Grey Eyes

Chapter 31: Chapter 28

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Sorry for the delay, internet went to buy some cigars.




I woke up looking at an unknown pure white ceiling.

For some reason I didn't want to move, I wanted to stay staring at the ceiling for eternity.

After a few minutes, the memories started to come back and....

"MOTHERFUCKER!!! YOU FUCKING WHITE ONION! WHEN I FIND YOU I WILL TEAR YOU TO PIECES I SWEAR ON MY NAME EDGARD PILLAR!!!" Edgard shouted coming out of his daze and screaming with all the anger he possessed.

He had been mocked.

He had been humiliated.

He had been disrespected.

His pride had been hurt.

No one had ever dared to humiliate and challenge him before, after all he was one of the greatest nobles in the Kingdom, heir to House Pilar and future minister to the King.

His father, the Head of House Pilar, was a very important person in the Kingdom as he helped a lot with politics and diplomacy, plus adding that he had almost the same influence as a Crown Prince, so he was highly respected and feared by other nobles.

Edgard had never met someone he disrespected ever, due to the high status he was born with.

He didn't know who the girl he was facing was, her background, her relatives or her House of origin, but none of that mattered, because, one way or another, he was going to have his revenge....

He would take it upon himself to humiliate her

He would take it upon himself to torture her.

He would take it upon himself to break her.

Of destroying her until there was nothing left....

Because he was Edgard Pilar... and nobody messes with a Pilar...

Unbeknownst to Edgard, due to his state of irrational anger, a white-haired, red-eyed nurse had injected an orange liquid into his neck.

"Hehehehehehehe...I think you'll make a very funny toy..."

That was the last thing Edgard heard before falling into the realm of unconsciousness....




Regaining some of her consciousness our little Sofia woke up in a soft and comfortable bed.

Coming out of her daze she remembered that she was now sleeping in the bedroom and not at home....

It's only been one day but it felt extremely long... I want to see Mother and Clair again... and especially Flora... Sofia thought with a little yawn.

Looking around she could see that she was sleeping in the same bed as Nemu.

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Nemu's mist seemed to be calm as she slept, even her eyes were closed.

Sofia could hear her breathing which somehow helped her to calm her sadness of being away from her family for the first time in her life.

She had made a very good friend who would help and protect her at all times, even if she was a little rough and sharp-tongued she was a good person.

After a few minutes of staring at Nemu's mist her eyes started to open, indicating that Nemu was waking up....

"*Uwaaaaaaa*" Nemu made a big yawn before looking around to see Sophia sleeping next to her.

"Goooood *Uwaaa* moooorning, puppy" Nemu said between yawns earning a chuckle from Sofia.

"Good morning Nemu" Sofia said with a small smile on her face.

"Hey what time is it?"

"Nemu... I can't see..."

"Oh right..."

After a few moments Nemu got up from the bed and went towards the living room to look at the clock. Nemu returned with Sofia after a few minutes.

"There's 2 hours left before classes start, you should get us ready and eat something in the process" Nemu said climbing back on the bed.

"Um" Sofia nodded.

Although they were called dorms it would be more correct to call them apartments, as these had a living room, a bathroom, a bedroom and a balcony.

Having to live together due to Sofia's condition their bedroom was larger than normal.

Nemu took Sofia to the bathroom so they could bathe together, after the bath they got dressed and went out to the cafeteria to get something to eat.

Fortunately no one was awake at 8am so it was relatively empty except for a few teachers and a few older students.

Sofia and Nemu went to sit at the same dinner table and started eating.

"Hey Sofia, I have a question... if you can control Pure Mana at will that doesn't mean you can create your own magic?" suddenly asked Nemu.

"Nope, as you know each element is governed by some fundamentals, without these fundamentals the element in question will not be generated, but each fundamental can work of different in different people. For example, let's say to control illusions you have to learn the fundamentals of light and dark, well, once you learned them you can create illusions but depending on how you understood these fundamentals it can generate different results, if you misunderstood the light fundamental you can end up with Black Light Magic or Dark Energy Magic, if you misunderstood in dark fundamental you can end up with Invisibility Magic or Blur Magic" Sofia explained.

"Um... I understand your point, but I'm sure those Magics don't exist" Nemu replied nodding her head.

"Who knows, anything is possible with magic, it's just a matter of time before you can mix the opposing elements together, look for example Lightning, use the basics of Wind and Magical Energy to shape Lightning."

"You know a lot about magic don't you?" Nemu smiled at Sofia.

"W-well I studied as much as I could looking for a solution for my eyes..." Sofia said scratching her cheek nervously.

"But you didn't find anything did you, well... I thought of some things that might work but I'm not sure... you know Sound Magic, couldn't you create a spell to hear the vibrations or do something like bats?" Nemu asked as he continued eating.

"I already thought of that, and while it's a possibility... I don't know the basics of governing sound..." Sofia said softly.

"I see..."

After that talk and a few other not so interesting ones they finished eating, and went for a walk around the school as they finished their hours to go to class....



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