Gojo Becoming A Perfect Jinchuuriki

Chapter 2: Gojo Becoming A Perfect Jinchuuriki – 1

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(Kaguya Otsutsuki POV)

─Minutes later after getting completely sealed by two annoying brats that were powered up by her own son Hagoromo in her own dimension

My eyes were still closed and feeling of the ever-cold darkness embracing me again.

Emotions can be felt all over her Guilt, Sadness, Despair, Madness, Insanity, Betrayal and Anger

'Those Fucking Brats I swear.' she thought



My mind was clear and free from emotions after hearing a sound. Surprisingly, I can open my eyes and couldn't help but state the obvious that I'm now in a different…. dimension?... World? I do not know how to describe this phenomenon. Looking around and noticing I'm free to walk on the new world.

Squinting my eyes and immediately opening my Byakugan and upon looking at myself I was shocked.

'I still have the ten tails? My chakra reserves more than doubled. My dimensions are accessible but for some reason they are in here. I'm no longer sealed in that disgusting thing.'

Feeling emotional again.

'I'm finally free from the chains that have covered me in earth and debris. Free from the shitty sage of six path seals. I couldn't be more hap─' she thought

Then I heard something *click* again. This time I was seeing someone else in my head as it was forcibly projected into my mind. I could tell I'm seeing through from someone else point of view from their eyes and what seems to be talking to an old man? Spirit? Ghost?

From what I could tell. He seems relatively harmless, humble and patient. But I know otherwise that these two are not the definition of normal.

'Doesn't look like Hagoromo and Hamura for sure. I raised some shitty sons.'

As they were conversing, I was observing the old man had done something to the man I am watching through.

'What is he? Is he also made out of chakra? huh?' Thinking to myself

Immediately I noticed a change. I felt an indescribable deadly pressure just from looking at the old man that I didn't feel earlier.

It was sudden but I could sense my existence was in danger and being forcibly tied to someone, before I could react it was already too late.

All of a sudden, my view suddenly quickly darkens, and I feel my power fading and then I blacken out as I morph into ten tails.


A 25-year-old naked man was standing in the vast of white space. There is nothing but an empty endless landscape that could be seen except the color white. Could probably convince anyone nothing exists here. In front of him was an old man who was floating. Both of them seem to stare down at each other with some heavy thoughts.

'Alright. First rule of getting your wish granted. Getting the power of omniverse or omnipotent in this case. Maybe beyond omnipotent?'

"Old man make me beyond omnipotent" he said

'Let's get this bread quick and get out of here onto my journey to make a harem' He mused at the thought going to the after the next world

[?] R.O.B confused as hell

[No, you just got here and the first thing you want is to immediately get your wish granted. Aren't you supposed to be surprised at all that you are dead? Though I would admit you surprised me that you wish for something after immediately getting here but you aren't the first but the second who immediately wish for something. Your surroundings have changed, does that not scare you at all? You are naked. What makes you think I'm going to grant your wish?]

'Is he not mind reading me at all? Or using his omniscience? Either he has it or … no he's definitely not using omniscience. From what I can tell, this personality definitely sounds like an annoying old man who cares too much. Not that I hate it, at least it doesn't hurt to be a bit more careful.' As I continue to observe.

"Tsk, I have read enough stories to know where this is shit is going, I don't need to know the reason for my death, why I'm naked and I don't really care too much about the current state right now. But what I do know is that I'm well aware enough to see you are at least capable of those wish granting cliches I have seen and read. I can still remember my previous life from the time before I died, and I couldn't help but notice that I didn't immediately reincarnate in the next life. Also, the fact we are in the void really dude?"

"Old man, how many wishes do I get?" I continued exciting asked

[Two. For the last time, call me God. Stop calling me old man and show some respect.]

"Last time I checked, people prayed more on trying to get pixelated characters from mobile games and knowing how well that went, you didn't bat an eye. Look at where all the respect went, down the drain. I bet you're getting prayers all over the omniverse about people trying to get fictional characters to be summoned in real time. Don't even get me started on trying to compare the amount of people that go to church to pray." The MC then continue ramble on


[You don't even go to church.]

"As I was saying R.O.B─"

<And that is as much as I'm getting out from him.> R.O.B sighing to himself

"Just make me omnipotent and everything, it is really that simple old man."

