Gojo Becoming A Perfect Jinchuuriki

Chapter 3: Gojo Becoming A Perfect Jinchuuriki – 2

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Name: Gojo [Y/N]

Age: N/A

Race: Beyond Outer God

State: Healthy



Health: ∞

Strength: EX 

Agility: EX

Dexterity: ∞ 

Mana: ∞

Luck: EX 


Grand Priest Perfect Mastered Ultra Instinct [Weapon Mastery] - [Special Ability]

Full Counter [Special Ability] [Active]

Absolute Eyes: Tenseigan, RinneSharingan, Ranmaru's Kekkei Genkai Dōjutsu, 6 Eyes/Rikugan, The Mystic Eyes of Death [Special Ability] [Active]

Pure World Resurrection [Special Ability] [Active] [7 Day Cool Down] [Available] 

What’s yours is mine [Active] [Special Ability] 

Absolute Dao Of Culture [Active] 

Absolute World Teleportation [Active]

Force Un/Summon Ten tails / Kaguya Otsutsuki [Active]


Wow these stats and abilities sure don't look like those new reincarnate or transmigrators would ever get. Am I an endgame character now? I still haven’t gotten transported yet *Whistling* As I started putting on my black blindfold that spawned on my hand (Thanks to R.O.B)

These eyes are insane. I can see normally while being blindfolded. But with Tenseigan activated I can see everything in a 360 view which is rather breathtaking. I quickly turn that off. Don’t want to keep looking at the void at 360 visions.

“I am a bit surprised that my strength and agility are at that rank EX. Even though it's already inhuman rank or potentially the highest rank from what I am aware of, I was hoping for all my stats to be in infinity like my 3 other stats. Anyways, I am actually more used to seeing numerical stats if anything old man.” As I was shadow boxing and making after images

[You shouldn’t rely on reading your status stats or parameters like that, since it can change at any moment and any time. Especially physical ones. It's more of an indicator at your base form. Honestly speaking, numerical parameters for you are the worst. It will always be forever changing. Letters and words are better for simple minded people like you. You are also forgetting you are a Jinchuuriki that's not accounted for. Also, the fact you are an existence beyond an Outer God which really makes the whole point of having stats in status kind of pointless.] R.O.B lecturing 

I froze, thinking about it, it really kind of makes sense. Skills and abilities also boost parameters but my stats is already fucking high to the point I don't need to look at. But it also makes me confused, I couldn't help but think that having the system displaying stats is really kind of useless at the rate this is going. I can't believe it. Am I too strong? 

[By the way, care to explain about this Dao of nonsense you wrote back then?] R.O.B amusingly asked

“The Dao Of Absolute. I liked the word absolute a lot back then, rather than gods or transcendent. I picked it up from reading a novel and manhwa called Overgeared. It was about some Gods, Transcendences, and Absolutes. Some poor man worked hard and picked up an interesting book. Became all fancy, kept doing supernatural things and made a harem in a VRMMORPG and in the real world. As for the Dao, I don’t even know what Dao means. I just thought it made sense to me when I was writing my wishes in the document.” I explained while thinking about my past

“Hey, R.O.B, are you the only one who can delete my existence with your omnipotence?” I suspiciously asked

[Yes, no one else can if you are worried about that. Honestly you are just a cockroach in my eyes. That’s a praise by the way.] R.O.B happily responded

“Well, that checks out.” Rolling his eyes after hearing that

‘I still couldn’t help but think I am still missing a lot of things in the system. Where the hell are the descriptions of all my abilities? There is no hidden tab or anything else from what I can see and press.’ As he continues staring at his status and touching the panel

[Oh please, you can get those from “Upgrading The System” by banging Kaguya. I have set it up that way.] R.O.B hearing my thoughts

I stopped completely and looked back at him

“Old man…. What the fuck? Are you joking with me? Are you courting death?” My eyes stared at him with my blindfold

