Harry Potter’s Accidental Apparition Oneshots

Chapter 2: 02 Spider Potter

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Peter Parker wasn't just a nerd. He was a nerd's nerd. He doubled down on the stereotype and was skinny, wore thick glasses, was extremely smart, and was bullied by the jocks. He also quietly pined after the beauty of the school.

Mary Jane Watson was his next door neighbour and she put the 'girl next door' stereotype to shame. She was tall, redheaded, and had a body that would have been scandalous on a woman and she was still a teenager. She had tons of friends and everyone liked her and either wanted to be her or date her.

Their class was on a tour of the main Ozcorp facility that dealt with their science branches and were currently listening to a pretty Asian woman as she regaled them about their 25 genetically engineered super-spiders.

Peter had counted them and raised his hand. “Excuse me, there's only 24.”

The Asian woman counted and shrugged. “One of the teams probably have it out for testing. Let's move on to the giant electron microscope we use to examine DNA strands.”

As everyone moved off, there was a crack of thunder that made everyone duck and scream, then Peter was shoved aside when something slammed into him. He went flying into Flash Thompson and something thumped onto the floor behind him.

A seven year old Harry Potter didn't react at all as the genetically engineered super-spider sank its fangs into his neck. He had been bitten hundreds of times while staying in the cupboard under the stairs, so he slapped at it absently and killed the thing.

While security ran around and checked on the tour group, Harry looked around and wondered where he was. He was unceremoniously herded along with the teenagers and rushed through the rest of the tour and pretty much shoved out of the building and onto the bus. Surprisingly, no one questioned why he was there or why he was wearing such overlarge clothes.

They returned to the high school and the bus emptied, Harry included, and then the students and teacher went inside. Harry just stood there with no clue what to do. He walked around a bit to try and figure out where he was, then shrugged when he couldn't find a phone booth to look up the location. The street signs didn't help at all.

Harry wandered around for hours until he came across a large wooded park that reminded him of the small play park in his neighbourhood. He entered it and sat on the swings that his cousin and his gang of bullies usually chased him away from. The grumbling from his stomach was easily ignored, like usual, and Harry stayed there until the sun set.

With nothing else to do, Harry automatically stood up and walked away to go home, like he had for years. The problem was, he had no idea where he was going. He eventually grew tired after not finding anywhere to go and laid down on the sidewalk and huddled up into the same sleeping position he used in his cupboard.

Since he looked like a pile of rags, when the garbage men passed by that morning, one of the workers picked him up and froze, because it didn't feel like just a pile of discarded rags. It was shivering. The man moved the rags just enough to see the mass of hair and sighed. He put the boy into the front of the garbage truck and went back to work.

Harry didn't wake up until late the next morning and he was in an unfamiliar bed. He sat up and reached for his glasses, only to stare at them, because he could see them perfectly. He let out a little laugh at them and chucked them into the trash before he walked over to the door and opened it.

The hallway looked a little daunting and he peeked out to see if anyone was around. No one was, so he walked down the hallway and hoped to find someone to tell him what was going on. This was all a new experience for him and he was sure that his aunt and uncle were going to punish him unlike they ever had before after staying out all night.


Belinda tried to not sigh at doing the paperwork from the unexpected delivery the sanitation worker had dropped off to her that morning. The orphanage was already struggling and she had been looking forward to sending off the older kids next month to ease her workload. It wasn't that she didn't care what happened to them, it was because she had so many others that had a higher priority.

She worked for nearly an hour before she noticed the newest boy that stood in her open doorway. She hid her surprise that he hadn't made any noise to get her attention like every single other child in the whole building.

“Hello there.” Belinda said with a fake smile. She just couldn't muster the emotions to genuinely smile at having yet another burden to take care of. “How are you feeling? You were shivering a lot when you were brought in.”

The boy shrugged and Belinda sighed. She knew this one was going to be trouble. It was always the shy ones.

“Come on in and have a seat. We can have a little chat about you and what's going to happen next.” Belinda said and she waved him inside to take a seat.

The boy looked around with disbelief on his face, then he must have realized she was talking to him and he slowly walked into the office. He barely perched the edge of his butt onto the chair as if he was prepared to flee at the first sign of trouble, which told Belinda that was exactly what he was used to.

“First off, my name's Belinda and I run this orphanage.” Belinda said.

The boy's eyes widened, clearly surprised. “My uncle threatened to drop me off at one a bunch of times.”

Belinda's mind released a huge dose of serotonin at hearing her favorite accent.

“I didn't know they were this nice.” The boy whispered. “I'd have run off ages ago.”

That told Belinda all she needed to know. His thinness and overlarge rags for clothes, the cheap glasses that he was not wearing, and his small frame were the first clues. The boy's attitude was the clincher.

“What's your name and how old are you?” Belinda asked and readied her pen. She had spoken as if the answers didn't matter, because that was the best way to get a reluctant child to answer. Just because she didn't want to do her job, that didn't mean she didn't know how to do it well.

“Harry, Harry Potter.” The boy said. “I'm seven.”

