Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 36: Chapter 36 – Peter – Laredo City Part III

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Peter told Ronald to stop at the roadside and shared them the good news. Everyone was really surprised. They remembered the photo of three deeply in their heart. That is really a big man who they chose to follow even though they saw him for the first time only now. Looking at the dense rewards on the list, guys started to drool. They have no idea about the highest reward Divine crystal but it still doesn’t prevent them to strike to get the highest reward. Of course, things still need to redeem with merit. One merit point can exchange 100 gold coins which is already unimaginable wealth for a normal person and a lot of fortune even to people started to step into path of transcendence. Tier one magic items only need 20 to 100 merit points. Even the valuable space ring of Tier three magic item which Peter is wearing can be exchanged with 2000 merit points. That is simply a feast to their poor people. Everyone who saw the rewards exchange list tagged under the quest realized that they got into a really big influence. As for the main school still with only two people, the founder and co-founder, they chose to forget about it at that point. Since most people are just from new affiliated guilds which were created a few months ago with rootless low tier transcendence people who accidentally stepped into path of transcendence through various accidents, they have no idea about the thing called Divine crystal. However, they know that a thing which can only be exchanged with a high price of 50000 merit points will never be a bad thing.

Ben said with a rare excitement, “We are going to change the plan. Let’s just start from here, Laredo.”

Everyone nodded neatly and agreed with it. Even Peter was no exception. He said, “We need to get familiar with city’s streets. But, I need some times to retrieve the possible targets, their addresses and routines.”

Then, he glanced around at the place where they were in. It was under the shade of a big tree. Peter nodded and said, “Let’s have the foods here. While eating, I will get the information.”

Like that, they simply sat down on the grasses and started to eat the foods they bought. While other people were having their time well, Peter connected the wifi and started to get into the dark web with his computer. In just a few minutes, Peter disconnected the internet and started to write down the things he copied into a notebook with a pen. He notified the six men who were still eating, “It’s done. Now, we need to drive around the city.”

Everyone stood up and walked back into the two pick-up trucks. The drivers were still Ronald and Allen. Other people got into the truck bed. At there, they slowly ate the foods and compare the map with what they saw. Like that, they drove back into Laredo city.

However, when they passed the Whisperers grill hose they visited yesterday, they didn’t notice that a certain young girl named Emma saw them. At that time, Emma was boringly looking at the road with one hand supporting her chin. She was thinking whether she should take that step with courage or just stay a peaceful life under her dad’s wings. Then, she accidentally saw the handsome guy yesterday on a truck as the driver. It made her already confused mind full of wild thoughts immediately. After several seconds, Emma entered the store with determined eyes. After a moment, she quickly came out with a backpack and got into her cute Volkswagen blue beetle. Although Elia saw her daughter going out in her car, she didn’t care much but she still told her husband Hugo about Emma going out. Hugo also thought that Emma was going to her friends and didn’t think much. Moreover, it’s all his old nest and who would hurt his daughter and his brothers are all old native folks of Laredo. They all grew up here and formed the gang with like-minded friends mainly to keep their hometown in good atmosphere while also earning reasonable amount of protection money from businesses. They have a wide range of connection and it is also because of them that Laredo is clean of drugs problems. They are Laredo’s famous Iron hands who are loved by folks. Since they came out to the stage, Laredo became very peaceful and out of drugs problem. Of course, it was not so easy at first. Many brothers of Iron hands gang also went into prison for killing. Several people sacrificed. Several now need help to walk and eat. But they won and even black cops were dealt together in the conflict. No one dare to make trouble in Laredo city anymore. Several years have passed and they are still the greatest gangsters of Laredo with nearly a thousand of active members.

One hour later, when Peter was gazing at the surrounding with hillbilly appearance while their pickup truck was waiting for the green light at traffic light, he suddenly noticed the blue beetle which slowly stopped behind their truck. A normal car would not attract his attention but this special meow was driven by a young girl called Emma. But Peter didn’t think much at that time. However, he couldn’t stay calm after a dozen minutes later because that blue beetle was still tailgating them. Ben on the side said, “She is bringing us unnecessary trouble. Peter, we have to do something.”

Mark looked at the girl in the blue beetle and proposed, “Why don’t we go back to that grill house? We can bring her directly back to her dad while also having the lunch by the way.”

Glenn on the side said rarely, “I agree. I don’t mind having their grilled chicken as lunch.”

But, Peter rubbed his forehead and said wryly, “Come on guys. Do you think she is going to stop just like that? That bastard Ronald has finally brought us another trouble. Now, what I am worrying about is whether that girl would run away from her home and go to our base. Don’t forget that she has our address because that idiot told her yesterday. If she is still in this city, Hugo might not think too much. But. But once she is missing from this city, we are going to be in a big trouble.”

Ben asked in surprise, “Is it so serious?”

Peter looked at his three men, nodded seriously and said, “Yesterday, we saw Hugo in unclear relationship with those bikers, right? So, I did a little research about him. Guess, what. That guy is the leader of the only and biggest gang in this city, Iron hands. It has nearly a thousand members and they control this city tightly in their hands. The main trouble is they are not pure street gangsters. Although they are under the banner of gangsters, most of them are just folks who want to make their neighborhood clean from bad gangs and cartels. So..”

Ben completed, “So, what you wanna mean is folks in the whole city would come out and find us?”

Peter shrugged and said, “Basically, yes.”

The four men in the truck bed looked at the cheerful young girl in the blue beetle and didn’t know what to do for a while. So, a weird scene, which two trucks with burly men were driving in the front and a cute blue beetle with a young beauty was tailgating them tightly from the back, was formed on the streets of Laredo. After driving around like that for another several minutes, Peter finally decided to stop, ask the girl clearly and find a solution to this. He moved towards the cab, knocked the cab’s roof hard and shouted, “Ronald! Slow down and find a place to stop the car.”

Ronald who was driving didn’t ask and started to slow down the car while finding a place to park. At the back, Peter who returned to previous position asked Ben to inform Allen in the front car too. After Ben informed Allen with his wireless mic, the pickup truck driving in the front also started to slow down. They bought ten sets of wireless mics and wireless earphones for this journey. These are the latest products of Titan company and their performance is also very high. One hour of charging can last a day of continuous using. Unlike walkie-talkie used by normal police officers, these wireless items require a portable server from which they can keep their chat room as secret. Their enemies will not be able to enter their communication line easily unless they got a set by killing their member or hacked into portable server. Both ways are not easy to achieve. Besides, they are going to become moving tanks after they wore their gears. Peter had done the greatest effort and perfect preparation to do a great thing. But who knew that they would have trouble with the small obstacle on the way like now just because of a girl and an idiot teammate who love to joke and tease. Peter suddenly felt helpless and let out a sigh.

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