*Vein Mark Appearing on the R.O.B*

"I cannot do that for you." R.O.B responded

"Then I wish for you to do so." I immediately responded back to him

[Think of something else, there's no reason for you to do anything and make anything at will. I know I said I would grant you two wishes but seriously this is too much for you. Even if you do manage to wish for it you wouldn't be able to do anything with it since you don't have the authority.] R.O.B said

"Why can't I use my wish to be omnipotent?" I suspiciously asked

[Well to begin with. I'm not just an ordinary wish granter, but yes, I can make wishes come true. But if you want powers, it will be forcibly ingrained to you, and you will have to earn it with your body, mind, and soul. There are some which can be artificially given to you will still be forcibly learning it until you can use it at will. I wouldn't worry too much about that though since I will be helping you with that. There are no immediate power ups here. Though there are some of those that are special cases.] R.O.B calmly explained

[First your body will explode with omnipotent power and destroy pretty much the multiverse and potentially all of the omniverse. You need at least 8 wishes in order for you to be omnipotent with my permission. Not only that, but to match with the reconstruction of the soul, the change in your existence, the authority to use, and then the requirement of using and controlling omniverse energy. All of which you don't have access to. Top of all that I don't plan on giving anyone omnipotent.]

[Look I may be the one beyond omni, I can grant a lot of things but really why in my name are you so desperate in becoming omnipotent? Are you trying to become the next me? Also, you wouldn't be keeping your memories unless you wish for it.] R.O.B interestingly said

"That sounds boring as hell R.O.B. As being the next you? I'm not interested, and I want to do a lot of things. I know damn well what makes me happy and that is to have the literal absolute power to do whatever the hell I want no questions asked. I want to be at least capable of deleting, erasing, killing, denying, and creating reality at my whims, whenever however and whatever. In fact, in case of fucks and hicks up along the way it's to the point I don't need to care. Also, what kind R.O.B are you? Scamming me of my wishes left and right. At least let me keep my damn memories."

[Someone used a wish for removal of memories of all other reincarnates for those reincarnating into a new life. Apparently, that person had a previous record of being raped and wanted to give chances for others to forget and become 'clean'.  Though apparently in your case I can see you want to retain your memories. You still have to wish for it.] R.O.B. amusingly explained

(A/N this is the character's personal opinion about stories, not mine.)

"Don't care. As I was saying I don't want to deal with any of those weak to strong shenanigans. I want to be the strongest at the start and to be with my own story."

*R.O.B. stared weirdly at the MC and read his mind*

No, I don't even want to be those small fry protagonists who I had read and seen throughout my life. I don't want to be weak from the start and then grow strong like those in the stories, anime or even with a decent start to their advantages. No, no no. You see we don't do that here. If I had the chance to become the strongest right at the start, I would take it without a second thought and I can be the strongest right now. Those crazy masochist protagonists always ended up needing to be working their asses and ended up becoming decently strong but not the strongest.

Yeah, in reality it really doesn't sound fun at all when you know your life is at stake and you're at your weakest trying to speed run becoming strong and having shitty powerhouses scum keeping you in check to try to prevent you from becoming strong. Some political shit happening behind your back as well. If you ignore it can sometimes bite you in the ass the least, you expect it. Truly a loss when you're not the strongest.

Even with the help from the system. They still need to grind a lot just to make a little progress due to its sheer limitations. It gets very boring and the fact that they have to train and grind their new and old skills in order to keep up with new and unknown stronger enemies. Just shows that they wasted their wish or just didn't properly become stronger. How many more new bullshit characters that are more powerful are there? They keep getting introduced with a half ass hidden backstory.

OH OH and the protagonist that was always "worried" about the future. Don't even get me started with them. If they aren't being resourceful enough or not strong enough, then they get fucked up. That's on you! For not getting the power capable of omnipotence or related. Delete enemies before they arrived! Problem solved or something like that.

What? Characters that are too strong from the start are bland? Of course. If you are already the strongest, it is natural to do something else in the world like chasing after women and relationships. Do some weird hobbies. Perhaps make a harem, right? But if anything from what I do know is that being the strongest from the start is the safest route available to me. After all I am dumb and stupid. I don't think I have the capabilities to plan ahead of time.

'I don't want to grind, but I respect the grind people put in for any improvement even just a little. But I am not like them. And wow thank God for time skip. If anything, I am a lazy ass and I do like the idea of becoming the strongest and being able to cause any destruction also without ever getting hurt. It sounds ridiculous and shit. That's what these R.O.B are capable of and that's what these wishes are for. But it's the method on how to become the strongest without doing any of that. 'MC thinking on how to use his 2 wishes

[Yeah, here's the problem: my capabilities of granting wishes are a bit unorthodox. It has to do with forcibly controlling and changing your existence to be capable of and making sure you learn your powers naturally here. You don't have a lot of wishes as well. You also have to be specific and descriptive at times. Try to think about something else.]

I immediately asked him this question after remembering some loopholes shit, I read back then

"Can you grant me multiple complexes wishes in a single wish?"

[I should be able as long as you don't wish for omnipotence.]

