Grey Eyes

Chapter 14: Chapter 13

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I wake up in my bed as usual, I look around to see if Clair is around but strangely she is not in the room.

I guess she's stuck with something in the mansion....

After waking up completely, I decide I'd better practice some Magic.

In the last three days I have been training my Magic, I have learned to use the three basic elements and to control them very well I would say, unfortunately I have not been able to advance with the Inner Mana to strengthen my body, I am not sure why honestly, maybe I am having a wrong approach?

I guess the best thing about these days was that I was able to reduce the size of the rope that binds my Magic by 1cm, but after that small but significant breakthrough it became much more difficult to reduce it.

But I guess you can't have everything in life can you?. The best we can do is to strive to get better at what you are talented at and then find a way to fix your weaknesses.

Or so I see it.

As I get lost in my thoughts, I make a few gusts of wind with my Magic that appear all around me rising above me, as if I were the eye of the storm.

Obviously I make sure not to use Magic on a large scale, I don't want to destroy my room with a tornado you know?

After ten minutes of being the center of the mini tornado, I hear footsteps coming outside my room and decide to cancel Magic.

"Good morning miss, you seem to be very energetic today don't you? Using magic first thing in the morning" Clair says as she opens the door but without entering the room.

"Good morning Clair, yes, after all Mother is coming today after a while so I'm excited!!!" I say excited as I walk up to Clair.

"So you're excited about my arrival honey, that's very sweet of you."


I quickly turn my head around the room but find nothing, it takes me a moment to detect where the voice is coming from and I turn to where Clair is, I realize that Mother's voice is coming from behind Clair, I hadn't seen her as the mists are too close together for me to tell with a simple glance.

Once I realize where my target is I quickly jump up and dash towards her completely ignoring Clair in the way.

"Mother!!!" I say as I give her a big bear hug, or an attempt at it, but my face lands on her big breasts so it's a little awkward but no matter I'm happy she's back even if she was only gone for a short period of time.

"Hi honey, how have you been, mom I miss you you know, I felt so lonely" Mother said with amusement and returning my hug with all her affection.

"Don't worry Mother, I will always be here so you will never feel lonely!!!" I said as I looked at her in what I guess are her eyes.

"Hehe, I hope to see that dear, mom would be so happy" Zoe smiled as she looked into her daughter's dead eyes that seemed to be more alive than ever.


Mother and I turned to see Clair looking at both of us.

"I hate to kill the moment, but Miss Sophia had something to show my Lady, didn't she?"

"Oh, that's right I almost forgot!!!" I said as I let go of Mother's embrace and put my feet on the floor.

"Mother follow me!!!" I said as I was about to leave the room before a tug on my clothes stopped me.

"Miss, I have to remind you that walking without someone's help is still dangerous for you, just now you almost ran head first into a wall."

"Oh..." I murmur as I could feel the heat rising in my face.

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Zoe watched as her daughter walked towards the center of the training room, so she decided to stay near the door, Sophia sat with her legs crossed and her arms clapping palms together as if she was going to start a prayer as she closed her eyes and made a rather cute concentrating face.

Zoe wondered what she was doing until she could feel Sophia's mammoth Mana flood the room as three balls swirled around her each with their respective element, Fire, Air and Water.

So she mastered all three elements in three days... impressive.....

Suddenly the three balls disappeared and a large tornado began to generate around Sofia. As the training room was reinforced by alchemy she didn't have to worry about destroying it so she could increase her spell a bit.

As the tornado formed completely, blocking Zoe's view of Sofia, suddenly the tornado caught fire.


Zoe was elated, from one moment to the next she went from a tornado made with Air Magic to a tornado made with Fire Magic.

After a few seconds the tornado evaporated releasing an incredible amount of steam all over the room.

Only for the steam to take the shapes of animals, rabbits, goats, cats, birds, and shoot all over the place, forming an incredible sight to behold amidst a mixture of a dead world of gray and white, but strangely very much alive as if there were more colors out there.

Turning his gaze back to where Sophia was originally standing he saw her in the same pose but with her eyes open, although they were still the same gray dead eyes, they seemed to glow even with all the steam, giving a touch of mysticism to the whole spectacle.

After a minute all the animals and steam disappeared by the Temporary Rule of Magic.

Sofia walked to her mother and asked:

"Mom, did you like the show?" Sofia said as she smiled with her whole being.

"Did I like it? I loved it!!!" She said as she bent down to hug Sofia.

"That was a really good magic check, you really learned all this in three days?!" Asked her Mother in a very good mood, this was what she needed to relax from her duties as Noble and the negotiations with Gatmia.

"Yes!!!, it was hard at first but I was able to pull it off!" He said as he remembered how he had to fuse his three magics to control the steam.

"That was a great housewarming gift Sofia, thank you" Zoe said as she stroked her daughter's head.

"Um, you're welcome for you anything!"




Tomorrow there will be no chapter due to work and studies so I'm sorry for that.

I recently watched Madoka Magia on a friend's recommendation, and I must say I really enjoyed it.

On a more serious note I was thinking of making a list of the characters or something, maybe I'll do it in the glossary.

If you find any errors ( broken links, non-standard content, etc.. ), Please let us know < report chapter > so we can fix it as soon as possible.
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