Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 25: Chapter 25 – Ranch base – Financial Crisis

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When Peter followed Chester into the canteen, almost all table are already full of people. There are not only men but also their lovers and children. Everyone is talking and chatting trying to integrate into new social environment. Mostly, men are introducing their women to his brothers and women are befriending other women. Only several dozen children are carelessly and cheerfully eating the foods on the table.

Peter coughed loudly in the center of the hall and looked around the lively crowd. When the hall quieted down slowly, Peter said with a smile, “Everyone here is of the same family, the family called ‘Guardian Spirits’. We have passed the tragic moment together in Cerriro Town. Many of us lost important things in our life forever at there. But we chose to stand up again, strongly and willingly. We got a chance to contact with the other side of the world we used to never know. The path of transcendence. I am getting away from the topic. Excuse me, just a little remorse of me. Now, we have all built back our body into strongest shape and gentlemen, here I have brought a chance to completely step into the world of transcendence.”

Then, he took out a potion bottle from his space ring, held it high in front of him, showed it around and said with a little bit of excitement in his sound, “The potion of vitality seed. This magical potion would help the people who missed the best time to get into the path of knight, yes, that is for the people like us. It will help us condense the vitality seed. Drink this and become the apprentice knight.”

All men excitedly looked at the pale green potion in Peter’s hand. However, nobody was in a hurry because they all knew that everyone would have a share. The children didn’t even care to listen. In their eyes, there are only delicious foods on the table. The women were greatly confused but no one chose to ask at this time. But they secretly decided to ask their men when they got back to their little home. Peter also didn’t intend to make the short story long so he said calmly, “Now, come to me one by one and take your share of potion. And just drink it here. Starting with the ones nearest to me.”

The first man is Mike who used to be subordinate of Chester. He was sitting in the table just beside Peter so he became the first one to receive his share of potion. It was just a small baby fist size potion bottle filled with pale green liquid. As soon as he sat back in his seat, he opened the bottle and drunk it in one go. There is no smell nor flavor but it feels a little cool and refreshing. Mike’s whole body felt refreshed and then the refreshing feeling slowly retreated back towards the center until it stopped at the heart position. Inside the heart’s lower left chamber which no one could see, a group of blood merged into a drop of bright red blood. The blood drop seemed quite heavy and fell into the chamber’s floor slowly. Unlike normal blood flowing to the next chamber, it stays in place quietly. However, it is slowly absorbing the nearby blood cells into it. Until a certain stage, it is going to split into two similar blood drops. Then, they would continue the previous process and each would split into two new similar blood drops again. Of course, the process of accumulation and splitting would take at least four hours.

Back at the scene, one man by one walked to Peter and took their potion. After they drunk their potions, the similar situation which happened in Mike would also happen in them. That single cell blood drop has a common name called vitality seed because it is full of vitality and the energy and cell activity of it is also several times stronger than normal blood. After the birth of first vitality seed, they would only need to eat more nutrient foods to repleish their missing blood. With suitable training, they would be seen able to break through the category of normal human beings. Once the whole body’s blood turned completely into new blood, the blood vassals and muscles would benefit first, then the skin and internal organs, nervous system and finally bone marrows and bones. The brain would also receive an upgrade and their memory and thinking would become stronger to a certain limit. Of course, the whole process is more complicated. Once, the whole body completed a water wash, one can call himself formal knight. Soon, only Peter, he and Chester were left. Peter handed over a bottle to Chester and drunk his share of potion too. He also felt cool and refreshed like everyone else did. Then, no more because he was not able to see what’s happening inside his body like the other people. However, Peter didn’t dive into this. He still has trust on Jenny that she would not sell the fake vitality seed condensing potions to him. Peter raised the emptied potion bottle, made a toast towards the crowd and said in relax, “Everyone, let’s have a nice meal. I bet many ladies here would have many questions and doubts in your heart. You can ask about these later. For now, enjoy the foods first please.”

Then, he walked towards the table he used to sit together with Ronald and his men.

“Is the things in hidden world so cheap or do we have a lot of money in the guild?”, asked Ronald while dipping the bread into hot beef soup. Allen and several other friends also looked at Peter. They were curious about that. However, Peter who was questioned smiled bitterly and said in a sad tone, “Each bottle costs 200 gold coins.”

When he looked at the unchanging faces of his friends, Peter realized something. He said in a low voice, “You guys, don’t tell me you have never visited the forum.”

Facing the stern Peter, Ronald rubbed his hairs and asked, “Actually, we have never taken a look at it. We have been busy with training. You don’t know cause you have been busy with your two wives. When we went back to the city, we would train in the gym again till nine o’clock that we would go back our homes to sleep.”

Then, under the death stares of Peter, he raised his hands and admitted sincerely, “We have been only watching the fresh news platform. There is nothing about currency and products. But we can know many interesting stories on it.”

Peter said calmly, “One gold coin is one hundred thousands dollar. That little bottle costs twenty million dollar.”

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The guys were surprised. Ronald looked around before asking in a low voice, “I remember we don’t have that much money in our guild, right?”

Peter shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, “Guild money was long gone since the third day of building our camp.”

Then, he rubbed his face and told them, “Chester funded a part and I added the rest.”

Ronald whispered, “I did a quick math. You guys must have spent like at least twelve thousands gold coins during the past days, right? One gold coin is one grand and that would be a lot of money.”

Peter said painfully, “More than that. I have to buy 200 vitality seed condensers because not everyone would be able to successfully condense the vitality seed with a potion. If that so, they would have to take another potion after a week. These potions alone cost me 40,000 gold coins. With various potions you guys have been drinking during the past days, I’ve already spent like around 50,000 gold coins. If we are not working soon, our guild might go bankrupt at anytime.”

The guys were amazed and they forgot to eat and speak. After a while, Allen came back to his sense first and muttered, “Damn, Peter, you rich man. You’re going to be the owner of the guild if this continues. You should have informed about our financial crisis to all of us. Seriously bruh, I almost have had a heart attack. Even my mom might not believe it if I call her now and tell her that I just drunk 20 million dollar worth potion. And the thing is it was not just me alone but a whole sixty seven people drunk the same potions too.”

Ronald asked curiously, “Bruh, where do you get that money? I know you are richer than us but you wouldn’t have that much money.”

Peter sighed and admitted, “You’re right. I got like several million dollars before and my entire net worth was only around a hundred gold coins. These money come from Jenny.”

Ronald asked uncertainly, “Your second wife?”

Peter nodded and said calmly, “Yes, my second wife who married me together with Tina on the same day. She is beautiful, gentle and very rich.”

“Damn!”, the guys exclaimed while staring at a certain guy together in the same time.

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