A certain memory came into mind about a list in a document that I wrote back in college on a whim

*Laughing remembering some of the chunni shit I wrote down that I put hours into*

"Alright. My wish is to get what's written in my google document that has a list of things on what I want in a single wish under the title 'The Dao Of Absolute.'" *Grinning*

'Second rule of using wishes. Loopholes.'

'Third rule of using wishes. Get a system with shops that can potentially buy anything & infinite currencies to purchase anything in the system shop. Get that system bad boy upgraded to multiverse or omniverse if possible, too!'

'Fourth rule of using wishes. Make a list of what you want in wishes written or typed somewhere and hopefully you remembered it too!'


[Let me take a look, it should be─]

[...] R.O.B Speechless

[The fuck?]

"Yeahhhh! I bet you didn't see that one coming! You even answered that you could even take on multiple wishes in a single wish. No take backs. With this I can become strongest."

Ain't no way I'm coming up complexity stacked wish on the spot I'm way too dumb for that and heck I don't even remembered much, but that the Dao Of Absolute did at least have a multiverse system with infinite currency in it and a lot of other stuff. Though I did try to make sure it is a bit 'balanced' if there were any hiccups since it can't have many powerful attacks capable of wiping out the universe or multiverse. Only the capabilities and potential

[Do you know the word restraint?]

"What's that? Can you eat it?" I immediately replied

[....Are you crazy? Sure, I can grant you some of the things in the list, but I'll take both your wishes for this at the very least. It deals with omniverse energy and I'm the one personally reconstructing your soul and changing your existence so you can handle omniverse energy. However, you will not have authority and the capabilities of omnipotent. Steel your resolve. It's going to hurt a lot since you wanted to do this and in case without a system help as well, I'm guessing you don't need a gamer's mind and body after this.] R.O.B calmly explained

"Fine by me, though I don't remember much of what I wrote in that document though." Completely shutting him off when R.O.B the moment when he said sure


<Young people these days absolutely reckless> R.O.B thinking to himself and sighing

[Did you not hear me earlier? Don't worry about It then. After all, there are going to be some changes in your body, soul, existence, mind, and conscience.]

"That sounds rather ominous." I have spoken excitingly as the thoughts getting an instant power up and becoming the strongest

[...Ohhh boy this is going to be entertaining at least for some years]

"Wait what does that have to do with anything? Are you going to be watching me? I will have you know I don't swing that─"

[You misunderstood. This list is actually very interesting as well; Truly an ingenious list you have come up and used as a wish. To pull this off it is going to be somewhat hard on me, but the wish has to be fulfilled nonetheless.] R.O.B shaking his head

"You sound sarcastic and amused at the same time. Why does it sound like an insult to me? What do you mean by that old man?" Questioning the R.O.B

[─Anyways due to your special request in your wish list and along with my deposition. On top of that I think you misheard me a bunch of times. You have to naturally learn and acquire these powers yourself. There is no instant power up here that is granted to you. You have to go through pain to acquire any of these wishes. Additionally, you have to stay here for about 200,000 years. Though this is for the basics. A new transformation and an evolution into your soul, existence, body, and mind. Don't worry though before you know it, I will be controlling your body and making sure it will be done quick]

"Wait ─No"      *anddddd knocked out*

─Time skip 9 years ─

Weird, I woke up and I can't help but notice my body forcibly losing and regaining my 5 senses and the same way I can see existence disappearing then reappearing repeatedly. Seeing myself transparent as a ghost and then reappearing.

I got unconscious again just now. I couldn't help but notice that I knew something had changed. Is this 6th sense I have heard and read about? Intuition and instinct or something like that? Ah right there was that novel about a certain spearman about forcibly losing all five of their senses and then walking up on a mountain path facing fucking raining boulders down on the MC. If I recall, it helps build up a 6th sense figuratively and quite literally. Wait I'm starting to slowly feel that I'm getting the hang of i─

─Time skip 99 years ─

I immediately felt something new just now. My soul or my innards? No, my fucking brain and my conscience fucking hurts. I feel something connecting and disconnecting me. Is that my freaking soul? I know it's the reconstruction of the soul and the body process I have read about. To describe what it feels like it's more like my very own body and all my insides itching like hell, and I can't even scratch them, especially the balls.

Oh, I also felt another conscience inside me just now. A feeling as if someone is watching me? My intuition was telling me I had someone inside as well as me, since this is a new foreign sense, I'm feeling. The fact I can feel it I'm going to believe in this new intuition and instincts of mine as I can't believe other people scoff off their intuition and instincts as nothing important.

─Time skip 599 years ─

'Are these new memories? I'm getting rather really annoyed since I'm waking up and they aren't even mine─ Oh wait, these are Gojo's memories!? Still getting new memories like this feels very weird.

