Harry Potter’s Accidental Apparition Oneshots

Chapter 3: 03 One For All Potter

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Izuku Midoriya worked his ass off cleaning up Dagobah Beach for the last ten months to get himself muscled up and strong enough to accept All Might's gift of his quirk. The UA entrance exam was that day and he was almost desperate to gain the quirk.

He almost refused when he learned he had to swallow one of the man's hairs to do it.

The quirk was passed on with DNA and a hair follicle was the quickest way. After a severe debate about it, he agreed and accepted the hair. On the plus side, it was short. Izuku lifted it up over his head dramatically, stared at the slightly disgusting thing, and closed his eyes as he opened his mouth and let the hair go.

There was a crack of thunder for some reason before something hit Izuku and slammed him into the sand hard enough to throw a bunch of it into the air. Izuku tasted sand and choked on it.

Harry Potter landed on his back inside a sandy cloud and opened his mouth to ask what happened. Something light hit the back of his throat with some sand particles and he choked on it and coughed. He tried to force it out and it felt like it slipped down instead and Harry shook his head and rolled over, stood up, and walked away.

All Might stood there and couldn't believe what had just happened. He knew the boy was a bit of a hopeless klutz when they first started and he had just witnessed the boy screw up while trying to swallow a simple hair. When the sand cloud finished dropping to the ground, he sighed at the choking boy.

“Did you swallow it at least?” All Might asked.

Izuku coughed and stood up as he tried to wipe off the sand that had stuck to his sweaty body. “I think so?”

All Might sighed and plucked another hair. “Don't drop it this time.”

Izuku nodded and placed the disgusting hair onto his tongue and made a show of swallowing it.

“Good, good. I can't see it.” All Might said and nodded. “Don't worry about not feeling anything right away. It's in your stomach and can take a while before it dissolves and you feel anything.”

Izuku nodded and looked eager as All Might told him about how to call up the power when he finally started feeling it and he ran home, his hopes and dreams riding on the chance that the power would become his before the exam in a few hours.

Come on, stomach! Digest that hair! Izuku thought hard as he showered and changed.


Harry Potter was completely confused about where he was. He had just been near his school's kitchens and running from bullies and now he was on a huge sandy beach. It didn't make sense to his seven year old brain. Sand didn't taste good, either.

When Harry reached the pier, he turned and walked towards the parking lot and onto a street. It was fairly deserted, probably because it was so early in the morning. He walked towards what looked like taller buildings and wondered what he was going to do. The people around him were speaking weird and he didn't understand a thing anyone was saying. All the signs had strange markings instead of words, too.

Harry was fairly short for a seven year old, thanks to his abusive relatives and years of starvation and malnutrition, so he was barely noticed at all as the streets were suddenly filled with Japanese people and he was swept along with the moving throng. He didn't even notice the train ticket thing as he was squished between an older man and a turnstile.

A minute later, Harry was on a train that crossed half of the city and took him to another prefecture. Caught up in the flow of people, this time younger ones that looked eager for some reason, he was pretty much carried along when the train stopped and into a huge campus. He barely had a chance to look around when they entered the big building and everyone sat down.

With no other choice, Harry walked all the way down to the end of the seating area and sat in the very last seat. He still couldn't make out what anyone was saying until a pretty blonde girl with horns on her head turned to the girl next to her and asked if they could practice speaking English. They were two rows away from him and there were no free seats near her.

Harry decided to wait to talk to her and ask what was going on, and about her cool horns. He did manage to wave to her and get her attention before someone walked onto the stage and started getting ready for a speech.

Again, Harry had no idea what they were talking about until the visuals on the giant screen behind the loud man changed to show different things, then he waved people forward and they carried around stacks of papers.

Harry groaned at being given a test, because he couldn't perform well on them or he would get in trouble. When it was placed in front of him, he almost laughed at half of them being in those weird characters while some were numbers and letters. Those he recognized and he picked up the provided pencil and did the math questions. Or science questions. It was hard to tell.

An hour later, the tests were gathered up and everyone was herded out of the huge auditorium and onto buses. Luckily, he managed to find that blonde girl with the horns and sat down beside her.

“Konnichiwa.” She said and smiled at him.

Harry couldn't stop his blush because a girl talked to him. “H-hi.”

“Oh! You speak English!” The happy girl said in English. “My name's Pony! What's yours?”

“H-Harry.” Harry responded.

“I'm from the United States, Texas to be specific.” Pony said. “What about you?”

“Surrey, England.” Harry said.

“Wow! I thought I recognized your accent.” Pony said with a smile. “You must be making all the girls giggle when you talk to them.”

Harry blushed again. “N-no, I... I... um...”

Pony laughed and lightly touched his hand to apologize. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't tease you like that. I'm just so happy to not have to speak Japanese all the time.”

“Is that what that is?” Harry asked and motioned to the others on the bus. “I've never hear it before.”

“Really?” Pony asked, surprised. “How did you get sent here if you can't speak the language?”

Harry shrugged. He had no idea how he ended up here.

“Well, you just stick by me for the next part of the exam and we can look out for each other.” Pony said and Harry smiled at her. “What's your quirk? Mine's called Pony because the doctors couldn't come up with anything that didn't sound insulting.”

Harry's eyes went to her horns and she laughed.

“Exactly! Ponies don't have horns and I can shoot them and they regrow.” Pony said and lifted her leg to show off one of her hooves. “I even have a tail when I don't keep it covered.”

“Is it the same color as your hair?” Harry asked.

“Yes! It's quite nice and I comb it every morning and night, just like the hair on my head.” Pony said, proudly. “I can't let it get matted or tangled because I'll have to trim it and regrow it, which happened recently, so it's little more than a puff ball right now.”

Harry nodded. “My aunt cut off most of my hair once and made a mess of it.”