[Death? What’s that? Can I eat it?] R.O.B amusingly responded

“Tsk” He couldn’t help but click his tongue, giving up thinking about it

‘This shitty god and my shitty younger self really put me into this mess. That makes Kaguya a very important character now. Well not a character anymore but more of a personal life companion now that she is ‘alive’. The thought of having a woman inside me is kinda weird. Thinking about it, it should be the other way around.’ Gojo thinking of what to do now

[You never specifically mention how to upgrade your system and now I gave you the method. She is part of your new life and if you think about it, this is the starting point of your so-called “harem”. You should probably talk to her now. Especially here in case she tries to do anything weird when you summon her in another world.]

“You think I can talk to her? That Kaguya Otsutsuki is going to talk? Wait, I can feel that she is stronger than before. You sure she won’t transform into ten tails and start bijuudama-ing me? And you told me the Otsutsuki clan is extinct along with their weird god right, how's she going to react to that?!“ Gojo couldn’t help but ask many questions as his mind started twisted into a certain direction

I quickly started making a bunch of stuff in my personal dimension. Some bamboo forests and nature related things I can think of. Some lakes, fish, a wood mansion with some comfortable futons and seating arrangement. A cup of infinite green tea that will always replenish itself and is always hot-warm. The Japanese paper door. More importantly some Deers, rabbits, bunnies and the hares. I even activated the Dao of culture and started spawning random treasure books all over the shelf I just made, including Mangas and webtoon I had seen throughout my life. Changed the landscape and added an orange sky and warm temperature. This is a start for now. I just hope Kaguya doesn’t get bored.

[Affirmative, she looks like she is willing to talk as far as I have noticed. She’s been waiting. Also, I just doubled or tripled her chakra reserve. She can handle a little omniverse energy since she is basically an avatar of chakra. As for the Otsutsuki clan and their puny gods, they are extinct, you won’t be finding them in the Naruto world and Boruto world except for maybe a few others? I even told her this, but we never talked after.] R.O.B happily explained

‘That doesn’t mean they are extinct old man. Hell, I have never watched Boruto. Miss me with that crap. Well with all my abilities I’m probably sure I can handle anything Kaguya and the Naruto/Boruto worlds throws at me. But I can’t help but think that Kaguya is probably nerfed if we make an appearance in the Naruto or Boruto world. Oh right─’

“R.O.B. Just leave my name as Gojo. Just Gojo. No other names. And my age set as 25” I finally thought of a good name

[Name: Gojo]

[Age: 25] 

“By the way, I didn’t mention this before, but I can’t help but notice that my voice, it's the same as the Japanese’s voice actor. It feels weird hearing me speak in English with his Japanese accent. I always wanted to speak fluent Japanese. Can you set it up that way when I use any signature move? It will forcibly speak Japanese. I don’t think I can speak Japanese that well with my current knowledge. “

[<Force calm + reconstruct>]

[I’m surprised you didn’t add all knowledge of language or anything similar in your so-called 'Dao Of Absolute’. Couldn’t you use Gojo’s memories to speak Japanese yourself.] R.O.B questioning him

“I don’t want to have my fucking brain filled with all knowledge in the universe or stuff, heck even Earth is too much. Using Gojo's memories, it doesn’t work like that, I have to start from scratch. Also, even with all those brain immunity in my head it feels fucking awkward to see memories that aren’t yours and it looks way different than it is from the anime.” I complained

“If only I had absolute talent. Wait─ Doesn’t this show how much of a small brain I have?’’ I shockingly spoke

[Kekekeke, you sure like making a lot of requests, but you should probably start to get used to how things aren’t what you expect, especially if you didn’t plan ahead. If you’re worried about other languages while only speaking English, it will be forcibly translated through your mouth.] R.O.B laughing while not answering him

“Thanks? Anyways let get the hard part outta the way” I always wanted to try this, as he places his right hand on the void floor

‘Summon Kaguya Otsutsuki’ Gojo said in his mind

There was no smoke, but she suddenly made an appearance by warping…behind me? I turned around to look at her. She looked pretty much the same in the anime. White long silky hair and pale skin color. I couldn’t help but gawk at her appearance. Wearing a long kimono and ─. Wait, is she even wearing shoes or footwear? I haven’t seen her wear anything below her legs in the anime. As far as I’m concerned, she was always floating or flying with her long ass kimono covering everything. That damn dress is dragging on the floor when it is on the ground.

