Grey Eyes

Chapter 23: Chapter 21

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"So are you ready?" asked Zoe looking at her daughter.

Sofia was dressed in Royal School clothes which consisted of a black skirt with white tights, a white colored shirt with the school logo and a dark red coat with gold details.

"Yes Mother, don't worry I'll be fine" Sofia replied trying to calm her Mother down, although it doesn't help much.

Sofia was currently 8 years old which meant she was old enough to enter the Royal School. Flora who was currently 13 years old had already graduated from school and was currently an adventurer along with a person named Alex.

Sofia doesn't understand why but Flora decided not to visit them or write them a letter after her graduation, the only thing she sent them was a note saying that she will become an adventurer with Alex and that she would come back when she turns 20.

Obviously Zoe did not allow such nonsense without first talking to her daughter and tried to reach her but has not yet been successful.

Sofia was sad and furious to learn that she would not see her sister again until many years later.

Back to Sofia...

A carriage with the symbol of the Flumin had just arrived, the symbol was a feather with a background circle simulating a magic sphere and had decorations that looked like winds on the sides.

"Miss the carriage is ready" Said Clair getting off the Carriage, she was no longer dressed in a maid's dress but a more casual one in black with blue details.

"Well Mother I'm off" Sofia said to her Mother as she walked towards Clair and the carriage.

Only to stop before turning around and hugging her Mother.

"I'm going to miss you..." Sofia said in a sad voice.

"And I you dear... and I you" Zoe whispered as she stroked Sofia's head comfortingly.

After a minute the two parted and Sofia with Clair's help mounted the carriage to head towards the Royal School.




The Flumin Carriage was heading towards the Royal School which is located outside the capital, to be more specific it is located in the Illusionary Forest for several reasons.

The main reason is so that the school can act outside the law of the King or his ministers, the only thing they do is to supervise, promote and invest in the school. This is done so that the influence of some high ranking person is nullified and they learn to fend for themselves beyond the skirt of their parents.

Second, "What happens in school, stays in school", that's a well known phrase by the population, why you wonder, basically because the phrase is literal, once you go to school it doesn't matter your family, your influence, your fame, your money, none of that matters, inside the school you are a nobody, it is your decision whether to become someone of renown or remain a nobody in the school. You are only allowed to send a letter to your family once every six months, this letter has to be evaluated by the staff before giving it to your family, this to avoid information leaks or claims from the nobles.

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Third, security, the Royal School is located in possibly one of the safest places in the country because to access it you have to cross an enchanted forest with Illusion Magic which not only generates a rainbow-colored fog denying any vision, but also people who do not have the symbol of the school will be attacked by poison, but where does the poison come from, from the same fog which is a very rare fusion between Illusion Magic and Rotten Magic, two incredibly rare magic. And if by any chance you manage to get through all that, a fortress awaits you where not only the walls are as strong as steel, but you also have to face the staff who on average are Red to Black Ranks not counting the Director who is White Rank. The reason for such a high amount of security is that there are too many important people in one place for it to be so poorly defended.

That's basically the reasons why the school is hidden in a forest.

Clair and Sofia are currently sitting in the back of the carriage as a school driver takes it on his way.

"How are you feeling miss?" asked Clair.

"Nervous to be honest, I don't know how people will treat me because of my condition... I understand that noble children aren't exactly nice... even if I am one of them" Sofia replied as she looked Clair in the eyes with a small smile.

"Don't worry I'll be there for you, if anyone tries to do anything to you...hehe..." Clair said with a crooked smile on her face.

"Thank you Clair" Said Sofia without being able to see Clair's strange smile.

"Besides thanks to Flora's letters we know that she gained a bit of renown in the school, so there shouldn't be much trouble, rather I think knowing that you are her sister they should be afraid of you."

Just as Clair finished speaking the carriage stopped and the door opened, revealing a large very modern structure beautifully decorated and painted in white colors.

The Royal School.

"Well what are we waiting for... let's go" Clair said as she held Sofia's hand and they got out of the carriage.




"Mnnn, looks like little Sofia is on her way to school, how wonderful, too bad you won't be there to see her honey" She said to voice smiling as she looked through her sphere at Sofia and Clair entering the school.

"MMMNNNNN!!!!" A muffled scream was heard in the background.

"Don't worry you'll only be here for a few years, when this is over time will mean nothing to you" The voice turned its attention away from little Sofia and back to its guest of honor.

"MMMNNNNNN!!!, MNMNMNM!!!" Another muffled scream was heard this time louder than before.

"Flora honey, calm down just think of it as going to the dentist... Hahahahaha..."



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