“Aww, you poor thing.” Pony said as her hand reached up and she rubbed his messy hair. “It looks good with it all grown back.”

“Th-thanks.” Harry said and blushed again.

Pony smiled at the cuteness and then noticed what he was wearing. “I see you wore some old clothes for the practicals today. That was smart.”

Harry's blush increased and he didn't have the heart to correct her and say they were his only clothes.

Pony held in her laugh at seeing the epic blush as she held up a hand for a high five. “Here's hoping we pass when we do our best!”

Harry saw the hand and looked confused for a moment, then he reached up and put his hand on hers and left it there.

Pony blinked her eyes at the odd response and quickly realized Harry had no idea that she wanted him to enthusiastically slap her hand. She couldn't stop her own blush as she slowly lowered her hand. Harry held on to it and that gave Pony a much different idea about it than what she expected. They rode the bus the rest of the way in silence and held hands the whole time, both with slight blushes.


“We have a really odd group of kids in Testing Ground B.” Midnight pointed out as she looked at one of the monitors.

“I think you mean eclectic.” Nezu, the tiny mouse bear chimera corrected.

“Yes, that.” Midnight said with a laugh. “We've got a guy with engines in his legs...”

“That's Ingenium's brother.” Snipe said. “Denied a recommendation from him to take the exam to prove himself.”

“Foolish.” Aizawa commented. “You should never give up a clear advantage for stupid reasons.”

Nezu barked a high pitched laugh. “When he passes, I'll make sure to put him in your class.”

Aizawa nodded agreement. He always handled the rougher students to smooth out their edges.

“That brown-haired girl is interesting.” Cementoss said. “What's her quirk? Anti-gravity?”

“Close! It's Zero Gravity.” Nezu responded. “She removes the force of gravity from an object she touches.”

“The lizard boy is both lazy and competent.” Aizawa said. “I don't want him.”

A few of the other heroes softly laughed. They all knew he wouldn't waste the effort for someone that wouldn't benefit from his tutelage.

“I could say the same for the cow girl.” Vlad King said and pointed. “I'm not sure why she's wearing a human backpack, though.”

Everyone moved over to look at the monitor he indicated and they watched as the blonde girl with horns shot them and they only bounced off the robot's head. She stopped moving as the boy on her back whispered to her, then she shot one horn to jam the track of the three pointer and then used one of her horns to tear out the neck wires.

“That's so cute! They're working together.” Midnight said in her sexy voice.

“They are quite effective, too.” Nezu said and checked his computer. He looked up their details and only came up with the girl's information. “The girl's name is Pony Tsunotori and her quirk is hilariously called Pony, despite her clearly being a mutated half-bull.”

That had a most of them laugh, considering who and what Nezu was.

“I can't find any information on the boy.” Nezu said and his little paws clicked and clacked on the keyboard as he searched. It took him a minute before he brought up today's written exams. “Aha! Here he is. Harry Potter.”

The main monitor changed to show a small skinny boy wearing dirty and overlarge clothes as he wrote on his exam.

Nezu walked over to the filing cabinet and searched through them for the exam. “He successfully completed the science section and mathematical competence requirement. The rest of the exam is just him answering most of the questions with 'I don't know' and 'I can't read this'.” He said and put the exam back into the filing cabinet. “He can't read or speak Japanese.”

“How did he submit an application to UA if he can't read or write?” All Might asked. He had been keeping an eye on his successor and so far, the boy looked to be completely failing the practical part of the exam. He hadn't gained a single point, which must have meant that the power hadn't activated yet. He did not attribute it to Izuku's complete lack of confidence and his dithering personality.

Nezu checked his computer again and shook his head. “He hasn't.”

That made all of the heroes freeze and turn to stare at the little mouse bear chimera.

“Yes, we have a completely unprotected and unauthorized child inside one of our calculated death battle arenas.” Nezu said and they all turned to the monitor that still showed the blonde girl and the boy hanging on her back.


Harry was having the best time. Pony was really nice and her suggestion that they help each other, made the both of them very happy. They were running and charging at the evil robots and smashing them and making them suffer for daring to threaten them.

The smaller one pointers were pretty easy and the medium-sized two pointers were a little difficult. The large three pointers were hard and they had to figure out the best way to disable them without getting either of them hurt. Harry's little mind worked faster than it ever had before as he whispered different ideas to Pony and she did what he said without question.

It was such a great feeling when they finally took down the four two pointers, that Harry had been too distracted by celebrating their success and hadn't seen the two three pointers and six one pointers that had flanked them until it was too late.

“PONY!” Harry yelled just as two lasers hit her chest and two missiles blew up the street beside them. “AHHH!”

The pair were flung into the air from the explosion and flew apart, with Harry flipping head over heels and he hit the ground hard. Pony landed in a heap not far away and she didn't move.

“No.” Harry whispered as tears came to his eyes. “No! NO!”

Harry glowed a little as he crawled over to her and was too scared to touch her. He didn't know that the lasers were only stun lasers and only knocked someone out for ten seconds. She had been hit with two of them, so she would be out for twice that long. With the dirt and debris from the street explosion, Pony's face and hands had light scratches and they bled a bit.

“Pony?” Harry asked in a whisper as he stared at the completely still form of his new friend. He felt something inside of him latch onto his grief and he glowed more. His hands made fists as the robots surrounded them and he felt an unknown and yet familiar strength fill him.

The other prospective students ignored them and their plight, so they didn't see the young boy start to expand. He grew a foot taller and thick muscles formed where only wiry muscles had been. Bones snapped and fixed themselves and his glasses broke as his head increased in size, then he stopped growing and glowing.

The robots surrounding the pair detected the danger they were in and prepared to fire. They were too late.

Harry moved. He didn't know why he felt so powerful and he didn't care. Those stupid robots hurt his friend and they were going to pay.