Whatever. I activated my Tenseigan. Good. She is wearing some footwear. Though it looks more thin insole shoes. Anyways.

What a terrifying beauty. As expected of a former rabbit goddess. As I continued to stare up at her in an awkward silence and check her out. I couldn’t help but almost frown when I saw the kimono hiding her chest. That is one shitty kimono on hers. I tried my luck to peer through kimonos with one of my abilities in absolute eyes to see if she does have any of those bre─

She responded.

“Who are you? Where am I? “ She was extremely alert in the presence of R.O.B and Gojo. 

“Gojo…. Just Gojo. And your partner as your Jinchuuriki.─” I replied and stopped what I was doing

Immediately canceling my horny thoughts. Shame, truly a shame, I think she could tell I was using an ability similar to her Byakugan even with my blindfolds covering my eyes. 

She immediately flared her chakra and open her Byakugan ready to jump me, but stopped as─

[As for me, now that I think about it. I never got to introduce myself. I am God, also referred to as one beyond omni. But enough about us, we are on a schedule right now.] R.O.B revealing his presence

“..Kaguya..I am Kaguya Otsutsuki.” She said after feeling a bit of heavy pressure from God and holding herself back from acting up

‘How should I handle this? I'm not really good at communicating with women, they are mysterious and impossible to understand. Especially the quiet ones, they are even more emotional. From what I know, people from Naruto are ‘these hands first’, talk later. Also, I have to take into consideration she is from those warring era periods. This woman is a bit twisted in the head even without chakra fruit due to her ancestry history of Otsutsuki planet hopping and yoinking chakra and being uncultured. She didn’t even get to experience what it's like in the outside world after she got unsealed. Truly behind in everything.’ Gojo calmly thinking about her while nodding his head

Kaguya’s eyes just blinked as she and R.O.B is hearing what Gojo was thinking in his head

A sudden thought came into Gojo’s mind

‘Let’s leave that aside and focus on the heart, the way to a woman's heart is….’

*Clapping his hand together* 

“Well, I wouldn’t mind fighting and all, but how about we first eat? After all, it has been quite a long time for everyone, right?” he said

I quickly thought about the things I want to take out. And out came 3 chairs, a table, a buffet of food on plates, and some goblets with wine from my treasury. Using this ‘What’s yours is mine’ ability is so damn convenient. If you have it in the treasury, it will immediately come out with just a thought and set it up in the way you want. I also turned the personal dimension time difference off and sync in real time.

Me and R.O.B sat down waiting for Kaguya to sit down with us. She just stared at us with her Byakugan activated still. Especially staring at me, probably thinking about how I am a jinchuuriki. Or my perverted action earlier. I’m pretty sure, it's both. Anyways I’m a bit bothered by her trying to stare into my eyes but I’m for sure these blindfolds can’t be seen through by anyone. Right? The R.O.B gave these to me for a reason after all. 

Eventually she slowly sat down with us. Across from me is Kaguya, to my left is R.O.B who is drinking the goblet. And I’m just enjoying what I just took out. Holy Fuck, Gilgamesh’s stash is a out of this world. I was chowing down food left and right and choking at times too. Kaguya gave the wine a try and was shocked. Eventually everyone settled down and enjoyed the food here and there.

About 20 mins later. Most of us were done eating. I put all the food and drinks away. I swear I could continue to eat forever. But I didn’t want to make Kaguya wait.