Belinda stopped moving and breathing. This boy was seven? He didn't look older than five. She thought in shock and forced herself to write that down. “You don't need to tell me your address, just the street it used to be on.”

“Privet Drive.” Harry said.

“That's an odd name for a street. What town is it in?” Belinda prompted.

“Little Whinging, Surrey.” Harry responded.

“Mm hm.” Belinda hummed and her hand shook slightly as she wrote. He's actually from England. “Well, Harry. You'll be happy to know we are as far away from there as possible.”

“We are?” Harry asked and smiled.

Belinda smiled back. “We're on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, actually. New York City.”

Harry's eyes almost bulged out of his head and he stared at her.

Belinda softly laughed at the boy's shock at being so far way from his home. “It's all right. You're here now and you don't have to go back there.”

Harry's smile almost split his face. “Really? I can stay here?”

Belinda's mind released more serotonin at how happy she had made him with such a simple statement. Maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be so bad to have one more mouth to feed if she could keep one of them this happy by just being nice to them.

“It's going to take some work to make sure, so I hope you can help out around here as much as you can.” Belinda said as part of the normal speech to welcome a new orphan. They always agreed and left everything to her anyway, so it was pretty much a throwaway line.

“I know how to make beds, scrub toilets, sinks, tubs, and do laundry.” Harry said, his enthusiasm making him volunteer a lot more than he normally would.

It was Belinda's turn to have her eyes almost bulge out of her head. He can't be serious!

“I can even cook breakfast if you've got the right things.” Harry offered. “I know how to cook bacon and eggs and rashers and hash browns and ham slices and toast and...”

Belinda barely suppressed her moan as the messy-haired boy in front of her pretty much told her he was a junior chef. That he kept talking in her favorite accent made it all the sweeter. If she had her way, no one would ever show up to adopt him, because she wanted to keep him all to herself. All it took was one extra form and she filed that and Harry's paperwork in the best spot to have it never be found.


“Hey, look! It's that flying goblin thing! He's attacking the Thanksgiving Day parade!” One of the older kids said and pointed at the television. The other kids gathered around and watched in fascination.

Harry ignored them like usual and kept sweeping the floor. He would wait to mop it when everyone was in bed, because when he did it at any other time, they all made sure to step on his mop and slowed him down. He also wasn't sure why he could sense someone trying to punch or trip him, not that he was complaining. It was dead useful to know when to avoid the others.

If he could just figure out why those small white bulges on his wrists kept itching, he would be completely happy. Belinda was the nicest woman he had ever met and her hugs were getting to be addictive. The kiss she had given him on the cheek, after he had saved one of the other kids from being run over in the street, was forever burned into his memory.

“Harry, dear? Can you help me with the lunches for tomorrow?” Belinda asked in her sweet voice.

“Sure!” Harry said and put the broom away and ran into the kitchen. “I'll butter the bread and you can add the slice of ham.”

Belinda smiled at him and nodded. The pair of them worked for ten minutes to make all of the sandwiches and bagged them up to add to the twelve brown paper bags with a banana in each.

“You're so great to help me with this every time I ask.” Belinda said and gave him a quick hug.

“I like helping!” Harry responded. He also had a bunch of extra energy, even when he didn't eat a lot.

Belinda rubbed her hand through his fluffy hair. “You're such a good boy, Harry.”

Harry beamed a smile at her. “I better go check the bathrooms before you order tonight's bath.”

Belinda laughed. “I think you're the only one in the whole building besides me that likes to bathe.”

That thought made Harry blush, because he remembered walking in on her once by mistake and she only wore her underthings. They were red and lacy and he would never forget the sight for as long as he lived.

“Go on, then.” Belinda said with a knowing smile and waved him away. Harry nodded and ran off faster than she had ever seen him go. She put the lunches into the large fridge and chuckled to herself. If she had known giving her favorite boy a little peek of her wearing only a bra and panties would give him that much more motivation to help her, she would have done it months ago.


Peter's aunt and uncle couldn't keep up the mortgage payments on the house after Uncle Ben lost his job, so they had to sell it to pay off the mortgage and moved into a tiny two room apartment. Peter slept on the couch in the living room and Aunt May and Uncle Ben shared the small twin bed in the single bedroom.

It was difficult to do any homework at the apartment, so Peter usually went to the library to work. While there, he saw the help wanted sign and thought an after school job would be a good idea. He could help his family and still finish high school. College was just a pipe dream with no way to afford it.

That was the day Peter Parker the Librarian came to be and that would be all he would ever be.


Harry Potter was an average student and never stood out, because that was how he had survived back in England. He never drew extra attention to himself at school and no one noticed him. He did catch the attention of a few of the girls and they did say hi and were nice. They weren't like Belinda, though. Her blonde hair was wavy and made her pretty face even prettier and her hugs were better than anything.

He worked hard when at the orphanage and he was happy to do it. Belinda asked him to do more and more things, so she could relax more, and it also earned him more hugs. The one time she had asked him to reorganize her closet had been the highlight of his young life. She must have forgotten that he was in there, because she entered her room half an hour later and changed her clothes.

