Grey Eyes

Chapter 28: Chapter 25

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AN: Good morning, this is the first chapter of today's double chapter I hope you like it.

The next chapter should be out in a few hours.




Nemu grabbed Sophia's hand and they went straight to the cafeteria... only to find it incredibly crowded with people standing in three lines to claim their food.

Some students were claiming they should go first, for nobles bullshit and more bullshit.

Agh... how annoying... we have 30 minutes to eat but if the lines keep going at this pace and with the stupid spoiled kids making a fuss it will take forever....

Nemu was thinking of a way to get through the lines without the other people noticing, when a tug on her hand caught her attention, she turned her head and looked down to see a pair of dead eyes staring at her.

"Hey Nemu wouldn't it be better if each of us went to different rows, if one of us gets to the end first we'll order food for both of us" Sofia asked me as she looked around the cafeteria, almost as if she could see something.

"Well... I can't think of a better idea, although I don't like the idea of leaving you alone even if it's for a moment..." I replied as I shrugged my shoulders.

I don't want to lose that room after all... I thought.

"Don't worry I'll be fine, I don't think anything will happen in just a few minutes..."


Fuck me...

After being about 10 minutes in the lines Nemu managed to get there first, she ordered food for her and Sofia. She ordered a plate of spaghetti with meatballs and for Sofia she ordered a palto with two big sandwiches that had a lot of meat and chicken along with some vegetables.

When Nemu went to look for Sofia she didn't find her in the other line so she looked around only to see the idiot from before along with two others drag her out of the cafeteria.

Nemu went to a teacher who was eating and asked her to take care of the food before rushing off to where the bastards were.

That's only the first day... how can one person cause so much trouble... maybe I shouldn't have accepted the deal... but I don't dislike being with Sofia...

Leaving the cafeteria and using the Inner Mana to improve her hearing he could hear some loud sounds in the distance so he quickly headed there.

He felt her blood boiling just imagining the scene he would encounter.

Rounding the corner he saw just what he was imagining.

Or so he would like to say.

The two of the three idiots were lying on the floor, they were covered in ice and wet with water as they groaned in pain.
And the third idiot...

"I-It was just a j-j-joke there's no w-why fight it isn't there?" he quickly replied as he slowly backed away.

Looking at the source of fear was a little girl with white hair and gray eyes that looked deader than ever, her right hand was a bit frozen while her left hand held a sphere of water that randomly changes between many shapes, squares, triangles, hexagons, etc....

Sofia simply looked the person in the eyes as she slowly raised her right hand releasing a winter breeze freezing the blond idiot's legs eliminating his mobility. Sofia slowly approached the blond while her facial expression did not change.

She lifted her left hand and....

...threw boiling water in his face....

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"GAHHHHHHHH!!!" The blond shouted in pain.

And again...


"Look you piece of shit, my patience has a limit in case you didn't know" Sofia said as she grabbed the blond's jaw and forced him to look her in the eyes, those dead eyes that seemed to be the very abyss in the blond's eyes.

"I don't like to fight unnecessarily as I don't see the point in it, but I'm not a maiden who will just stand by and watch her get beaten or used as an object" Sofia replied coldly almost matching Clair's tone of voice when she's angry.

"Now you little shit, will you keep trying to mess with me or should I try to make you think?"

"..." The blond was too scared to respond.

"I said, understood?" Sofia repeated with the same cold tone.


Another sphere of boiling water fell directly into the blond's eyes.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!....." He cried out in pain before passing out but as he was still frozen only the upper half of his body kept leaning down.

"*Haa*" Sofia sighed before turning to see Nemu staring at her, which made Sofia straighten up like a rod.

"H-hello Nemu w-what are you doing here?" Sofia said while sweating like a river."Well I was looking for my puppy when I saw some idiots take her out of the cafeteria, I followed them only to find a scene scarier than my Mother's wrath" Explained Nemu as he approached Sofia.

"W-well yeah... you see one thing led to another and..." Sofia tried to save the situation but it only made her more uncomfortable.

Nemu arrived in front of Sofia staring at her, Sofia was nervous about what Nemu would say to her.


"Ow" Sofia said as she grabbed her head from the blow she just received.

"That's for thinking I would say something bad... looks like you can protect yourself puppy, that makes my job easier... but it's still my job so if you need help kicking ass give me a call, got it?" said Nemu in his typical annoyed tone.

"O-Okey" Sofia said amazed by Nemu's answer.

"Well let's go back or the food will get cold" Said Nemu grabbing Sofia's hand my dragging her back to the cafeteria.

As Sofia continued to stare in amazement at Nemu's slightest reaction to what he just did. Nemu was thinking about how her job would be easier if the puppy could take a few bites, but there was a conundrum in her head....

She didn't mention that she could control the ice as well....

What she didn't know was that Sophia had used the water particles in the air to generate water, then lowering the temperature of the water to just enough to sort of freeze it managed to freeze the blond's legs in just a few milliseconds.

She couldn't summon or control ice, but she could freeze water to turn it to ice although this would be much weaker than her magical counterpart....

Sophia had little to no control with Inner Mana, but when it came to control with Outer and Pure Mana she was easily one of the best mages. That 4 years training her control over these two branches of Mana was not a waste after all....



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