More like liquids or substances piercing through every spot in the brain and the deepest part, making sure my brain got filled up right up in there. These foreign substances I'm feeling are probably memories and are being injected to me at a very frightening rate I guess but I'm guessing this is the work of gods.

Probably has to do something with infinite mind capacity and being able to process an infinite amount of information since I definitely need it. I set my body as Gojo, yes. I'm very original.

But before that I lost consciousness again. I saw my body was jerking, moving at weird angles and being attacked by telekinesis along all elements you can think of. Also, the body is handling several negative attributes of artificial emotions and getting fucked by diseases, curses, petrification. Top of all that I can't even control my body, I couldn't help but also notice the I'm being of being burnt, fried, cold, frozen, poison, electrocuted, itch, stoned, drugged, eaten, dissolved and other fucked up shit at the same time on the insides.

Didn't he say he would be quick? Though I loved to think I'm always unconscious but how the hell am I still waking up to these sudden moments. What happened to being quick? Luckily, I only wake up for a few seconds, but within those few seconds it feels like years. I don't even get to scream while feeling all this shit and then forcefully put back into an unconscious state.

In a word Its a cycle of infinite pain, just when I get use to this batch of fucked up shit a whole new one comes and gives a whole new definition I'm fucking you up, you feel it now Mr.Krabs? From my understanding of all this mortal torture. I can tell this purpose is building up absolute immunity that I had written on the list. And perhaps even the soul pain immunity.'

[I am trying to speed up the process as efficiently as I can. I think there was a word for this. Power leveling or was it speed leveling? Yes, I'm speed and power leveling your soul, the body, and your existence to the point you masterfully can handle & control omniverse energy right now and since you explicitly wrote that you do not want to have your abilities, skills, techniques rust and remember the feeling. I think it was an absolute peak performance. Your memories of skills, techniques and instincts cannot degrade or stagnate, as if you want to be war ready at any time anywhere. That's technically considered a rare wish to find and also kind of hard on a mortal since they always degrade and only by training can you maintain it.]

I have already lost a lot of myself in the process of trying to listen to him. Though experiencing how R.O.B's controlling my body is downright terrifying. I have never seen my body perform moves that fast and bend in certain ways. Though I'm very glad I can no longer feel my body at all, maybe it's due to my pain immunity and resistance is at its all-time high? Even though my consciousness is gone the memories are forcibly ingrained and also given to me and into my brain.

I still think I am essentially getting instant power just the traditional Hardway. Most of the time I'm unconscious and have my body being controlled to forcibly ingrain every movement and acquire power along with immunity and resistance. But never again do I want to go through this shit. Am I still even human? I do remember seeing my body blowing up a couple thousand times. Am I still sane after all that? Wait, am I forcibly being calmed by the R.O.B seeing how I didn't question myself enduring the insanity and shocked at my own bodied rag dolling around rather─

[You're fine, if anything your new body is being repaired and getting destroyed in real time. You are surprisingly conscious of your soul now. Not everyone can do what you're doing. Your soul is suffocating in space, ripping through time, being twisted by reality, and I'm deleting it at the same time. Yet you're conscious? As you can see, I am very kind of course. It's gotten to the point where I have to forcibly use my authority and skills to forcefully calm you. Now go back unconscious, will you?]

─Time Skip 7050 years─

'I take back what I said earlier. That damn bastard fucking lied to me saying he would be quick. Did he really mean 200,000 years? I really doubt I can hold on to my sanity even while being unconscious for that long. Even with his calm mind, I still can't help being afraid of what's to come next. I think it has been around a day or 2. Right now I haven't gotten unconscious yet and that was the longest I have been conscious since I got here.'

What's terrifying is that the void kinda looks like endless white space and reminds me of a certain hospital. Doesn't add comfort that an old man is controlling my body. My instincts and intuition are ringing at all times, annoying me as well.

I wanted to vomit but knowing nothing is going to come out and this weird, odd feeling of getting my body pounded, along with this insane headache at the same time. Is this some sort of hangover? And a weird feeling up my ass. To add onto that it doesn't help that my instincts keep screaming at me now. And my intuition is telling me I'm about to feel a whole new sensation and I do not want any of it.

It would be weird for me to say I am capable of enduring it. But apparently, I learned something called a limit and I am already way past that point. I just saw a fucking monster spawn outta my ass and I'm still shitting it out. Why is my body also giving off black smoke as well? And I can feel my existence just rotting away. My sanity also slipping into the void.

[That's just your body getting rid of its impurities and ensuring your body stays pure and you shouldn't worry about the monster, it's not important.]

