Gojo Becoming A Perfect Jinchuuriki

Chapter 4: Gojo Becoming A Perfect Jinchuuriki – 3

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(Gojo POV)                    A/N: This is a rushed chapter coming back to edit after a week. My apologize if some didn't make sense. 


* Dropped in the middle of the sky *


“I swear I will fucking murder you one day” Gojo shouted towards the sky


‘Shadow clone. Huh? Shadow clone shadow clone. ???’ Gojo couldn’t help but spam shadow clone


‘I fucking can’t use it?’ Gojo shocked


While I’m still free falling, I’m still calm because─




I can just teleport anywhere just from my vision alone. Distance doesn’t matter at all. I teleport to a back-alley way near a school, when I use my abilities in my eyes to observe my surroundings and the location I was sent to.


‘If there is anything I know about being transported to the new world with no information given to me. It is to blend in and gather any information available from afar. Hiding is a must because I notice that this is a modern world, and my appearance isn't what you called normal, and I still haven't seen myself what I look like yet. I was going to have this populated with my clones and transformation to gather information but that was out of the bag.


Not only that, but it also doesn’t help the fact I am literally naked underneath the Akatsuki cloak. To make things worse I found out why I can’t use clone techniques apparently since it is my damn authority and my existence literally means no copyrights.


I don’t know too, but I just can’t make my own clones. This authority of mine is basically nerfing myself. I didn't expect myself to not be able to use clones. I only wanted no other people to clone me. God can though because. Stupid Omnipotent powers. Stupid list of mines. One of my favorite skills in Naruto, the shadow clone jutsu I can't use at all.‘ Gojo sadly thinking


[Wow I was expecting you to panic and all when you were falling.] R.O.B surprise message and emotions could be felt


‘Huh R.O.B is messaging through the system? Shouldn't he be doing his job?’ Gojo questioning him in his mind


“You shitty god, as if that can scare me. " Gojo replied


[I am doing my job. In fact, you should be scared, I’m going to give you a blessing.] R.O.B smiled at him


“I don’t really want your curse. Considering how much pain of an ass you were and now my wishes are working against what I want. I can’t use shadow clones or any clones at all.”


‘Status’ Gojo said in his mind




Name: Gojo


Age: 25


Race: Beyond Outer God


State: Healthy




Health: ∞


Strength: EX


Agility: EX


Dexterity: ∞


Mana: ∞


Luck: EX


Super Omnipotent Supreme One Absolute Transcendent Pinnacle Beyond God’s Blessing:


<I am watching you :D>


Abilities: [Tap for more]




“This blessing doesn’t do anything at all you piece of shit!” Gojo angrily exclaimed


[Maa maa, don’t be like that. I am literally doing my job with ‘my infinite clones’ handling every new reincarnation and transmigration. I have to keep all the things in order. But you're a little different, so I decided to watch you. After all, you're a rare source of entertainment.] R.O.B chuckled


‘You make it sound like I am a story and a plaything.’ Gojo said in his mind, watching his surroundings now


A/N: He is.


‘Couldn’t you at least give me some clothes to wear underneath and maybe some hints on where I am? I don’t even have missions or quest on my system─’


[Like I said before, fucks with Kaguya and you will get better access to the system.] R.O.B sending some normal clothes


‘You know as much as I like the sound of that. Coming from you, who suggested that I’m having second thoughts.’ Gojo checking his surroundings as he wore clothing


‘I should be able to transform right? Techniques from the Naruto world? I think it was henge.’ noticing other presences heading towards a specific location


[You really don't need to use it in this world.] R.O.B replied tiredly




[You have an item in your treasury within ‘What's yours is mine’]


[Forge contract envelope]


Description: Give it to a guide ~ R.O.B


‘That sounds very annoying, can you turn that ding shit sound off. Also, can you hide my stats from my status? I actually don’t want to look at my parameters at all. Just only skills and abilities please. That also includes getting rid of your shitty blessing’


