Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic

Chapter 316: 327

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Jikuu Mahou chapter 319: Gold, silver, princess, commander

In the Devil’s town me, Aya and Hilda came to the last POW camp that Bunmi-san protected with【Teleportation】.

Near the entrance of the last POW camp, a great number of devils were surging in with force.

Blocking the way of this large devil group are Mai-san and Bunmi-san.

Against the versatility of those two, the devils were blown away, and those who had luckily escaped from the two had been blown away by Cassandra´s 【Wind magic】. However, all three of them were breathing heavily and I could see their tiredness.

「Bunmi-san, Cassandra-san, Mai-san, I´m sorry for being late. Are you alright?」

We’ll join in and regroup.

「We’re alright…… But we don’t have much magic power remaining」

As expected Bunmi-san can still respond after a series of battles.

「I understand. Hilda, give a 『Candy』 to everyone!」


Hilda hurries and gives candies to everyone around.

「Thank you」 「Thank you」 「Thank you」

Thanks to Hilda´s candies, everyone’s MP began to recover, and they could continue to fight.

「Okay, then, I will help the POWs, so I ask everyone to hold out a bit longer!」


I left the battle at the entrance to everyone, while I teleported the last 100 people away and finally finished rescuing all the prisoners.

「I finished rescuing everyone!」

I rushed to everyone’s battle. After that, we only have to escape.

……But it’s hard to escape in the midst of this battle.

「Leave it to me」

Bunmi-san imbued magic power into his sword as a parting gift and swung it down firmly.

The sword swung down by Bunmi-san exploded with the wind and became a raging tornado that is attacking the devils. As Cassandra is using wind magic from behind, it’s probably a combined technique from them.

「Amazing! Let’s also do it!」


Aya and Hilda too, by combining their magic, created a 『Fire tornado』,

「Then, me too」

Mai-san pushes back the devils at a dash by using an extra large size of 『Exploding heat fist』.

「Good! Let’s get out of here now!」


During the moment when the devils are confused, we escaped the “Devil’s town” with 【Teleportation】.


After we escaped from the Devil’s town, we quickly headed to Lella’s and Rondo’s place who defended the stronghold.

「Lella, Rondo, how are you?」

「「Ah, Seiji」」

Rondo in his golden armour and Lella in her silver armour responded to me.

Their eyes are shimmering. I don’t like it.

「The devils aren’t attacking much. There doesn’t seem to be a problem at the moment」

Rondo responds so.

Rachel-san is making a huge “moat” with【Earth magic】, and the devils who try to go over the “moat” are beaten by Misha-san and Elena´s 【Water magic】 and knocked down the “moat.

Once in a while, arrows and magic fly towards here, but Lella´s silver shield prevents most of it.

Lella is confident that she can defend all of us alone.

I guess.

However, now that all the hostages were saved, all devils will come towards us.

「Because all members finished helping, let’s do the last touches here」

「Seiji, what do you mean last touches ?」

「For now, I’m going to block the exit and entrance. Rachel-san, I ask for your help」


I took Rachel-san´s hand and used 【Teleportation】.

「Rachel-san lets go~」


Rachel-san and I use 【Earth magic】, we create a『Landslide』 and blocked the cave which was the entrance of the 『Devil’s town』.

The devils that tried to go out of town and those that tried to escape to the city in a hurry crowded around the entrance resulting in many devils being caught up in the landslide and buried alive.

And the devils who were shut down showed some resistance, but they quickly gave up their efforts and feeling frustrated due to losing their escape routes, they all gradually surrendered.

The moment we came back to the people who we rescued, after tying up the devils who surrendered……760 people greeted us with applause.

「Thank you very much. I don’t know how to thank you……」

One of the rescued people said thank you……

「Everyone, listen!!」

Lella´s dad stood in a slightly elevated place and started talking loudly, using the 【Loudspeaker】 that had been lent to Rondo. Where was he, until now?

「My name is 『Knight Leader Lyle Gewalt』! Everyone, I have the responsibility to bring you back to the country. Be relieved!」

Hey, you’re not doing anything! What are you talking to everyone without permission? That’s dirty, truly dirty Lyle Gewalt.

「「Oh, knight leader-sama!!」」

Everyone began to fall down towards him.

I helped everyone with my 【Teleportation】…….

「Seiji-sama, are you okay?」

Elena was worried about me and rushed towards me.

「Thank you, Elena. I ran into the dark side for a moment but when I looked at Elena’s face, I got better. Thank you」

「??I’m not sure, but are you hurt?」

「Ah, I’m alright, there’s no problem. There may be people who have been hurt among the people we rescued, so would you look after them」


Ah, being healed by Elena~.

When I was thinking about such a thing, a dirty fellow……started speaking with the 【Loudspeaker】.

「Those who are injured come forward! Princess Elena here will directly apply 【Recovery magic】! 」

Lyle Gewalt, again by himself without permission!

「「Uwooo!! Princess Elena!!!!」」

Those who knew that the princess had come to help in person were more enthusiastic than when Lyle Gewalt appeared and they all bowed down to praise Elena.

Elena who seemed to be accustomed to it went to the place of those who were injured and used recovery magic multiple times; she was then worshipped with tremendous momentum.

Well, rather than being helped by a mere adventurer, everyone would have a greater sense of security if the princess appears directly and helps them raise the country.

No, no, I’m not very frustrated!

「E, Everyone….. if you have any troubles, please tell me……」

Lyle Gewalt says something.

But everyone is crazy about Elena, so no one had listened to his words.

They completely forgot about Lyle Gewalt and where entranced by Elena´s unrivalled sphere of activity.

「E, Everyone……」

Lyle Gewalt´s voice didn’t reach anyone…….

He looks pitiful, so let me talk to him for a moment.

「Hey, Lyle Gewalt, thank you for the speech」

「Se, Seiji……」

Finally being spoken to, Lyle Gewalt smiled for a moment, but as soon as he knew it was me, he returned to his frowning face.

「As expected, a guy who does nothing seems to be fine」

For the time being, I’ll say it sarcastically.