“Hey, as I was saying my name is Gojo, and I’m your jinchuuriki and your partner for life. I hope we can get along and reach the state of perfect jinchuuriki. I─” as I continued to speak

“Am I under your control?” ─ Kaguya asked immediately with a cold voice

“To be honest, yes. I intend to have full control all over you (Ten Tails and chakra). And I really do plan on not letting you go at all (You’re locked in my dimension after all). In fact, I intend to make you mine (Hopefully this harem plan works). But please let me finish─.

She Immediately jumped and went flying towards to attack me with her fist projecting a giant consecutive punch with her byakugan activated. R.O.B was just standing and stretching while watching with interest. 

‘Of course, this shit would happen, maybe I said it in the wrong order…’ As I just stood there thinking about what I said wrong

‘I don’t think I said anything wrong that would hurt her feelings. I stand by what I said on what I intended to do after all. Well, she sure is one of those ‘punch first talk later’ troupe.’ Gojo is still trying to find out what’s wrong with what he said.

While that was happening. In front of us. For both Gojo and R.O.B. The attack was rather slow. Very Slow.

I was just creating things in my personal dimension while waiting for the attack to land. Honestly, I’m still thinking about what else to add for our (Kaguya and mine) home. I admit I am not really a great house husband material. Hopefully the stuff I put inside calms her down at the very least when she gets back. Oh, right maybe a few hundred thousand rabbits might─ 

The punch she threw did not reach me and she continued with another punch and another and another and─. 

She stopped. Noticing her attack isn’t reaching and realized she can’t hit me. So, she did the next course of action, she fired the all-killing bones thinking it could disintegrate what's blocking her attack and killing me. 

This time I deactivated my limitless and grabbed that spear to see if my absolute immunity was working. After all, I went through hell for that damn absolute immunity. 

The fact that nothing was happening to me when I grabbed it was quite interesting in itself as I noticed Kaguya’s shocked face and opening jaw. 

‘Why are you looking at me like that? Do you really think I’m going to explain about my abilities like a certain sorcerer? Heh. No.‘ Gojo smiling

‘Ahhh but if only I could fit my dragon inside that mouth.’ he quickly dispelled the thought after noticing he has horny thoughts

She watched me grab her all-killing bones and flinch for a second but quickly made a decision right after, she was about to try to pull out her dimension into reality.

I immediately flared a little of my presence (will, intent, or Haki). She immediately stopped taking action. I didn’t have any idea on how it works. I just know I can instinctively do it with the help of my sixth sense (Both intuition and instincts) to pull it off. Shitty god not giving me information on how to activate it.

“I always thought this all-killing bone ability was kind of too overpowered in the Naruto world, looking closely, it's just more like cancer with a disintegrating effect and corroding effect on any biological being. Still pretty good. But as I was saying, please let me finish.” Gojo said 

Gojo broke all-killing bones in his hands and walked towards her at a normal pace. His hands reached towards her face. Stroking her cheeks and touching her face.

You are reading story Gojo Becoming A Perfect Jinchuuriki at novel35.com

“Unlike your sons of bi─ I mean Hagoromo, Hamura, Ashura reincarnation and Indra reincarnations, where you got sealed up in a moon and chained or sealed up while sleeping in a bunch of rocks. You’re free to roam around the world within my personal dimension. (I mean you still have access to your dimensions, but they are really lacking)” I activated my abilities in my eyes again while talking

“Hear me, Kaguya, I need you and want you in my life. Not as a tool, not as a monster, not as a summon (I still intend to summon her whenever and however I want), but as a person who will be with me as my eternal partner, one of my ha─ purpose of life. But I need you inside me.” As I stroked her cheeks, I was looking at her chest but not at her face.

She scowled after hearing that and watching my actions.