[And here I was being generous with my blessing] R.O.B sarcastically replied


"Get that shit away from me. Period." Gojo cursing


I took out the enveloped in my treasury and try to open─


[I wouldn’t do that if I were you. And go to school.] R.O.B replied


“Hmm? Was that the clue? I think I know what type of this world is then.” Looking around the neighborhood before going to a certain school that looked pretty much what is asking for attention


“So, this is Korea’s fake ass high school. I’m not even on Earth, just dimension before Earth and that world.” Amused as I looked at the sign that says Paradise high school in Korean


‘Ohhhh a European foreign looking maid, how rare. Especially in an Eastern country’ As I stare at the woman who is standing in front of the gates at the entrance. I love maids


‘Yep, this is mother fucking ‘Second coming of gluttony world’ is that bastard Seol already here? Am I in the same tutorial timeline as he is or pre black Seol?’ coming up with plans in my head


I already know my first course of action here; I’m going to start a massacre. And do those 7 deadly sins Gods a favor. In exchange I’m going to kidnap a certain Saintess and a little cleansing. But I don’t know how long I’m going to be here for.


I can even feel Kaguya watching through my eyes with interest. That’s new, I can feel her emotions a bit?


Anyways I handed my ‘contract’ to the European maid named Maria. I think that was her name. She is being silent and polite, which is hilarious as she is a money-grubbing woman who screams profanity and is always alcoholic. And here she is acting as a maid silent and stuff. At least she was very funny in the series.


She looked at me weirdly because of how I was dressed. A blindfold white hair man wearing some cosplay? A cloak with red clouds around, pretty much screams I'm not normal. I gave my signature Gojo smile and a peace sign and walked through the door showing I’m not blind.


Everyone in the auditorium looked at me weirdly but then went back to whatever they were doing. I already decided most of the people here are going to die early for that. Since I know the majority of these died from the ‘tutorial’. I am just doing these people a favor and ending their death quicker. Not because I want to test my techniques.


I noticed Seol here as well. Oh, if it isn't the main protagonist, the one with the gold mark. He is sitting on the chair. The ‘Invitee’ only gets to sit on the chairs. Since no one saw me, I took my spot on an empty corner and personally took out my chair from the treasury minding my own business. The contracted are people standing on one side of the box tape. The invitee sitting in the other. And the great me that is out of the range of both sides.


The door closed. And I’m guessing this is where the tutorial starts. I was the last one to come in.


Anyways, Han the guide for the tutorial appears that basically means it started. I cutoff my own conscience as he started to talk. I already know how this is going. No need to pay attention for the next 5 minutes.


[You know I could add a mute feature?] R.O.B chimed in


‘Not interested. I’m the type who forgets to unmute’ As I responded in my dream as I started looking into my memories about Mahito getting clapped by two jujutsu sorcerers with that sick ass music in the background. Kaguya is pretty much watching together with me through my eyes, watching in amazement at how the cursed spirit is getting stronger each time he gets hit.


I woke up after my intuition told me something was going on. The entrance door that was closed is getting smashed from the outside. But it didn’t break through. I noticed Han and the maid Maria had already teleported away. And I smiled at the things that were going on.


It's about to start. The middle of the auditorium started making a rumbling sound and out it came some tentacles with hooks almost killing a certain young girl but─


‘Hey R.O.B. Can you filter some people out from this one skill I’m going to use?’ Gojo asking, while teleporting towards the center with the greatest number of people


[Sure, I already know who, go crazy]


“Ryoiki tenkai.. Mur-yō kū sho!!!” I shouted out my ability, it was in Japanese from my mouth. But the people hearing it were getting the translated version.


Without making any hand signs. The memory mindscape I ‘borrowed’ manifests in reality while kicking some people out that I specifically don’t want to get caught in.


It looks amazing no matter how much I see it. A bit echoey as well? Everyone inside my domain was trapped, they couldn't move and were probably brain dead or dead. I shot off my noble phantasm from ‘what's yours is mine’ and made sure everyone stays dead.