「Wh, What!? I am the 『Commander』 of this 『Rescue force』!! 『Commander』 is someone who plans」

「Hmm? Since when did you become the『Commander』?」

「Since the beginning!」

Well, this guy is like that.

「Well then, what am I? A 『Hired Adventurer』?」

「That’s right!」

Immediately answering! Please think for a while.

「I see, I see~」

I intentionally faked that I had paid attention to him.

「Is there something wrong with that!」

「No, but…… what’s an 『Hired Adventurer』?」


「I would like to receive a reward according to my work~」

「Wh, Whaatt!!?」

Lyle Gewalt’s complexion suddenly went bad.

「The matter of times is what you say! And it is not the right time now!」

「No, I thought so, but~somehow, Lyle Gewalt, you are the 『Commander』, and I’m supposed to be an 『Hired adventurer』 ~ For now, give me 『1 million aurum』」


Lyle Gewalt opens his eyes wide.

Well, the fight with the devils isn’t over yet.

Jikuu Mahou chapter 320: 11 vs 5000


A massive explosion sounded behind the scene where we were giving treatment and food to the people who were captured.

「Have they come!?」

When I heard the explosion and rushed to the ruins, the rocks blocking the entrance of the cave leading to the devil´s town were blown off by the explosion, and the devils came out from the inside.

Perhaps it seems that everyone who can fight came out from the devils and there are a total of 5000 devils.

And here……

Lyle Gewalt escaped first and hid behind the captured people.

Eleven people remained. Which means we have to deal with the army of 5000 devils by this number.

「Good. Everyone, it’s the last fight! Show your fighting spirit!!


We arrange the predetermined formations.

Four vanguards. From the right Mai-san, Bunmi-san, Lella and Rondo.

The rearguards are Rachel-san, Misha-san, Cassandra-san, Hilda and Elena.

Aya copes flexibly as a shortstop[1].

The two camps collided from the front.

The silver shield of Lella takes the first attack from the devils. At the same time, Bunmi-san and Mai-san crush through the defence formation of the devils in an instant.

Rondo seems to be fighting with the support of the rearguards.

What I am doing…….

While grasping the whole situation, if I find an enemy that seems to be stupid or a leader-like guy, I will use 【Invisibility】 and 【Teleportation】 to go around secretly and do an 『Assassination』.

『What are you doing! There are only 10 【Hornless】!!  Why, are you being pushed back!!! Quickly finish them……… gugee!』

『Uwaa!! Co, Commander!!』

With such a feeling, the devils were unable to do collective actions and kept being confused, as they were knocked and driven around.

And there is a little fireball that Hilda had released……which I saw flying towards the middle of the devils.

(Oops, dangerous dangerous, temporary retreat)

I use 【Teleportation】 and quickly leave the place.


Immediately after that, messy fireworks went up in the middle of the devils. Yes, Hilda’s maximum explosion magic 『Hildazun』!

In fact, it is possible to make it fly quicker, but Hilda cares about me and lets them fly slowly.

With that…… the devils fell into the depths of fear.

A flashy, slow-flying 『Hildazun』, let the devils who see the『Unsteadily flying fireball』, turn into panic and let them run away.

At the end of the passage, there was nothing, just a 『Stone』 flying and misunderstanding that caused a chain reaction that spread to the entire devil army who start to panic.

Hilda…… you´re a frightening child…….

At a time, when the central part of the devils was devastated, about 20 devils at the edge of the devils left the group and entered the forest. Perhaps, they’re going to make a detour, because they intend to attack from behind our backs.

When I thought about following them, Aya had already followed them into the forest.


A hideous scream was heard from the forest. The hideous cries rang out ten times in total and the ten surviving devils fled from the forest.

The devils who had run away did not hide their heads but ran away while hiding their hips.

I wonder what happened.

Let’s stop thinking about it.


At last, we reduced the devils in number to less than half, less than 2 thousand.

In contrast to them, Rondo got injured a little and was soon treated by Elena. Otherwise, we remained almost intact.

And it became the situation in which 10 people chased the nearly 2000 devils.

Yes, the devils are running away.

The devils try to escape to their city, while we were following them.

The devils who managed to escape to the city also managed to further reduce their numbers to about one thousand.

「Isn’t it overwhelming, our army」

「Ah, Onii-chan, you were there?」

「『You were there?』No! I was the one who assassinated the enemy´s commander」


Damn it, indeed its simple~

「Seiji-sama, what are we going to do after this?」

「Hmm, if they got hurt that much, they won’t resist anymore. Shall we close the entrance again?」


Once again Rachel-san and I made an landslide and thoroughly sealed the entrance.

「Huu、finally it ended. I’m exhausted ~」


After finishing the fight with the devils, we came back to the people we rescued…… and we were, once again, greeted with tremendous applause.

After finishing the work, all eleven of us are satisfied to be welcomed by a big audience.

It feels like it’s finally over.

「Everyone, well done」

Lyle Gewalt, who hadn’t done anything, came out again.

And Lyle Gewalt shakes hands with each one of us Rondo, Lella, Elena, Bunmi-san, the three of the magician corps, Hilda, Aya, Mai-san and finally when asking for a handshake with me, Lyle Gewalt had an cramped face.

Well, I also divided this into my work, and I shook hands.

「Now, let’s go home!」

Lyle Gewalt declared it so…….

By the way, sending this number of people to each city……will it be my job? I have a bad feeling about it…….

[1] – It’s a baseball or softball fielding position between the second and third base, which is considered to be among the most demanding defensive positions.

Jikuu Mahou chapter 321: Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about it…….

If we beat the devils black and blue, then they won’t plan against us any longer.

It certainly will be so…… but…… for some reason, I can’t wipe that bad feeling away.

I had no idea what to do, so I was preparing the withdrawal of the rescued people.


A strange sound is heard, the ground shook, and at the same time, a 『Deep bass』 rang.

「Seiji-sama, is it an 『Earthquake』?」

Elena is worried.

But this is not an earthquake. I’m Japanese, and I am accustomed to being shaken by earthquakes.

