Grey Eyes

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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I awoke to the sensation of the sun's rays assaulting my face, as if announcing it was time to get out of bed.

"...Good morning..." I mumbled as I woke up and sat up in my bed.

"Good morning miss" Clair's voice said as she helped me get out of bed and go to the bathroom. Apparently Clair hardly needs any sleep and after she has been assigned to my care she stays almost all the time with me.

As I brush my teeth with a little help, I can't help but reminisce about the past few years.

It has been 4 years since I saw my grandmother, even then I still couldn't shake the memory of the first and last time I saw her. When I asked Mother where she had gone she replied that she had no idea, but that it was better if I didn't go back.

Apparently my mother hates my grandmother very much, why exactly, I still don't have that information.

Flora now attends the Royal School, so I haven't seen her much during the last few years, but she always sends letters at least once a week. She always asks if I am well or if I need anything, it really warms my heart to know that she cares about me like that.

I have also been studying as much as I can with Clair's help, since well, I can't read, so far I have learned History and Geography, but I have not been taught anything about magic, until now. Today is when my study about it begins, since I was forbidden to use it at such a young age, even when I tried to use it on the sly they always discovered me quickly and scolded me, I still don't know exactly how they knew when I was using magic and when not.

About my Mana, well... it has increased... a lot. Currently I'm said to have about the same amount of mana as Lisa, who while not a mage, used to be a Black Rank adventurer, so even if she didn't actively use her mana, it was still a considerably high amount.

Adventurer Ranks from, higher to lower rank, are divided into:

White (S)
Black (A)
Red (B)
Yellow (C)
Blue (D)
Purple (E)

Apparently my House of origin, is an incredibly strong house, even within the nobles, as most of the people who work here are at least Red Rank and that's not counting Clair who has a strength comparable to a White Rank.

While I think about all this, Clair and I make our way to the study room.

According to Clair I am currently dressed in a nightgown that come down to my knees, honestly it is very comfortable.

"Well miss we have arrived at our destination, please sit down, I will start class soon" Clair said settling me in a chair which in front of me had a table.

I don't know exactly what the study hall looks like, but from what Clair has told me it is a library filled to the brim with books so I can imagine what it would look like more or less.

"So Miss, what we will be looking at today as you know will be the Basic Fundamentals of Magic, which includes, The Mana, the Outer and Inner Mana and The Types of Magic, so Miss, what do you know about magic?"

"Um... the Outer Mana serves to manifest Magic, whether it's a flare or a ball of water, while the Inner Mana serves to strengthen the body for a period of time whether it increases strength, speed or stamina, but I still don't understand why they are different from each other..." I said hesitantly since that was all I knew about them.

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"Well, although Outer and Inner Mana come from the same source they are not the same, you could look at it like the branches of a tree, trunk is the Mana itself, while its branches are the Outer and Inner Mana, and its leaves are the different types of Magic you can perform. As this is the first class I will focus on explaining to you how the two types of Mana work and how one cannot exist without the other" Clair explained slowly and in a summarized manner so that I could understand quickly.

"Mnn, one question" I said raising my hand.

"Yes Miss?"

"There are more branches on the Mana Tree? Other than the Outer and Inner Mana?"

"Yes indeed, but they are rare and still haven't figured out a way to use them, some of them are forbidden and some of them were forgotten over time, but I won't get too much into this topic, we will see eventually so bear with me"

"Um" I nodded towards Clair.

"Well we'll start with Inner Mana, in the past this Mana was referred to as useless as no one was able to use it effectively and smoothly, either because its strength increases were minuscule or that there were no methods to increase control over it. This branch of Mana specializes in melee combat and most adventurers use it to survive the Magical Beasts. The Animalia, which are a race resembling a mix between an animal and a human have naturally more Inner Mana than the other races which makes them physically stronger, but in return for being naturally stronger they have almost no Outer Mana, any questions?"

"Clair you are an Animalia aren't you?"

"Yes, to be more specific I'm a Frost Wolf" Clair said.

"But back to the subject Inner Mana cannot exist without Outer Mana, because Inner Mana needs to be released from the body if it accumulates too much it will suffer from Excess Mana and die, naturally at every moment our body takes a little Inner Mana out of our body and automatically turns it back into Outer Mana. In your case Miss by possessing Mana Veins your body can expand and generate its mana reserves, naturally you have much more Inner Mana than a normal human, but being so young if that balance between first expanding the reserve and then generating more mana, it can be harmful to you."

Um... that explains why they didn't want to take me to the magic check, my body is like a pool that gets bigger with every second, increasing in length, width and depth, but also the mana is generated just as fast as the speed of expansion... but then....

"But then, why not let me use Magic to remove the excess so I have a safe margin when it comes to expanding my reserve?"

"While it is a solution, it is not effective, you having Mana Veins can use mana in its pure state, haven't you wondered why everyone uses a catalyst when using magic?, well, a catalyst basically what it does is dilute Pure Mana and make it more manageable and easier to control in exchange for less power and higher mana expenditure, but in your case being able to control Pure Mana your Mana expenditure is minuscule, so it is not efficient to make a big difference in your mana reserve."

I see... but doesn't that mean I have basically infinite Mana?....



Maybe a little too much information but I wanted to speed this up a bit and I was getting tired of having Sofia as a baby.

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