‘After all, I'm just giving them an early death rather than what's about to happen later. Where they get chased by a boogie monster called a gaekgwi and all die gruesomely. Truly a shame, these people who are dying are women, men, old men and even children had some fucked up death here that was not written. I just gave them a better alternative and made sure they only suffered from someone who is more humane.’ Gojo shaking his head


[Do you even know what you’re saying? With your existence you can change their fate] R.O.B pointing out


Doesn’t matter, the leechers are all dead from the novel and webtoon/manhwa. They aren’t even fodder rank.


The ones remaining were Seol Jihu (MC), Yi siblings (Yi Sungjin and Yi Seol Ah), Hyun Sangmin, Shin Sang-Ah, and Yun Seora. Those who originally made it out alive, gotten into the neutral zone and eventually made a name for themselves in lost paradise. They got pushed outside from my domain expansion.


When the technique ended, what was left behind were brutal corpses unrecognizable bodies since I did not hold back at all firing weaponry I had in mind from my treasury. I didn’t make cause explosion at the very least. Probably would have destroyed the neighborhood. The items disappeared back into the treasury.


I can feel 7 beings and a crystalized camera spying on me from somewhere. Everyone who was watching was shocked. But I didn’t care. They can’t stop the tutorial once it begins. I know my stuff a bit, I was only hiding earlier since I had a forge contract and didn't know if I was being played by the shitty god.


My plans for this world is to get into Lost Paradise as soon as possible to capture─ I mean help a certain Saintess. Now I don’t know if I want to get into the neutral zone either. Considering the Neutral zone is an extension of the tutorial that last for 3 months. R.O.B didn’t tell me how long I had in this world but I’m guessing it's less─


[You have 1 month.] R.O.B responded to my thoughts


‘Yeah I saw that one coming.’ Gojo said out loud in his mind


More importantly, I should probably kill the main character, Seol. One for personally pissing me off for his shitty character late development (A/N: Well, that was due to being groomed by his ex-girlfriend not entirely his fault though.), another reason was that he was acting fucking dense (A/N: Also, again his ex-purposely made him that way? To make sure he would not chase other girls.), and finally I get to yoink his nine eyes. I always had a speculation that all eye abilities would have a conscience of their own. After reading this novel's ending and some side stories. The way it was explained and set up kind of made sense to me. (I don't remember if that truly happened, just gonna put that the eyes are like kids and can act with emotions)


I pretty much killed 90% of the participants. And basically, cleared out the main threat for any future problems by getting rid of nuisances. Additionally, I fired off a cursed spear ‘Gae Bolg’ at Seol at a speed that can be deflected. I just hope that Black Seol takes over the current Seol with ‘Future Vision’ one of his other innate abilities. That was specifically made for all Seols his own original ability.


My hopes were answered. The bastard Seol was frozen still and doing nothing but changing immediately as the spear was closing into his head. He now had an aura of a veteran, picked up the cursed spear that was fired at him and kicked himself running towards me and started thrusting the spear that clearly shows he has true experience as a spearman. I can tell this is Black Seol now. A mental manifestation of his future counterpart who failed in saving himself and the world. Kind of reminds me of someone.


But he was weak; he is in the body of his younger pathetic self. Even so, being able to show his skills with that weak that body of his, kinda shows he knows his own body and the limits.


As I was dancing around dodging the master spearman or maybe even grandmaster, I can’t tell if this Black Seol has been affected by all other Seol in other timelines. What affects the past Seol will also affect the Black Seol but Black always retains his original future memories and specs. This sure sounds a lot similar to a certain servant from Fate Nasuverse.


“I’m actually here for you ‘Blacky’.” I smirked at him as I continue dodging his expert strikes, cut, and thrust


“Who are you?” Blacky alarmed from this unknown weirdo and the way he is dodging his attacks


I ignored him and smacked him easily with blackflash. Immediately distorting space and cutting off one of his arms and legs. So much for a free 2.5 potential or whatever.


Well, the 7 deities watching were shocked and wanted to intervene. I showed a bit of my divinity to shut them up.