‘I can’t help but think that sounded out weird’ Gojo said in his mind while pinching her cheeks unknowingly, and still staring at her chest

She paused and took all that information in her head. Looking at Gojo’s who still has blindfolds on. Casually still looking at her chest and pinching her squishy cheeks. She squinted and contemplated what he just said, and then looked back into his crazy inhuman training from God. If there was anything wrong with this, it was these two weirdos or in this case Gojo and that self-proclaimed God were beyond her league fooling around. 

“What is your purpose?” Kaguya asked as stare at Gojo who was finally backing away slowly still looking at her chest

She frowned. She could tell that he is honest with his actions albeit perverted. She’s quite proud of her own body figure. She isn’t flat but she isn’t big either. She has some decent breasts size; it fits well around her. Perfectly flat pink nipples. Just around C size, I think it was 36C? The kimono’s special feature sure is deceiving the eyes. It really makes her look flat with it.

‘Did she not hear what I just said? Should I bullshit my way through? Fuck, I don’t have the talk no jutsu, I don’t even have the Dao of plot─ That shitty god. Of course, he didn’t give me that. What a shame, could have easily been my woman. I didn’t think I would need to work on developing relationships.’ Gojo noticed her twitching, now stopping his release of Haki or will

‘I should have added a separate relationship experience with the opposite sex for easily picking on my Wishlist. Fuck my luck and younger me. Wait, I did have it, it was the Dao of shamelessness, but I removed it myself because it was really some fucked up dark shit. Compared to The Dao Of Plot which was just a light vanilla version of it.’  Quickly recall the list from the Dao Of Absolute

She flinched. R.O.B amused at the thought of what's going on but absolutely saying nothing.

“My purpose is to create a harem. I plan on traveling to different worlds and doing what I want. Pursuing lots of women. And you're the first in the fu─ in the list of who I intend to pursue. ‘’As I said with a serious straight face with my eyes covered. I artificially added an air of elegance around me when I was speaking but that elegance was turned into a joke if you heard closely what was just said.

‘I almost said fuck list. Too close.’ Gojo shaking his head

She twitched again. 

“You're a pervert.” She had a blank look while shaking as she asked that question 

“I take it that you accept?” I happily responded with a question ignoring her cold gaze

‘This shitty god said he wiped out the Otsutsuki race except for me and a few others. Not that it matters to me any more since these two are real monsters I am not capable of beating and I can't even escape back to my dimension. Black Zetsu probably also got destroyed.’ she thought

She quickly thought of everything that had happened and the chances of her getting out of this extremely slim. She couldn’t help but think about the actions of the shitty god before and the fact that this old god is pretty much on Gojo’s side. 

R.O.B enjoying hearing both minds

“You said you will be traveling to different worlds? What’s the difference between that and dimension traveling?” She ignored his shameless question of proposing 

“Well to start off… I don't know how to explain that…” Gojo quickly thought of something to answer then realize he probably doesn’t even know

[You're not eligible to know but know that he can with his 'system'. The system has a function that I personally made and enabled for him to do any of that shit. So yes, he can travel to many different worlds and dimensions.] R.O.B chipped in

‘So, the old god isn't all talk and probably the one who transported or kidnapped me from the seal and then sealed me in him. That's rather a scary ability to make and give. But what's even more frightening is that this weirdo named Gojo is lusting after me?’ she thought 

“Do I have any freedom to leave, and do as I wish?” She couldn’t help but asked

‘Niceeee she is someone you can talk to. I was afraid of her refusing to talk. And this is a chance to make her my woman. A beautiful former rabbit goddess. GOTTEM’ Gojo smirking

“Well, if you will be my wife for sure.” Gojo selfishly replied

[Ahahaha] Lightly laughed R.O.B

<Considering how Gojo boy has spent 200,000 years in the void with his sanity chipping away from pain. Even though he was unconscious at the time. The pain was enough to change anyone’s mentality. Although he is now confident in combat and has an odd personality. His common sense was trashed to begin with and is now even worse. His thought process is also a bit twisted after being in the void for long. More importantly, who even writes about wishes for the afterlife in case they encounter a wish granter? R.O.B analyze Gojo’s thoughts and his actions

