
Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Nosedive ahoy!

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Six years prior


"AHAHAHAHA, they said l couldn't do it! They said I was too young to fly!! Now, look at me, gooo wooohooo!" I was shouting in joy until there was an impact, sudden pain, and then everything started to fade into black…

"Ughh," I groaned as I slowly clutched my throbbing head. "What happened?" I asked aloud to myself. To my surprise, someone answered my question.

"I told you. You are too small to fly yet! You can't even use the world's will halfway controlled enough. Despite all my warnings, you just gave it your all, flew headfirst into a tree, and fell unconscious. You are grounded for at least two weeks until you have recovered. You will not be leaving this tent!” My mom shouted at me as she usually did when I was being what she called a ‘bratty child’.

"Uuugh," I groaned again. When I felt a wet cloth being held against my head. The chilliness of it soothed my headache and calmed me down. 

"There's been a steady increase in strength and will from the world. This means somewhere our race is dying a lot faster than usual! It's increasingly important to keep hatchlings and young chicks like you healthy to ensure our race persists in this challenge. Please do not attempt something that dangerous without supervision ever again! Imagine how worried I was when I found you bloodied under that tree."

"Yes, mooom." You keep on saying the same thing over and over again, but I don't feel any different!

It was boring in the tribe, and stuff never happened. Of course, I would want to finally learn to fly. 

"Nivia, darling, You are the world to me. I neither want to see you get hurt nor do something as reckless. Please rest up a bit; I'm sure your brother will bring you something to eat soon." She hugged me and sang a lullaby about a small bear hibernating for the season until my eyes closed again.

".is... Si. Siiis!"
"Nn am awake staahp shakin meeeee. Oh, it's just you… brother Sprylo. My head still hurts. Please be more gentle."

"Well, sis, if you just woke up as easily as everyone else, I would not have to shake you." sigh "Well, I thought you might be hungry after your little stunt there, so I brought you this rabbit I hunted earlier, still bloody and warm, just as you like it."

"Fooodmmpmhm!" I wanted to jump up and take it from him, but he had already shoved it in my mouth.


POV Sprylo

"Stay still, or you won't get better anytime soon...

"You know...The whole town was worried about you. You should learn to take on more responsibility like me, your great buff brother!"I said while flexing my wings. I hunted rabbits for half the village this morning and found some fruit. I'm a fast flier, and I'm training to become the next chief in the future. So what do you say, sis? Will you be more careful and listen to your elders more?
Hello? Sis? Planet to sis? You haven't been listening to a word I have said, have you?..."

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"Are you sure about eating that fast? Maybe you should slow down a bit?" Maybe I should take her rabbit away and give her some fruit first.


"OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM!" (intensifies)

That is so adorable. "Never change, sis. I love you."

"And now you are nuzzling your bloody face in my feathers. What am I going to do with you?" Then I heard a cute snoring from below and saw that Nivia had fallen asleep hugging my soft wings. I had wondered if mom had felt the same way when I slept on her wings when I was young.

"Well, I'm not leaving this tent today.” Sprylo said laying down as he spread out his legs. "Geez, you little rascal, why am I spoiling you so much?"


POV Nivia

"WOOOHOOO, I'm finally free again!" I shouted from the top of my lungs once freed from my unjust confinement. The sun warmed my skin as a blast of chilled wind raced through my feathers. The air smelled fresh, akin to a moist forest in spring, unlike the stale tent I had to live in for the past weeks. 

Since I am out and about again, I should look around the village to see if something fun is happening. While walking around, I saw that most things were the same as before. The hunters weren’t around during the day while they hunted. They were super fun since they showed me how to fight and do cool things like kicking with my talons. They also told the best stories, like that one time the chief apparently fought off a dragon by himself. Then there was the nursery, where most of the hatchlings were gathered. Some older harpies always took care of them since they couldn’t or didn't want to hunt or gather anymore. 

In the middle of the village, surrounded by everyone's nests, was the fireplace where food was prepared for preservation. Some people preferred their meat and fruits cooked, but bleurgh, that's just weird. Hmm, I wonder where the elder is? He might help me train the will to get better at using it. I heard if I get really good at it, it will help me fly before my wings fully mature.

"Hey there Nivia, good to see you around again, little one. You looking for something?"
Oh, it's old man Bo again. He is a weird old man who likes to tell stories about his heroic childhood and about how much easier everything is now. I should keep it short before he starts talking too much. "Hello! Do you know where the elder is?" After I asked him that, he just stood still on the same spot, scratching his chin for a solid minute. How do you need to think that much time for such a question? 

"He should be in the village. Did you know that back in the day, the elder and I were rivals? We both fought for the wing of the same woman. I tell you, she was a beauty back then o ho ho ho. We fought head to head against each other, but I always pre.” The voice started to fade as I swiftly walked away. He should be in the village hurr durr. I could have figured that out by myself.

After a quick walk around the place, I finally found the elder sitting around some logs looking into the sky. As I looked up, I only saw the clear blue sky. I wonder what he sees up there. Hey elder! Can you teach me some more about the will? I think I am ready this time!


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