Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 24: Chapter 24 – Ranch base – Vitality

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Today’s ranch has been transformed into entirely new look. Starting from the entrance, nearly a mile long asphalt road went straight to the base area with a forest as backing. On the both sides of the road, there are big trees at every fifty meters. Peter and Chester decided to spend a sum of money at the end and paved the road directly. Builders from Justin also did their job well. As for the trees, they dug out the entire tree from the forest with special machines called tree spades and moved them into already planned places on the side of the road. At the end of the road, a big base camp is standing together neatly. In the middle is a big hall style ranch house which is used as canteen. On the left is a neat rows of 4mx4m cabins in various colors painted by their owners. There are more than 80 cabins in total although there are only 67 members of the guild in total. Lawrence couple, Belsoka and Alex also got assigned with a cabin house each. Even so, there are still 20 vacant houses waiting for their new owners. Then, on the right side of the canteen, there are barn which is used as storage building and two story building which has fifty bathrooms in the second floor and fifty toilets in the first floor. On the roof of the building, there are twenty water tanks. In front of the buildings group, there are ten concrete wells in a row behind the old stone well. Each well has at least 100 meters distance between them and they stretched out a long distance. The farthest two wells are already at the edge of the ranch in the left and in the banana trees area near the pond at the right side.

The well established guild base finally welcomed the permanent residents today. Pickup trucks after pickup trucks drove along the newly paved asphalt road and stopped in the free space in front of canteen. Some didn’t find a place to park so they could only choose to stop their cars on the roadside under the trees’ shades. Although they felt comfortable to get under the shade, they had to carry loads of boxes and travel luggage to their new homes. Since over two thirds of the men moved in with their new lovers or families together, the scene looks very lively and thriving. Especially, some men’s new partners seemed single moms because there are also dozens of children in the busy crowd. For these children who used to live in the city, the spacious ranch environment is very enjoyable. From time to time, several children were rushing into fields in the right side of the ranch so the adults had to go and call them back. However, reprimands from the adults could not lower their enthusiasm. They would still sneakily run around.

That is the scene when Peter drove his white ford into the ranch. Just when he glanced at the left, he saw two kids who seemed to be like five or six years old were running after a duck of unknown origin. So, he had to stop the car on the road side and call out aloud at the two naughty little guys, “Hey, you two. Yea, you two little brats! Don’t look around. I am calling you guys. Come here!”

After being called out by an adult, the two little brats with some dirt on their clothes trotted over. They felt no fear at strangers. Peter felt speechless and relaxed because he was worried about their safety but didn’t have to be troublesome anymore. The two brats seemed to be a twin. They have blond hairs and innocent smiles on their baby face. Their white cotton shirts and brown cotton pants have mud and dirt on them due to their playfulness. The one at the right greeted calmly with a big smile, “Hello!”

Peter also smiled and greeted, “Hello little guys.”

Then he asked, “How did you get in here?”

The little guy at the left said, “We came by our car.”

The kid at the right added, “With our mom and new dad.”

Peter rubbed his chin and asked again to make things sure, “Are they busying at the end of this road?”

Then, he patted his forehead, opened the passenger door of his car and said to the two boys as he got back into the driving seat, “Get in the car boys. I am taking you back to your parents.”

The two boys looked each other for a second and got into the car. They touched the soft cushions and leaned back comfortably. Peter said slowly as he stepped on the acceleration, “You can call me Uncle Peter.”

The two little brats introduced themselves back sweetly, “I am Evan.”, “I am Ryan.”, “Our mother is called Martha. She brought back a new boyfriend named Nick to our home ten days ago.”, “No, it’s nine days.”, “Okay, so, it started nine days ago. Nick looks vicious and he is very strong. Granny doesn’t like him. Mom had a fight with her sisters. A big fight. Then, mom took us and followed Nick to a small motel. Nick would leave in the early mornings and only come back in the evening. He said he would take us to a place later yesterday. So, we came here.”, “Yes, this place is really nice.”, “Yea, but our new home is a little small. But it’s okay. We have a big garden here. It is fine to sleep together on the big bed.”

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After telling their names, the two little brats started to talk about their life. Peter complained silently, ‘Brats, you guys are giving out your information to a stranger.’. Then he thought that he should tell Nick to teach his step-sons well about dark society. But these kids are really innocent and nice. Peter stopped thinking as they arrived at the destination.

When Peter got out of the car and took out the two brats in the backseats, a wry looking beautiful woman in her twenties trotted over. She smiled at Peter and said, “Thank you. I was scared for a while. I thought my two boys went astray to somewhere and went missing. Although I don’t know where you found them, I want to say thank you for bringing them back.”

Peter nodded at Nick who was standing under a tree at the back and said to the young woman, “It’s my pleasure Ma’am. I am also the brother of Nick so I have to take care of things happening in our guild base. As for these two brats, they were chasing a duck near the entrance when I noticed them accidentally. Don’t worry, Ma’am. This is in the Amish community. Your children are absolutely safe even if they go out and play in nearby ranches. Of course, I am talking about daytime. At the night, there are some coyotes and foxes wandering around. So, I would love to advice you to let your children only go out under the watch of adults in nights. But I feel that, our ranch might be the safest one among the ranches around here. I don’t know if Nick has mentioned you about what we do. We are the warriors so you can reassure about the safety here in most of the time.”

Martha smiled stiffly and brought her children back towards their cabin house. Nick also followed them and left Peter alone at the scene. Peter felt that he talked a lot too like two brats and smiled wryly. But he pulled himself back at the next second and walked towards the small buildings group at the distance.

Peter sat on his favorite bench on the porch facing the fields and closed his eyes in relief as the cool and fresh breezes constantly brushing him.

He unknowingly took a good nap until someone shook him awoke. When Peter opened his eyes, he saw Chester standing in front of him. Peter stood up and stretched his body a little bit left and right making cracking sounds. Peter asked while walking down towards the old stone well, “Have everyone arrived?”

Chester walked along with him and told him, “You have been sleeping nearly an hour and everyone is already here.”

Peter said calmly as he dropped the water bucket, “That’s good. I also brought back that potion. Since some people might need a second bottle, I directly bought 200 hundreds bottles in one breathe. Although I felt that we might not need over a hundred bottles depending on the foundation of our brothers, I chose to buy them because I thought that we could store extra potions. They may be reserved well for our future new members.”

Chester looked at the green fields in the distance and said slowly, “No matter what. We can condense vitality seed today and formally step into cultivation path of sun knights. After that, as long as we absorb the sun light, we can strengthen ourselves slowly. I have a plan. As soon as we became formal knight, we are going to use specially crafted bolt-action type machine gun which would use 50mm for ammo. The thing like unable to fight back well at that big fatty monsters called Greed Devils will never happen again.”

Peter washed his face with cool well water and said indifferently after taking a sip of it, “With that Russian guy Kevin? Alright, we guys are professional in this kind of stuffs. I will not comment in this. I only have one request that as long as things can improve our combat effectiveness, yes, you can toss around at will. Besides, you are also the boss anyways, you can decide about these things by yourself.”

Chester gave an awkward laugh and replied which changed Peter’s face, “I got it. But you have to pay another sum of money to us for weapon research.”

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