Grey Eyes

Chapter 29: Chapter 26

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AN: This is the second chapter of the double chapters in first was already posted a few hours ago.

Enjoy the chapter!




After they finished eating in the cafeteria Nemu and Sofia went back to the classroom to watch their class on Magic. Nemu didn't mention again what Sofia did so Sofia was very happy that it didn't hurt the friendship she had with her first friend.

Once they entered the classroom they realized they were the first to arrive so they went to their seats to wait for the rest of the class.

About 10 minutes later most of the students arrived although there were three people missing, Nemu and Sofia assumed they were the trio of idiots, possibly the blond was in the infirmary nursing his wounds.

Shortly after a voluptuous lady entered, not very tall (163cm) who had light brown hair in curlers and yellow eyes with round glasses. She was dressed like all the teachers in a white long sleeved shirt and black pants, on her chest you could see her name which was Mary. Speaking of chest hers was incredibly large around F Cup.

"Hello~, I'm Mary your Magic teacher~ I'll be teaching you throughout this year so I hope we'll get along well~" said teacher Mary as she smiled broadly towards the students.

Some of them were a bit puzzled by the cheerful tone in her voice as they thought all teachers would be serious and strict.

"To begin with, raise your hand those of you who know how to manipulate your Outer Mana~" Mary asked as she watched the entire class raise their hands and nod to themselves.

Mary then asked how many of them could control X number of basic elements, most said they could only control one, about four people said they could only control two elements, among which was Nemu, and the only person who could control three elements was Sofia earning some shocked looks from the class.

"Well~, then why don't we do a magic practice, follow me!~"

After that Mary led us outside the school to Field 1, which is a field dedicated to magic practice, Field 2 is dedicated to physical exercise practice and in Field 3 is a field dedicated to combat.

Field 2 was basically a giant dome where inside was various things to practice magic, a shooting range, a place to meditate, a magic strength meter and some other things.

"Alright class divide into 3 rows to begin practice!~, I'll go set up the machines~, but first go put on some catalysts~, they are right next to the magic meter~" With that said Mary quickly walked away towards the back of the shooting range while moving some levers and buttons.

The students followed what the teacher said and went to get the Catalysts, Nemu put one on each hand while Sofia didn't put any on since she didn't need one, Nemu asked Sofia why she didn't want to put on the catalyst but she simply replied that she didn't need one, earning a narrow eyed look from Nemu, but then he remembered how Sofia had used ice and water without a catalyst, which led Nemu to be a little suspicious of Sofia but he kept her doubts deep in the back of her mind for now....

After they finished putting on the Catalysts the students stood in 3 rows of 6 people, so that we are equal in all the rows.

"Okee~, ready now we can start~ when I say SHOOT you will cast a spell towards the moving dummies, the firing order is from left to right once the person to your left has finished their shot you follow and so on, this is not an evaluation it's just practice so don't be afraid to miss shots~" Mary encouraged her students before pressing a button she had in her hand, once she presses the button the dummies started to move back and forth.

"Alright~ shoot!" and with that order the first 3 people fired at the same time but only managed to hit a single mannequin, for some reason the mannequin didn't seem damaged in the slightest.

Sofia was nervous at first because with her condition she could not hit the dummies but once they started to move a small string of mana was what drove them to move, thanks to this small string of mana Sofia could deduce where the dummies were.

What should I attack with... if I shoot fire it will possibly burn the dummy and water is not the best option in a long distance combat... so let's go with a wind blade that should work, but I'll take the edge off I don't want to hurt the dummies... Sofia thought nodding to herself.

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Just as Sofia finished her thought the partner next to her finished her shot and managed to hit a target.

Sofia quickly raised her hands and summoned three wind blades that shot out in random directions hitting three of them at the same time.


The whole class looked at her with wide eyes at the feat she just did, the teacher looked at her with a look of amazement before she smiled wide.

"Well done girl~"

Sofia smiled brightly once she heard her teacher's praise, feeling proud of herself.

Yeah that's right I'm amazing aren't I?... Sofia thought, puffing up her pride a little more.

After the performance of Sofia and her next partner (who missed the shot) it was Nemu's turn.

Nemu closed her eyes as he entered a state of calm, curiously lost her frown as he breathed slowly. When it was her turn to shoot still with her eyes closed he opened her arms wide and five fireballs were summoned, which surprised the teacher as it is not normal that a child can hold so many spells at once without giving her a severe headache....

Nemu fired the spheres at the dummies... but it looked like all the spheres were going to miss when suddenly Nemu's hands moved downwards causing the trajectory of the spheres to hit all the dummies in the field, a total of 5 out of 5 dummies hit.

The class was elated but the most surprised was undoubtedly Sofia.

She saw it.

She saw how when Nemu's eyes closed the eyes in her mist stopped looking at her and looked at the five spheres at once.

When Nemu shot the five spheres she could see the eyes move in the direction of the dummies and a moment later Nemu moved her hands down, which caused the spheres to spin and hit right where the eyes were looking at the dummies.

What... was that, no rather... what are those eyes?!




AN: I haven't mentioned it before but thank you so much for reading this crazy story, I really appreciate it, at the time of posting this chapter the novel has reached 10k Views, that honestly is way more than I expected this thing to reach, thank you so much for all the support <3

I think without this support I would have stopped writing a long time ago, well even though I only do this as a hobby for fun, anyway, thank you so much.

Happy day and the sky is blue, sometimes.

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