Immediately after that, there is a rattling sound and something collapsed!

「Seiji-sama! That is!」

Looking at where Elena is pointing…….

The mountain with the devil’s town collapsed and a large number of rocks, earth and sand flowed down, raising a dust cloud.

「What is that!」

Is it a new attack from the devils? No, no, they were not able to reach here even when the landslide was caused.

I checked the footage of the 【Tracking Beacon】 which I left behind in the devil´s town, but because of the sand dust, the situation cannot be confirmed.


Out of the dust, a heavy bass sounded like something crying. It sounds like a voice I often heard in monster movies……. But still, it was quite low.

「Se, Seiji-sama, ah, that voice……」

Elena is very scared.

OK, I will pat her head to calm her down.

And, for some reason not only Elena, but everyone who was in the scene was shaken violently, and even some of them are unable to stand properly.

What does this mean?

I tried 【Appraisal】 on the state abnormality called 『Fear』. Perhaps…… was the 『Deep bass』 from just before something like a 【Skill】?

Finally, the dust cloud settled down.

And…… from that dust cloud…….

A huge 『Dragon』 appeared.

「Se, Seiji-sama!!」

Elena, who saw it, was so scared that she clung to me. Impossible. The size of that dragon. I wonder if it’s about 15m?

In size, it’s bigger than the Goblin King. The sound of a little while ago might have been the cry of this dragon.

And does the cry have the ability to let people feel 『Fear』?

Right now, the distance with the dragon is far away.

But the next moment the dragon glared towards us and released its breath.

Ah, it’s dangerous.

The 【Attack expectation range】is displayed to involve all of us.

On the spur of the moment, I put up a huge dome-shaped【Barrier】to surround everyone.

「Kyaaa, Seiji-sama!!!」

Along with Elena´s scream, we were wrapped in flames.

It looked like a landscape looking upward from the bottom of a flowing river. Well, what is flowing right above us is not 『Water』 but 『Fire』.

If I was a few seconds too late to put up the barrier, then everyone would be engulfed by the flames…….

That dragon, I won’t forgive it!

When the flames cease half of us have fainted, while the remaining ones can’t stand anymore because of blank surprise.

Elena, Aya, Hilda and Mai-san are barely able to move. Nonetheless, everyone is scared.

「Ni, Nii-hyan……」

Aya also got scared and clung to me. She is too frightened so she won’t be able to fight.

Well…… I wonder if I will be the only one fighting this dragon.

「Aya, Elena, listen, ask Hilda and Mai-san together to evacuate everyone」

「Ni, Nii-chan, wh, wh, wh, what will you do?」

「Of course I’m going to defeat that dragon」

「Impossible! Nii-chan will die!」

It might be because of the abnormal state of 『Fear』 that Aya is freaking out.

「I won’t die. Leave this to me, Aya. You will go ahead」

「Not good, don’t go Nii-chan」

That? I tried to calm her down, but Aya was still afraid. Why did I think that she would say that?


「Elena, please take care of Aya」


While receiving the heartbreaking cry of Aya from behind, I´m the only one who is confronting the dragon.

I started running towards the dragon.


I tried 【Appraisal】 once again on the dragon and after all that cry was a 【Skill】.

【Dragon´s roar】Inflicts 『Fear』 on those who are lower level than itself.

Aya and Elena were affected by this.

In other words, I haven’t been affected by 『Fear』 because I’m stronger than this fellow.

However, from where did this dragon spring out?

It’s out of the question that this fellow was kept by the devils…….

When this fight ends, shall I rewind the image of the 【Tracking beacon】 that I placed in the devil´s town?

Right now, I’m standing alone in front of an 15 m tall dragon.

「Hey Lizard, do you realise that it’s a crime that you scared Aya and Elena」

Jikuu Mahou chapter 322: Earth and lightning

「Hey Lizard, do you realise that it’s a crime that you scared Aya and Elena」

I stood in front of the dragon’s eyes and provoked it…… I intended to do so…….

But the dragon just ignored me and headed on all fours towards everyone.

「Hey! Lizard!! Look, this way!!!」

But the dragon doesn’t notice me at all.

Because it’s figure is big, and the eardrum is too big accordingly, is it not able to hear the tone of my voice that I emit?

And that fellow slowly starts to inhale again…….

Dangerous, it will vomit its fire breathe again. Barrier!

No, if I put a barrier at such a close range, the attack of the dragon might break it.


I came up with something, and in front of the dragon that is about to vomit its fire breath right now, I used 【Teleportation】.

「Eat this!」

I aimed at the mouth of the dragon who is about to release its fire breath and used【Water magic】to create『Water cannon』.

『Gefuun! Gefuun!』

The dragon is coughing.


An explosion happened in the back of its mouth, and white smoke rises from its mouth.

It seems that something reacted with the water in the back, making a steam explosion.

「How about that, Lizard! With this, you cant breath fire anymore!」

When I was triumphant, the dragon stared at me while releasing the smoke from its mouth.

Finally, did it recognise me?

And the dragon attacks! It started a bite attack by quickly moving its neck. I dodged its attack by jumping on its nose.

Then, I quickly took out the 【Black-belt sword】 and slashed the nose of the dragon.


The dragon screamed with a heavy bass, shook its head and shook me off.

I was thrown down and hit a tree, but I used the recoil of that tree and jumped to the nose of the dragon again.


「Ah, dangerous」

The dragon responds quickly to my jump and aims at me with a bite attack in the air.

Because I am in the air, I cannot move well. The large empty mouth of that dragon attacks me.


With 【Teleportation】I move to a position slightly away and escaped from the dragon fangs.

Umm…… it truly is a strong dragon.

Here, is it unwillingly to lose without a fight?

「【Summon lightning spirit】!【Summon earth spirit】!」

I summon the two offensive spirits I made a contract with.

「Shaaah! I’ve come!」

「Oh, just when I thought why am I summoned after such a long time, it’s a dragon!」

They are noisy…….

「I’m sorry, but I ask the both of you for a flashy attack」

「Yosshaa, I´m going」

First of all, it seems that Ore-Girl[1], the earth spirit, attacks first.

