Guardian Spirits 2K

Chapter 83: Chapter 82 – Underworld

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“Come on. Jenny, can you just please tell me what I need to be care about?”

Peter held his head with both hands and asked weakly. He has a feeling that he is probably not going to hear what he actually wants to hear today if Jenny is allowed to continue talking just like that.

Is this the legendary special brain circuit of women? Unbelievable. Things just can’t get to the point.

Peter complained secretly in the heart. He didn’t dare to make open challenge.

After all, who makes Jenny to be his biggest supporter here. Wife is biggest. Especially, wife who can give financial assistance is bigger.

Seeing her man’s wilted appearance, Jenny just smiled and continued; “It’s not that I wanna talk this and that and making this a long conversation. Let me tell you. You need some basic knowledge about the world we live in.”

“I know you used to be a knowledgeable smart guy. But you were only familiar with mortal knowledge due to the environment you grew up in.”

“Listen well. As long as you successfully learn to control or use your soul, you can be considered as True Spirit realm transcender. It’s not about strength. Once you can stop the excess soul forces which are flowing out, your strength will rise up quickly. Every bit of soul energies which are produced by your soul will become the basic nutrient factor for your growth.”

“Furthermore, you will be able to use your spirit and guide the strengthening of your physical body. Normally, transcenders in Power realm can only passively strengthen their body slowly.”

“But the process will be a lot faster than you think once you can guide the strengthening of some special parts, like heart and bone marrows. Moreover, fusion of soul energies into strengthening process will also give you some surprises.”

“About the soul energy, its core is the combination of our unconscious will and emotions. Because we have no control over them, they can easily affect our thoughts, motives, ideas and even judgments.”

“For example, now, you are emitting several negative soul energies. But I am sure that the amount might be a lot less than the ones several months ago.”

“Even, some pure free soul energies are being attracted and gathering towards you. That’s because a part of your soul was already awakened. It has started to try to repair the defects.”

“Trust me. I don’t know whether it is your talent or a blessing of certain one. But I am sure that you’re all good.”

Peter patiently listened to the continuous bombardments of his wife and carefully thought about the things she said. After finishing major things in one breathe, Jenny also stopped and took several sips of coconut milk to moisten her lips and mouth.

However, they didn’t notice that a rare thoughtful expression, which shouldn’t appear at her age, appeared on Flora’s little face.

Jenny opened another can of coconut milk, cooled it down, added some ice cubes and drunk it refreshingly. She looked at Peter’s thoughtful face with great interests and said; “Normally, one will gain greater control over the body after the brain was fully developed and strengthened. Then, he will be slowly able to touch the sixth sense and awaken a part of true soul. But you just skipped several steps and directly stepped into Tier two.”

Then, she pursed her lips and said, “As expected of a blessed one in prophecy. All you need is just time for development.”

Jenny leaned back on the sofa and said expressionlessly, “Underworld is the best place to accelerate your growth. If you can go there, you will have a great leap forward.”

Then, she closed her eyes and sighed, “However, it is not easy to get into underworld. It’s such a pity.”

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Peter’s eyes flickered and he asked, “What’s underworld?”

“It’s the sixth dimension which is full of soul energies. There are both negative soul energies and positive soul energies out there. For some reasons, it can strip away excess soul energies from soul origin. So, Gods created a huge continent out there and it became our underworld.”

“I don’t know when it started but Gods have started to use it to build a unique reincarnation system for our planet. Countless dead souls are sent there. The special personals known as Reapers will be responsible for these souls at the other side.”

A sudden fear flashed in Jenny’s eyes. But it quickly disappeared and her eyes returned to calmness.

She said calmly, “You know that our planet and even our star system are moving at a very high speed right? I know scientists named it space and universe. But actually, it is boundless material world. If Sir. Lewis didn’t lie, the world is also moving at a very high speed in the Chaos.”

“The point is that our underworld, well, that huge continent in the spiritual realm, is also moving because its anchor to the material world is the planet under our feet.”

“So, we have to fight the eternal war. Two days ago, you asked me about the punishment of being sent to underworld, right? It’s a very harsh punishment. There’s nothing but war. Constant wars at every other minute.”

“Spiritual realm is a very good place. Especially, very helpful to True Spirit realm transcenders. Despite of being a helpful place, we don’t dare to use it. Mainly because of a race who are born at there and live at there.”

“They’re called daemons. They only have soul bodies. They are born from condensation of various soul energies out there. They can manipulate emotions and pollute our souls.”

Jenny turned her head to look at Peter and asked, “Do you know what kind of soul energies are being produced by souls of living creatures the most?”

“Negative ones.”

Peter put one hand on his forehead and answered. He has already figured out a thing or two. He has to admit that this short several minutes conversation managed to surprise him a lot. He also learned some precious knowledge and felt that he became one step closer to the truth of the world.

“That’s correct. So, basically, there are almost only daemons born out of negative soul energies. This is also why they are terrible enemies for living creatures in material world. They can corrode souls of living creatures with negative soul energies they can control.”

“Fortunately, it’s not easy to open the entrance to the material world from the inside of spiritual realm. It makes us safe.”

“However, to secure the underworld in the spiritual realm, we have to guard it with heavy troops. The wars started just like that because soul origins are constantly attracting the daemons like a beacon of light in the darkness.”

“So, being punished to guard it is a hard and harsh result for everyone.”

Peter wondered why she knew too much. He decided to ask, “Why do you know a lot about it? Have you ever been there?”

Surprisingly, Jenny smiled and said, “There is a special training class for the Church’s personals. One must go when he or she became True Spirit realm transcender. The whole class lasts a year and since from the second month, everyday is just warring with daemons. Forcing ourselves to get resistance to them so we will not have any problem with facing the daemon after that.”

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