Large hands crushed robot heads and fists smashed their chests. His bare feet stomped tracks and wheels alike and his fingers ripped out wires, power boxes, and optic sensors. When he stopped moving beside his friend ten seconds later, the robots were destroyed and weren't much more than scrap. Not just the ones around them, either. All of them.

“Pony?” Harry asked and knelt beside her. His previously overlarge clothes strained as he carefully picked up the unconscious girl and cradled her in his arms. “Please be okay. Please.”

Pony glowed and all of her cuts and bruises healed up. When the glow faded, Pony opened her eyes and she gave him a warm smile. “You figured out your quirk.”

Harry blushed and nodded. He didn't tell her that it was because she had been severely hurt.

The city shook and sirens blared. The other examinees freaked out and started to run when the building-sized Zero Pointer appeared. Harry calmly walked with Pony in his arms until they heard someone yell for help.

Harry saw Pony's nod and he moved again. They were beside a large piece of debris and a slightly sick-looking brown-haired girl.

“Don't worry.” Pony said in Japanese and hopped out of Harry's arms. “We'll save you.”

“B-b-but who's going to save him?” Uraraka asked and pointed behind them.

They turned to see a green-haired boy as he glowed slightly and had his butt cheeks clenched as he kept shouting 'Detroit Smash!' in English and swinging his right arm towards the giant robot.

“He hasn't figured it out yet.” Pony said in understanding.

“Can I have a couple horns?” Harry asked.

“Sure thing.” Pony said and popped two off and handed them to him. “It looks like a scaled up two pointer, so jam them into the third gear on the left side of the tracks.”

Harry nodded and disappeared with a gust of wind.

“Wow.” Uraraka said as the giant robot came to a screeching halt.

“I know! Harry's such a doll!” Pony said in English and then laughed before she switched back to Japanese. “I'm sorry, I sometimes get excited and forget to keep speaking Japanese.”

“Don't worry about it. If I had a hot guy like that, I'd be excited, too.” Uraraka said and then blushed. “I mean... um...”

Pony laughed and used a horn to pry up on the piece of concrete. “How's that? Can you get your foot out?”

Uraraka pulled a little on it, hissed in pain, then it popped out. She rolled away from the debris and Pony let it drop and hung her horn on her hip.

“You're keeping that?” Uraraka asked as she carefully sat up and tried to not move her ankle.

“It'll dissolve away in a few minutes. I just don't want to leave it laying around where anyone can get hurt with it.” Pony explained.

“That's considerate.” Uraraka said, just as the green-haired teenager yelled out and then jumped up thirty feet and punched the chest of the immobilized robot.

“I did it!” Izuku shouted and dropped to the ground. He was scared for a second, then he was caught by the muscled teenager. “Thanks.”

Harry only nodded instead of saying anything, set him on his feet, and walked over to Pony. She had knelt beside the other girl and Harry heard her hiss when her foot was touched. He knelt beside Pony and placed a hand on the other girl's ankle just as the buzzer sounded to end the exam.

“OW! What are you...” Uraraka stopped talking when she glowed for several seconds and the pain faded away. “Domo arigato!”

Harry nodded and stood up.

“Isn't he awesome?” Pony said in English and stood as she helped Uraraka stand. “I'm Pony and this is Harry.”

“Hi.” Uraraka said in English and smiled warmly at Harry. “Ochako Uraraka.”

The three of them turned and looked at the green-haired boy.

“I'm I-I-Izuku M-Midoriya.” Izuku stammered in response.

“I think we can all relax now.” Pony said. “Go ahead and deactivate your quirk, Harry. We're out of danger.”

Harry closed his eyes and he glowed for a second, and stayed the same size. “Uh oh.”

Pony laughed and patted his arm. “It's okay. You did just figure out how to turn it on. It might wear off on its own eventually.”

“I don't believe so.” An elderly voice said in English as she approached them. “He probably has a healing mutation quirk, since he also seems to have external healing powers that don't negatively impact the patient.”

“Recovery Girl!” Izuku said and hopped from foot to foot like and excited puppy.

Recovery Girl cackled a laugh. “There's one of you in every crowd!”

Izuku blushed and stopped hopping.

“I meant a quirk enthusiast and not someone with an old lady fetish, young man.” Recovery Girl said with a teasing smile.

Izuku blushed so hard that he almost passed out. Pony and Uraraka laughed while Harry looked confused.

Pony stood on the tips of her hooves to whisper in Harry's ear. “She meant someone who likes to have sex with older women.”

Harry blushed as hard as Izuku and Pony couldn't stop her pleased smile. She had thought Harry had been cute before and now she thought he was really handsome. He had even kept his fluffy and messy hair in his expanded form.

“Do you mind if I give you a quick examination, Mister Potter?” Recovery Girl asked. “I might be able to figure out what's going on with you.”

Harry looked at Pony for permission and she took his hand.

“Yes, your girlfriend can go with you.” Recovery Girl said and both Pony and Harry blushed. “I need to check the rest of the students for injuries, so I'll meet you back at the recovery station in twenty minutes.”

The four of them watched as the short old woman waddled away to begin her work.

“What do we do for twenty minutes?” Harry asked.

“We could talk and hang around until then.” Uraraka offered. “I could use some more practice with speaking English.”

“M-m-me, t-too.” Izuku said.

“I think you need practice just speaking.” Pony said and Izuku blushed gain. “Yes, you definitely need practice. Come on, I think the recovery station is back near the main entrance and we can talk on the way.”

“Good idea.” Uraraka said and the four of them started walking. She told them about herself in halting English and stumbled over a few words. Pony helped her with those and she smiled happily.

Pony went next and both Izuku and Uraraka asked her about a few of the words she had said and she explained them and their meanings.

