Grey Eyes

Chapter 22: Experimental Diary II

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Entry Number VIII: It's been a few weeks at least, I think I'm losing track of time, not that it matters much, what does matter is that I've been able to collect some elves for the transfer of the Mana Veins, although I'm not sure I can transfer them without damaging them. I guess it all comes down to trial and error, the good thing about mercenaries is that they are closely related to slavers so it shouldn't be too hard to get in touch with them.

I've also decided to join the Adventurers Guild of XXXXXX to make my job easier plus get some interesting connections, although obviously there are some risks in this move but for the most part I already have a solution and if the worst comes to the worst I'll just run away. Let's test how true is the adventurer's saying "If there is risk, there is gain".

As for the Karmic Elixir, it is almost ready, it just needs a few days of rest to finish the mixture.


Entry Number IX: Today is the day where I take the first step to divinity, the first day where I will prove to you that I am worth more than XXXXXX, where I will claim what is mine by right.

The Elixir is ready.

At first glance it is similar to honey or oil, but if you look closer you can see how there are small bubbles descending towards the end of the bottle, also at the base of the bottle you can see a jet black color that looks like paint, the elixir shone golden and seemed to be always in motion. It is curious that the bubbles descend instead of ascend because of the oxygen and stuff, but no matter just gives it even more air of something legendary. Its temperature is surprisingly cold.

Well here we go...

But first I'll close all my Mana Expulsion Points, after all I don't want the Inner Mana to turn Outer at a moment's notice.


Entry Number X: I have drunk the elixir. I can't explain in words how it felt to drink it, but I guess it would be something like drinking the greatest poison ever, it felt like my body was going to explode at any moment, as if my organs were melting into a lava pool while I watched my miserable life flash before my eyes.

My life... it was shitty.

It was always a shitty life and if I could have I would have killed myself the moment I had the chance. My life was already bad but it only went from bad to worse when XXXXXXXX decided to become shitty about justice and....

I'm rambling, I shouldn't be writing this.

Anyway the Elixir has been successful the first step is complete.

Now the Veins...


Entry Number XI: I made a mistake, a big mistake.

I was such an idiot. God if I could slap myself in the face right now I would and gladly so... though it would possibly kill me with whatever stupid strength I possess now.

Who knew that closing all the Expulsion Points would seal my ability to use magic. Although no one currently knew about this effect and I couldn't possibly know the outcome, also to my fault for my ignorance, I was so excited that I finally had the Elixir in my hands that I forgot to test this on a test subject, and now there are consequences.

And there goes my control over Magic.

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Now without magic my contingency plans and possible escapes go to shit.

What an asshole I am.

I'll be three times as careful from now on.


Entry Number XII: It's been 2 months since my mistake, I've already planted my connections with several nobles thanks to my reputation as an adventurer, honestly being an adventurer is disgusting, but I can't deny the benefits of these. I have joined a group of adventurers called Black Feathers, of Black Rank. I have reached Black Rank in only 2 months beating the record only surpassed by XXXXXX's motherfucker who managed to reach White Rank in 1 month.

I have had to learn to do surgery without magic due to my mistake which delays my time for the next steps, at least the Elixir takes my body to its physical limit, so it was not very difficult for me to learn it perfectly, but it is still better magic than doing it by hand.


Entry Number XIII: I have successfully transferred the Mana Veins to my body and, surprise, surprise, now my blood is golden and giving off a lot of magic.

I could use my blood instead of chalk to do alchemy and thus use my blood as Mana.

It looks like before I get to the third step I have to take a detour and master alchemy. Not being able to use Magic is a big drawback.


Entry Number XIV: It has been about 2 years since the last entry, a lot has happened in these 2 years.

+: Not long after Entry Number XIII I became White Rank of the Adventurers Guild, which allowed me to gain connections with many nobles including royalty, I am currently supporting the second prince in the succession to the throne, the jerk thinks he should be king due to being better at magic than his older brother, The Crown Prince, which is stupid, he may be more talented in magic than his brother but he is not king material. But if I can get him to become king I'll have him in my hands to manipulate him without a problem then it won't be hard to get the Spirit Flesh.

+ It seems that the Animalia Kingdom, Trinabel, is in a struggle to abolish the dictatorship of their current king and the rebels have contacted the XXXXX Kingdom for help, as they are not strong enough to defeat the king's faction. What is interesting is that Kingdom XXXXX has rejected their request for help stating that "Wild animals do not deserve help from humans, therefore we refuse". I wonder how XXXXXX will react upon learning this, but I could use this situation to my advantage and gain the favor of the Animalia Kingdom, all I have to do is pull some strings to make it all work and if the worst comes to the worst I will have to show up on the battlefield.

+ Now what I've been focusing on for the last few years, Alchemy, or rather my variant, Alchemical Magic, is a combination between Magic and Alchemy that doesn't require arcane circles, but in exchange it needs more Mana to work. Since I can't use Magic due to my stupidity what I did was to have a slave create the magic following my lessons with the promise that I would free them if they succeeded, wits.

Now here's a surprise, of all the slaves only one was able to learn it, a little girl and an Animalia of all things, which is very curious, I wonder if she is a half-breed or has some royal blood, anyway, with the help of the girl I call Any I have been able to make a lot of progress in one of my experiments (PS: Any has taken the Karmic Elixir but I haven't sealed her Expulsion Points so the Inner Mana became Outer giving her more Mana than most of the countries royalty, although it seems that by not sealing the Expulsion Points the effect is only temporary but should last a few years), the other slaves are no longer useful to me better kill them before she tries to rebel or something stupid like that.

With Any's help I have managed to create Soul Cloning, my new experiment, although it sounds very impressive I have not managed to clone 100% of a soul, I am not even close to 5% I have only managed to replicate the body, I have about 50 copies of Any's body, at least it was useful to teach her surgery and magic surgery, for some reason she seemed traumatized but I guess she just doesn't like the smell of blood.

It has been a busy 2 years, I have managed to get a very high position in the world but not to the point where everyone can know of my existence. I already have some information networks all over this Kingdom and a little in the XXXXX Kingdom. To think that I have accomplished all this in such a short time, it feels unreal, I am possibly the person with the most information, knowledge and magical technology today, too bad most of this knowledge is taboo otherwise I would be recognized on the level of Merlin.

Rambling again.

A few more years and everything will fall into place.


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