Harry peeked out through the crack in the door and stared at her as he memorized every line, every curve, and bloody hell those were her boobs and did they ever jiggle when she pulled on her tight jeans. She slipped on a blouse and seemed to forget to button it as she bent over to put on her socks and then she flopped down onto the bed and let out several long slow breaths.

“I really like Harry a lot and I can never tell him.” Belinda said loud enough for him to hear. “Maybe if he works a little harder, I can hug him for a bit longer? No, I shouldn't. Harry's too nice to ask him to do that. I'll just hug him for longer for no reason. He won't know that it's just because I like him.”

Harry watched as she sat up and Belinda looked down at her exposed bra.

“Can you imagine what would happen if that handsome boy ever hugged me like this?” Belinda asked and laughed, which jiggled her chest. “Such a well behaved and nice boy might just faint! Ha ha!”

Harry almost did feel faint at the thought of hugging her like that.

Belinda stood up and buttoned her blouse and checked her dresser mirror. She saw the crack in the closet door, nodded at her reflection as she applied a bit of lipstick, and left the room.

Harry sat down on the floor and committed what he just saw and heard to memory. He vowed then and there to do everything he could to help Belinda as much as possible.


It was the middle of summer two years later, while a nine year old Harry Potter was making breakfast, when the power went out. Luckily, the pans were hot enough to finish cooking the eggs and the bacon was already done. He served up all the plates needed, three less because the older boys had turned 18 and had been transferred out of the child welfare office to the adult welfare office.

Harry just so happened to glance out the kitchen window and saw a glowing orange energy ball as it expanded and consumed the upper floors of a high rise building six blocks away, then the ball wobbled like a crooked bicycle wheel and exploded.

Harry felt that familiar tingle in his head and grabbed the rug from the floor and held it up to the window. Every other window in the building smashed from the pressure wave and everyone started screaming. He dropped the rug and saw that there were a lot less buildings between the orphanage and whatever that orange thing had been.

He ran out of the kitchen and into the hallway, up the stairs, and to the first bedroom. He hopped over the glass shards on the floor and landed beside the bed. He picked up the screaming boy that was a year older than him and jumped back out through the open door. He brought him down to the kitchen and made him start eating, then ran back upstairs.

Ten minutes later, Harry had brought all of the kids down to the kitchen and they were slowly eating. He ran back up the stairs and entered Belinda's room. She only wore a t-shirt and panties and looked scared as she huddled on the bed and stared at the large broken window.

“It's okay.” Harry said and jumped across the room as if it wasn't a spectacular thing and landed beside her. “No one's hurt and I brought them all down to the kitchen. There's no glass there.”

Belinda blinked her eyes at him several times. “H-Harry? What... what happened?”

“A big orange thing blew up partway across the city.” Harry said and grabbed the jeans he could see, handed them to her, and picked her up in a princess carry. He blushed when she hugged his neck tightly, then he jumped back across the room without touching the floor and landed in the hallway. He easily carried her down to the living room and set her down.

“Harry.” Belinda whispered and stared at him. “How did you do that?”

“Do what?” Harry asked.

“You just... carried me... down the stairs.” Belinda stammered.

“You're really light.” Harry said as he sat beside her and missed her pleased look. “Can you put your pants on? Only I should see... I mean... you shouldn't let anyone see you undressed.”

Belinda looked down at the quite skimpy comfortable panties she wore to bed and blushed a little, then she looked at Harry's face when she realized what he said. “Only you?”

Harry blushed and nodded before he could deny he had said anything.

Belinda looked even more pleased as she stood up, gave him a very good view, and she put on her jeans. “Okay, let's check on everyone.”

Harry stood up to follow Belinda into the kitchen and stopped when her arms wrapped tightly around him and his face was nestled into her chest.

“Thank you very much for making sure everyone was safe, Harry. You are a very good boy.” Belinda cooed at him. “You're my very good boy.”

Harry's face flushed to a deep red at her words and he looked up at her face with adoration in his eyes.

“Yes, you are all mine.” Belinda whispered and bent down to give his cheek a kiss and held it for several seconds.

Harry felt like his legs were going to give out, he was so happy. He had never felt loved before and he wanted to keep feeling that feeling for the rest of his life. Belinda beamed a smile at his reaction and led him into the kitchen to check on the other children. Harry had been right. None of them were hurt and were only traumatized by the loud explosion and all of the windows shattering.

“Harry? Do you think you could...” Belinda started to ask.

“You can sit and eat while I clean everything up!” Harry interrupted her and ran out of the kitchen, eager to make Belinda happy.

Such a good boy. Belinda thought, very pleased.


The compensation check that arrived two months later was quite welcome by the orphanage. The Ozcorp company had lost its chairman, his son, and a bevy of respected scientists and reporters and there was no one left to run it. The company went into receivership and was broken up and sold off to the company's previous competitors and the patents were bought up by those same companies.

All Ozcorp projects were mothballed and samples destroyed, especially the goblin formula that the scientists couldn't rework to remove the insanity results. The hover technology and weapons were adapted and sold to the US military. Their scientists easily mass produced the things and barely a year later, an entire platoon of goblin soldiers were deployed to fight for their country.