They reached the recovery station and sat down beside it, so they didn't crowd the people that were actually hurt or were just looking for extra attention.

Izuku went next and he told them about his history, except he left out the bullying and who was the main instigator. Harry had been in the same situation and he kept interjecting and telling them two words, 'me too', and it made Izuku feel a lot better about what happened to him because he wasn't as alone as he thought he was. Harry felt the same way.

Recovery Girl eventually brought Harry and Pony into her temporary office and examination room and she lightly placed her lips onto Harry's forehead. She felt the immediate temperature of his skin rise as the boy blushed and she fought down her own instincts to cuddle the shy boy. She needed to analyze what her own healing quirk was telling her.

The boy was perfect. Whatever had happened to him while growing up had been completely erased when his quirk activated, and what a quirk it was. The boy was absolutely brimming with power and his body had enhanced itself and changed him all the way down to the cellular level.

Her quirk also told her that he had healed himself dozens of times without knowing he was, which meant he suffered bullying and torment as a quirkless kid for absolutely no reason. He had the power since he was a baby and it was just repressed. Until now. It wasn't until he had made a new friend and saw what he thought was the girl become grievously hurt and possibly killed.

Recovery Girl broke the kiss and smiled warmly at the boy. “Thank you for letting me confirm that you are completely fine.”

“That's such a relief!” Pony said and gave Harry a tight hug, which also kept the cute blush on his face. “What about his quirk being stuck on?”

Recovery Girl cackled. “You mean this?” She asked and patted the boy's muscular arm. “This wasn't his quirk activating. It was his quirk changing his body so that it could handle the sheer power that was unleashed when he saw you be hurt.”

Pony blushed this time. She had caused it? Her? The out-of-place American with the odd mutation quirk?

“You see, he has been constantly using his quirk on himself since he was a baby. It wasn't until he desperately needed to use it externally that caused him to heal himself to be strong enough to change his internal mutation into an emitter type.”

Both Harry and Pony stared at her with mouths open.

“I know that sounds ridiculous, and it is.” Recovery Girl said with a cackling laugh. “Nezu's going to freak out about it, because the participant that earned the most points in today's exam, isn't registered to attend UA or old enough to attend!”

Pony's shock about Harry's quirk changing types was forgotten when she heard that. “WHAT?!?”

“Harry Potter's body is only seven years old. You can tell by the growth of the skull bones and the amount of separation.” Recovery Girl informed them. “I doubt we can send someone that looks like a teenager to middle school, however. That would cause more problems than it would solve.”

Pony looked from Recovery Girl to Harry's embarrassed face, then back to Recovery Girl, then back to Harry's face. “It's true? You're only seven?”

“My birthday's at the end of July.” Harry said, sheepishly.

“Ha! I only thought you were a little small to be entering high school and just assumed you had a quirk that kept you like that.” Pony said and then giggled. “I made the same mistake people do with me and I always complain about it.” She stepped close and hugged Harry again.

“It's okay.” Harry whispered and hugged her back.

“I'm sorry I didn't ask you more about yourself right away.” Pony admitted and looked at his face for a moment, then she leaned in and kissed his cheek. “I was just so happy to talk to someone without having to struggle. It was more important to me for us to be friends than it was to find out your age.”

“M-me, too.” Harry said. “You were so nice that I didn't think about how old you were or if we even could be friends. I really wanted you to be my first one and nothing else mattered.”

“AWW!” Pony gushed and gave his cheek several more kisses. “That's so sweet! Thank you, Harry!”

“I see why you performed so well as a team.” A small voice said and the three of them turned to see the mouse bear chimera standing in the doorway. “My name is Nezu and I am the Principal of UA High School.”

“I knew you couldn't wait to hear my results.” Recovery Girl said and handed over the medical report that she had been absently writing the entire time.

Nezu read it instantly. “Hmm. I see. That shouldn't be a problem.”

Recovery Girl coughed and gave him a single raised eyebrow. “Why not?”

“Well, we are obviously the cause of the young man's troubles. He would still look like a child if he hadn't suffered any trauma.” Nezu said to her. “What's your diagnosis for his growth? Will he remain like this or will he grow up normally from this point forward?”

Recovery Girl thought about that and what the power felt like. “As far as I can tell, his quirk intentionally stabilized his body to make the most use out of it. He will remain looking like this until he reaches his proper age and he should start growing normally from that point.”

Nezu smiled and nodded several times. “That was my own conclusion as well.”

“What does all of that mean?” Pony asked.

“It means that after we confirm Mister Potter's legal status, he will become a ward of UA and will attend as a normal student to learn how to use his powers properly and safely.” Nezu said, as if it was the most brilliant plan in the entire world.

“He can't speak, read, or write Japanese.” Pony said.

“We should be able to handle that fairly easily. It's only February and the start of term isn't until the second week in April. A month and a half should be plenty of time to bring Mister Potter up to speed.” Nezu said and his little smile looked fairly intimidating, even if he himself was barely a foot tall. “The brain is a muscle that gets stronger the more it's used, after all.”


People could say whatever they wanted about the pedigree of the being called Nezu; but, no one would ever question his intelligence or his ability to get things done. Harry's address had been investigated and the family that lived there didn't know the Dursleys or Harry Potter. Nezu was given full authority over the boy and his future and did exactly as he said he would.

Harry Potter became a UA ward and moved into Nezu's apartment. To say that Nezu was surprised at how clean the human was and how diligent he was to keep things that way, was an understatement. He fully expected the boy to be like other children and would cause lots of messes and noise, only for Harry to remain quiet and respectful, even when his girlfriend came over for their lessons.

Pony had been embarrassed at first to have a boyfriend that was so young, then her mind justified it by admitting that he had become perfect just for her. It had been his quirk activating and saving her that made him the way he was and now he was her best friend and they would be attending UA together. Class 1-B was going to be great.


