Grey Eyes

Chapter 20: Chapter 19

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"Well then, let's start with the lesson" Clair announced.

As she had promised she would start teaching Sofia alchemy, this goes against Clair's education plan, she had expected Sofia to be at least 5 years old to start with alchemy, but here we are.

Sofia and Clair were not in the usual library, this time they were in a room that looked like a mix of a blacksmith shop and a tailor shop. There were swords, cloth, bags, clothes, a loom, ink and chalk, lots of chalk.

"I'll just teach you the basics of arcane circles, symbols and transmutations. You're still too young to try to repair anything... though possibly alchemy isn't your thing, due to your... condition" Clair explained calmly.

"I... ehh... it's okay" Sofia answered hesitantly.

"Well let's start with symbols and arcane circles" Clair said before starting to explain.

Basically arcane circles are made up of several symbols or runes that make it up, depending on which symbol the circle and transmutation may have a different result.

For example, the symbol "β" exchanges the place of the object material (for example a wolf skin bag) for one that you have inside the arcane circle (for example rabbit skin), but if you change the symbol "β" by "Ω", now instead of changing the object material now the object will be reinforced with that material.

The magic circles are basically the means by which alchemy is done, it is the basis of everything along with the symbols that compose them.

Depending on the size, the symbols, and the mana that the user gives, the alchemy will be performed with better or worse results.

If you want to repair an entire building you need the same material with which the building was made, an absurdly high amount of mana and a huge arcane circle, but a smaller amount of symbols since you are only changing the old material for a new one.

Whereas, if you want to transmute a normal stone into an iron stone you need a smaller circle and less mana, but it will need to be more precise and with many more symbols since you are converting it into something else.

Apparently alchemy has not advanced much in the last few years, it has stagnated for various problems and other reasons. But the biggest reason is... the cost, teaching alchemy is very expensive not only you need the materials and be prepared if something goes wrong, but the mana is absorbed by the same alchemy sometimes leaving many people dry and if you are not careful you can damage some Mana Expulsion Point in your body permanently.

Obviously people knowing about the risks, expenses and minimal benefits of alchemy put it aside and focused more on the evolution of Magic in recent years.

That's why Zoe immediately went to House Gatmia to negotiate the enchanted robes, as they are basically the latest breakthrough in alchemy plus it's better to have an advantage over the other nobles when it comes to business or technology.

The Gatmia are famous for is one of the few nobles who practice alchemy and are the main ones in charge of the evolution of alchemy in the Kingdom, obviously they are funded by the Kingdom itself.

"So you're telling me that our clothes are products of alchemy, what's so advanced about that?"

"Well it's normal that you haven't noticed but the Gatmia's clothes are enchanted to improve in almost every aspect the people who wear them, their effects are cumulative to a certain extent, it's better that you wear a full set of clothes made by them than just a pair of socks" Clair explained to my doubt.

"Oh I see, but then why don't I feel anything?"

"It's clothes, obviously you're not going to feel like you're getting super strong just by wearing clothes. Look try lifting this" Clair said as she handed a large iron ingot to Sofia to lift.

Since Sofia can't see she simply grabbed the ingot and lifted it without much trouble.

"What is this? It doesn't weigh anything... maybe wood?" Sofia asked unsure of the material in her hands.

"It's a very heavy iron ingot... about 20kg" Clair replied as if that weight was nothing to a 4 year old girl.

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"!!!" Sofia opened her eyes in amazement.

So if simple clothes can have an effect... maybe with alchemy I can cure my eyesight... maybe with a pair of glasses... Sofia thought excited to see a possible cure for her illness.

Continuing with the lesson, Sofia was taught the types of arcane circles.


Basic Circles: These are the simplest circles and only serve as practice and nothing more, without the symbol that you are still a novice.

Transmutation Circles: Circles that work for the transmutation of objects into others, for example a stone into a stone spear, etc.

Intermediate Triangles: Symbolize that you are someone who understands alchemy well enough, but has not yet reached the top.

Enchantment Triangles: They work to enchant weapons permanently or add some special effect to them, for example every time you draw the enchanted sword it will release a large amount of flames at the cost of a little of your mana.

Advanced Hexagon: It is the symbol that you are at the top of alchemy.

Hexagon of Transformation: Its function is to transform an object into something else, for example a metal sphere into a sword whit a minimal mana cost.

Hexagon of Deformation: Its function is to deform something to the alchemist's liking.

Hexagon of Elimination: Its function is to eliminate some part of the object to the alchemist's liking.


Sofia didn't understand why they were called circles and then there were the triangle and hexagon shapes but she wasn't going to look for a reason, if they work, they work.

"Well... I think today concludes the first lesson on alchemy, tomorrow I will talk to you about transmutations and help you with your first arcane circle" Explained Clair as she stood up from her chair.

"Okeee" Sofia said as she stood up and took Clair's hand before leaving the room.

This... this could be interesting... Sofia thought with a big smile.




AN: Terraria is very good.

Well, on a more serious note, there might not be a chapter on Saturday or Sunday, or yes, it depends if I get inspired to finish the ones I have pending, but basically I'm busy so don't give it too much hope.

Happy day and eat food.

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