'The pain is more mild and an annoyance now. And did he just say, don't worry? I am extremely worried now. Wait, why was there even a monster in my ass in the first place? I didn't eat anything for all I know and who knows for how long. I couldn't see what the monster looked like. It was pretty big when it was warping back into my ass, and it did look like it had tails on it.' As I continued to think of what's happening to me

I can even feel myself getting disintegrating and reintegrating at the same time, though seeing it happening in front of me I couldn't help but think maybe I should end my li─

[Oh, right she was here too, hold up I am sending her back into your personal dimension. I think your body is also ready to adjust the ten tails right about now. I wasn't so sure when your body was starting to get adapted to the ten tails inside you, since it was still capable of breaking out your personal dimension. Not like it matters though since your soul & body is evolving in real time which also improves your personal dimension. Your endurance and body are pretty near indestructible now.]


[With that I binded her to your soul. I have set your Gojo Satoru as your new body along with his innate ability and that odd description of yours of having a... bigger penis? I believe that Gojo already has a big penis, and my guess is around 8-inch length. Why do you even need a bigger penis? As for the ten tails, it was quite energetic trying to get out. So, I kept disciplining whenever it came outside.]

'That was a lot of information to take in. I can still feel it and holy fuck did it feel awful. Did he just fucking say he got the fucking ten tails inside me? And as in destroying my body. Is it like how Obito was being ripped apart inside when he had it? Did I even put ten tails in my document─' As I tried process all that

You are reading story Gojo Becoming A Perfect Jinchuuriki at novel35.com

[It was a matter of time until you built up the soul pain immunity from the ten tails eating your soul from your inside. Not going to lie, it took a while. Soul regeneration is an innate thing and you're sure trash at it. But now you're capable of soul regeneration now in real time. You could even call yourself a cursed spirit if you wanted to since soul regeneration has some crazy perks. I haven't set up your new eyes and dojutsus yet.]

'I really want to kill my younger self right about now as I was probably not in my right mind that day. I don't even remember what the whole point of writing any of those ten tail things except for Gojo and some dojutsus and infinite omniverse energy or something with some talents in Gilgamesh King's treasury.' Trying to recall what was written in that damn list

"Wait. What the hell? You mentioned her? Is Kaguya Otsutsuki inside me as well? As for the ten tails can't you just implant the rinnegan in me and senjutsu right now to help me contain ten tails? Also, you can never be sure if you need a bigger penis."

'Fuck, now I really need to do something about Kaguya Otsutsuki and I need a that pair of that damn rinnegan asap, I don't want that damn ten tail trashing me inside and on my personal dimension.'

[Right…you don't really need to worry about containing the ten tails, the ten tails is very docile. And yes, you do have Kaguya Otsutsuki inside you. By the way, she's been watching you since. It's kind of weird how she's looking at you with that cold gaze of her and with Byakugan still activated all this time. Well, it's even creeping me out a bit. I also did what you asked for in that document list for Kaguya.]

'What the hell did I ask? I asked for something for the R.O.B to do with Kaguya? Hey Old ma─'

─Time Skip 20000 years─

'Oh, I blacked out again, you really need to stop doing that. Before I finish my line.'

[Just finish implanting your king's treasury with lots of tweaking to make it usable for omniverse energy and setting you as owner. Very annoying gimmick that Gilgamesh has. As I was saying, I only temporarily gave her the ability to see through your eyes. Although she couldn't see your eyes, with you being unconscious so I gave her the view from a third perspective and don't worry she can't hear us or your thoughts for now. I even slowed down time in your personal dimension where she is sealed. For now, 5000 years in here would be a minute for her. Now that I think about it. Should look really funny what's happening to us from her perspective.]

"Disable the thoughts indefinitely right now, I still can't believe I'm a Jinchuuriki of ten tails. Anyways, what did you do to Kaguya and what about the list? I think I need to remember what I wrote down right about now. Also, about her I can't fully remember or find everything about it in the list despite having infinite memory capacity and eidetic memory.'' Saying what I had in mind

[Hahahaha, no promises, and I told Ya this was going to be entertaining. Also, about Kaguya, you wrote down that you wanted to be a perfect Jinchuuriki of Kaguya which I do not plan on helping you with. Good luck with that. For the record I cleanse her from impurities and insanity from her eating her chakra fruit. She has an infinite mind capacity and can store any amount of information just like you. She's currently quiet for now and is in her form instead of the ten tails.] R.O.B amusingly responded

[Though she is pissed as fuck about being sealed again. She even tried to break out constantly a lot when you were getting trashed on. Though I'm here to prevent her from even doing any of that and she is well aware of my capabilities. Also, you wrote down that she has to have her existence tied to you along with some infinite potential and eventually equal authority later on. Some Dao of culture─]

"Stop right there, I put what down now? What the hell younger me? Was I thinking with my dick about her? Wait how the hell Is she so strong that she can even escape my own personal dimension which I am only allowed to control?"