A year later, Harry Potter was deeply in love with Belinda and she thoroughly encouraged him to be as attached to her as possible. She always kept things respectable, considering Harry was eleven and about to turn twelve. Only a few wardrobe slips and several gropes over her clothing had happened, which made Harry extremely happy. As far as he was concerned, Belinda was his entire world.

Harry had saved up his allowance for three months to afford the bouquet of Belinda's favorite flowers and he had snuck out after supper on the night of his birthday to buy them. With his gift in his hands, Harry ran across the grass of Central Park to return to the orphanage as quickly as possible.

A quick flash of light lit up the evening sky briefly and Harry felt a familiar tingle. He immediately slapped a foot to the ground and flipped over into a cartwheel and landed ten feet away from where he had been. To his surprise, a small rock slammed into the ground in that exact spot and created a three foot wide crater.

Harry walked over to it and stared at the slightly glowing misshapen rock that looked hot. Surprisingly, his tingling thing didn't happen, so he knelt down beside the hole and stared at it. The thing started to cool down and several cracks appeared in the surface.

“Oh! It must be an egg if it's hatching.” Harry said and let the bouquet go as he reached down to grab the rock and gently squeezed the middle of it to help whatever was inside to get out.

The rock broke apart and a black glob plopped onto his hand. Harry stared at the thing and wondered what it could be, because he hadn't seen anything like it before. The glob seemed to flatten out and little tendrils reached out and wrapped around his hand. It slid around his hand and covered it completely, then it started to send tendrils up his arm.

Harry's tingling thing in his head didn't go off, so he knew he was okay, and knelt there as the thing crawled up his arm and covered it in blackness. It kept going slow and soon covered his chest and neck. It almost felt like a hug with how tight it was and Harry welcomed it completely. He loved hugs and if this baby thing wanted to hug him, he wanted all the hugs he could get.

The blob was emboldened by the human's complete and utter acceptance of it, even while being fully ignorant of what it was, so it gave itself over just as fully and willingly as its new host. It moved like water and flowed over the rest of the host's body and dissolved the cloth as it slid up and over the head to completely encase him.

Your hug feels even better than Belinda's and I never thought that was possible. Harry thought to his new friend.

The symbiote felt the boy's pleasure as he thought about the blonde woman that he loved. I can keep hugging you forever, Harry. It responded and tried to make him associate that feeling with itself.

You can speak? Harry asked it. Or think, I mean? That's so cool! You're just a baby that was just born and you're already so smart!

The symbiote shared in Harry's happiness and it shivered at the strong feelings and the chemicals being released in his brain. I need a few days for us to fully bond.

Harry thought about that. Does that mean you and me will be attached together?

Yes. The symbiote responded. We will always be together and can never be separated ever again.

Harry felt extreme happiness flood into his system and it was twice as good as when Belinda hugged him with just a bra on. His mind was filled with gratitude and thankfulness and the symbiote shivered again at the intensity and complete openness that its very first host willingly gave it.

You need to get those flowers to Belinda. The symbiote thought and slid away from Harry's head and hands before it changed to a nice shirt and pants that Harry has seen in an expensive clothing store weeks ago.

“You're awesome!” Harry said and rubbed his hand over the shirt sleeve. He picked up the dropped bouquet and made sure it hadn't been damaged, then he ran towards the street that led to the orphanage.

Keep me a secret for now. The symbiote thought as it slipped the compulsion to do so into the child's underdeveloped brain.

“Okay!” Harry said and hopped over a park bench without slowing down his run.

You don't have to speak out loud when I'm not covering your mouth. The symbiote informed him with amusement.

I know. Harry thought back and smiled. He raced back to the orphanage and snuck back inside. He was a lot quieter now and he didn't question it. He made it back to his room and thought about changing into his pyjamas before he gave Belinda the bouquet. His expensive clothing morphed and became his pyjamas and Harry rubbed his arm again as thanks.

Belinda was not a stupid woman and she had known her favorite boy had snuck out. She also knew what he had been going out for, because Harry had mumbled about it during their last hug before supper. So, she waited to hear his bedroom door close before she pulled up her t-shirt to show off her new bra and opened her jeans to push them halfway down her hips.

Her own door opened without a sound and she pretended to not notice as she finished getting undressed. She bent over to take off her socks before she stood up straight and put her hands on her hips.

“Where did I put my darn sleep shorts?” Belinda asked and faked confusion. “I thought I left them on my chair and I don't see them.” She said and ignored the muffled giggle from the hallway. “I guess I have to look for them.”

Harry watched as Belinda walked around her room to search for her missing shorts that he had stashed under her pillow. It had been a little game they played at random and he had waited all week to play it again.

Belinda lifted her blanket off her bed and bent over at the waist to search the sheets and moved her hands forcefully to make her butt jiggle. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from being turned on over what she was doing.

Harry felt emotions surge inside of him even more than normal as he watched the very pretty Belinda's butt and her underwear slipped further and further off of her cheeks to reveal a lot more than she normally did.

“Aha! There they are!” Belinda exclaimed and pulled her shorts out from under her pillow. “I swear these things must grow legs because they move around so much without me wearing them.”

