Harry Potter and the Elemental

Chapter 9: CH9: Happy Troll’oween

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The pumpkin pie was great. I could probably spent the whole morning eating them. The juice just wasn't for me. Not saying it isn't good, but I just don't like it. Still, the pie was great and I am already waiting for lunch. Maybe we will get pumpkin soup? Who knows, but have I already said that the pie was great?

Enough of that. In todays charms lesson, we will officially learn the levitation spell. Hermione could already do it on the train and even I made some progress on it. I could now make a small object tremble. Or let it go up in flames, but that is not important. Anyway, the spell is not that hard, so I am confident that I can learn it today without problem.

The class quiets down when professor Flitwick clears his throat upon his stack of books: "The incantation is "Win-gar-dium Levi-o-sa" and you must move your hands like this, swish and flick. Like we practiced."

I watch as everyone tries their first attempts. I hear Hermione snort as she looks at Ron trying to lift up his feather, waving his arms like he is trying to catch a fly. I stop her from speaking up with a little poke and shake my head. I whisper to her: "If he wants to look like an idiot, then let him be."

I am startled when someone suddenely lightens up their feather and I do not mean letting it fly. Seamus seems to have burned down his feather, leaving nothing but ash. But the ash is everywhere on his face. Sure a sight to look at. Chuckling, I concentrate on my own feather, hoping to not repeat Seamus feat. Now that I think about it, didn't Seamus let a glass explode during the welcoming feast? Yeah he did. Now unto my feather.

Nervously I point my wand at the feather and speak the incantation "Wingardium Leviosa!", while swishing and flicking my wand. Nothing happens. I repeat: "Wingardium Leviosa!" Nothing happens. Again: "Wingardium Leviosa!" This time the feather trembles before rising a few centimeters off the table. And then it combusts in a glorious fireball. This time Hermione cann't hold it in and starts laughing: "Professor, I think Luke needs a new feather."

At the end of the lesson I finally, managed it and brought my 3rd feather stably into the air. Hermione being the genius she is, brought extra points to Gryffindor with a splendid performance. The rest of the day passses in a flash and now it is already dinner and the festives for this year are going to commence. I was right by the way, there was pumpkin soup for lunch.

Right now the tables were full of sweets, pumpkin pie and all kind of juices. Some of them were trick products, or so I heard. Developed by the Weasly twins and sold to the Hogwarts kitchen to blend in with the whole 'Trick or treat' thing. I hear Hermione constantly mumbling about how 'this is not how this works', but I ignore her and just enjoy myself.

And then it happens. Quirrell bursts through the door panicstricken, screaming: "Troll! Troll in the castle!", before collapsing on the floor.

Mayhem breaks out, everyone trying to get out of the hall for whatever reason and screaming. Hermione, Harry, Ron and I were carried away by the masses and only manage to catch our breaths once we seperated from the others trying to get somewhere.

"Why was everyone running? We were in the same room with the strongest wizard alive for fucks sake!", I curse loudly. Looking around, the castle is now deserted.

"Perfect, now we are alone in this big castle and somewhere, a troll walks around! Just great!", I continue my rant.

"Now calm down. Being mad won't help us.", Hermione sais, wand drawn. I quickly draw my wand too and switch to elemental energie, making it appear in its golden-silvern form. Hermione notices the shift in my wand and comes to the correct conclusion as to what happened, seen by her wand shifting as well. Her wands elemental form is a combination fo an elegant looking bone of a peregrine falconThe fastest animal on the planet. The highest speed recorded during a hunting stoop is 389km/h (242mph). , aluminium and a piece of herself as the core.

"We are alone with a troll running around.", whines Ron. Harry too seems frightened but he keeps it to himself.

"Stop crying like a baby. What shall we do?", I admonish still a bit worked up at the situation.

Hermione finally snaps out of admiring her new wand: "We must decide if want to stay here, go back to the potentially now empty great hall or try to find our common room. I personally am for going back into the great hall."

"Wouldn't it be better to go to the lounge, where everyone else is?", asks Harry.

"If I knew where we are and if it wern't for the moving stairs I would agree, but you can find the hall from anywhere, whereas finding the Gryffindor tower is a bit tricky when you don't know where you are. The stairs are also a danger now. If they are at the wrong place and the troll comes, we are fucked. And even if we encounter the troll in the great hall, we could just run. The hall has so many entries that there must be one we could go through.", I argue.

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"I just want to go home."

"Okay we are going to the hall.", Hermione decides.

With that we start backtracking the way we came. The castle seems less warm and more eerie without the usual hustle and bustle. Knowing that there is an enemy around makes it even worse. I could swear that it has gotten darker than it should be. Even all of the paintings have closed their windows, refusing to look out.

Maybe halfway to the great hall, what we feared finally happens.  We hear heavy footsteps approachong from the front, accompanied by the occasional grunt and the sound of something being pulled over the floor.

"Quiet!", I hiss through gritted teeth, sweating profusely, fear written on my face.

"Here", comes Harrys voice from somewhere and you could tell from the tone that he was as afraid as I am, if not more, "into the room."

Looking around I see him at the entrance of an old abandoned classroom. Finding that getting out of the way of whatever is coming a good idea,  I follow him into the classroom. The other two come in afterwards.

We wait there, nerves blank, hoping that it will pass without noticing us.

I notice that Hermione grasps my right hand while pointing her wand at the door.

The footsteps are coming closer.

I too am pointing my wand at the door now and grasping her hand as well now.

The footsteps are right outside the door.

Ron whines again: "I want to go home"

The footsteps stop.

"Please, just go away."

I hear them directly approaching the door now before something bangs against the door, blasting it into smithereens.

Behind the blasted door stands the most grotesque being I have ever seen with a most ridiculous sweater. On the sweater stands written: "Happy Troll'oween"

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