Grey Eyes

Chapter 30: Chapter 27

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After Nemu's amazing shot the class continued with their shooting practice with Sophia, Nemu and the other four students who could handle more than one element hitting all the shots.

"Oke~, that's all for today, I already have an idea of their capabilities and I have a base to work on to improve the control they have over Outer Mana, next class we will practice on Inner Mana~" Mary exclaimed finishing the practice.

For Sophia it was a fun and entertaining class, for Nemu her started to analyze Sophia more in depth and her doubts about her only grew with this class.

After the practice was over Mary took us back to the classroom, to explain us some things about the Outer Mana, its applications, fundamentals and other things?

Sofia was not paying attention as her Outer Mana lecture was useless to her since she can control Pure Mana.

When the lecture was finally over it was already getting dark, it seems that the shooting practice had taken longer than Sofia thought.

"Well~ I'm leaving~" And without further ado Mary shot out of the classroom door to head somewhere.

The speed of her exit had unnerved several students while others were starting to get used to their teacher's antics.

But a few moments later the teacher's reason for ending the class rang out....


The sound of the bell indicating it was time for lunch.

"Shit!" Nemu quickly grabbed my hand and used Inner Mana on her legs to dart out the door, running over several students.

We quickly arrived at the cafeteria and fortunately it wasn't as crowded as before, so in less than 5 minutes we got our food without too many hiccups. This time there were no idiots to bother Sofia.

Nemu went to a table in the corner of the cafeteria where not many people could be found as most were still waiting in line.

Sofia and Nemu started eating in silence, with some discreet glances from Nemu to Sofia but Sofia didn't notice for obvious reasons.

"So... tell me Sofia" Nemu said suddenly.

"Um?" I stopped eating momentarily to look at Nemu.

"Are you lying about your condition?" Nemu asked cautiously while squinting her eyes.

"*Coff* *Coff*" Due to Nemu's sudden question I choked on my food, Nemu offered me some water to pass the food.

"N-No, why would you think that?" I asked hesitantly as I didn't know why I thought that.

When I finished speaking the eyes in their mist narrowed a bit....

"So tell me... if you're blind, how could you hit the dummies every time without missing" Neme said as her frown grew a little more furrowed than usual.


Sofia what were you thinking you're an idioooot... I thought, if she could slap me or throw a spell in my face she would do it without hesitation.

"No answer, huh?" replied Nemu angrily to the silent retort.

"I-It's not what it looks like..."

"It's not...because from my point of view I've been protecting a liar, and I hate enlighten me puppy, what do you have to say will be a poor excuse or will you admit your lie..." Nemu growled as she intensified her gaze on Sofia.

After a few minutes of silence Nemu quietly got up from the table and was about to leave when....

"Wait!" I exclaimed, the sudden outburst stopped Nemu in her tracks, the latter turned her angry gaze on Sofia.

"It's a strange thing to explain but I'm not lying, I can't see..." I muttered under my breath

You are reading story Grey Eyes at

Nemu sat back down at the table while still looking at Sofia with the same gaze.

"Talk" Nemu demanded.

"W-well, let's go with the beginning, the Grey Eyes disease, as you know the disease leaves the person suffering from it blind for life, the cure for it is still unknown, even if a surgery is done to transplant some new eyes, the disease will spread to the new eyes turning them into Grey Eyes again, that's why it is said to be incurable... the person suffering from this disease will be blind for life" I explained with melancholy in my voice.

If Nemu felt anything from Sophia's explanation and tone of voice it didn't show on her face.

"I'm more of the same I can't see, not being able to see is... horrible honestly, I can't even describe the experience of being blind... although it's not complete blindness, while it's true that I am blind and can't see anything.... that's only half of my condition, for some reason my eyes can see the Mana that resides in people and in some mechanism or objects, that's why I was able to give them to the mannequins because my eyes could see that they were functioning with Mana" I explained with a lower and lower voice looking into the void since I didn't dare to look at Nemu's mist.

"*Haa*, well that explains why you were able to hit the dummies... sorry for my reaction, but one thing I hate is lies... then how could you use the Outer Mana without a catalyst... come to think of it you didn't even have a catalyst when you beat up the Idiot Trio" Nemu sighed as she went back to her normal facial expression, ie her typical scowl but now without the intense look and aura of anger that was upon her.

"Ah, that's due to another quirk in my birth they're called Mana Veins, apparently I inherited them from my Mother's elven genes... though that's weird in itself" I relaxed as I felt Nemu's anger had passed.

"I see, so you were a half elf?" asked Nemu.

"No, I have elven genes but not enough to consider myself of their race, so I am human, at most I could inherit their accelerated growth and a bit of their long life but that will be seen in the future..."

"That's very informative but you didn't answer my question..." Nemu said remarking the evasive answer.

"Oh right... well... wait, see how about if I tell you why I can do magic without catalyst and you tell me something about you, I've been curious about that" I said with a sly smile.

"No" Nemu replied rolling her eyes.

"WHY?!" I exclaimed as I turned to look at her mist, only to flinch as the eyes were looking at me with such intensity.

"One thing doesn't change the other, you didn't tell me about your whole condition so I consider it a lie, I forgive you for being honest and talking about this, but that doesn't change a the fact that you lied to me, now talk puppy before your owner makes you talk" Nemu growled softly.

"W-well" Sofia replied feeling nervous about that threat.

"Well, as I said I was born with Mana Veins, which allowed me to control Pure Mana like elves do, thanks to the Veins my body generates mana almost infinitely at a very high speed... and before you ask I can't suffer Excess Mana in my body" I explained basically the same thing Clair had told me... more or less.

"Um... so that doesn't make you the person with the most Mana ever?"

"No, I can generate an infinite amount of Mana to replenish my reserves, but it doesn't increase my Mana reserves, technically I'll never run out of Mana, but I'm not the people with the most Mana in history, or at least I don't think so... I don't know if I explained myself correctly but I can't find a better explanation" I said with a sigh

Nemu was immersed in her thoughts and opened her mouth to speak again when the Cafeteria bell rang indicating that dinner was over and it was time for bed.

"Well, whatever, let's go to the dorms I have things to think about" Said Nemu roughly grabbing Sophia's hand and pulling her towards the dorms....




AN: Today I realized why the translator gets confused with the pronouns, literally while writing chapter 27 the reason for the problem came to my head :p

Although I can't do much about it since it's a language issue.

My native language is Spanish, "Su" or Sus" is used no matter the gender of the person, since by the name, the appearance or the situation the gender is assumed (Male or Female).

But in English it is specified if a person is male or female so the translator simply randomizes the pronouns or puts what he thinks are the correct ones, for example with Sofia which is a feminine name he uses them correctly, but with Nemu which is a foreign name (Japanese), not knowing what gender it is the translator simply says "Nemu? oh, strange name... mmmnnn.... well random"

That's the best explanation I have and that I can give you, so the problem of pronouns will surely continue until the end of the story, sorry about that. 

I do my best to correct them and I think the improvement has been noticed only getting a few sentences wrong, but I can't correct them all perfectly so I'm sorry again.


Happy day and breathe air.

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