Kaguya’s mind blanked while she heard what Gojo said 

‘This is a one delusional pervert???’ she thought

“I can’t help but ask, are you only after my body?” Her blank look showed she can’t be read

“What are you on about? Our existence is tied together by ‘fate’ (Thanks to the dao of absolute & R.O.B) even if the status of jinchuuriki is gone, we will be together for life and by soul. Also, yes, I am also after your body, and I want us to bond as well (and do very important nightly activities that require a lot of effort from both of us).” he said while thinking about horny thoughts

After all, his past action set himself up with this predicament. Might as well the most out of it. She is powerful in her own right. A terrifying rabbit goddess that is stronger than Shippuden sealed inside me. A partner for life and a woman to boot. 

‘Heh everything, I said here is honest. Though it’s going to take time for her to like me, let’s see how this plays out. Not that it matters if she says no right now but it will be a pain to get her to open up to me and then fall in love.’ Gojo shaking his head 

R.O.B. amused at the thought and decided to add in

[It’s only thanks to Gojo and his wishes that your clan, the patriarch, the celestial and the gods got wiped from your world. With the exception of some, you don’t have to worry about those Otsutsuki strays, if you two ever travel back to the shinobi world.]

Kaguya Otsutsuki looked at both of these weirdos' spouting nonsense. But she still believed it, remembering how she got forcibly transported and then sealed again nearly instantaneous. 

Gojo quickly took his chance to activate system harem to check my affection points with Kaguya 

‘Harem system management’ I quickly said 


Name: Kaguya Otsutsuki

Affection point: 20 (100 is maxed)

Rank: Acquaintance}

‘Tsk, too low. Not enough information as well. Was I not able to convince her at all?’ Gojo thought 

“I will make you a happy woman if you become my wife.” Gojo shameless said with a weird smile

<Well at least this is at least a good start> R.O.B smirking decided to end things here

“I refu─” She adamantly said

‘Unsummon’ Gojo quickly said in his mind

She was forcibly dragged back into my personal dimension. Shock can be seen from her face. She also heard that he said “unsummon” in his mind.

[Well, that was interestingly none the less] R.O.B happily said

“For the record I didn’t get rejected. She just doesn’t know that yet.” Gojo shameless said

[I doubt that.] R.O.B rolling his eyes

“Also, how could she want a piece of this Gojo? Me?” Gojo deeply thought about how weird the situation is

[Maybe because she had a relationship once and got betrayed while being pregnant and almost raped.] R.O.B pondered at the thought as well

“Well, I can see I did make progress. She didn’t transform into ten tails and bijuudama. I don’t want to see any of the ten tails either. Granted she is a virgin again. Don’t know how that works, not going to even ask.'' looking up at the void feeling a bit dead and ignoring R.O.B comment

[That ten tails happen to be literally afraid of me. She decided to take action personally. Also, my magic.]

“Truly a shame really, how could she not fall for this me. I mean I am literally the second coming of Gojo. (Even if it's not the real Gojo, it's the body that counts {With a bigger penis}).”

‘Well in due time she will eventually fall in love with me. Just straight up like any other novel or fanfics if any women like that were sealed. I just thought I could speed the process if I just confessed and helped her a bit.’ Gojo shaking head, reflecting what he knows about women being sealed in anime and novels 

[Well said, by the way she is also hearing everything you had in mind for this entire time.] R.O.B. amusingly watched in anticipation on what's going to happen next in 10 seconds

I froze and stared at the old geezer this time.

“What the fuck? Since when?? I thought I told you to turn that shit off for me old man?!” Gojo panicked

[And I believe I said no promises] R.O.B chuckling 

[I also believe it's time you venture to the new world.] R.O.B beginning to explain

*R.O.B paused for a second*

[On second thoughts, how about this? I just send you straight away to a world that you know at a random time?] R.O.B amusingly thought

“Wait!! What? you can’t do that. That’s against─ “


“You SHITTy GOd!!” Gojo couldn't help but curse

(Kaguya POV)

─Flash Back? ─

It’s strange I woke up and noticed I’m in a different world this time in a space of void.

