Grey Eyes

Chapter 15: Chapter 14

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In a classroom decorated simply but elegantly at the same time. They were currently in classes, with a total of 25 students each belonging to a noble house from some part of the Eiger Kingdom, or in the more unusual cases because the student in question although a commoner had demonstrated an innate talent in some area.

Until a few moments ago a cute little girl was sleeping peacefully, the girl had red hair with orange tips that almost looked like fire, her red eyes glowing like rubies, and flawless white skin.

"Ugh... what's wrong Alex... don't you know you shouldn't wake a lady up in such a forceful manner?" Flora's tired voice said as she stifled the urge to yawn.

The other students saw and hear the commotion but were too focused doing the exam to address a single word to them.

Yes, exam, it was about the Fundamentals of Magic and Advanced Types of Magic. And Flora being Flora, she had finished the exam within twenty minutes of starting.

"That's because you're always sleeping" Alex said rolling his eyes at his only friend.

Alex, was a commoner who showed a very high talent in combat being basically invincible to people his own age, he was an expert whether it was with fists, blades or spears. Unfortunately due to the fact that he was a commoner he did not possess a very coarse amount of mana, but because of that he has learned to manage it to perfection and use the minimum of mana to gain a considerable advantage. He has black hair with green eyes, slightly tanned skin as well as being a taller than most people his age.

"Ugh... you could do it more carefully... hey wanna do combat I'm dying of boredom here" Flora said as she shook off the fatigue of waking up suddenly.

"U-Umm... I'll pass" Alex said without looking her in the eyes.

"Again?, come on Alex, I only beat you seven times if you don't face me you'll never get better."

Yes, Flora had managed to defeat him seven times, you would think that with someone of his caliber the battle would be close, but no, Flora had destroyed him in every way possible, be it strategy, strength, speed, reflexes, experience or mana usage, plus with her near perfect handling over Fire it was basically check in every way for him.'s funny that her name is Flora and she's a pyromaniac....

"Uff... seriously since I came here almost no one has been able to give me a fight, and the worst thing is that there are still 6 years left... I haven't even been able to see my sister..." Said Flora bored with how her years at the Royal School have been going.

"So... why don't you fight with Icy Boy?"

"You mean Jean, huh, that could be vs fire...hehehehe" Flora muttered as her battle spark ignited.

Flora wasn't sure but she would say she was currently as strong as a high Yellow Rank adventurer or almost a low Red Rank, and for Alex, she would say she's around Yellow Rank but she wouldn't know if average or low.

Most nobles in school didn't regularly practice combat, they focused more on Geography, Economics or Politics, to help manage their Houses in the future.

"Okey it's settled, let's go!" said an excited Flora for some interesting combat.

As she stood up out of her seat you could see that she wasn't very tall, she was quite short even for people her age, Alex was a head and a half taller than her.

Flora had a love-hate relationship with her height, she loved it because it was an advantage in combat as well as making her go unnoticed and she hated it because she was mistaken for a lesser person and didn't command the respect she should.

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After all she was a Flumin deserved respect, right?.

After leaving room B, with the teacher's permission, they went to room A to look for Icy Boy, aka Jean.



After knocking twice on the door, it opened to reveal a tall black haired lady with gray hair, she was dressed in the typical teacher outfit which was black pants and a white long sleeved shirt, if you looked on the left side of the chest you could see the teacher's name and what classroom she worked in.

"Oh, but if it isn't Miss Flora...and her star servant..." Said the Professor with no emotion evident on her face, but her brow furrowed in disgust at the sight of Alex.

"Good morning Professor Julia, I was wondering if Jean could come out, I have something to talk to him about" Flora said paying no attention to what the Professor was mumbling.

"Sure, give me a minute" Said the teacher before closing the door.

Moments later she opened it again to reveal....

...A black haired boy with dark blue eyes, he wasn't very tall but if anything he stood out would be that he was very skinny and his face emotionless.

"Hi" Jean said coldly looking at Flora and Alex.

"Hi Jean, look I was wondering if we could have a friendly sparring match between you and I?"

"...Sure" After a few seconds he agreed to the challenge.

"Okay, then let's-"

"After...exam" He shook his head towards Flora.

"Oh then finish quickly for a fight, see you at Camp 3, got it?"

"Understood" Jean nodded

"Well see ya!" Flora said as she walked away down the hallway with Alex behind her.

Jean watched them go as he remembered what he knew about Flora.

Flora Flumin, born into one of the richest families in the Kingdom, from a young age she was said to have an obsession with fire, plus an absurdly high talent for combat, she was trained from a young age with all kinds of weapons but in the end stuck with her fists opting for a fast fighting style with confusing but very efficient footwork, plus her small height makes it hard to land a hit on her. Being the star child in both magical and physical combat at the Royal School. Rumor has it that the Leader of the Kingdom's Royal Guard offered her a position as Co-Commander in the future.

She... dangerous....

Jean thought with a smile that to the people in her classroom looked like she was going to kill someone at any moment.




I definitely think Flora is the hardest character I have to write but also the most fun.

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