“I can't believe we did it.” Pony said in perfect Japanese and she didn't even have an American accent. She held Harry's hand tightly as they entered UA through the open gate.

“It was Nezu's idea about using our brains like a muscle and my lessons on anatomy with Recovery Girl.” Harry responded in perfect Japanese. He had kept the English accent because Pony liked it so much. “Healing a muscle after it's used, lets it keep the alterations and become stronger.”

“Yes! We lifted mental weights as well as physical ones.” Pony said happily and leaned into his side. “Have I thanked you for that yet?”

“Only six times after the equivalency exam yesterday and twice this morning when I came to get you.” Harry told her.

Pony laughed and hopped a little to place a quick kiss on his cheek. “You're my hero!”

Harry blushed a little and smiled. They had shared their first kiss on the lips last night after he had asked her to be his girlfriend and Pony had enthusiastically accepted. Her words that it was the official start of their new lives together had made him happier than he had ever been.

Surprisingly, both Izuku and Uraraka had been put into Class 1-A, which meant they would only see their friends during lunch or after school. At least today was only orientation and they would spend half the day in the auditorium together while listening to speeches and the second half of the day on a tour of the campus grounds.

Class 1-A never showed up all morning. Nezu sent Harry to look for them just before lunch and he searched the whole school, only to find them out on the athletic field behind the main building and just finishing up a set of standardized exercise tests.

“Oh no! I'm last!” A girl's sad voice said from near a floating UA gym uniform, then she dropped to her knees in the grass and let out a sob. “Please, Mr. Aizawa! You can't kick me out because my quirk isn't useful for things like this!”

Harry froze momentarily at her desperate plea before he walked over to her and knelt. “Hey, it's okay.” He said and put a hand on her shoulder. “You're Toru Hagakure, right? The Invisible Girl?”

The girl's sleeves pointed towards her head, probably to wipe away the tears. “Y-yes, I'm... wait, how do you know my name?”

“I memorized the names of all 40 of my hero classmates, just in case we ended up in class together.” Harry said.

“What are you going here, Potter?” Aizawa asked, fairly harshly.

“Principal Nezu is upset that you've skipped orientation again this year and sent me to check if you expelled the whole class again.” Harry said and all of the students looked pale.

“He... he really...” Toru started to say and stopped to cry.

“Shh, no. I said it was okay.” Harry said and took her into a hug.

The girl cuddled in and held onto him as she sobbed.

“Aizawa has to provide proof that you are unsuitable to become a hero in order to expel you.” Harry said and rubbed her back. “You can't fail an assessment test because it's just that, an assessment. It determines your physical status and lets you know where you can improve, nothing more.”

“I can expel anyone I want and for any reason.” Aizawa said and his hair started to glow.

“That's not going to work on either of us, sir. We have mutation quirks.” Harry said and he couldn't stop his glare. “It's only the first day and you're already bullying your students enough that half of them are terrified of you.”

The half not afraid turned to stare at Izuku, whom was shivering like a wet kitten and was leaning away from a blond spike-haired boy that was whispering to him.

“Excuse me for a minute, Toru.” Harry said and the invisible girl loosened her grip on him. He walked over to stand beside the blond. When the blond ignored him and kept taunting and tormenting Izuku, Harry had enough and spoke in as menacing of a voice as he could. “STOP, Bakugo!

Everyone in the field flinched at Harry's voice, even Aizawa.

Bakugo turned his head to glare at him. “What the fuck is your problem, extra?”

“I.” Harry held out a hand and made it flat. “Hate.” He pulled the hand back in a clear sign the other boy was going to be slapped. “Bullies.”

Bakugo already had his hand charged with sweat and it sparked as he raised it to blast Harry in the chest. A split-second later, Bakugo's hand was slapped away and the explosion blew off harmlessly above their heads, then the crack of the backhand across Bakugo's face echoed and everyone winced again.

“Every single time you open your mouth to insult my friend, you will earn a slap across the face. If you think me not being around or in another classroom will stop me from hearing about it, think again.” Harry said. “I've lived at this school for over a month and I know all of its secrets.”

“Like I give a fuck about the opinion of someone that can call Deku a frie-AGH!” Bakugo's insult was interrupted by another slap that cut off his words. He had tried to dodge and it still hit him.

“Just so you know, I could easily break every bone in your face when I hit you. I didn't, because you don't deserve to feel vindicated by being injured physically.” Harry said, calmly.

“Fuck you!” Bakugo spat and charged up another explosion.

“Go ahead, Bitchkugo.” Harry said and a few of the students laughed. “Since you think you are doing your best to become a hero by belittling and beating up people you've burned and bullied for ten years, I want to see what you think your worst is.”

Everyone stopped chatting and stared at them. The girls gave Bakugo deadly glares.

“I'm waiting, Bakugo. Give me your best shot. Show everyone how big of a hero you are.” Harry said and motioned to the boy's sparking hands. “Come on, you want to put me in my place, don't you? You want to knock me down to be where I deserve.”

Bakugo really wanted to and his hands sparked brightly. How dare this extra call him out in front of everyone?

Suddenly the sparks stopped and the gathering beads of sweat dropped to the grass.

“That's enough.” Aizawa said, his hair floating and eyes glowing. “Harry, go back and tell Nezu I didn't expel anyone.”

“Yes, sir.” Harry said and turned his back on Bakugo and nodded to Izuku, then walked over to where Toru had stayed kneeling on the grass. He held a hand out for her and she took it gratefully. She stood up and used the leverage to pull herself up and Harry felt soft lips on his cheek.

“Thank you.” Toru whispered and let him go.

Harry blushed and went back inside the school.

“Class dismissed. You can pick up the student packages from inside your desks in the classroom.” Aizawa said and walked over to Bakugo. “You. With me.”

