ah, Saiji」」

I got the reply from the golden armor Rirura and the silver armor Rondo.

Somehow, the brightness is making my eyes go blind.  ( 96: my best guess. なんか、きんきら☆きんで目がチカチカするな。)

「The devils aren’t attacking that much. Right now there is no problem」

Rondo responds.

Rachel-san made a large moat with earth magic. The devils that cross the moat are knock back down with water magic from Mischa and Elina.

Sometimes arrows and magic fly over, but the silver shield of Rirura is preventing most of it.

When it comes to defense, leave it to Rirura.

Well, thanks to the main devil force is mostly concentrated in the camp, I probably didn’t need to come here.

However, since all the hostages are rescued, the main force will probably come to us.

「I have helped everyone, now we just need to do a finishing blow」

「Seiji, what are you going to do for the finishing blow?」

「First of all, let’s block the entrance. Rachel-san, please lend me a hand」


I take Rachel’s hand and start to teleport.

「Rachel-san, let’s go」


I and Rachel-san use 【Earth magic】and the cliff starts to collapse. Now the cave, which is the entrance of the 『devils’ town』, is complete blocked.

Devils that are trying to escape the town and devils that are trying to retreat into the town, both got caught in the avalanche. Many of them got buried alive under the rubble.

The devils, that got cut off, shows some resistance at the start. However, seeing that they have nowhere to run, they all gave up after a while.


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After tying up the devils that surrendered and going to the place where the saved people are……

Around 760 people greeted with a applause.

「Thank you very much. How should I repay your kindness?」

Those were the word of gratitude from one of the rescued people.

「Everyone, listen up!!」

Rirula’s dad stood in a slightly high place and started talking loudly using the 【speaker】that I should have lent to Rondo.

Where were you, until now?

「My name is Lyle Gebard, the『Leader of the aristocratic knights』! Everyone, I have taken the responsibility to return you to your countries. Rest assured!」

Oi, you did’t do anything!

What are you talking about to everyone without permission?

Such a dirty trick, as expected of Lyle Gebard.

「「OHHHH、Leader of the aristocratic knights-sama!!」」

Everyone starts to look towards 『that guy』

I was the one who teleport everyone to safety though ………

「Seiji-sama, are you fine?」

Elena noticed me and came running.

「Thank you Elina. I just fell into the dark side for a bit. However, looking at Elina’s face, I feel better. Thank you.」

「??I do not quite understand it, but are you injured?」

「Ah, it’s okay, no problem. In the people that we rescued, there might be injured people. Let’s meet them.」


Ah, really, I’m being healed by Elina~.

While I was thinking of such things, that trash started to talk on the 【speaker】again.

「Those who are injured come forward! Elina-hime-sama here will personally apply 【recovery magic】to you!」

That bastard Lyle Gebard, again without permission!

「「OHHHHH!! Elina-hime-sama!!!!」」

Those who know that the princess will come to help directly, become more enthusiastically than when Lyle Guebardo was talking. Praises for Elina came flying down.

Truly, Elena seems familiar with the situation. She went around the injured people and use recovery magic.  People worshiped her wildly with huge momentum.

Well, rather then saying that they were saved by a group of adventurers. A princess that is backed by a country will make everyone feel secure.

It.. it’s not that I regret or anything!

「E..everyone, if you got some problem, I’m willing to listen to it……」

Lyle Gebard was saying something again.

However, everyone was absorbed in meeting with Elena, no one was listening to Lyle Gebard anymore.

People forgot about Lyle Gebard. This place is Elina’s exclusive stage.


Lyle Gebard’s voice did not reach anyone anymore.

It is kind of sad so I go to talk with him for a bit.

「Yo, Lyle Gebard, nice job on the speech」


Because finally someone talked to him, it made him smile for a moment. However, when he noticed it was me, his face went back to a frown face.

「As expected, a guy who does nothing seems to be energetic」

Anyways, I told him about my dissatisfaction.

「W…what!? I’m the 『Captain』 of this 『rescue troops』though? You know, the『Captain』is a position where you carefully stand in one place.」(96: help T_T 『隊長』というものは、じっくり構えているものだ)

「Wait? When did you become『Captain』?」

「Right from the start!」

Well, he’s that type of person.

「Well then, how about us?『The Hired Adventurers』?」

「That’s it!」

An instant answer huh. Please at least consider about it.

「Is that so~」

I intentionally complain about it.

「Do you have any problem with that!」

「No, but……『The Hired Adventurers』huh……」


「I want to get rewarded according to our work~」

「W…what did you say!?」

Lyle Gebard’s quickly turns pale.

「What are you saying! For this job, you didn’t say anything about that!」

「No, what I mean is. Somehow, Lyle Gebard, you are the 『captain』 right? ~ and I am supposed to be 『The Hired Adventurers』right?~ Then for starters, pay us『1 million gold』」


Lyle Gebard looks like he is going to faint.

Well, the fight against the devil is not finished yet though.

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