「Come! Rock!!」

A huge rock appeared in the sky when the earth spirit shouted so.

「Eh!? Isn’t that too big?」

The rock attacks the dragon with a falling speed as if it was a 『Meteorite』.


Along with an intense sound, the 『Gigantic rock』 hit the side of the dragon and so the dragon bent like in the character 『く』.

Somehow, the bones will be broken…….

「Next, I will do it~」

Mercilessly, this time the lightning spirit attacks.

「Come. Lightning~!」

Eight bolts of lightning rush from the sky to respond to the lighting spirit’s words.

The eight bolts of lightning surrounded the dragon like a cage, and the cage gradually narrowed the gap, before descending as one large pillar just above the dragon.


The dragon attacked by the lightning was cramping.

When the lightning strike stopped, the brown-burnt dragon laid down twitching with convulsions. The well-burnt dragon somehow looks delicious…….

「Hey, dragon, do you surrender?」

I tried speaking to the dying dragon.

But the dragon still tries to bite me.

Hmm, isn’t it understanding my words……?

I tried using 【Language Acquisition】 as a trial, but it seems that I couldn’t master 『Dragon language』.

I was expecting to become friend with this dragon, who later will be a little girl who ends her words with 『~Shaa』…….

Apparently, that’s not going to happen.

I find a scale which has a different colour than the black scales of the dragon and stab the black-belt sword there.

The dragon fell sideways with a loud sound and ceased to move when penetrated in the reverse scale[2], it’s the weak point.


When I finished the job and breathed out, the 『Lightning spirit』 and 『Earth spirit』 were so happy that they high-fived themselves.

But was it this time a little too flashy? Well, to a certain extent.

Perhaps this dragon was the 『Trump Card』 of the devils. Anyway, they used it until they destroyed their own city.

If I beat that 『Trump Card』 in front of their eyes…… then they will have their will broken.

Furthermore, they won’t kidnap or enslave people anymore. Well, it doesn’t matter to me.

I put the defeated dragon in the inventory, brought the two spirits who enjoyed chatting along and returned to everyone. 

Hey! You two spirits! How long do you plan to follow me?

[1] – An “Ore-Girl” is a female who uses the male pronoun “Ore” or in kanji “俺” to refer to herself.

[2] – A Dragon’s reverse scale is thought to be a dragon’s weak spot, it’s a scale which is formed in the opposite direction of all other scales in its body and is extremely sensitive. Usually, dragons (in stories) either die when pierced or go bat sh#t crazy when touched. It’s a common concept in Chinese fantasy novels or .

Jikuu Mahou chapter 323: Hero Banzai

I, who defeated the dragon, brought the two spirits and returned to everyone.

「「Hero Banzaii!!」」


What’s the matter?


Elena runs up and kisses me on my right cheek. Ee! What? What does this mean?

「Princess Elena kissed the hero!」


Somehow, everyone is excited and magnificent.

Is this the aftereffect of the 【Fear】 state from the 【Dragon’s roar】? Maybe because of the 【Fear】, everyone saw the dragon as a powerful existence.

「Nii-chan, did you get hurt?」

Aya worried about me….., is this fake?

「Nii-chan, what kind of strange face are you making?」

「It’s natural! Receiving such a magnificent greeting, what is the meaning of it?」

Aya pointed to Lyle Gewalt and said something strange.

「That uncle advertised Nii-chan as 『Hero』」


This commotion! I’ll punish him later……

「By the way Nii-chan, what is 『That』 floating around you?」

「Ah, those are the lightning and earth spirits」

「Nice~I also want one!」

You’re like a child who wants a toy!

「Even you can make a contract with a spirit since your 【Wind magic】 is level 5」


I will make a contract with a spirit with the trial sword, so will everyone try to challenge at that time?

「That’s right, Oracle-chan will help you after this, so let’s call her」

I summon Oracle-chan.

「Ah! The hero!! He summoned a spirit!!!」


What? What, this commotion!?

Well, can Oracle-chan be seen by ordinary people??

Usually, Oracle-chan appears in high spirits, but today, somehow, she appeared in 『Solemn』, acting like that in front of everyone.

Feigning friendliness.

I can’t get it at all, though…….


As time went on, to a certain extent the ravel came down, and I decided to send those who we rescued to each town.

「Seiji-sama, isn’t it hard for you to send this number of people back alone?」

Elena is worried about me.

「Its alright~uhu, leave it to me! Actually, there is a secret」


My secret strategy is to make magic stones of [Teleportation], for each town to help everyone.

In the first few times, I will use [Teleportation] to each city, together with Oracle-chan and then make a [Magic stone of teleportation] to that city. And, on the way home, I will also make a return magic stone, afterwards, have people with a lot of MP have two magic stones for back and forth to help with piston transport.

I was going to do so…….

However, this [Magic stone of Teleportation], consumes 1000 MP every time.

Apart from us, there are the 3 girls of the magician corps, Leila and Bunmi-san who have more than 1000 MP.

After all, we were able to deliver everyone to each town with the help of Hilda´s candy.



When the piston transportation is completed, looking around, everyone has a tired face because of low MP.

The only ones who are fine are Rondo and Lyle Gewalt who didn’t have enough MP and could not participate in the piston transportation.

Rondo issued words of appreciation to the 3 of the magician corps.

Lyle Gewalt made a sad face with some grin before he approached me.

「By the way, Seiji」

「Wh, What is?」

Why is he always calling me without any honorifics? Something like that is disgusting.


「That magic stone looks convenient, is not it, can you hand it over?」

「I am sorry to say, but I “can’t give it to you”, there are plenty of things to do」

「What I mean is, it’s not for “me”, it’s for my individuals. This is for the Kingdom of Doriados, for the Kingdom of Doriados, shouldn’t you hand one over?」

What do you mean with 『Shouldn’t you hand this over?』!

But I am not an oni. If it is “for the Kingdom of Doriados” this is enough.