Before Bakugo could let out another curse or to tell the man off, he was wrapped up in Aizawa's capture scarf and carried off. Neither of them were going to enjoy the following conversation they were going to have.

“That was awesome.” Uraraka said with awe in her voice.

“He was quite authoritative.” Momo Yaoyorozu said, her face a little red.

“He also said he knows all of our names.” Toru said and then huffed. “It's too bad we don't know his.”

“It's Harry Potter.” Izuku said. “He's English.”

“Yeah! He's really English, too. Like from England, English.” Uraraka added.

“You know him?” Toru and Mina Ashido asked, excitedly.

“We're friends.” Uraraka said with a smile, not realizing the implication of her words.

“TELL US ALL ABOUT HIM!” The other girls yelled and tackled her.

Three of the guys slapped hands over their faces, two laughed, Izuku blushed and looked away, and Shoto Todoroki shrugged.


Pony laughed as Harry told her about meeting Izuku's bully and about the boy's personality. They walked around the UA campus with the rest of Class 1-B and followed the official map they had been given at orientation. They had some interesting fellow students this year and only one of them was annoying. He was just as full of himself as Bakugo and he thought he was better than everyone.

Harry didn't remind him that if he was ever out alone, he would be essentially quirkless, because he would have no one around him to touch and copy their quirk. His quirk was dependent on the people around him and he was so arrogant about his superiority that he never considered how useless he would be without friends. It was a good thing his friends did know that and stayed around him.

Funnily enough, he didn't try to copy Harry's healing power, even if he knew it would be very useful for the 10 minutes he would have the power. Both Recovery Girl and Nezu couldn't convince him to try, either. His worry that he would be mutated like Harry was too dangerous for him to consider it.

Setsuna was neat, because her quirk let her split her body up into about thirty different pieces that she could move independently with telekinesis. She absolutely loved freaking people out by doing the independent hand walking thing she had seen on an old television show called the Addams Family.

The only person it hadn't worked on was Harry. To Setsuna's and everyone's surprise, when the hand had hopped onto his shoulder, he hadn't jumped from the scare. Harry gently pat it, picked it up and brought it to his lips, then he kissed the back of it. Without a word, he handed the hand back to a blushing Setsuna.

“That's my calm and charming Harry.” Pony said proudly in English and pulled him into a kiss.

“P-Pony.” Harry whispered, his face a little red.

“You're my boyfriend, Harry. I can't let anyone else horn in on my territory.” Pony said with a huge smile at his growing blush. “What do we have left to see on the tour?”

“Just the athletic field and the locker rooms.” Harry said.

“Lead the way.” Setsuna said and waved in the direction with her kissed hand. She fought down her blush, because no one had ever treated any of her detached parts like that. Most people smacked them away if she was too close to them. “As long as you don't get any ideas about watching all of us hotties getting changed.”

“Wh-what? No! I wouldn't!” Harry exclaimed and his blush went to epic proportions as he mumbled and ducked his head. “I... I would never... too private and...”

“Setsuna!” Pony glared at her and the other girl backed up. “Don't accuse him of things like that!”

“I'm sorry! I was... just teasing.” Setsuna said and didn't admit that she was actually trying to give him the idea to do it while she was in there. She felt bad about making Harry sad and pulled all of her parts back and reformed herself completely.

Setsuna didn't know that teasing him like that had reminded Harry about his bullies shoving him into the girl's bathroom once and he had seen a lot more than he should have. The girl's screams had alerted the entire school about what had happened and he spent a week locked in his cupboard and was branded a pervert at school for months afterwards.

The end of the tour had all of the girls and a few of the guys in low spirits, because Harry just pointed at the field and towards the building with the lockers and showers, then he muttered an apology and quickly walked away. Pony gave Setsuna another death glare and ran after her upset boyfriend. She would comfort him and hold him for as long as he wanted her to.

“What a wimp!” The arrogant boy said when she was out of sight. “He can't take a joke or a warning without bawling his eyes out! Ha ha ha!”

A giant hand whacked him on the back of the head and he flipped over and landed on the ground on his back.

“Neito! Shut up, you moron! Look at everyone's faces!” Itsuka Kendo shouted at him and pointed at their fellow classmates. “Do they look happy to you?” She asked and he didn't respond. “DO THEY LOOK HAPPY?”

Neito thought about refusing to do what she asked and reluctantly decided to listen. He looked at everyone's sad faces and he didn't understand.

Itsuka saw his confusion and sighed. “Apparently, only morons don't understand that something bad happened to Harry in the showers.”

“When Setsuna pointed it out to him, he freaked out.” Kinoko Komori said in her soft voice and plucked a small mushroom from between her fingers and tucked it into her hair.

“I said I was sorry.” Setsuna said, dejected.

“He should suck it up and get on with his life.” Tetsutetsu said as his skin shimmered metal briefly and all of the guys agreed. The girls all exchanged looks, because they knew it wasn't that easy to deal with emotional problems, especially traumatic ones.

Neito climbed to his feet. “He's not going to be much of a hero if he can't handle a little teasing.”

Itsuka turned to give him a pointed look. “I am ordering you to never tease him. Get it out of your head right now to try and toughen him up.” She said and leaned forward as her pointed look changed to a glare. “Do you understand? Leave. Him. Alone.”

Neito scoffed. “Yeah, whatever.”

Itsuka's hand grew and she held it threateningly, then it shrunk and she shook her head. “Never mind. I hope you provoke him and I hope he punches you so hard that Recovery Girl can't fix you.” She said and started to walk away. “Maybe that will finally knock some sense into you.”

Neito stared after her, shrugged and went into the building to look at the showers and the lockers. The guys followed him and the girls exchanged looks again before they left with Itsuka.


