Great great great grandfather Dracula Gamer

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 – Game intro 3

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The dragon roared, the sky shook and the ground rumbled. It spread its wings, puffed its chest and charged a fire breath attack. 

“Quick! Defense formation!”

A group of angels gathered at one spot and put up their shields together, embracing for the coming hit. 

But that was not enough. 

The fire beam pierced right through their defense and incernarated the whole squad of angels. 

“Holy shit!”, I gasped, after witnessing such an onslaught. Can we really beat that?” 

“We have to try!” said Raziel. “It is a bad idea to take on that attack head on, but if we are fast enough to evade it, then we can have a chance!”

“Ah! Make sense!”

“And, comanader, your level is higher than that monster, so you can do it!”

“Yes, you have a point!”

After all, my level was 874, while that dragon was level 641. From what I had learnt previously, level was all that mattered in this world. The more level one had, the more powerful one was.

But to kill that dragon in the most efficient way, we would have to rely on something other than just level.

So, I landed after Raziel developed a plan. He would attract the dragon’s attention, while I would charge a really really powerful beam attack to end that dragon in one clean hit!

“Are you ready?” Raziel then asked.

“Anytime!” I replied, and raised my sword up, beginning the chant.

The spell I was about to cast was named Judgment Light Fall, which would imbue my sword with Heavenly light that could wipe out any evil. It required a very long chanting phrase and a super high level of concentration. The level that was required to learn it was really high as well. One had to be over 850. So, currently, only a few high ranked angels were able to perform such spells.    

Or at least… that was what Raziel told me!

You just need to focus a little bit. And I didn’t know why, maybe because of the Eye of Truth that I had, I didn’t have to remember any chanting phrases at all! Anytime I wanted to cast a spell, the phrases would instantly appear inside my vision in the form of floating words, so it would be no more harder than reading a children's book!

And speaking of spells, I also tried to cast some of my vampiric spells to enhance my muscle strength and muscle power, but they didn’t work. However, when I tried my other spells, spells that boosted my perception of time and reaction speed, they worked! And unlike the angelic spells, my vampiric spell didn’t even cost any mana!

Weird… I had no idea why that happened, or why I was able to cast my vampiric spells in the first place.

But well, more power for me, so no complaint!

My sword slowly charged up as I chanted, making glowing red then blue then green then yellow then white tiny orbs orbiting around it. And then, all colored orbs merged together at the tip of my sword as I raised it high above my head.

The dragon instantly noticed the threat and turned its head towards me. But Raziel acted.

“Eat this!” He unleashed a sword slash that sent out a glowing arc, hitting the dragon’s face and nearly knocked it off balance.

Oooh! The dragon didn’t like that, so it roared and breathed fire back. 

Raziel flew away instantly to take the dragon’s attention off me. 

And now, I could totally see its back. 

Very vulnerable. 

“Haha, somehow, this is kinda very anti-climatic.” I then thought.

As you can see, I was looking forward to an epic fight with a worthy opponent such as this giant dragon here. But instead, all I needed to do was charge a really overpowered spell to defeat it in one hit.

I mean…  Judgment Light Fall was a very cool spell and all. But… what was the fun in that!?

But well, couldn’t blame the dragon for being too weak!

“Heeeiya!!!” I shouted and unleashed my judgment!


A beam of light shot out of my blade, so bright that it turned night into day! The dragon turned its head as it noticed the approaching danger, but too bad, it was too late!

The light beam pierced right through its body and left a gigantic hole!

The dragon stumbled and fell. In its last moment, its eye stared at me, with all the anger and hatred dwelling inside its heart.       

“Im…possbie…” it muttered its last word, then succumbed to death.

“Oh… you can talk?” I muttered.

But well, it was already dead. So I guess that wouldn’t matter anymore.

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A few moments later, Raziel returned.

“That was amazing, commander!” said Raziel with a really big smile. “The dragon is slayed! And the demonic army is retreating!”

“Ah, very nice.” I said. “So, what do we do now?”

“Let’s go back and group up with commander Azakiel, and move the Spirit of Light back to Heaven as soon as possible!”

“Hmm… about that, I have a question” I placed my hand on Raziel’s shoulder. “The Spirit of Light, do you know why the demons want it so bad?”

“Oh, that? I thought you already knew!” Raziel then explained. “It’s because it is an endless source of divine power. Whoever possesses it can control the element of light. Turning night into day, or even getting rid of night entirely is possible! Well, if it somehow falls into the hands of demons, then I believe they will do the opposite instead.”

“Hmmm, and what about the other primordial spirits?”

“Oh, the other? It’s pretty much the same. Each different spirit is related to a different element, so Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Light, Dark, Life and Death.”

“So what will happen if we gather every spirit together?” I pressed on.

“Then we will become invincible! Our God, our Heaven will rule this world! No, the entire Universe!”


And with that, I made up my mind.

“So, Raziel, I have another suggestion,” holding a certain pointy thing behind my back, I spoke softly.  

“Yes, commander?” said Raiel, with eyes shining like the stars in the night sky. 

Ah… he must have looked up to me so much. Such a subordinate like him was extremely hard to find, you know?

So I let him hear my little secret plan.

“I really don’t like Heaven and all. So… how about we take the Spirit of Light for ourselves? Beat the ass out of both Heaven and Hell, then become the new ruler of this world?”

“Huh?” Raziel seemed to be shocked. His eyes were filled with disbelief. “Wha… what are you saying, commander?”

“Then let me repeat. How about we take the Spirit of Light for ourselves? Beat the ass out of both Heaven and Hell, then become the new ruler of this world?”

“You… you can’t do that!”


So, my little Raziel refused.

Too bad.

But as I really liked Raziel, because he was a hell of a nice guy, I gave him a third chance.

“If we succeed, we will have everything! You believe in me, right?”

“I’m… no… I’m sorry…”


I sighed.

This reminded me of a certain man. Back then, I shared with him some of my power, hoping that we would together conquer the world. But I was betrayed. He joined force with the Church, and founded the vampire hunters.


Such bitterness could never leave my throat.

So, as I couldn’t afford the same thing happening again…

“No, I’m the one who needs to say sorry…”

I said.


Raziel was about to say something, but soon found out that he couldn’t anymore.


Because he was decapitated.

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