「Rondo, Leila and Bunmi-san, please gather together for a moment」

「What?」「Something like that?」「What?」

All three gather together.

「This is a [Magic stone of teleportation], I don’t need it anymore, so please divide it between you three」

「Eh! Is that fine!?」

「Se, Seiji!」

「I’m grateful」

Because there are two or three pieces of magic stone in each city, it will be enough to divide it among these three.

「B, By the way, what about me?」

Lyle Gewalt asked with a cranky face.

「Haa? In the first place, you can’t use it! I think it would be better for the Doriados Kingdom to have a usable guy」

「Th, That……」

Lyle Gewalt had a face like melting all the money with FX.

[EN: What’s FX?]


「Well then, we are leaving. Please come and visit again next time」

Rondo took Misha-san and Rachel-san and came to greet us.

I shook hands with Rondo firmly.

「Ah, if you come to play……, by all means, bring Aya-san with you……」

「Now, Rondo-sama, let’s go back!」

Rondo was pulled by Misha-san and then returned to Nippo city using the 【Magic stone of teleportation】.

「So, are we going to go home?」

Both Bunmi-san and Cassandra-san shook hands with me and went home.

You are reading story Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic at novel35.com

「Well, I’m going home, too. Hurry up」

Lyle Gewalt says something.

「Hmm? If you want to go home, why don’t you go back?」

「Are you telling me to walk home on foot!」

Are you telling me to send you back with 【Teleportation】?

「Moderate exercise is good for your health.」


When I was staring at Lyle Gewalt,

「Father, I will send you home」

Leila stepped in and said that.

「Oh, my sweet daughter. Unlike her, you’re a devil」

Lyle Gewalt is staring at me.

Well, if you say so much, you have to answer my expectations.

「Hey, Lyle Gewalt! The price of this mercenary is one million aurum. You better pay me」

「I, I know」

「If you are going to step down…… I will take away your boastful daughter Leila and make her my 『Slave』」

「Wh, Wh, What!」

「I, I, Seiji-sama´s slave!!?」

Lyle Gewalt has a crimson face out of anger. For some reason, Leila´s face is red.

Because it is a joke, both of them don’t have to get so angry…….

Jikuu Mahou chapter 324: The altar of darkness

Everyone returned. It is only us who remained.

「Nii-chan, let us also return」

「Hey, Aya, have you forgotten something?」

「What? Is there still something?」

She is useless, she has completely forgotten.

「We’ve come to this place, in order to get rid of Yurie-san’s black things!」

「Ah, you´re right. I forgot. Tehepero[1]」

Well, it is no wonder because there were various things.

「So, Oracle-chan, what should we look for in the devil´s town?」

I talk to Oracle-chan who was playing with the other spirits.

「Emm, there must be an 『Altar of darkness』 in this devil´s town, so let’s look for it」

「『Altar of darkness』. I understand」

Because it is dangerous to rush into the devil´s town as it is, for the time being, I decided to check the state of the town with the image of the 【Tracking Beacon】.

「There is no one in the devil´s town」

As Aya said, the devil race is gone. Perhaps, when the dragon appeared, everyone ran away.

「Ah, Seiji-sama, here! There are footprints of the dragon!」

Elena found the dragon’s footprints.

When seeing the footprints of the dragon continued from inside the town, it seems that the dragon appeared in the town again after all. Let’s follow the footsteps of the dragon for a moment.

As we followed the footprints, we reached a place like an altar made of black stones.

「Ah, this is the 『Altar of darkness』!!」

Oracle-chan says to herself.

Seriously! We found the altar of darkness when we thought we were following the footprints.

However, that’s strange. The footprints of the dragon began suddenly from the altar.

I’ll check it out for a moment.

I used the 【Tracking Beacon】 again and rewound the image near the most altar to the time of the dragon appearance to confirm it.

「AH! It’s 『Valnir』!」

Elena shouted.

「Who is 『Valnir』? 」

「Did you forget? It is the person who summoned Seiji-sama」

Ah, that one! It is true, the appearance is a demon, and the face is certainly a guy. Indeed, has he become a human by using a 【Magic stone of Humanization】 to curry favour by the king?

And Valnir had summoned the dragon with summoning magic.

「Did he summon the dragon! It was a pretty remarkable fellow」

「Seiji, that’s different」

Oracle-chan refutes.

「What do you mean?」

「This man used the magic power of the 『Altar of darkness』 to make a great magic succeed」

「The magic power of the 『Altar of darkness』?」

「Yes, the devils tore off the magical power of the dark spirit using this altar」

「『Stealing』 the magic power of a spirit!?」

Yes, he should be able to call the dragon.

「In order to return Yurie-san to normal, can I destroy that dark altar?」

「No, that’s no good」

「Well then, what should we do?」

「It is necessary to take Yurie-san to that altar」


For the time being, we decided to go inside the town with everyone, because the devils have already left.

「Nii-chan, it’s almost broken」

The dragon’s rampage considerably destroyed the altar and there was not a single devil lying around.

「Is this the 『Altar of darkness』……? Somehow, a violent aura is lingering」

We reached the altar of darkness.

「Now Seiji, bring Yurie-san」

「Ye, Yes. Then Mai-san, please come with me」


I took Mai-san and went to pick up Yurie-san.



「Yurie-kun, are you here?」


Yurie-san came out soon.

「Mai-san came and Aya’s older brother also arrived. Now, please come in」

Miasma has come out completely, it became beautiful Yurie-san.

「Yurie-kun, I didn’t come to play. I want you to come with me to a certain place」

「Ah? And where is the place?」

「Well, the explanation is……elder brother please explain」

Don’t do that to me!

「For now, please take my hand」

「Ah, yes」

Because it is troublesome, I took Yurie-san´s hand and used 【Teleportation】.


「Hunya!? Wh, What? Where is this place??」

Yurie-san is suddenly brought to the devil’s town and is confused.

「Good, you brought it properly, then put that child on the altar」

「E!? Spirit-san??  After all, I am dreaming」

It seems that Yurie-san, who saw the appearance of Oracle-chan, thought it was a dream.