‘Well, that was awkward’ Gojo watching Seol struggle and decided to introduce himself


“I─" Gojo trying to introduce himself but was forcefully stopped


[You know I don’t really like where this is going, actually I decided to stop you right here for a bit and I put some thoughts into this, so I'm going to borrow you for a bit.] R.O.B interrupted him at a speed where Gojo was also forced to use perception and listen to him


*R.O.B blasting a certain trio muscular man music in the room while controlling Gojo, taking off his blindfolded and added a shadow forehead. As Gojo was being controlled, R.O.B started Gojo's introduction with Gojo's mouth. Forcefully blast his presence and said─*

You are reading story Gojo Becoming A Perfect Jinchuuriki at novel35.com


"Watashi no na wa “Gojo”. nijyu go sai. Iede wa dōbutsu to midori to no kojin-tekina jigen….. kekkon wa shite inai….. shitsugyō shite imasu mainichi osokutomo yoru hachi-ji made ni wa kitaku suru tabako wa suwanai sake wa tashinamu teido yoru juichi tokiniha yuka ni tsuki kanarazu 8-jikan wa suimin o toru yō ni shite iru… nerumae ni atatakai miruku o nomi niju-bu hodo no sutoretchi de karada o hogushite kara yuka ni tsuku to hotondo asamade jukusui-sa… akanbō no yō ni hirō ya sutoresu o nokosazu ni asa-me o samaseru nda… kenkōshinda demo ijō nashi to iwa reta yo (R.O.B )" 


"watashi wa tsuneni “kokoro no heion” o negatte iki teru ningen to iu koto o setsumei shite iru noda yo… “kachimake” ni kodawattari atama o kakaeru yōna “toraburu” toka yoru mo nemurenai to itta “teki” o tsukuranai… to iu no ga watashi no shakai ni taisuru shiseideari sore ga jibun no kōfukuda to iu koto o shitte iru… mottomo tatakatta to shite mo watashi wa darenimo makenga ne" Gojo confusedly said this in Japanese




“My name is Gojo. I am 25 years old. My house is in the personal dimension, where all the greenery and animals are…… I am not married……. I am unemployed, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don’t smoke, but I occasionally drink. I’m in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. After I was told there were no issues at my last check-up ( R.O.B ).”  


“I’m trying to explain that I’m a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn’t lose to anyone.” Gojo twitching while posing and was embarrassed by what was going on


While that was fine and all, before everyone could process what was just said. R.O.B decided to throw in something to fuck his introduction even more. A shadowy ghost partner that looks similar to a certain rabbit goddess could be seen behind Gojo making a pose. Yes, it is a fake stand made by yours truly R.O.B just for the sake of his 'introduction'. Though, if anything he killed the mood and look supernatural to them.


"The people who I just killed just happened to be in my way on my journey to paradise, so I took care of the problem. You're welcome." As Gojo had his head forcefully move to look at the seven deadly sins by R.O.B.

‘Stop right there, you shitty god’ Gojo internally scream at R.O.B, who had enough fun for today


‘The hell do you think you’re doing?’ Gojo internally screamed


[This way is better than your lame plan that is “Just Gojo” introduction’.] R.O.B amusingly answered


‘I don’t even do any of those things that you just said with my mouth. Also, why the hell did you use Kira's speech?’ Gojo crying internally, also doing the famous Josuke ‘manly’ pose now


[Whatever, I made sure to make a serious (comedic) introduction to get rid of the wariness from everyone, of what just transpired here, especially the seven gods who were trying to get rid of you as a foreign irregular. My magic did in fact do the trick to clear their suspicion on you just now.] R.O.B calmly explained his actions


‘I should probably finish killing off the M.C.’ Gojo quickly think of the situation


I teleported behind him and cut off his head. Then I immediately used my absolute eye: Mangekyo ability and used YOINK. Robbing Seol of his existence, soul, memories, ability and nine eyes. I also found Black Seol consciousness and I took that with me as well. I speed dial up my perception and thought process to deleted everything I just absorbed except for Seol’s memories of his ramen cooking skills and his nine eyes. (This is regular Seol)


Everyone was silent and then shocked again after that action I just made.