[Ah you’re not supposed to be here.] R.O.B interestingly said

[No matter, I will just put you back into his dimension.] R.O.B quickly got bored and forcefully warp her back towards Gojo’s personal dimension which is surprisingly up his ass

‘What did he just say? Am I being sealed again?’

I couldn’t do anything and was forcefully warped back into the place I was just earlier, this time the world was filled with forests and with animals─. Why are there only bunnies and rabbits? Whatever, it doesn’t matter.

I tried to break out of this dimension. By remembering the space void dimension and with the connection to the white-haired man that can be felt. I was able to dimension teleport to the white hair man and where the old man was. 

But alas it didn’t truly work as he forcefully warped me back. This keeps happening indefinitely and it is more like a game of wits. Interestingly, I was transforming into ten tails every time I teleported into the void. But the warp transforms me back into my original form. While this was happening the white-haired man's body kept getting destroyed. I’m still surprised his body is still holding up every time I try coming out.

What shocked me was that the white-haired boy’s body and soul was regenerating at a frightening rate that would even put mines to shame.

I stopped dimension teleporting at some point, it was getting harder to teleport into the void as I noticed the white-haired man is getting stronger which makes me frustrated. As I thought, not a single one of them is normal. The actions of the old man are weird. As I watched him make clones of the white hair man and perform repetitive odd movements. But I could tell that the man was unconscious and constantly in pain, while being controlled? Shouldn’t he wake up? 

Then things started to happen too fast, sometimes the white-haired man was firing off fire, thunder, water, white, wind, light, dark, and other things I don’t I’m not aware of or can even comprehend. There were uncountable clones all over the void performing ridiculous feats even by Otsutsuki clan standards. Like the real white-haired man killing his own existence and then reappearing and repeating his actions.

Then while all that was happening─

[Pssst the Otsutsuki clan and parasitic god are dead. I killed them. Don’t worry. Except for a few? Anyway, God out.] R.O.B said

I froze. Did he just say he is God? No but the Otsutsuki clan and the patriarch are dead? There was a god in the Otsutsuki clan? He killed them. But how?

Not risking myself provoking him I just decided to observe what's going on instead. What is shown is the white void that is in my mind projected by that self-proclaimed God. I’m going to hold my questions and anger for later. Also ignoring what's going on around me in the world I’m in. 

[I am not just any god. I am literally God.]

I ignored him too and decided to wait patiently while watching what’s happening to the white-haired man. 


A/N (Author Note) 

I have decided on the first world [second coming of gluttony] because some of the special distinct people have an interesting eye ability called third eyes and nine eyes. One of which means higher realm and the other has infinite potential. Now our Gojo is the six eye users. I just thought it would be interesting to troll around in this world. The timeline will be taking place when Seol was already in the tutorial. 

If you aren’t aware of that novel or manhwa of second coming of gluttony (SCOG) Don’t worry, I plan to finish the world asap (maybe destroy it? Idk I’m world hopping).

A rough Summary:
Lost paradise is another world where the majority of the story takes place. Chosen or contracted humans are sent here to battle against alien foreign parasite gods that escape from a certain martial god. It's more of a martial art and a little magic world. And obviously Earthly human beings, the shit they are, are self-explanatory except for the characters and cast.  But enough about that apparently the third eye and 9 eyes have a conscience apparently shown in the near end of the novel or side stories. I’m just interested in making them talk a little in the Second Coming of the Gluttony universe maybe. And then Ima jumps around and warps them to another world right after maybe a few chapters?

Seriously I might remake this chapter because I think I rushed it?

I don't know if this chapter is good enough.

Anyways I'm heading out to LA/ LAX peace out for a week. Starting at Oct/5/2022

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