Grey Eyes

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

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"So what are you doing here?" asked Zoe with an annoyed look on her face.

Sitting in front of her was a woman with white hair and red eyes, she was not only quite tall (185cm) but also incredibly beautiful.

"I need a reason to come and visit my darling daughter and granddaughter?" Said the mysterious woman with a smile.

Currently these two people were sitting in a living room of the Flumin mansion, the living room was decorated with 2 large red sofas, a small table between the two sofas and some windows overlooking the huge garden of the Flumin House.

"In your case, yes, now tell me what you came for, mother" Zoe demanded with eyes so cold they could freeze the arctic.

"Ehhh aren't you funny, if you keep that face for long you'll get wrinkles, look at me, I look young even though I'm 52" Astrid said jokingly.

"WHAT YOU CAME FOR" Said Zoe with the worst face I can make.

"Okey, okey, calm down, I came to bring Flora's birthday present, I forgot her birthday, hehe, besides I brought her... Solaria was her name? A birth gift."

"First, it's been four months since Flora's birthday, and second, your granddaughter's name is Sofia, nail it in your stupid old brain" Zoe said giving her mother a cold look.

"Oh my bad, I thought it was Solaria, so Sofia... good name, and for your information the gift I brought both of them is the reason for the delay" Said Astrid, unfazed by her daughter's look and words.

"Yes, of course you did, what did you bring them eh, a torn dress? A rusty sword? Or better yet a low quality mana stone?"

"Eh they wouldn't be bad, but nope, I brought them...a Dragon" Astrid revealed with a look of pride.

"..." Zoe simply stared at her mother.

"Uh well to be more specific, Blood, Flesh, Teeth, Brains and Dragon Scales" She said as if it was no big deal.

After explaining Astrid blurred for a few milliseconds before appearing in the corner of the room with a giant block of ice and several giant bottles with a bright red liquid inside.

She blurred again before appearing on the couch as if nothing had happened.

Astrid Flumin one of the greatest forces in the Kingdom, being much stronger than the Three Moons combined, known as the Crystalline Radiance, an adventurer of White rank, honorable, kind and strong that was the first thing people thought of when they heard of her.

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But people who really know her know that she is an incredibly greedy and treacherous person. Morality?, Murder?, Treason?, Slavery?, That doesn't matter to her as long as she makes money.

"*Sigh* where's the catch Mother?" said a tired Zoe unwilling to deal with her Mother.

"Oh, but there's no catch they're totally legit, you can check if you want" Said a smiling Astrid as she looked amused at her daughter's reaction.

"I know they're real I can feel their magical force from here... but why?"

"Because what?"

"...You know what, nothing, absolutely nothing, you can stay for a few days if you want but don't interfere with MY business."

"Okeee, don't worry I-" Before he finished speaking his scope moved to the left of the room, even though there is only one wall.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing must have but my imagination hehe."

My perfect ass it was my imagination, I felt a small cumulus of mana inside the house...someone tried to cast a spell but failed...well I'll find out sooner or later.

"Oh yeah, give the meat, scales and teeth to Flora, with your help and those materials they could make a high quality four star catalyst and some weapon, if Flora already found her weapon, or and don't forget to give her the meat to increase her body strength, while to Sophia give her the blood and the brain, it will help to quickly increase her Inner and Outer Mana, the brain should give her natural Mana control and stabilize the increasing amount of Mana in her body" Quickly explained her Mother as she got up from the couch and prepared to leave the room.

"Well... are you still going to train Flora?" nodded Zoe before asking with a worried look on her face.

"I didn't find anyone with an Inner Mana that fast, so yes, I will train her but that's still years away" Astrid explained.

"What if she says she doesn't want to train with you?" asked Zoe.

"Hehe, then I'll train her the hard way" Astrid muttered loudly enough for Zoe to hear.



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