[Well, I can tell this story is already off cannon from no less than 30-minutes and fucked. What type of person are you to kill off the Main character from the start? Just become some petty grudge from reading a novel.]


‘Really? You think all stories about a new transmigrator or reincarnated are going to follow cannon? The moment when an irregular existent spawn into any world, all cannon route is off. Also, that Seol at least deserved that.’ Gojo calmly explained


‘I’m not really doing anything much different from Kaguya but mine is very reasonable and on the low end of things.’ Gojo said in his mind


‘I was trying to save my world from war and recover what was rightfully mine.’ Kaguya said to his mind for the first time


I flinched for a bit when I heard her cold voice. But ignored her for now. I threw in some pictures of rabbits at her in my personal dimension.


[I'm not going to believe that.] R.O.B twitching his eyes and shaking his head


[And you on your way here, you wanted to start massacring a group of unknown people just because you wanted to try domain expansion in a group? As if that wasn’t enough you just decided the next best course of action was to kill… the main character? What’s next? Shooting down the seven deadly sins to make them pure and virtue?] R.O.B questioning Gojo’s action


‘You know I might just try that. Though, I expected my first kill to make me feel sick or something, I didn’t feel anything from killing a bunch of nobodies. In fact, I was feeling adrenaline from using the ability and watching it go awesome. But surprisingly I really felt something when I killed Seol.  Do you know what I felt?’ Gojo asked him in his mind


[You killed both Seol and Black Seol at the same time. Did you finally come to your senses from killing important people? ] R.O.B complaining


‘Ah I think the word was pity.’ Gojo sighing


[Forget it then.] R.O.B annoyed


‘Let's go back to them’ Gojo stopped using his perception


“Don’t worry, I’m not a bad guy.” Gojo lifting both his hands


[So convincing.] R.O.B sarcastically added


‘That was my first time using yoinked’ It feels disgusting considering the amount of impurities he had


“Anyways, I’m doing a resurrection later. This person died for a different reason and he is coming back alive.(well at least the black Seol is)” Gojo casually said that and teleported out of the room to go to the next stage in the tutorial


Everyone else started rushing towards the next stage as well in different directions. I teleported away from where the camera could never see me except for the seven gods.


With Black Seol back in the flesh, I pretty much have a confirmed ‘dark hero’ to save this world from a shit end. This Black Seol is replacing the young cannon Seol and will be getting all the benefits just like the cannon part. The difference is quite wide though, because blacky is the future one with the body, knowledge, and skills. The original was diamond fed and couldn't handle shit without plot armor. I can’t wait to see the changes, probably in 1 year he will take down the Parasite Queen and everything in the world. Maybe aquire a massive harem too. But I’m taking one specific person for myself. Hey Shitty god can you permanently cover or hide Black Seol constellation star from the Parasite Queen?’


[That is but a simple task, can cover everything about stars. But I’m not doing it for free. That’s going to cost ya. No currency vouchers.]


‘ Knowing you, you would probably only give enough to buy miscellaneous shit. Anyways take it away from me. I don't care about the voucher. After all, I still do not have access to a system shop.' Gojo feeling anger


Anyways I like this Black Seol, though it sounds weird after killing his younger self which is the main character. This Black Seol probably had around 10 years or more as a specialist spear master or so. Now adding onto that he is going to start again, with his previous prime state this time and gold perk instead of slave status. Just how much stronger will he get?’ Gojo amusingly thought


[I will start on it as soon as you resurrect him.] R.O.B agreeing


“But before that I should probably test how these nine eyes work. It’s very weak and also has the green color unlocked.” Gojo amusingly played with this other consciousness innate ability of his inside his mind


The nine eyes is basically a rainbow eye that has 9 colors. Each color represents a representational meaning from threat evaluation to some understanding of fate and destiny itself. Green for observation safety and luck, Yellow = Serious business, Orange = do not approach (Too strong), Red = Immediate retreat recommended (Out of your league), and Black Escape (Absolute death/death sentence). From here are on out is about fate and destiny. Gold = (Good for good & Malice for Malice), Blue = destiny selection, Indigo = fate pioneering, and Violet = Stellar evolution.