'The fuck, no, why did I give her infinite potential? she's naturally not a fighter but still that raw amount of power and energy during Naruto Shippuden. Those abilities and techniques shown, she can be devastating. That is considering If she actually trains. I mean after all; she did abuse the living shit out of her own innate ability. Might have given me a scare if she was capable of fighting like others Otsutsuki and along with their karma. Not that she is stronger than me. But I'm really worried about if she is willing to talk to me' As I continue sigh

[Oh, it's complicated to explain. I'm going to show what you wrote and your status later. When I'm about done, I'm going to wake you up. Stop thinking too much. You overthink a lot, I'm putting you to sleep.]

'Wa─ '

─Time Skip 170,000 years─


Name: Gojo Y/N

Age: N/A

Race: Beyond Outer God

State: Healthy


Health: ∞

Strength: EX

Agility: EX

Dexterity: ∞

Mana: ∞

Luck: EX

"Hah, Infinity. Nice. NO Seriously. WHAT. THE. FUCK. What did I write in that damn document? Wait. System, where is the description? Where's the skill? Where is the other information?" He yelled

"Forget it. You said she can even break out of the personal dimension of mine; wouldn't that kill me? I am a Jinchuuriki right? Also, about the list I wrote, show it to me, old man? I barely remember half of it."

[You can't die from losing Kaguya Otsutsuki or ten tails inside you. You know I actually find it more entertaining that you don't know your own wish list on what you wrote and your new innate abilities. We can talk about that later]

"AHhhhh" Now it's my eyes this time

Surprised at first from the loss of sight but also noticing my eyes is regenerating yet disintegrating at the same time I could notice a different energy and my perception, vision, view, and sight were enhancing rapidly and some pain sensation as my new eyes were created

[Well, I'm giving you new eyes right about now. I couldn't do it before since all these eyes have special energy and force your body and mind to have innate ability that would have naturally destroyed your body. Now hear this naturally, that's annoying to deal with. Don't even get me started with integrating all of them. Not until your body is on par with a god and until your mind can completely contain and control all that power, energy and information from the body to the brain. The pain you felt was forcibly being able to perceive things which you were not used to. Also, I set your eye appearance as the same as Gojo's Rikugan.]

"So, you know my status as a Jinchuuriki wouldn't that kill me if she was gone? My ass can still feel that phantom pain of being railed. Hey, I'm guessing the body is done? Does that mean I can control the ten tails or use its chakra? Can Kaguya Otsutsuki regenerate her own chakra? If I recall Otsutsuki can't regenerate their chakra" rubbing my eyes recovering my vision and asking lots of questions

[Oh, you talk a lot of shit, and I would love to show you how the ten tails were breaking out. As for the ten tails breaking out it really came outta your ass figuratively and quite literally. It also went back in your ass when I was sending it back to your dimension, truly looking ridiculous.]

"I did not need to know that." He scoffs back at him

[Yes, you do, as for Kaguya, she can regenerate her chakra though I'm not sure about you using those ten tail chakra forms and transformations' or becoming sage of six path transformation. Well, it's safe to say you're stronger than Kaguya if you're worried about never fighting before. Additionally, you and she have no need to fear the Otsutsuki clan and gods since I personally basically deleted them out of existence as per request in your document list. I did telepathically tell her that she was slightly surprised, but she is still pissed.]

[Your body is pretty much done, needs to learn how to adapt, learn how to fight instinctively and basically master ultra-instinct at will, along with learning combat prowess along with its capabilities.]

" How long is that going to take? Can I cut off my conscience at will? While you forcibly train and control my body to do that?" I quickly asked

'Wait a minute' I remember my Wishlist had something to do with learning

"Whaaaat? Didn't I put down absolute talent in my wish? Shouldn't I be able to be a genius and prodigy at anything right now? Shouldn't I be able to pick up fighting relatively easily and learn ultra-instinct and stuff at will already?"

[Yeah… No. But the worst has yet to come. I forgot to mention you don't have talent whatsoever and being able to ever wish for talent is technically possible. But talent has to deal with fate. Because your previous life which also contained your non-existent talent. This complexity wishes of yours is troubling, even for me. I have to personally deal with fate and this wish of yours is ridiculous.]

"So much for being one beyond omni." I couldn't help but retort

[Currently you now have a bit above average talent. Originally it was supposed to average. Your non-existent talent consumed Gojo's talent which gave you a small boost. I made it so you have an average talent. That explains you have a bit above average talent.  You should thank Gojo's existence for that, now that you have average + talent. At the very least you can teach others and perform some chant less + hand sign less but you can't force inject knowledge that's it. Anyways time for you to go unconscious]


─Time Skip Done─

I don't know how long it has been, but it feels damn good not feeling pain anymore now, I'm no longer unconscious. No, the best feeling is not being forced to move and being controlled by someone else. Having your body being controlled to kill yourself and perform crazy movements. Or the feeling of memories being injected into me with experiences and knowledge of my body's capabilities from a million clones.