Mai-san and I bring Yurie-san onto the altar.

「Ah, this is the place I’ve seen in my dreams before!」

Yurie-san, remember this place? Maybe she was brought here when she went missing before?

「Let’s do it Yurie, everyone leave」

Following the instructions of Oracle-chan, everyone got off the altar.

「What’s going to happen?」

Yurie-san, who was left alone, is anxious.

And then! A black mist sprang up from an object that looked like a horn that was enshrined on all four sides of the altar and drifts toward Yurie-san.

「Wh, What’s this…」

Yurie-san is confused.

The black fog entangles around Yurie’s foot. And it gains momentum and gathers around Yurie-san.

「No, no! Something comes into me」

Yurie-san was a little internalised, desperately tolerating something…….

「No, Nooo!」

She twitches her body in convulsions and falls on her knees. And, from the gap of the skirt, something like liquid was flowing down her thighs and fell to the floor.

It falls to the floor and it gradually gathers and becomes a black lump.

What is that!?

It slowly becomes a person’s form. However, it collapsed to the floor like Yurie-san.

「Are you ok?」

Anxiously, Oracle-chan talks to the black thing black that has the shape of a person. Perhaps, it is the 『Dark spirit』.

「Ma, Magic power…… it is really insufficient……」

Somehow I managed to rescue the dark spirit, but I think I’m whacked.

Everyone goes to Yurie-san. Elena takes care of her with recovery magic. That’s okay.

「Oracle-chan, is that girl the dark spirit?」

Well, I don’t know if that girl really is a spirit or not.

「Yes, but she seems to be in danger because her magical power is not enough」

「The person over there is good. Please give me magic power…」

The dark spirit sidles up to me.

「Eh? Me?」

Well, I have a lot of MP, so its okay…….

The dark spirit started licking my finger in her mouth. It is a weird sucking…….

「It is slightly thin, but it feels nice」

The dark spirit enthusiastically licks my fingers.

「More, please give denser magic」

The dark spirit began to speak strange lines. Somehow~.

Hey! Lick the tip normally and don’t move your mouth back and forth while holding it in your mouth.

「Ah, a lot of dense things are coming out~」

Why are you saying that……?

I’m embarrassed by the actions of the dark spirit.

『【Darkness Magic】 has reached level 5』

An announcement of magic level up abruptly appears!

What? Why did my 【Darkness magic】 level rise??

[1] – Laughing embarrassedly while sticking out one’s tongue.

Jikuu Mahou chapter 325: Spirit Contract Festival 1

The next Sunday after I helped Yurie-san and the dark spirit.

I, Aya, Elena and Hilda came to the other world again.

「Nii-chan, what are we going to do today?」

「Today we will hold a spirit contract festival」


Clapping! Aya is applauding.

「Are you going to make a contract with a spirit? Seiji-sama, this is amazing!」

「It is different, Elena. Everyone contracts them」

「E, Everyone!? M, Me too?」

Elena is out of air. Sorry…….

「Well then I will show you a model first, so please look everyone!」


Well, who should I make a contract with~?

「Good! I’ve decided on you! [Summon dark spirit]!!」

When I cried out, the dark spirit appeared.

「Ah, Seiji-san, you called me immediately. I’m happy!」

The dark spirit is blushing. This fellow, I don’t know her well…….

「Nii-chan, cool shout……, did you fail?」

Aya is strange.

「Hmm? I haven’t failed, why?」

「Seiji-san, my figure is visible only to those who have mastered dark magic, so all the people here are not able to see me」

Dark spirit explained it. Well, apparently it was like that.

I explained to everyone that the dark spirit was correctly summoned, but only Aya looked at me with suspicion.

Okay, I acquired the super cool 【Dark magic】, let me see a teary face!

「Well, dark spirit, I want to make a contract, what should I do? Do we fight against each other?」

I said that and was preparing for battle…….

「That’s absurd. I will be happy to have a contract with Seiji-san. Forever, thank you」

What? Won’t we fight?

The dark spirit does seiza and connects three fingers. What’s this? Have I set a flag or something?

「My, My best regards」

When I said that, the dark spirit jumped into my chest with a broad grin. When I tried to catch her, she entered my body as it was.

『【Dark magic】 has reached level 6 』

Alright, contract success. But I got tired mentally…….


However, there are still many spirits to contract.

「Then, who do we summon next…….  All right! I decided on you! [Summon Wind Spirit]!」

When I shouted so, the wind spirit appeared like a high-class lady wrapped in cold air.

「Hey, you there! Why are you calling me? You´re cheeky!」

The next spirit seems to have a bad personality.

When thinking about such a thing, the wind spirit attacked without saying anything.

「Ah, dangerous!」

Although it can be avoided thanks to 【Attack expectation range】, perhaps, she is a funny guy. If she wins, I will be cut!

Okay, if she feels like that, I will seriously give you this too!

I moved to the back of the wind spirit with 【Teleportation】 and invoked new magic.

「【Magic Robbery】! 」


This magic is the magic that I learned when the 【Dark magic】 became level 5. I need to touch directly, but it is excellent to be able to rob my opponent’s MP.

「Stop!! My magic powerーーーー!!!」

I understood through the dark spirit that spirits are vulnerable to having their magic power stolen. So, this 【Magic robbery】 comes into hand now.

「I’ve lost. I surrender. I will make a contract」

The wind spirit became quiet and made a contract with me.

『【Wind magic】 has reached level 6』

No, I got a contract with the wind spirit!

「What to do with this spirit!」

The wind spirit would probably complain…….

「I’m sorry for your fatigue, but will you fight with my sister?」


The wind spirit fought with Aya pushing the depletion of magical power.

Aya crawled behind the spirit, and because the vital point cannot be attacked, she only touched the back…….

Somehow, the wind spirit became frightened from being touched on the back and surrendered quickly.

「Stopp! I also will make a contract!!」

Aya also made a contract and was overjoyed that her wind magic reached level six.


The next spirit to challenge is 『Water』.

First of all, I summoned her…….

What appeared was a reticent naked girl.

