Golden Deity: Slime in the Multiverse

Chapter 15: Chapter 14: Talking with the golden girl

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"So, can you tell me your name?" I questioned Ais.

Obviously, from the anime stuff, I already knew her first name, not to mention her last name, and even her personality and likes and dislikes, but that wasn't necessary; after all, I can't call her by her first name. Maybe she thinks I'm a stalker...

Although she is famous, so her name should be recognized.

"Ais... Ais Wallenstein."

After uttering her name, she stuffed her cheeks with another jaguamarukun. Women decide to eat or talk...

"Ais, huh? I've heard your name many times, but considering you're the most talented woman at such a young age, no wonder."

I sincerely praised Ais; however, she merely tilted her head to the side as she looked at me and chewed.

Perhaps, if that Danmachi protagonist boy did not appear, the most incredible talent out there was not that man they call King or other adventurers, but none other than this cute and somewhat silly girl.

Motivated by her desire for revenge, she wielded her sword to train day and night, single-handedly smashing huge bosses to increase and even break their limits. She had no time for anything but that...

Or so I remember reading somewhere on the wiki.

"Ano~ is something wrong...?" Tilting her head, Ais asked me.

Oops, I guess she's caught me looking at her more than I should... though it makes me wonder if she's aware that I can see. Well, it's not like I was trying to hide the fact that I can see.

"Have another." I pulled the last jaguamarukun out of my bag to give it to this insatiable girl.

'I didn't even get a chance to taste it...'.

"*Munch~ Thank you...".

Ais thanked and stuffed her cheeks again. The pair of slender feet covered by a long bluish boot moved back and forth. She looked happy.

It had been a while since we had moved to this place, where for now, there was no one but us resting on top of a bench and under the shade of a tree.

It was a quiet and relaxing place, considering that some trees surrounded us. The inside was covered in green grass with a few benches to sit on scattered here and there.

The sound of water spitting and pouring into a fountain added to the tranquillity. Goldfish flapped and danced happily in the fountain filled with crystal clear water supplied to the brim by a lion statue posed proudly in the center.

Ais seemed especially interested in those little fish, which makes me wonder if she was appreciating them or considering using them as an ingredient for her jagamarukun.

After eating all the jagamarukuns, she looked at my empty bag with a pitiful expression.

Since I was with her, I took the opportunity to start a proper conversation with her, or at least try to...

Man, it's pretty hard to talk to her and get a conversation out of her.

Since she's spent her whole life training, it's made her lose not only the common sense of some things but also, it's made her unable to express her emotions and feelings through words adequately.

Well, the day will come when I break this shell around her...

I made a promise in my mind.

We continued talking some more, and seeing that she was a bit anxious about something, possibly because she had already missed her Familia for a long time, I bid her farewell.

"Mn, see ya...". She nodded back at me, and I left the place.

I went back to walking through the city streets while receiving compliments and words of adoration from girls, to which I paid no attention.

Much less did I pay attention to those jealous men who tried to block my path, only to be stopped by the enraged women. Well done, girls...

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At the place where Adler and Ais were talking before,

Ais looked at the place where Adler disappeared for a good few seconds. Her eyes flickered, and she cocked her head to the side.

"Who was that? I didn't ask his name...".

She was curious about that boy who, despite always being alert even in the city, where the slightest movement didn't go unnoticed by her enhanced senses, couldn't perceive his presence in the finest when they met. However, what caught Ais' attention most was not those mentioned above but the fact that the boy possessed a sharp, extremely sharp aura as if he were the very incarnation of a sword.


After muttering, she turned around, and although she was curious about that beautiful boy who somehow made her feel comfortable around him, she didn't think any more about it and left.

"Ais-san! Why did you disappear so suddenly from us?! What if some pervert tried to attack you?"

Stepping out into the busy street, Ais was greeted by a small girl with long yellow, rather orange hair, blue eyes, and two pointed ears that described her race.

With hurried steps and a worried expression, she approached Ais and tried to hug her. Clumsily, however, her two fragile feet stumbled over each other.


But, being halfway through her fall, a soft hand with no stain of imperfections reached out and caught the collar of the girl's clothes.

"Sigh~ Lefiya, how often do I have to repeat myself? Be more careful next time."

A mature-bodied woman with an elegant and mysterious magic wand in her hand sighed while keeping a serious face. Her eyes and hair tied in a tail that reached her waist were a beautiful, bright jade color. And one feature that stood out quite a bit was her two long ears, similar to the previous girl's.

"And you, Ais, don't separate from our group without informing us first so we can accompany you. You've had us worried for quite some time, got it?" she turned her gaze back to Ais.

"Okay, Riveria...". Ais nodded with her stoic expression. Her gaze wandered a bit into the crowd, noting the silhouette of a young man with pure golden hair entering and being buried by a group of people.

"Did you find anything when you were here, Ais?" Riveria raised her eyebrows at the sight of the girl's rarely changing expression.

"Ais-san, tell me. A pervert didn't stalk you, were you? If so, let's go give him his comeuppance!" Lefiya's blue eyes flared furiously as she wriggled free from Riveria's grasp. Her scream startled passersby.

However, Ais shook her head and replied with a simple "Nothing," putting her thoughts aside.

Not believing Ais, Riveria averted her gaze distrustfully to where Ais was looking, only to sigh and shake her head. On the other side, Lefiya puffed out her cheeks, expressing her discontent.

"Come on; the others should be waiting for us."


The sunlight was about to set. The clouds on the horizon behind the walls turned reddish, and the big sun barely peeked behind the walls visible from here.

I walked through the streets and scanned the entire perimeter; I nodded, satisfied with today's exploration.

I turned around and returned to the inn. I greeted the man at the counter and asked for my food to be brought to a table.

Ignoring the stares, I quietly ate all the food served to me. The grilled chicken with the sauce-splashed rice was delicious.

Satisfied, I went to the second floor, where my private room was located, and lay down directly on the bed.

Although I wasn't tired, being the lazy sloth I am, it was nice to lie down and do nothing all day.

That said, I fell asleep!

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