Grey Eyes

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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While my ladies were arguing, one angrier than the other, I tell the maids to go back to their jobs. In the meantime I take care of calming Sofia who was crying not long ago.

It is rare for Sofia to cry, but then at the end of the day, she is a baby. Most likely the Great Mistress has scared her with her speed. Even I would be scared if the Great Lady appears out of nowhere in my room with that absurd speed she has.....

"But well my dear, changing the subject... since when can Sophia use magic without a catalyst?" Astrid asked out of nowhere.

"Don't avoid the subject you... wait... use magic without catalyst?, don't make me laugh Mother that's impossible unless you have Mana Veins" Said Zoe being annoyed by the whole situation, it hasn't even been two days and her Mother is already turning the house upside down.

"I'm aware of that dear, but what if she has them....have you already had a magical check up?" Astrid asked curiously.

"No, just the basics, it is not recommended that the check-up be carried out if the child in question has not turned four years old..." Zoe said, demonstrating her medical knowledge.

"I see... then give her the dragon's blood and after 1 month take her to the checkup" Said Astrid as if it was that easy.

"Mother... first, I won't take her to the checkup I won't risk my daughter suffering from Mana Excess at such a young age, hell she hasn't even turned 1 year old yet!!!, second, why would I believe you of all people?!" Zoe said in a raised and angry voice.

"Because... you might hate me and I get it, I haven't been the best of people, that much is clear to me, but if there's one thing I excel at besides not lying and you know it" Astrid said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"..." Zoe just stares at her.

As my ladies continue to argue I take it upon myself to carry Sophia to calm her down, wiggling her back and forth, but I can see how her gaze is fixed on my ladies.

While I may hate the Great Lady with all my soul and if it were up to me I would lock her in hell itself for all eternity, I can see that she is not lying, though small there is a trace of mana in Sophia's right palm. But even if that's true it's still a danger to take her to the checkup. The dragon's blood might help but... I don't think Zoe is willing to risk Sofia... and neither am I.

"Zoe, I can feel a small trace on Sofia's right palm, she's not lying" I said entering the discussion as I continued to carry Sofia.

"But-" Zoe looked at me incredulously and angrily, I think I could see a vein in her forehead.

"However... we won't take her to the checkup, she might somehow know how to use mana but that doesn't mean we'll risk her health" I said calmly looking at the smiling face of the Great Lady, who lost her smile as I finished my explanation.

"*Haa*, fine, don't take her to the checkup, but you should at least give her a way to seal her mana, with Mana Veins at this age it is possible that over time she will constantly suffer from Mana Excess as her mana will only continue to grow and her body may not support it" Explained the Grand Mistress with a sigh.

Veins of Mana, a rare trait possessed only by people of Elven ancestry. But... why Sofia?, her father is Human and her mother, although she is a Half-Elf does not possess the trait of Mana Veins the only thing she inherited was the Elves' talent in healing and wind magic.

As I thought Astrid's sharp ruby-red eyes looked into mine, as if she knew what I was thinking. Although she no longer had her trademark smile I could see her eyes smiling with joy, why exactly?, I have no idea.

"Wahh..." A noise sounded in the quiet room.

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Everyone in the room looked at the culprit in the sound, a little baby with gray eyes that looked dead. I could swear her cheeks turned a little redder than usual, she almost looked embarrassed.


"*Ahem* well it looks like Sophia is hungry" I said changing the subject.

"Well then I guess I better get going, I was thinking of leaving for a few weeks but changed my mind, maybe I'll be back in a few years" The Great Lady said with a smile before blurring and disappearing, again.

"Phew... I think I need a break... I think I have more stress than all these years running the company and it's only been two days" Zoe said wearily before leaving the room, not before reminding me to tell Sophia about the dragon blood.

Great Lady... what will she be planning this time.

I thought as I remembered the past.










I just hope it won't happen again this time...

I thought as I looked at little Sophia who looked back at me.



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