Yeah, I don’t really know some of these words, but if anything, these 9 abilities are extremely versatile and has so much potential usage when unlocked and depending on the situation.

‘And I only have the color green at the moment. I’m here trying to poking it around and trying to get it to let me use it as I pleased. If it's fully unlocked it may even help me with my relationships with my harem.’ Gojo happily analyze the potential of these eyes


As I was playing around with the nine eyes that were glowing green at the moment. I think the nine eyes were crying. Anyways, I thought this would awaken my dojutsu and other eye abilities to spring into emotions as well. You see I had a thought that maybe other eye abilities can have emotion and consciousness itself. If I can get that to work in the Rinnegan, a lot of new shit will be happening if I can make the eyes use its abilities itself. Well, yeah that didn’t work. Not even six eyes, which I thought were family branches with the nine eyes and third eyes (Just by the names). I know the third eye has consciousness and emotions as well. It's even in a higher realm than the nine eyes.


This really ruined my mood. Thinking about it my hype for this world went down the drain. This nine eye was just the only thing I was going to kill anything for. Gojo sad noises


I’m just keeping this innate ability, nothing wrong with having it. Besides when I use pure world resurrection Black Seol would have his own Nine eyes and his is probably fully unlocked and maybe even upgraded. But I don’t intend on taking his eyes.

‘Status’ I said in my mind




Name: Gojo


Age: 25


Race: Beyond Outer God


State: Healthy (Annoyed)




Grand Priest Perfect Mastered Ultra Instinct [Weapon Mastery] - [Special Ability]


Full Counter [Special Ability] [Active]


Absolute Eyes: Tenseigan, RinneSharingan, Ranmaru's Kekkei Genkai Dōjutsu, 6 Eyes/Rikugan, The Mystic Eyes of Death, Nine eyes (Green) <New!> [Special Ability] [Active]


Pure World Resurrection [Special Ability] [Active] [7 Day Cool Down] [Available]


What's Yours is Mine [Active] [Special Ability]


Absolute Dao Of Culture [Active]


Absolute World Teleportation [Active]


Force Un/Summon Ten tails / Kaguya Otsutsuki [Active]



“Can you hide everything other than my name and make one tap on abilities and skills’’ Gojo sigh




Name: Gojo



[Tap for more]


‘I should probably say something to Black Seol before he goes rogue. My intuition is telling me he is a fighting junkie type and one who holds grudges.’ Gojo sighing


‘Pure world resurrection’ I mentally activated the skill in my brain


Pure light and dark color showed itself and warped together into the shape of a human who is holding a crescent demon looking spear along with some dark armor. I think he looks the same as the sick ass cover photo for scog. I nodded at him with my approved look. He wasn't looking at me though


“You got some looks my dude!” Gojo said with smacking his back


“Gula, what jus─. YOUU!” Blacky yelled


“Yes, it's me Gojo.” I smiled at him while holding my peace sign


He didn’t even respond to that and immediately kicked and rushed towards me while using a special ability. Why the hell is everyone I’m meeting the ‘hands first, talk later’ type.


[You just killed a group you didn’t even meet.] R.O.B interestingly responded at that hypocritical statement


Blacky used a qi blade wave, the ones I have read in novels so much not wuxia though, but regardless you get the idea. While it was flying towards me, I turned off my limitless and turned off my perceptions to fight at his time. I wanted to see wish out as one the most strongest character in Lost Paradise


The attack landed but it did no damage to me. We both used our nine eyes and I started to move at the same speed as Black Seol to trade blows. Well its more like one sided beating, but Black Seol to be enjoying the thrill of having a challenge as he noticed that I’m not one shotting him.