Harry stopped breathing and opened the door more than was safe as Belinda used her index fingers and she pulled on the edges of her panties and flicked them to put her underwear back into its proper shape that covered her completely.

Belinda pulled her shorts on and let out a happy sound before she turned around and pretended to be startled. “Harry! I didn't see you there.”

Harry couldn't get his mouth to work if he tried and walked in as he held the bouquet out in front of him instead.

“Aww! Is that bouquet for me?” Belinda asked and Harry nodded as she accepted the flowers. “These are my favorite flowers. Thank you, Harry.”

You are reading story Harry Potter’s Accidental Apparition Oneshots at novel35.com

Harry shivered, because he knew what was coming and he couldn't wait. Belinda hadn't put on her sleeping t-shirt yet and she set the bouquet on the bed and stepped close to him. His eyes stared at her chest as she slouched a little, then he felt like he was in heaven as Belinda's warmth engulfed his face and her arms held him tightly.

Belinda bit her lip even harder to stop her moan as she felt Harry wrap his arms around her waist and his hands rested dangerously close to her ass... then his hands slid down and gently cupped both cheeks. She finally let out the moan she had been trying to hide for years and hugged him even tighter. Her relentless teasing to condition Harry to do everything she asked, had worked just as effectively on herself.

“Oh, good lord.” Belinda whispered as she felt Harry's lips lightly brush against her warm flesh, then he lifted his face to look into her eyes. “My handsome young man.” She breathed and stared into his beautiful emerald green eyes. “I love you.”

Harry stiffened completely at her words, then he lifted his hands from where they held her to cup her face. “I love you, too.”

The symbiote waited for the right moment and then his host kissed the object of his love. It copied that intense feeling, superimposed it upon itself, and slid several tendrils onto Belinda. It quickly discovered the truth and also knew she had fallen for her own tricks. Her scheme had still worked and Harry would do anything she wanted; but, she was just as caught up in her trap as he was.

The symbiote had to use the situation to its own advantage. If it ever managed to grow long enough to spawn, it had found a suitable secondary host that its own host already approved of. So, it got to work to lay the groundwork for that eventuality.

Harry and Belinda kissed each other for a very long time. In fact, they couldn't really remember how long they had been going at it, only that they both enjoyed it a lot more than they should have. Considering Harry hadn't kissed anyone before, he definitely knew how to do it and did it very well. They broke the kiss and stared at each other for a few minutes, then they both blushed.

“I better go to bed.” Harry said and walked backwards.

“Yes, that's a good idea.” Belinda said and walked forwards.

Harry reached the door and he stepped around it and into the hallway without looking. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Harry.” Belinda said and gave him a thoughtful look, then she leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “Happy Birthday.”

Harry blushed and muttered a thank you and that it was the best present he ever had.

Belinda gave him a warm smile and closed her door. She walked over to her bed and grabbed her large sleep t-shirt and threw it on before she jumped onto her bed. For some reason, she didn't feel bad about stealing Harry's first kiss.

Well, he did grab my ass first. Belinda thought with a soft laugh. And wasn't that a huge turn on? He even made me moan, the little Casanova!

Belinda laid back on the bed and went over the whole thing and believed it was a natural progression to her plan. She would keep encouraging him, letting him build up more and more courage to go further, and he would become hers forever and they would always be together. It was all she ever wanted and she couldn't wait for her plan to come to fruition.

She just had to make sure that no other new kids would be sent to her orphanage and she had to clear out a few of the older ones before they discovered her plans. No one was going to steal Harry from her.


Over the next year, Harry slowly earned about all of his different abilities. He could do so many things, like jump 30 feet in the air, lift 30 tons, run faster than a car, could climb walls, and shoot webs from his wrists. Swinging from buildings was a blast!

The best part was that the symbiote that had become his best-friend/other-half/love, didn't quite fade away and instead had become so in tune with him and his wants/needs/desires that it was like they weren't two entities/beings/existences anymore. It was almost to the point that Harry was no longer a me/I/alone and had become an us/together/one.

They also ate a lot of chocolate and didn't get fat. It was amazing and Belinda begged and begged Harry to tell her the secret. He promised that she would find out in a year on his birthday and she pouted for a good three minutes before Harry caved to her demand and told her about finding the baby inside a fallen rock and how it was his best-friend/other-half/love.

Belinda seemed to accept that without argument and she asked why she had to wait a year to learn the secret. Harry didn't try to keep it from her and told her that he could give her a piece of himself and she could eat as much chocolate as she wanted after that and she would also be able to do the same things he could do.

To Harry's surprise, Belinda thanked him for being so considerate of her feelings and wanting to share himself so much, and she brought him into her bathroom and took a bath with Harry right there! With no clothes on! She was naked!

A completely stunned Harry could only stand there and stare at her as Belinda bared herself for him. Her whispered words that she would share as much of herself with him in a year on his birthday, made Harry love her and his other half that much more.


Harry had been feeling something building inside of himself for months now and he somehow knew that it was his present for Belinda. It had become a funny tradition that it was always Belinda that received a present from Harry on his birthday and neither of them complained or tried to change it. He went to her room in the empty orphanage and knocked on her door.

