Grey Eyes

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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In a large and empty room of the Flumin House two people were clashing their weapons exchanging blows, one of them was the Fire Lady and the other the Eternal Servant, both were dressed in simple reinforced training clothes.


Clair lunged head on at her opponent at an overwhelming speed produced by her wind magic.


Flora, Quickly dodged to the left and keeping her eyes at all times on the speedy figure, but realized from the small cut on her cheek that she had failed to dodge it completely.

"*Haa* *Haa*" Flora was already getting tired, maintaining a speed fast enough to dodge Clair's moves was tiring, it's not like she was very good with wind magic in the first place.

"Not bad miss, you're getting better" Clair's swift figure said as she quickly turned around with impeccable footwork and resumed lunging towards her target.

Taking a defensive stance and keeping her guard up, Flora was determined to draw this fight.



They were currently in a rapier practice match, the condition for winning the match was to land three touches on the other person, immobilize the other person or surrender.

It was best of three and Flora had already lost the first match.

"You're getting distracted" Clair's voice said directly in her ear.

Before she could think she used her fire magic to shoot a large flare from behind her back, Clair was forced to back away from the sudden fire magic.

Seizing the opportunity Flora imbued her rapier with fire.

Turning around quickly with near perfect footwork and taking advantage of the fact that her mana was still feeding the fire, she dove into the fire for a surprise attack.

When he came out of the fire and his rapier attack was fully charged he searched for his target only to find....



"Well you almost had me with that attack" Clair's voice said behind him.


"Don't move or I'll pierce your neck" He said in a cold voice as he put the tip of the rapier to her throat.

"...I give up" Admitted a tired and resigned Flora as she threw her rapier to the floor not before cancelling her spell.

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"Not bad miss, you lasted 5 minutes longer than yesterday" Clair said with genuine joy in her voice.

Flora gritted her teeth, although it was good progress, she didn't like to lose.

"Don't bother Flora, you know you won't be able to beat me anytime soon" Clair said comforting her or an attempt at it.

"Don't be sad sweetie, I'm sure you'll do better next time, I must say your fire magic sure is impressive for your age hehe." Said with amusement a woman's voice.

Entering the large training hall with soft steps, was a tall lady with white hair and red eyes.

"Great lady, what a surprise, I wasn't expecting your arrival" Clair said emotionlessly bowing.

"Hello Clair it's been a while hasn't it?" Said Astrid smiling as she saw her maid recognizing her as her master.

"Yes, my lady" Said Clair returning to her original posture but not looking Astrid in the eye.

"Grandma!" exclaimed Flora before rushing out to give Astrid a hug.

"Hello little one it's been a while hasn't it?"

"YES! I think it has been a while... I don't remember..." Flora said thinking about the last time they saw each other.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that I'm here no?, and well, you had quite an interesting fight just now, tell me, aren't you tired?" Astrid said smiling with a mysterious gleam in her eyes.

"Not really, I always recover very quickly, mother says it's because of my large amount of Inner Mana" Flora said with a proud smile of her own.

"Oh, I see that's impressive" Astrid exclaimed in surprise as she saw that the cut on her cheek had already healed.

Mnn... I can't wait for your 12th birthday, there are so many plans I have for you my little test subject, hehe, I want to see how far you will go, I wonder if you will follow my same steps or you will look for your own... anyway as long as you become stronger than me I will be satisfied... I wonder if Sofia will also awaken my trait in her...

Astrid thought turning her smile bigger and more sinister as she thought about the possibilities she had in her hands.

"Well if you'll excuse me I think I should go see my granddaughter, I've never seen her before I wonder what she looks like" Astrid said quickly wiping the strange smile off her face.

"Hehehehehehe, I, Flora Flumin can proudly say that my little sister is incredibly adorable and pretty!!!" Flora shouted as she raised her fist and made a strange pose.

"Hehehe, yeah well... if you'll excuse me, go on with your training I'll stay in the house for a few days maybe a few weeks, oh and Flora a piece of advice when fighting, don't just focus on your opponent, also focus on your surroundings use your senses don't just use your sight" Astrid advised before blurring and disappearing from the room.

"WOW!!! Where did she go? I want to do that too!!!" Exclaimed an excited Flora as she saw her grandmother's speed.

"...I wouldn't recommend it..." Clair muttered to herself.




AN: Well this was my first attempt at writing a fight scene, how did you like it?, by the way there may not be a chapter tomorrow, the universe decided to bombard me with work and projects.

Anyway, happy day and drink water.

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