Grey Eyes

Chapter 19: Chapter 18

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AN: Before I start the chapter let me say sorry for not uploading the chapter earlier, the internet basically took a vacation.




"...So that ends today's lesson, any questions?" Clair's cold voice said.

"Umm, yes I do have a question, though it has nothing to do with the class" Sophia said as she raised her hand.

Currently the two were in the library in a History class about the world's first wizard, Merlin.

Now, I know the name may sound familiar to you, to Sophia too, and that's because Sophia's knowledge had a bit of information about Merlin, although her knowledge tells her that it's basically a legend or something fictional but that there is information, there is information.

Though this Merlin is quite different than the one she has knowledge of, though there are some things where the two fit together.

Back to the topic at hand....

"Because earth magic isn't a basic element, that doesn't add up to me, as far as I know the four natural elements are, Fire, Water, Earth and Wind, so where is Earth?"

"..." Clair just looked at her with her cold gaze, but Sofia could sense that she was thinking about something.

"Well... you're right the Earth element is one of the basic elements but-"

"I knew it! Then I can work on my earth magic and-"

"But the Earth element is forbidden in the whole country, that's why we're not allowed to explain to people its basics, let alone how to train it."

"WHAT?! Why?!" Sofia exclaimed surprised by this revelation.

"It's a long story, but in short a madman decided to kidnap the kings of the country, then with Earth Magic and Golemancy he created exact replicas of each one and as they are Golems they basically followed his orders and therefore the madman had control of the country in his hands, fortunately the Heroine Amanda realized the deception since she could not hear the heartbeats of the kings and stopped them, but the kingdom suffered a lot during that time, although in the end the deception was discovered it took three years to be discovered, not to mention that the kings died at some point during those three years... And that is why Earth Magic is not allowed in this country, even the other countries take precautions on who to teach it to."

"..." Sofia just listened to the story with her mouth wide open, she didn't expect such a reason at all.

"...That was... I think 300 years ago if I'm not mistaken."

"So... no Earth Magic?" Sophia asked hopefully.


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Sofia was dumbfounded, not only did the Heroine's name suddenly appear in the middle of the explanation but also because of some crazy idiot she now can't learn Earth Magic and complete her basic magic set.

"But... but that was 300 years ago there shouldn't be a problem now should there?!"

"You're wrong, rather there should be more problems, after all magic is refined and improved every year, in the past the most a skilled mage could do was about 3 fireballs simultaneously, now in the present an average mage can summon like 15 fireballs without a problem. In fact that was the reason the Heroine was so powerful, she had a natural understanding with magic and mana, even if she didn't know the basics or the fundamentals she instinctively knew how to make the most of it, which made her invincible in her time"

"Ummm" Sophia nodded in understanding.

Magic was getting better as time went on, each time reaching new heights, people like Amanda or Merlin were powerful not because they were the first wizards or because they had a large amount of mana, but because they had an abnormal understanding of mana and magic.

Although those cheapskates never shared that information to others.

Amanda is just as amazing no matter where she is, she always eliminated evil no matter how long it took her... Sofia thought with emotion remembering Amanda's story.

Heroine Amanda, a person who inspired hope, who brought joy, and who discovered the magical secondary elements. She is the ultimate inspiration for many children today because of her legends. Although she is surrounded by thousands of mysteries and rumors: Where did she come from, why could she understand magic just by seeing it, was she a descendant of Merlin, who trained her, could she really manipulate light? And many more...

But the biggest mystery about her was... Where did she die, to this day no one knows exactly when or where she died. The only thing that is known from ancient manuscripts and ancient legends is that she was going to have a great battle against someone the legends call Lilith, which according to the legends ended in a draw with the death of both, with Amanda rising to heaven to claim divinity and Lilith falling into the underworld for an eternal punishment, and thus, ending the legend of Amanda.

The curious thing is that that is the only part of the legends and manuscripts where Lilith is mentioned, almost as if she had been erased from history....

"Sofia are you there?" asked Clair looking at me with concern.

"Ah!, yes, yes I just got distracted by my thoughts" Sofia replied nervously as she shook her head.

"Then promise me you won't try to learn Earth Magic" Clair said looking at me seriously, thinking Sofia was looking for a way to learn earth magic.

"Mnnn, what do I get in return?" Sofia asked with a smile on her face.



"*Haaa*, I'll teach you basic alchemy" Clair sighed.

"Yey!!! Then I promise!!!" I announced loudly.



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