Well, even if I say naked, her body is made of water and it’s transparent.

And I was suddenly trapped in a fishbowl filled with water.


Apparently, I seem to be able to withstand this flood. I feel bad…… I can’t breathe…….

I use 【Electroysis】 on the water and so [Oxygen] was created, I take out the [Carbon dioxide] in the lungs and exchanged it for [Oxygen] and kept breathing somehow.

Incidentally, the surplus [Carbon dioxide] and [Hydrogen] have been changed to “carbonated water” and “hydrogen water” reputed to be good for the body.

I endured that condition for about 10 minutes before I finally got out and was decided that I could make a contract with the water spirit.

『【Water magic】has reached level 6』

Huu, this is pretty 『Tough』.

When thinking that……, Elena made a contract without fighting. Unfair! Placing women above men is not right!!

By the way, the new magic I got from 【Summoning spirits】 is 『Darkness』 something like 【Clothes of darkness】. It’s magic to make a cloth that can completely invalidate all magic except 【Light magic】 for a certain amount of time.

『Wind』 is dangerous magic that creates huge hurricanes.  Because it is dangerous, it’s better if I don’t use it.

『Water』 is that 【Fishbowl】 that I was trapped in earlier. It is a magic that lets me trap enemies in an unescapable aquarium as long as I have magic power. If it is something other than aquatic organisms, it will surely drown, but in the case of big enemies, the MP consumption will also increase accordingly.

Now, only ice and fire remain? It is considerably risky…….

Jikuu Mahou chapter 326: Spirit Contract Festival 2

The dark, wind and water spirit have been successfully contracted, and we were going to make contracts with the ice and fire spirits.

「【Summon ice spirit】! 」

The summoned ice spirit was a cool woman with a bewitching atmosphere.

Because she is a spirit, the size of her body is small.

「Are you the one who called me?」

「That’s right, I summoned you」

Somehow, such an adult ‘s atmosphere of a woman is not good at all~.

「Are you aiming for making a contract with me?」

「Ah, yes……」

「All right, then…… try to make me yield」

As soon as the ice spirit finished saying that! I was immersed in ice.

「It’s cold…… I can’t move……」

I can still breathe because there is a gap between my body and the ice, but…… I´m confined in about 3-meter thick ice so I can’t move.  And, It’s cold!

First of all, I was thinking about how to escape while recovering my physical strength which is consumed in the cold with 【Body strengthening magic】 and cure my skin that starts becoming frostbitten with 【Recovery magic】. Just like the fight against the earth spirit, it seems that I can’t escape with 【Teleportation】 and I need to escape by melting the ice.

For the time being, let’s try various things.

First of all, I try melting the ice using the special 【Electrothermal line magic】, because the distance between the ice and me was too short and I got almost burned.【Fire magic】 is not good.

「How is it? If you surrender, I’ll let you out」

I won’t surrender~.

How about a laser beam? Is it possible to pass light through the ice? Well, let’s try it for the time being.

Light is converged, directional is given, and it is irradiated on the ice.

I thought about putting out a beam from my eyes, but I was worried that there would be an adverse effect on my eyes, so I decided to shoot it out of my finger safely.

It is useless. After all, the beam penetrates the ice.

「Foolish…… is my ice melting in the light?」

Ice spirit is looking with cold eyes. Do you see it, see it! I made her speechless!

Do I change the wavelength of light? I will bring the light closer to the infrared wavelength that seems to be warmer.

When the wavelength reaches a particular area! The laser ceased to pass through the ice and the ice started to melt at last.

「What is that light! Why does my ice melt by that light!?」

The ice spirit was scared as she looked at my extravagant laser. I did it!

I took advantage of the laser and gradually melted the ice from my fingertips. Firstly, puncture a thick ice cube, pull out the water that had melted, and take in the fresh air. With this, I will not get drowned in water nor will I get oxygen shortage.

I gradually melt the ice and make the hole bigger. And finally, I could get out of the ice.

「Yes! I got out!」

「Gumeme. My ice…… with that light…… melt……. Annoying, it is my complete defeat. As promised, I will do whatever I can……」

She seems like a pervert trying to do something forcibly. It’s just a spirit contract, isn’t it?

I made a contract with the ice spirit that I am about to regret.

「We made a contract, but don’t think that you got my heart!」

I don’t think so! She is a troublesome guy…….

Next, Elena also made a contract with the ice spirit. Again she made a contract without fighting. Female preferential treatment… I think that the consumption of magic is intense, combat before a contract is only possible once a day. Hey, can someone else fight before me?


Next is the last spirit.

「【Summon fire spirit】! 」

Completely different, a hot-blooded girl came out.

「You’re the one who called me!!!」

「Ah, yes」

「Your voice is too low!!!!」

「Ye, Yes!」


This seems to be troublesome again…….

「You want to fight me, don’t you? Right? Good!! Let’s fight now! Now, immediately!!!」

The fire spirit suddenly began to attack me!

……! Even though she is the fire spirit, why does she hit me with her fist?

When I quickly avoided the attack, the fire spirit suddenly became angry.

「Why do you avoid it!!!」


What the hell is this fellow saying? Because it is a battle, I will avoid the attack.

「More from the front let’s bump into each other!!!」

The Melancholy pottery is annoying…….

Because there was no other way, I charged straight from the front and landed a regular punch.


The fire spirit is blown away easily and fell in the distance. Not good… not good…, did I overdo it?

「You, not bad!!」

The fire spirit rushed up and wiped away the blood from her mouth with her hand. Ah, she looks to be okay.

「Can I ask you one thing?」


「Hey, you’re the fire spirit, why don’t you use fire magic?」


Did you forget about it!

「Then, restart, confrontation of fire, start!!!」

As soon as the fire spirit said so, she started attacking with fire this time.

Because I can’t get away, I countered with water magic.

「Water is not goodーーー!!!」


The fire spirit which was sprinkled by water collapsed on the spot and stopped moving.

「A, Are you okay? 」

Because she is the fire spirit, I thought that she was weak against water, but this…….