My instincts are ringing and lightly warning me about the ten tails acting again. The last time that I had a serious instinct warning me, I believed my body was spawning a mother fucking ten tails. My intuition is telling me that there was another person trying to act up, but I don't need the answer because it was just Kaguya trying to escape my dimension. That went on for a while and then stopped. Takes a while to get used to. It really has been a long time since that happened. I can easily hold the ten tails inside me without a problem now.

I was moving around myself and initiating ultra-instinct and getting used to that transformation along that trance-like feeling with R.O.B's guide. I can feel that my mind, body and soul is complete as I am capable of becoming one at will. I was surprisingly able to use fuse weapon mastery along with ultra-instinct transformation. Being able use both at the same time, R.O.B decided to just fuse it. Though it has been a long time since that happened, I can pretty much confidently say I don't need to train anymore.


[All your skills for affinities "Levels and Controls" from that odd Wishlist are pretty much maxed and I'm just going to fill the rest with artificial parts to finish it. Anyways, try to always remember that trance-like feeling as it is an uncommon technique even by my standards. Though it doesn't mean much anything to me regardless. However, the grand priest from dragon ball z super isn't someone you can scoff off at.]

"So are you are finally done controlling and destroying my body altogether, I had to say, you're one pretty fucked up R.O.B I'm still surprised I'm still sane after all that hell I went through. Should I not get compensation for it? Having my body is being used as an experiment and ragdoll for who knows how long and many times. Also is the absolute immunity training and soul pain immunity maxed and mastered level?"

[Yes, you should also know that soul pain immunity and resistance cannot be gained artificially ever and is considered hard to earn. Not only that, having soul regeneration is also ridiculous. Yet you have both of them.]

'I'm still shivering from the thought of having to repeatedly experiencing soul pain to the maxed, I really had to have put my sanity on the line as my soul were gouged out, shaved, ripped, consumed and tortured. I can even feel it when I am unconscious. If that's not worse enough I had my 5 and 6th senses turned off, while my soul being played with. Downright horrifying. Well with my soul finally capable of regenerating in real time, I'm basically set for life.'

[Wow I didn't think you were conscious at that time. Comes with experience and I'm giving you the best of the best. If anything, I am the one being generous here. Normally it would take a wish to learn and earn any of those two.] R.O.B probing his mind

"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if I no longer exist after going through that existence crisis quite literally. And seriously are you reading my mind now?" I mocked

[If I had to say anything, this is very refreshing and new to me. Majority of humans or mortals would have gone crazy if they had any type of soul pain. Usually whoever manages to experience it could turn them into crazy Cthulhu shit or a cursed spirit and disappear into the void, you belong to the special category case and well that's only due to me anyways. After all, not many here learned it naturally after all.]

"Wait, I could have become a fucking alien?''

[If I was any other R.O.B or inferior versions who was taking care of you. Most likely.]

'You just dropped a lot of information on me, I think I'm sick and tired of this'

[Ah, I should probably mention the lists you wished for are pretty well thought of. I can see clearly what you want and it's a bit underwhelming. Still, some of which are ridiculous wishes no matter how I see it. Though I couldn't help but notice that you don't have many crazy destructive abilities but ones that focus on survival, adaptation, freedom and immunity.]

"What? You think I'm Freiza trying to enslave races and commit genocide without any care? And 4 transformations? I'm hurt. Also, what do you mean by destructive abilities? I have a lot of affinities and abilities."  *Rolling my eyes*

[More like a perfect god of cockroach. Ridiculous immunity and resistance towards everything in existence. It is technically safe to say you are the safest in existence to be able to survive anything. Your soul cannot be touched or harmed. You're a literal definition of nightmare if anyone is set on killing you.]

'Huh? Don't I have true magic and the stuff as innate ability? I could just cause destruction to my whims. And delete people.'

[Ah there are some wishes that aren't granted and true magic is also being one of them, so no. Also, I had to make sure your pure world of resurrection has a cool down. At least a week. I don't want you to spam this skill or use this skill too.]

"Not particularly interested in booming the whole omniverse or anything like that, I'm quite laid back right now, actually after dealing with that existence crisis and shit I don't think I want to get any more power from you for now. What makes you think I'm going to abuse pure world resurrection though? I literally understand the words "with great power comes at great price" Rolling my eyes

[You should also take into account your average + talents and that is what's holding you back from learning any crazy destructive shit wiping off the multiverse and omniverse.]

"Ah shit. Are you really nerfing me and shit right now R.O.B?'"