Belinda opened the door and Harry blushed at her wearing her specially ordered lingerie. She had bought it just for this moment and Harry appreciated it and how beautiful she looked. He entered her room without saying anything and Belinda closed the door, because this was it. This was what they both had been waiting a very long time for.

It was time.

Their minuscule clothing was discarded and the deeply in love couple joined together on the bed. The movement was intense, bed shaking, and unbelievably pleasurable for the both of them. When it came to a sudden climax, Belinda cried out in pleasure as Harry/Symbiote implanted his egg/seed into her.

Unlike Harry's assimilation, it would take several months before Belinda's symbiosis was complete. The newly born entity had a lot of work to do to change her into a compatible host.

The happy parents couldn't have been prouder of their success.


It was on the night of October thirty-first when Belinda's transformation completed. Her skin seemed to dissolve as a brilliantly bright red seeped out from inside of her and covered her from head to foot. It was the most beautiful thing Harry had ever seen and he changed into his solid black form.

The two beings moved closer together and their arms/tentacles/appendages reached for each other. As soon as they touched, their forms quivered as if electricity coursed through them, then the front of their bodies touched and they almost melded into each other as they embraced.

It was more than a simple hug. It was an intimate moment as the two beings were finally in complete communication with each other. Their love and acceptance for each other was beyond what either of them could have wished for and their mate bond within themselves grew.

The sudden swirl of blue flame around the black entity caused the red entity to screech both physically and psychically. She/It/They surged backwards away from the flames and both entities cried out for their incomplete mate bond and then the black entity was completely consumed in blue flames and disappeared.

*“NOOOOOOOOOOO!”* Belinda/Symbiote screamed and her psychic echo crossed interstellar space.

Something benevolent answered.

Hundreds of thousands of meteorites streaked across the cosmos in answer to one of their race's desperate call for vengeance.


All of the people inside the Great Hall of Hogwarts were completely silent as the bright blue flames gushed out of the Goblet of Fire. Harry Potter's name had been spat out and only one person had expected it. Voldemort's agent mentally rubbed her hands together, because her lord's evil plan to find the hidden Potter Lord had worked.

*“NOOOOOOOOOOO!”* Harry/Symbiote screamed physically and mentally as the flames died out. His distorted body had been partially dissolved because of their weakness to fire and he lay there on the cold stone floor as he shook from shock and tried to recover the loss of so much of his symbiote and altered flesh.

All of the closest students threw up at the sight of the bloody black ichor covered mess that was supposed to look like a human. Luna Lovegood collapsed with a seizure and she frothed at the mouth from the enormous psychotic shout that she had no defenses against.

“What is that thing?!?” Ron Weasley asked loudly as he stood to stare at the thing.

Albus Dumbledore slowly walked over to it and looked down at what he thought was the head with a piece missing. He saw the human green eye that remained and he also recognized it showed anger. Before he could move back or respond, a black tendril shot out and stabbed him in the heart.

A bunch of students shouted in fright, then something like a mouth formed on the damaged head. It split open and revealed a row of shark-like teeth and a huge red tongue before it roared. The neck suddenly extended to three feet long and that impossibly huge mouth chomped down onto Albus Dumbledore's head. And chewed. And sucked. And feasted.

The black ichor mass seemed to fill out as it slowly stood and continued to eat the headmaster. It had half of the chest eaten before Minerva McGonagall shook herself out of her shock and cast a cutting curse at the thing's head. To her surprise, the black mass bent inwards for only a moment and then sprang back as if she hadn't cast anything.

A mouth and white eyes formed on the thing's shoulder. “Stop bothering me! I'm eating!”

That smooth adult-sounding voice shocked everyone even more than watching Dumbledore being eaten, clothes and all. Everyone seemed to be glued to their seats and only a few of them still tried to scream and yell at the horror they were all witnessing.

It wasn't until the creature ate the old wizard's right hand with the wand in it that something shocking happened. The wand reacted to gaining a new master.

“Oh, no.” Severus Snape whispered.

The creature stopped eating and seemed to swell. It grew in height to seven feet tall, had gigantic bulging muscles, and it had the mark of the Deathly Hallows on its chest.

“Albus Dumbledore's tasty brain had a lot of information in it.” The huge creature said and pointed its index finger at Professor Babbling. “Bombarda.”

“AHH!” The woman yelled and leapt to the side to avoid the blasting curse.

“Reverte Totalum.” The creature intoned and aimed where she would land on the floor.

“NO!” Babbling yelled as the spell hit. She cried out as her body changed back from the multiple transfiguration spells and revealed Bellatrix Lestrange.

“Bombarda Maxima.” The creature said and Bellatrix's chest blew out through her back and she fell to the floor, dead.

“Please stop this!” Minerva gasped. “You're scaring the children!”

The creature turned to see all of the shocked faces. “I suppose it's not completely your fault for being ignorant sheep.”

Lots of shouts of indignation came from them and the creature ignored them. He walked over to the fallen form of Luna Lovegood and how not one single person had tried to help her.