The first day of classes was a new experience for both Harry and Pony, because the school system was much different where they had come from. School six days a week was the norm in Japan and half days were for normal courses and the second half was for Hero Studies.

As soon as Harry and Pony entered the classroom, each of the girls quietly greeted them and lightly touched Harry on his arms, back, and head.

The last was by Setsuna and she whispered. “I'm really sorry about yesterday, Harry. I really was only teasing and I didn't mean to imply you would do anything like that.” She said and her fingers combed through his hair without her arm moving, which meant she had detached them. “I hope you can forgive me and that we can still be friends.”

Harry looked at Pony and she nodded, so Harry turned his head and nodded at Setsuna.

“Thank you.” Setsuna said with a smile. “Thank you both.”

Harry and Pony smiled back and Setsuna sat a her desk two rows away. Her fingers hadn't stopped combing Harry's hair, though. To her surprise, Harry didn't stop her or ask her to. He had to suppress his shiver at how good it felt, though.

Harry leaned close to Pony to whisper. “The next time we hug and cuddle, I want you to comb my hair with your fingers.”

Pony smiled and nodded, briefly took his hand to give it a squeeze, and sat back in her seat.

Taking normal subjects like math and science from a pro hero was also a new experience. The explanation that you couldn't be a successful hero if you were an idiot, had everyone laughing. Lunch was great as well, because Harry and Pony were pretty much crowded by the other girls in their class. Their table was loud as the girls chatted and had multiple conversations going.

Harry was a little subdued, because he had so many smart and pretty girls around him. Almost right after he had that thought, all of the conversations seemed to die down. He lifted his eyes from his food to see what was wrong and saw all of the girls as they stared at him with blushes on their faces.

“You said that out loud, Harry.” Pony said with her own face red, then she smiled and leaned in to give him a kiss on the lips. “You're so sweet. Thank you.”

“W-w-welcome.” Harry whispered and ducked his head to hide his red face and kept eating.

The conversations picked back up again as if nothing happened, except a few of the girls had the thought go through their heads that Pony was a very lucky girl. A small mushroom grew on Harry's plate and he didn't pause as he scooped it up with a spoon, dipped it into his soup, and ate it.

The conversation came to a stop once more and Harry ignored it, because the mushroom was surprisingly tasty. He looked at Kinoko and nodded at his soup. The short girl with brown hair beamed a smile at him and a dozen mushrooms grew on his plate all around his soup bowl.

“Thank you.” Harry said and quickly added the new garnishes to the broth and continued to eat.

The girls exchanged looks again and thought that was pretty slick. Kinoko was usually worried when her mushrooms popped up randomly around her and Harry had accepted it and gave her permission to grow more. Pony was relieved that after what happened yesterday, everyone still wanted to be friends with her and Harry.

Hero Studies was all afternoon and it ranged from safety procedures at accidents, to CPR, emergency wound binding, and lessons on what to say to keep people calm. It even contained physics lessons about leverage and securing shifting vehicles and debris properly to not cause more harm or damage.

It was a mix of both classroom work and practical work, which made a lot of sense, and all of the students in Class 1-B loved it. This was real training to learn how to be a proper hero and the students left at the end of the day, completely impressed with the high quality of the material.

Harry walked Pony to where she was staying in a boarding house, kissed her goodbye, and went back to UA. He started cooking supper for himself and Nezu in their apartment and had everything ready by the time the little mouse bear chimera entered through the little door in the bottom of the actual door.

“Harry, thank you for the meal.” Nezu said, as he did every time Harry cooked, and he climbed the small stairs to sit at the table.

“It's the least I can do.” Harry responded, as he always did, and placed the small plate in front of his guardian and sat down himself.

Nezu grinned at him. “Now that we have the formalities out of the way, how was your first official day at school?”

Harry smiled and told him all about it as they shared a meal. Nezu knew already, since he had talked to Harry's teachers, and wanted Harry's opinion anyway. Both were quite happy with how things had turned out and they spent the evening talking about what was coming up soon.

The next morning, Harry left the apartment early to go pick up Pony. He saw the gathering press and nosy reporters at the school's front gate that were there looking for All Might and went right back to talk to Nezu. A quick plan was hatched and a distraction was provided, thanks to a quick call to All Might. The reporters rushed off when they saw All Might jump by and chased after him.

This had two immediate benefits, not that either Nezu or Harry knew there were more than the one they wanted. The first was that it cleared the front gate of the school and stopped all of the students from being hounded and bothered by the press. The second was that the villains waiting to infiltrate the school had just lost their convenient excuse and cover for the alarms they would set off.

The school day went on as normal after that, as did the day after. It wasn't until Friday that things changed. Class 1-B's teacher, Vlad King, announced there would be a Sports Festival in two weeks. Neither Pony nor Harry thought it meant anything, despite the excitement that the others showed.

At lunch, it was explained to them what it meant. Showing off. Publicity. Pro Heroes seeing what you could do. Harry shrugged and said he knew what he was doing for his career. His healing was too useful to do anything else but go into the medical field. Plus, he had years before he could get his license.

Pony on the other hand, was really excited. If she could get a hero's attention, she could qualify for a provisional license and earn a work placement for the week and then possibly for the September internship as well.

Harry was a little concerned that it was too soon for them being first years and not really learning a lot since school started. Everyone's words that a month will have passed by then and that would be enough, didn't assuage his concern at all.

In fact, it highlighted Harry's worry, and he wasn't sure who he could talk to about it. Nezu wasn't human and his opinions were skewed towards performance. Emotions were rarely taken into consideration when he planned things. Harry thought about the other teachers and sighed. None of them would help, since they were pro heroes and anything that advanced a career, they would approve.