[No, I have never done that. Anyways there are some things I would not grant you since there are too many complex things in your list and it doesn't help the fact you want all of that in a single wish.]

"What the fuck are you on old man? This is a nerf!"

[Your existence is already beyond leagues of outer gods. And at least one of a kind in existence, as you are now also cannot be killed or even hurt. The fact you are still yourself and sane is a bonus. There was never any Outers god like you. I think you should also know that wishes aren't really applicable on you now. As existence gets more filled, they can't hold any more. Wishes here are meant to fulfill mortal's desires. But even that has a limit, as every existence has a limit that can allows wishes that can be fulfilled. To sum it up you can no longer have wishes fulfilled by any me. And also, why no mortals are capable of omnipotence or even having 8 wishes. Also don't worry about other mystic eyes of death wielders as it will not be able to work against you if you are worried about the bullshit mechanics of death.]

"THE FUCK?" I screamed

"A scam, big scammmmmm! Give me my true magic" I continue screaming

[Oh right, more importantly I forgot, what's your new name? Though it is really common for people here to impersonate Gojo. And here is your Akatsuki cloak.] Completely ignoring his pleas

[Full disclosure, this list of yours is really entertaining, nonetheless. Talk about someone trying to become an existence that is beyond an outer god and me? Ahahahahaha I haven't seen such crazy wishes like these in a while.]

"Oh, wow thanks, anyways I still can't believe I got more wishes granted with just two wishes. I will think of a new name later. I mean I still got my multiverse system and infinite currency, right?" *Rolling my eyes wearing my cloak*

[No, I completely removed all multiverse systems from you permanently along with that ridiculous infinite currency system. You don't need it since with your 'average + talent', perfect control, along with that crazy ultra-instinct can help you potentially learn anything. I did at least put a shop for you If you wanted to, you could buy temporarily power or weapons only available for limited time as they are one time use or with duration]


"The fuck? Are you really taking away my rights to my system? Can I sti─"

[No, I am not, you still have access to the system and the world travel features along with a regular system shop as well. It's just a regular system, don't ask too much. I will even give a yearly currency voucher. By the way don't even ask if you can replicate anything from the store or store it in your treasury or dimension; it won't work anyways.]

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? This is a nerf no matter how you see it! I earned those rights; I went through hell for those. I will have you know again I got fucked by that giant ass ten tail and I still feel it my ass."

[I am not nerfing you. You just didn't take into account that I would fulfill all of your multiple complex wishes. Also earned? You did nothing but gag and cry throughout those 200,000 years. Anyways I'm just going to list out the things I haven't given you in the system now. Any case here.] (The wishlist that is The Dao Of Absolute is shown in the previous chapter)

[Not Granted: Absolute Duping/Creation/Magic, Multiverse System & Infinite System Currency, Absolute Talent, Absolute Yeet Laws, Absolute Dao Of Plot, Users is free to choose to travel any worlds and any timelines]

'This does cut back a lot of things. The ability to dupe anything and make anything at will along with creation / deleting reality at my whims. I couldn't help but cry in my mind'

'The Wishlist I had written and the list that shows what won't be granted to me I couldn't but think I got myself a shitty god. Even if I can live through anything, I can only basically a god can only do close combat and shoot or fire laser beams that can destroy a world. That's really underwhelming but I think I can create─'

[No, you can't take things out of your personal dimension on things you made and come up with, if that is what you're thinking. It might work if you manage to make your personal dimension into a special ability that can manifest into reality that can project your mindscape. I really doubt you can pull it off because of your lack of talent. But to give you a hint it has something similar to do with reality marbles and domain expansion. Just keep in mind this power has infinite potential if you can pull it into reality. You also forgot about your controls and skills. Which isn't shown in your status.]

"Oh Right, I'm already the strongest." He couldn't help tearfully say

[Not really.]

'Whatever. Status.' He said in his mind


Name: Gojo Y/N

Age: N/A

Race: Beyond Outer God

State: Healthy


Health: ∞

Strength: EX

Agility: EX

Dexterity: ∞

Mana: ∞

Luck: EX


Grand Priest Perfect Mastered Ultra Instinct [Weapon Mastery] - [Special Ability]

Full Counter [Special Ability] [Active]

Absolute Eyes [Special Ability] [Active]: Tenseigan, RinneSharingan, Ranmaru's Kekkei Genkai Dōjutsu, 6 eyes/Rikugan, The Mystic Eyes of Death

Pure World Resurrection [Special Ability] [Active] [7 Day Cool Down] [Available]

What's yours is mine [Active] [Special Ability]

Absolute Dao Of Culture [Active]

Absolute World Teleportation [Active]

Force Un/Summon Ten tails / Kaguya Otsutsuki [Active]


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