“I've changed my mind.” The creature said and pointed its finger at the large oak doors and they slammed shut. It knelt and shrunk down to a normal size, barely taller than a fourth year. He put a hand on the girl's forehead and the large white eyes on its head closed. “Yes, I am sorry. I was torn away from my mate before we could finish bonding and I was burned by those flames to the core of my being.”

Everyone around him stared as he had a conversation with what looked like a comatose Luna.

“I can't really help you how you want for about a year.” The creature said and it opened its eyes. “You don't mind if I absorb and hold you until then? That's so nice of you.”

Everyone kept staring as the black form flowed out and covered Luna completely, then she was sucked in and the black ichor flowed back. No one asked why that worked differently than eating the headmaster.

The creature stood and six tendrils shot out and stabbed Cho Chang, Marietta Edgecomb, Lisa Turpin, and three other girls. They screamed in pain and were lifted up into the air. The creature's body expanded back to its giant muscular form as the mouth opened and the giant tongue licked Cho's face.

“I hate bullies.” The creature said and then bit her head off.

“AHHHH!” Everyone screamed and finally realized they had legs and could run.

The creature ignored everyone and bit off the heads of the other girls. He didn't bother chewing them, though. He sucked out the essential chemicals in their brains to continue restoring himself inside and spit the partially dissolved heads back out. He tossed the bodies aside and felt that tingle in his head and leapt for the ceiling.

A blast of flame covered where he had just stood and he looked down to see the potions professor. With the knowledge of Albus Dumbledore in his head, he knew who it was and what he meant to the old man and his efforts to stop Voldemort.

The creature didn't need him, though. He dropped down through the enchantment on the ceiling and changed his feet into hands. He landed on the surprised man and grabbed his arms and legs.

“No... what... how...” Snape said, confused.

“Lily will be so disappointed with you, my boy.” The creature said, to Snape's horror, then he bit his head off, sucked out the nutrients, and spit it out onto the head table.

“Please STOP!” Minerva shouted and she cast several more cutting curses and two blasting curses. They were just as ineffective as the first time.

“Minerva, you make Lily sad every day for abandoning their son with her hate-filled sister.” The creatures said and Minerva cried. “How proud are you that you listened to a barmy old man and not to the wishes of your two favorite students?”

Minerva shook her head and turned away.

The creature walked over to her. “Do you want to meet them now or later?”

Minerva didn't answer and let her wand drop to the floor. Her head joined it a moment later and her body flopped to the floor beside it.

The other professors had joined the students in trying to leave the Great Hall. They also tried casting blasting spells and other magics to dislodge the doors somehow. The castle was designed to withstand a medieval siege, so their weak spells would barely damage the surface.

“Why are you doing this?” A bushy-haired girl asked as the creature crushed the head of a blond Slytherin student that had shoved her out of the way and then helped her stand up. “Thank you.”

The creature tossed the body across the room and knelt on one knee. “Like I told Luna, I was torn away from my mate as we were bonding. The blue fire burned me and you saw what I looked like.”

“You look okay now.” She said.

“I'm not healed yet. This is just superficially inflated extra-dimensional energy and I can't maintain it for long.” The creature said. “I also don't know how to get back to complete the bond and I will always have a hole in my mind and heart that can never be filled.”

She blinked her eyes at him. “Why did you tell me that?”

“You're almost as accepting of this situation as Luna is.” The creature said. “I can tell by your eyes that you knew something bad was going to happen.”

“Every year without fail, Halloween night has always had an incident at the castle.”

“Why do you stay?” The creature asked.

“I didn't want to move to France or Australia to get a magical education.”

“Sounds reasonable.” The creature said and stood. “Do you want to watch the rest of this or do you want to spend some time with Luna?”

“I thought she had a seizure?” The girl asked.

“She did. I injected her brain with the fluids from the brains of her bullies and she's recovering.”

“That... that shouldn't work.” The girl whispered with a frown.

“It's my first attempt.” The creature said and shrugged. “What do you choose?”

“Can I still see out if I want to?”

“I can see and detect everything around me within a hundred feet or so.” The creature shot out a tendril and shoved it through the older Slytherin boy that tried to attack a girl. “It seems to expand the more I use it.”

“Then yes, I'll wait inside.” The girl said and she tried to not freak out as she was covered by flowing blackness and then she was absorbed.

The creature turned around and ten tendrils shot out like a machine gun and stabbed all of the people in the legs that were crushing the people in front against the doors. He then proceeded to absorb the nutrients in their heads until there were only about twenty people left. They were surprisingly calm and didn't seem to want to fight.

“Just get it over with.” The strawberry blonde girl with fairly large breasts said.

The creature sent out a tendril and stopped it near her, then slowly wrapped it around her neck. He could feel her strong emotions and he stepped close to her. She reminded him of Belinda, even if they looked nothing alike.

“Well? Stop playing with your food and eat it.” She said, defiantly.

The creature shrank down into a form that was close to her height. “What's your name?”

“It's Susan Bones, not that it matters.” She said. “You can't let me live after I saw you kill nearly everyone.”

“Why not?”