10 minutes Later (I’m not even going to bother)

We both stopped moving after because both the nine eyes started to act. Mine was jumping in excitement in my mind seeing a mature adult version of Seol and with the other pair of nine eyes with all unlocked was shaking. I’m guessing he is using it to see the outcome of our battle in the future of all possibilities while fighting me. Unfortunately for him I’m pretty sure he'll end up seeing himself crawling up the floor in about 1 seconds if he doesn’t stop attacking right about now.


“Ok, you should probably stop before you get hurt. I resurrected you for the record, in your body and flesh along with your equipment back to its mint condition during your time from the future. You’re not a ghost. I specifically killed your younger version because I felt you were a better alternative to save the world. Now that you’re here with your memories and several other timelines of Seol, you get to enjoy the perks of being a gold mark this time and enjoy your time of life and new picks on harem. By the way I’m calling dibs on Flonecia Lusignan La Rothschear. I’m not taking no for an answer” Gojo responded

Blacky still taking in deep breathes from the crazy amount of exchange during the past 10 minutes. His body was drench and still processing what he just said


“Don’t worry about the slutty 7.5 divine tier parasite queen god. I can one shot her. But I’m leaving that to you “hero”, you could take your time. I already have your constellation star hidden from the parasite queen. It also makes sure it won’t generate heat, movement or increase in size. Don't ask how.”  Gojo happy explain the situation


“How─”Blackie was confused and on lowered guard now, but as a man love taking every advantage, Gojo is not going to let him finish and kept throwing insurable amount of news


“I just forcefully brought the body and your condition to its prime. You still have room to grow. Now that you’re “replacing Seol”, you still have access to his gold mark and hilariously enough you’re marked as a level one despite being a lvl 8. You should probably take this chance to reach higher heights. Not that it means much to me, Mister “Demon of the battlefield”. Gojo laughing at his name


The seven deadly sins were dead silent after seeing and hearing what was being said from this powerful unknown god.


‘Hey R.O.B do you think I can force my way to lost parad─’ Gojo asked


[I highly recommend you to take your time and explore the new world.] R.O.B told him


‘Are you crazy? I got one month. I'm going to be stuck in the neutral zone for 3 months. I already found a potential harem member I want in my life and she is a ghost outside this world.’ Gojo shaking his head


For some reason I felt some chills on my very own being. As I would love to ignore this feeling I decided quickly to create a bunch of drawings in my personal dimension of infinite tsukuyomi and a lot of beautiful pictures of the moon. Also fanarts of Kaguya Otsutsuki on the net. Also a sage of the six path version Kaguy─I destroyed the six path drawing of kaguya. I should probably visit her soon in our house.


“Alright you uncultured Gods. I did you a favor. I expect you to at least let this slide. For me, killing regular inferior Seol Jihu and giving this blacky a chance to grow even stronger. And as for killing the useless ones, I don’t think you guys care. If anything, I’m only saying this once, don’t ask, don't pry, and just don’t. Also let me pass whenever I want. I at least deserve that much.” As I look at the seven deadly sins and let a transformation on my Grandpriest master ultra-instinct for a split second. And that fucking scared them


“Wa─” Blacky wanted to ask something, so I light gave him Shinra Tensei. He got sent back flying.


Nine eyes were angry from my action, this one trying to give me a headache by jumping around in my mind. Ignoring the nine eyes I looked at Blacky dead in the eye with my blindfold and told him


“What did I just say, don't ask.” I continue my way to the next tutorial stage by following Blacky who now have the same appearance as young Seol who died by my hands.  


────────Time Skip──────────


I ignored everyone and even the gods as I continued bullshitting my way through the tutorial. We are at the school rooftop now and the rooftop signifies the end and is the evaluation before going to the neutral zone with the guide. I don’t even why I bother staying in the tutorial. Han wanted to question me but noticed the disturbance in the air and didn’t bother. Moving on Han gave everyone evaluation and points about how they did. I didn’t even bother waiting and listening to him as I teleported into the gate and entered. YEET since I have the power gods by my side.


I was the first one to enter and started exploring the place. Found the VIP resting zone at the top floor I forcefully broke through and well I cut off my conscience and enjoyed my first ever rest on my way into this world.

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