What? The state of the fire spirit……as the fire disappeared, she suddenly became gentle.

「Are you okay?」

「It is awful to dash suddenly. I got wet……」

Hey! Phrasing!

「It can’t be helped as it already happened. I will make a contract……」

Does the fire spirit become bashful when water is applied?

Finally, I made a contract with the fire spirit who looked at me with sad eyes.

「Nii-chan….. it’s truly a devil’s work[1]!」

Aya, from where do you remember those words? I mean, did you ever see our exchange of words?

「Seiji-sama, this is terrible! Savage act? Is!」

Elena……have you though that 『Devil´s job』 is a compliment? It is not necessary to imitate Aya!

「Now, at last, it’s Hilda’s turn. Go for it」


Hilda spiritly used 【Summon fire spirit】…….

The fire spirit who is still disappointed was consoled by Hilda.

With that, the two became good friends and, without a fight, they made a contract.

Okay, I’m the only one fighting!


「Well, let’s go back to Japan and see how Yurie-san is doing」


We finished the 『Spirit contract festival』 safely and returned to Japan.

[1] – Something, usually a job, really bad or unbearably painful to endure. Much like translating and editing this novel (ಥ_ಥ). [only joking ;P]

Jikuu Mahou chapter 327: Yurie-san’s magic

We finished the spirit contract festival and decided to see Yurie-san´s condition. Mai-san also came to Yurie-san’s house.

「Yurie-san, how are you?」

「Emm, somehow, I feel like power springing up」

「That’s good」

Yurie-san had stolen the MP from the dark spirit. Because we removed it, it seems that MP is gradually returning.

「But……, what I saw yesterday……was it a dream again?」

It seems that the event at the dark altar is a dream again. To describe it is troublesome, so let’s keep silent.

「Wait a minute」

Mai-san put a stop to the 『Trial』.

「What’s wrong?」

「Yurie-kun…… the flow of your Qi is strange」

Because Yurie-san is here, 『Magic』 is paraphrased as 『Qi』.

「Captain understands the flow of『Qi』~」

Yurie-san follows up. She was talking about that story before.

「So, how is it strange?」

「Yes, compared to before, the amount of 『Qi』 springing up from under the navel is increasing……but that 『Qi』 is stuck without flowing」

Before the thighs were sucked up, I didn’t have to take care of it, but it is gone, is it like constipation?

「How can I recover?」

「I might have to tell you how to use it」

How to use your Qi……that means teaching magic!? Is it okay?


I came up with a good idea.

「Yurie-san, may I touch your body for a moment?」


「Nii-chan, ecchi!!」

「No, I’m trying to get rid of the accumulated feeling」

「Get rid of it? Nii-chan, you can do that?」

「Well, I’ll try」

「Then, thanks for having me」

Like that, Yurie-san scooped up her clothes and showed her stomach.

「Wait Yurie-san, you can keep your clothes on!」

「Nii-chan, ecchi!!」

Right now, I am not wrong, right? Right?

「Well then, let’s do it」

Actually, I could use her shoulder, but as I was worried, I applied my hand to her stomach and tried using [Magic robbery].

「A, A, a……」

Yurie-san makes a strange voice.

「Yurie-san, are you all right? Shall I stop?」

「N, No…… something, is coming out…… in a strange manner…… aah」

Yurie-san´s body was twitching because of convulsions.

「Nii-chan is ecchi!!」

I’m not bad, right? I wonder why Aya hit me?

「Yurie-san, are you okay?」

I talk to Yurie-san who is exhausted.

「Yes…… I’m fine. Somehow my body is out of strength……」

Yurie-san fell asleep, so I carried her to the bed in a princess carry.

「Has Yurie-kun fell asleep? I’m going to stay here today」

Mai-san and Yurie-san are best friends~.

「Let’s talk about whether or not to teach Yurie-san about magic」

The 『Yurie-san magic approval meeting』 is held.

「I think we should teach her」

「I also think that we should teach her~」

Mai-san and Aya each vote for 『Teach』.

「I feel sorry for Yurie-san as she is the only one being left out among us. Maybe we should teach her」

Hilda also votes for 『Teach』.

「Some people who were forced to learn magic with magic stones would die because of a rare disease. I hope Yurie-san isn’t like that……」

I do not want to hear this information from Elena.

Perhaps the devils used magic stones or something to make Yurie-san learn magic forcibly. If so, can it be related to life?

Teaching magic to Yurie-san is difficult…….

「Mai-san, can I ask you to teach Yurie-san magic?」

「Me? Ah, it’s fine」

As Mai-san has the ability to sense magical power and she is a close friend of Yurie-san. She was the best candidate.

「I will go abroad for a business trip tomorrow, but if there is anything sudden, let me know by e-mail or something else, and I’ll come flying immediately with [Teleportation]」


I left the rest to Mai-san and decided to go home.


「Nii-chan, I´m hungry! Make dinner quickly~」

Come back, that’s my line!

「I’m sorry, I still have business, so let’s prepare dinner together」

「Nii-chan, are you still going somewhere? A woman?」

「No! I’m going to Masamune-san´s place」

「EH? With Masamune-san!?」

What do you mean 『With』!

「I’m going to entrust my sword to him」

「I wonder if it’s surely so……」

What do you mean with 『Surely』!!

I do not understand Aya’s reasoning and flew towards Masamune-san´s place.


「Masamune-san, I’ve cleared the trial~」


Masamune-san quickly went away from the various things he was working on.

「L, Let me see」

The always calm Masamune-san is losing his cool.

When I took out the black-belt sword, Masamune snatched it directly.

「That’s amazing! You truly completed that trial……」

Masamune-san is excited to see the sword here and there.

「How is it? When will you finish the reforging?」

「Wait ten days. I’ll finish it in ten days.」

Masamune, who always finishes in about 3 days, will take ten days……this time it will be quite an awesome work.

「I understand. But do not push yourself too hard」

「Don’t say something stupid! Such a terrifying work is rarely done! This way I can start at once!!」

Masamune-san took the sword and dashed into the depths.

I wonder if he’ll be all right…….

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