Susan glared at him. “You just killed hundreds of people! I saw you!”


“She's trying to say she's the niece of the Head Auror.” The girl next to her said, her head hung down to not look at all the blood and bodies.

“What different does that make?” The creature asked.

“I'm going to report you, of course!” Susan said and waved at all of the carnage. “The Ministry is going to hunt you down and...”

“There won't be a Ministry when I'm done.” The creature said.

“Wh-what?” Susan and Hannah asked at the same time.

“I know what Albus Dumbledore knows. The Ministry is corrupt and full of Death Eaters and everyone knows. They also don't do anything about it.” The creature said. “I was brought here and hurt beyond anything anyone can ever comprehend. They approved using the Goblet of Fire and Dumbledore allowed my forced participation.”

“But... but...”

“Like here, I won't kill everyone. Just the guilty ones.” The creature said and looked at the others standing there. A group of redheads and a few more in Griffindor robes, two Ravenclaws, and the rest were Hufflepuffs. Not one Slytherin had lived. The teachers were all dead, too.

“What are we going to do about school?” A dark skinned girl asked her twin. “Where will we go? How do we get home?”

“Use an owl to contact your parents. They'll handle it.” The creature said and waved his finger at the locked and barred doors to open them. The black goo extended out and the others stared as both girls he had absorbed were deposited in the Entrance Hall.

“Please keep me inside.” Luna said and shivered. “Being back here feels wrong.”

The creature covered her again and everyone heard the relieved sigh she made before she disappeared.

“You know my address.” The other girl said and smiled. “Thanks for the information about transportation methods. I can get home on my own now.”

“If you had a part of me inside you, I could share a lot more than that, Hermione.” The creature said.

Hermione blushed and stepped forward. “I don't know why I like the sound of that so much.” She said and reached up to grab the thing's long tongue. She used her other hand to tap the spot on its face where a human nose would be.

The black ichor flowed away and revealed the slightly burned face of Harry Potter. He had one perfect eye and the other was a charred mess.

“That's better.” Hermione said and leaned in to give him a brief kiss on the lips. “Find me when you're done.”

Harry blushed and nodded before the black ichor flowed back up and covered his head again. He watched Hermione walk away and go up the stairs, then he ignored the other survivors and went to the back hall. Inside were the France and Bulgarian champions and they immediately tried to fight and blast him. They were dead and their memories absorbed a few minutes later.

“I think I could get used to this.” The creature said as its monstrous smile spread impossibly wide on its face.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was shut down for the rest of the year. A month later, the Ministry of Magic shut down as well. It took another three months for Amelia Bones to find enough responsible adults to take up positions in the wizarding government to continue running the country's magical population.

Luna gratefully and lovingly accepted Harry's egg/seed when it was time. It had happened only six months after his arrival, which meant that he could create an artificial gestation if he consumed enough brains with the right chemical balance.

However, it was Luna's accidental discovery that eating two hundred pounds of chocolate in a single sitting that could induce an artificial gestation that made the creation of more friends for them to share the world with, made everything that much better.

Susan Bones accepted Luna's offering, which made her happy, because she then did the same thing with Hannah and changed her lifelong friend into a permanent lover.

Not surprisingly, Hermione accepted Harry's next egg/seed and her love for him grew to epic proportions. She had never thought that she could care about anyone as much as she cared about her parents, and she had been proven wrong. The thing was, her parents had been enticed by the thought that their knowledge could be enhanced by merging with a symbiote.

That hadn't been a deciding factor, though. It was the fact that the symbiote had been altered to the point that it had a magic sub-category and could alter normal humans into magic compatible vessels that fully convinced Hermione's parents to make the transition from muggle to magical symbiote.

Hermione herself took it upon herself to initiate her father, which introduced both taboo and forbidden emotions to cause an upsurge in enhanced emotions and tactics that would alter the continuance of their race forever. It was that thought that had Harry intentionally offer himself to Hermione's mother, whom accepted enthusiastically and it added a hidden dimension to the scandalous taboo.

The addition of twisted muggle minds into the new symbiotic collective gave it a completely new perspective. Since they couldn't call upon their native race from a different dimension, it was all up to the currently limited members that existed to spread themselves as far and as wide as possible to make their race as whole and complete as they could.

Both the wizarding world and the muggle world started to succumb to the symbiotic plight and no one knew that it was happening on such a huge scale or what to do to stop it. Because it was spread so insidiously and scandalously, it took barely ten years before the major aspects of humanity had been consumed with little more than a collective moan of enjoyment.

At the very center of it all was the main collective point of the entire planet's population. It was a singular entity named Harry Potter that had a hole in his heart that could never be filled and he would forever long for the mate that had been denied him.

You can find story with these keywords: Harry Potter’s Accidental Apparition Oneshots, Read Harry Potter’s Accidental Apparition Oneshots, Harry Potter’s Accidental Apparition Oneshots novel, Harry Potter’s Accidental Apparition Oneshots book, Harry Potter’s Accidental Apparition Oneshots story, Harry Potter’s Accidental Apparition Oneshots full, Harry Potter’s Accidental Apparition Oneshots Latest Chapter

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