Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 37: Chapter 37 – Peter – Laredo City Part IV

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“What you want, girl?”, asked Peter. After they parked their cars on the roadside, blue beetle tailgating them also slowly stopped at the back. Peter got down, signaled his men to stay in place, and he walked to the blue beetle which was just a few steps away. Emma returned a smile and said, “Hey, I know you. You’re detective Peter of infamous five musketeers team which was disbanded around four months ago. I remembered your news that you guys were framed by someone at that time.”

Peter suddenly felt foolish and glanced back at Ben in the truck bed. The latter looked at him with doubts.

Peter rubbed his forehead and asked, “Just state your purpose Emma. You and I, both of us know that who exactly is your dad. If you keep doing like this, you’re bringing us a lot of troubles.”

Emma gave a victor smile, she played with her shoulder length straight black hairs and said, “I just wanna get to know with that handsome guy.”

Peter calmly said, “Impossible. I do not believe in your reasons. You just met him for the first time yesterday. Why must you make things difficult for us?”

Emma cooled down and she asked with a straight face, “Would you believe me if I say that it is first sight love?”

Just when Peter wanna say something, a burly man came out from the bakery nearby, handed the phone over to him and said, “Aye, mate, our boss want to talk with you.”

Peter glanced left and right fast before he took over the phone obediently. Hell, there were already several men watching at this side with guns on their belts. Peter motioned his guys to stay calm and talked with Hugo. After a while, he handed over the phone to Emma, walked back to his pickup truck and said to Ronald and Allen who were standing and leaning against the car body at the outside, “To the grill house we went yesterday.”

Ronald who was glared by several men gave a bitter smile and entered back into pilot seat. Then, two pickup trucks, a cute beetle and several motorbikes drove to Hugo’s Whisperers grill house.

Half an hour later, Peter and his six men sat down at empty tables in the Whisperers grill house again. But unlike yesterday, entire grill house was full of armed men this time. Although most of them were focusing on foods on the table in front of them, several men were silently wiping their guns. And occasionally, they all would take a glance at Peter’s squad. Soon, Hugo came out with a sour face from the kitchen while Emma was still with a smirk smile on her face. The two took free chairs nearby and sat down facing the two tables occupied by Peter’s squad.

“So, detective Peter or mercenary leader Peter, why are you still in Laredo? Didn’t you say to me yesterday that you were leaving the city this morning?”, asked Hugo in a stern voice.

Peter shrugged and said calmly, “Somethings happened and we had to change the previous plans.”

Hugo leaned back on the chair and asked, “So, what is your plan and who are your targets?”

Peter didn’t shy away to give the answer too. He said directly, “There is only one primary target, the city mayor Joseh Trueman.”

Hugo instantly straightened his back, put his hands on the table, narrowed his eyes to stare at Peter and said coldly, “Our city don’t want violence happening here. Not to mention that your target is a high ranking official. We don’t welcome you. I need you to terminate your plans and go back to where you came from immediately. Otherwise, we will take certain measures against you. Even if you’re once infamous detective hero Peter, you are no exception for our Iron Hands. Here, everyone must obey our rules, even dragons are no exception.”

Peter twitched and said, “What if we have a serious reason to do that?”

Hugo shook his head and said, “Rules are the rules.”

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Emma slapped Hugo’s arm hard while pouting. She glared at Peter and said, “Why aren’t you explaining your serious reason?”

Peter said calmly, “What if I told you that most of high ranking people in our state was suspected and investigated for committing crimes on minors?”

Hugo changed his face and asked fast, “Do you have any evidence?”

Peter directly pushed the stacked papers and photos which he took out in advanced on the table in front of him towards Hugo at the opposite. In fact, he dared to do it because he chose to believe in what he found about Hugo and his gang of people. Otherwise, he might not even talk anything related to that. Moreover, he also wanted to get some helps from local people. It would be the best if Hugo and his people also participated in their operation. Of course, he also didn’t expect to get too much helps from Hugo but some small assistance like watching out the situations, showing the ways, providing them real time information and some info about their target would be a great help to them. Furthermore, for Iron Hands gang which have entrenched well in Laredo city for several years, those things are very easy to accomplish.

After a while, Hugo dropped the stack of things on the table, leaned back on the chair and thought something for a moment. Emma on the side immediately picked up the papers and photos and started to read. After a while, Hugo asked, “Is this why you went missing for a while?”

Peter smiled bitterly and said, “Not missing. I was demoted and got transferred away to a small place. The rest of my colleagues in the team died one by one. One named Robin Witherwood is in Laredo so I wanted to visit him. That’s why I said yesterday that we were only visiting. But now, the plans have changed due to something and we are going to take action directly from this city.”

Hugo muttered to himself, ‘Robin Witherwood?’ and he said emotionally, “I know that guy called Robin Witherwood, unfortunate man who was killed by two wanted criminals in front of 24h convenient store two months ago. I remembered him because his mother Aubrey Witherwood requested us and we took care of those two wanted criminals at that time. Those two guys with broken arms and legs are still probably enjoying their time in Hanmock Prison at 20 miles east of our city.”

Peter was surprised. He put his hand into his jacket pocket to cover up the existence of his space ring and took out a badge of their guild. He gave it to Hugo and thanked sincerely, “I’ve nothing much to say except thank you. It might not be nothing special to you but it really means a lot to me. Here, with this badge, you can send someone to join our guild. Trust me, this contains a great chance and you must choose that person carefully because there would be no opportunity after that.”

Hugo carelessly gave the small metal badge to his daughter on the side and sat up straight He narrowed his eyes to look at Allen sitting at the left side of Peter and said, “Now, let’s talk about my daughter and your kid.”

Peter speechlessly glanced at Emma and leaned back on his chair. He patted Allen and said, “Hugo, it is not my boy’s fault. The problem is your daughter. Or should I say it’s with you? Look at your lively young daughter. Beautiful. Sweet. I bet no boy at her age would refuse to chase her if conditions are permitted.”

Hugo directly covered his forehand for several seconds but Emma was not undone. She patted the table and said, “Officer Peter! You are wronging me. How could I possibly like weak looking clueless boys? Only the tall, handsome, strong looking handsome guy like him can enter my eyes. Think about it. This is a rare chance for me to meet someone who fit my standard. So, is it bad for me to pursue my love?”

Well, Hugo saw that coming. He couldn’t do anything to his beloved daughter so he can only hide his embarrassing face behind his palm. But he suddenly felt that he shouldn’t be staying like that. So, Hugo coughed and asked, “So, who is this guy?”

Peter didn’t say anything. He only leaned on his chair with attitude of watching the play. Allen who was watching at the beautiful girl sitting at the opposite of him immediately stood up, leaned forward, stretching out his hand and introduced himself, “Allen White, sir. 23 years old this year. Single. A former tactical team member and now a nameless mercenary. Nice to meet you.”

Hugo shook his hand and said, “Do you like my daughter?”

Allen sat down again and explained hurriedly, “Sir, your daughter is really beautiful and good looking but after all we only met once yesterday.”

Hugo narrowed his eyes, stared at Allen carefully and asked again, “So, my beautiful daughter can’t get into your eyes?”

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