Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 82: Chapter 81 – A theory

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“Have you ever read about the explanation of what science actually is?”

Jenny’s sudden question made Peter to fall into confusion. He asked uncertainly, “Observing the nature, finding the principles and make good use of them?”

“That’s correct.”

A smile full of approval appeared on Jenny’s fair face and she asked again, “Then, have you ever thought about foundation of life?”

Peter shrugged his shoulders and asked, “Please! Can you make it simpler? I just need some knowledge about what is going on with me.”

“You only need to tell me about the things I should pay attention.”

Looking at still smiling Jenny, Peter rubbed his eyebrows and asked wryly, “Do you want to talk about bionic evolution on imitating the nature or self adjusting for better survival?”

Jenny laughed and said, “Of course, not. I don’t want to talk complicated theories. What I wanna talk to you is a very simple thing of theory of life.”

“Do you actually know that life cannot appear out of nothing?”

She made a circular shape in the air with her fingers and said, “Basic structural forms, cells, they need a similar bionic cell source. That can’t be formed from matters like carbon atoms, oxygen and hydrogen.”

“I’ve read about the forming of life proposed by a scientist in a mortal journal. He proposed that super lightning formed the first source of life from lifeless materials and then life started to appear on earth.”

“But what we are told from our childhood is that life on earth was created by Origin Mother Tera and Origin Father Asteios.”

“Using the noblest blood of two grand creators, supplementing with their seven emotional soul energies and three wills of love, unyielding and hope, the perfect divine race was created.”

“The upper ones, who were able to born perfectly, are known as Gods. The lower ones, who failed to born with innate perfection, are known as mankind.”

“Yep, we are imperfect ones. But our imperfection makes the world more perfect. Do you ever wonder what is that?”

Peter leaned back on the sofa and gestured Jenny to continue. He had never thought about these questions in the past.

After all, can you expect these thoughtful questions from someone, who didn’t even have any idea about the existence of Gods and magic?

Isn’t this fucking? I also wanna know what is happening and why it happens. Peter muttered silently in his heart but he didn’t show a trace of impatient on the surface. After all, wife is biggest. Moreover, the real problem is that she is more powerful than him.

Even, he still has thankful emotions in his heart. Why? Because, as someone who was nailed as real life detective Sherlock when he was stilling working as detective, he completely understands that knowledge is power and it is priceless.

Is it wrong to know a little more? At least, Peter has never felt that things can go wrong due to knowing more. Not to mention, knowing more things could be of great advantages. Better than ignorance!

Jenny tapped the empty air in front of her with her fair fingers. Starting from condensing of bone structures, two humans of man and woman slowly appeared in the air between her and Peter.

They are only as big as two slaps size figures. With Jenny’s thought, these two figures slowly rotated.

Jenny pointed at them and said emotionally, “Mankind, imperfect descendants of creators. But our root is very deep and noble because the bodies were created from pure and primitive noble blood of two creators, while the souls were also born from combination of all soul energies of creators. Same as Gods”

“The difference between Gods and Mankind is mainly on two points. As I said, our body is imperfect. So, we have various limitations and degenerating problem. One generation is harder to awaken the bloodline power than the previous generation. And it’s getting harder to lift the bloodline shackles.”

“Another problem is that our souls also have problem. It is constantly creating soul energies at every moment and releasing the excess energies into air or nature shall I say. Of course, things are not so troublesome at first because our body is developing and the excess energies would be very small.”

“However, unlike Gods, we have the ceiling of development.”

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Peter came into realization and asked, “You mean, the overflow theory?”

It was Jenny’s turn to become confuse. She got no idea about any overflow theory what Peter said.

When Peter saw Jenny’s rolling eyes, he immediately explained.

“It’s a theory proposed by a scientist named Julius Everbright. He was a very famous scientist back in 17th century. Overflow theory is one of his infamous work. In his biography, he said that he got the inspiration when he was studying the longevity of plants.”

“He says that we are not far from longevity and power if we can find a correct way to store all energy produced by our body in our body and well utilize them all as we wish.”

“The theory is about a tree storing all the produced energies in its body and utilize them efficiently in its life. He made a comparison of that tree with a similar tree which he used some means to take out the stored energies from it. It’s basically harvesting the tree saps in large amount.”

“Guess what. The first tree grew bigger than the latter without a doubt. As for the latter, it even started to show the sign of dying. That is his theory of overflow. As long as we can get complete control over our body and solve the problem of overflowing energy, we can achieve the longevity.”

Peter’s eyes flickered, he rubbed his chin and said cheerfully, “Now, I came to think about it. I feel that his theory is closest to the truth you just talked. There are almost no differences. The only noticeable thing might be that occult world has a practical way to do it while normal mortal society still can’t find a suitable way.”

Jenny carefully thought about it and nodded. She praised, “That person has a grand and limitless vision. He is right and very closed to the truth.”

“Your conclusion is also true. But, have you ever thought about what would happen if we all ever happened to perfect the imperfection of mankind?”

A rare careful look appeared on her beautiful face. Jenny tapped and a rotating planet appeared.

Colorful waves appeared from two human figures and these waves were immediately absorbed by the rotating planet. But human figures kept emitting colorful waves and the planet also kept absorbing them into the core. But not all of the colorful waves were absorbed cleanly. They were tangling around.

This process kept going for nearly a minute, and it attracted both Peter and Flora.

Then, the rotating planet suddenly emitted small pure white light spots to all over its surface from the inside.

Jenny asked, “Do you understand why I said that our imperfection made the world perfect?”

Peter asked uncertainly, “Are these white light spots primitive souls?”

“Look again.”

Jenny didn’t immediately give the answer and pointed at the globe.

This time, the simple globe changed and dense colorful light spots and colorful waves appeared around the globe.

“This is underworld. You can also call it spirit realm or sixth dimension.”

Peter was instantly confused. He rubbed his eyebrows again with headaches. He got no idea.

Jenny knew that Peter hit the wall again. She laughed softly and said, “Lewis’s World Theory; according to him, the world is completely composed of six dimensions. You can buy that book and take a look at it.”

“The first dimension is empty nothingness. Second dimension is foundational Chaos. Third is endless space. Fourth is unstopping time. Fifth is boundless material world. Sixth is eternal spiritual realm.”

Although Peter knew that his previous world and current occult world got various different things and various ideas and logical views, he still couldn’t help it and cursed.

“What in the hell caused him to make this, this tasteless theory? I only know super string theory.”

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