Harry sighed in resignation when Pony decided to train after school for the next two weeks, because she wanted to make a good showing for the cameras and for the pro heroes. He knew that he was going to see less and less of her because of it, because she didn't ask him to help her. When he tried to suggest it, she told him she couldn't take him away from his own preparations for the festival. It made him sad that he was right.


The Sports Festival was during Golden Week, the second week in May, and there was no school. The arena that was rented out for it was huge and held tens of thousands of people, most of them with quirks.

Harry thought it was funny that they picked the person that earned the most villain points in the Entrance Exams to recite the welcoming speech and not the one that had the highest total points. Bakugo showed everyone in the school, the stadium, and everyone at home watching, exactly what kind of person he was. A villainous asshole.

“I'm so exited!” Pony exclaimed in English and hopped several times. She always defaulted to her native language when she was nervous or scared.

Harry kept his mouth shut, because she knew his opinion about this whole thing. The rest of Class 1-B were just as excited as she was, especially the girls. The guys just wanted to get out there and show off their stuff. Harry already had his internship and work placement set, so the entire sports festival was an exercise in futility for him.

“Fuck off, all you extras!” Bakugo yelled and pushed several of the general education students out of the way as he approached the front of the gathered students. “Make way for the winner!”

The others seem to part and allowed Class 1-A to go towards the front, all except Harry. Some of his classmates had already moved to the side, even Pony, and Harry stayed right where he was.

“Hey! I said move it, extra!” Bakugo shouted and sparked his hands.

Harry turned around and let a smile grow on his face. “I believe you just earned fifteen slaps for the people you just bullied out of the way.”

Everyone stopped walking and stared at him. When Harry raised his hand, Bakugo flinched and leaned away before he took a step back.

“What was it you said? You're going to win?” Harry asked.

Bakugo squinted his eyes at him. “I'm going to kick everyone's ass!”

“No, actually. You won't.” Harry said and quick as a flash, grabbed Bakugo's collar with a hand and lifted him into the air, then proceeded to give him fifteen slaps. Bakugo's useless flailing and attempts to blow Harry up, resulted in him looking completely pathetic. He also had two very red cheeks on his face. “Know your place, Bitchkugo. Behind those that actually deserve it.”

“Harry, you're the one being a bully.” Pony said. “The cameras saw everything.”

“I know. That's why I did it.” Harry said and put Bakugo down. “For the rest of his career, this moment will always be a part of it. He will always be seen as a blowhard and a jerk for treating his colleagues like they don't matter. I just gave him a taste of his own behavior.”

Everyone else stayed quiet and stared at him.

“Everyone, you need to thank Bakugo. He's convinced me to actually make an effort today.” Harry said to Bakugo.

“We're boned.” Tetsutetsu said as his metal skin shimmered briefly.

“What are you talking about?” Tenya Iida from Class 1-A asked and made a chopping motion with his hand.

“Harry usually has to sit out during hero classes after performing the task once.” Setsuna said. “He's just so fast and strong that the cameras on slow motion have a hard time seeing him.”

“Cameras?” Uraraka asked.

“Our teacher Vlad King had to resort to using cameras in order to judge Harry's performance.” Kinoko said and smiled at Harry. “Harry also lets me grow as many mushrooms as I want.”

Harry smiled back at her. “We can keep working this weekend on adding the spice combination you need for the potency of your spores.”

“We've almost worked out the formula for natural tear gas!” Kinoko said, excitedly.

Harry chuckled. “You're going to look so awesome when you perfect your ultimate attack.”

Kinoko's smile changed to a beaming one and she thrust her hands into the air. “Shroompocalype!”

The entire inside of the tunnel's walls were almost immediately covered in mushrooms and toadstools. Each let out a tiny puff of grey gas and then fizzled.

“Oh, darn it!” Kinoko groused.

Harry laughed. “I said you needed to wait.”

“I know, I just...” Kinoko's response was cut off when Midnight announced the first event, a nearly four kilometre race around the stadium.

“An obstacle course?” Bakugo asked. “HA! No one's going to touch me!”

Harry didn't joke and pointed out that no one wanted to touch him anyway. He didn't want people to think he was mean. He did crouch slightly, though. As soon as Midnight fired the starting pistol, Harry moved. He saw the robots starting to activate and crushed them all, even the two giant Zero Pointers. Smaller robots worked great as tank tread jammers.

In front of him was a huge dug out canyon area with supposed lava below and earthen pillars with ropes and cables for them to walk or crawl across. Harry wasn't going to do that. He leapt and seemed to float through the air and went over the entire thing before he landed on the other side with both feet slamming into the ground to crack it.

Harry took off at full speed and came across the clearly marked minefield. He didn't want to so blatantly show off by blowing them all, since he kind of did that by destroying all the robots, so be did the same thing he did for the second part and leapt over them. He landed and ran inside the stadium and stopped just past the finish line.

“Oh, sweet lord. I wanna eat you all up.” Midnight whispered sexily. The problem was, it was deathly quiet as everyone in the stadium tried to contemplate what just happened, so everyone heard her purring comment.

Harry blushed and walked over to stand near her.

“It's okay, Harry. You don't have to be embarrassed.” Midnight said and her hand rubbed his back. “They don't call me the 18+ Hero for no reason.”

Harry glanced at her sexy costume that left nothing to the imagination and looked at her face. “You know, I prefer seeing you in your bathrobe and bunny slippers first thing in the morning.” He responded and his blush didn't lessen. “Your messy hair and relaxed posture makes you look ten times sexier.”

Midnight blushed to match him, because genuine comments like that always hit her harder than someone telling her how beautiful she was or how they wanted to bed her to prove her tag line was accurate.


That got their attention, despite the crowd muttering about a teacher and a student flirting on national television. They turned and looked at the stadium's entrance and saw a ragged looking Izuku run in as fast as his muscular legs could carry him. Right behind him were Bakugo and Todoroki and they were covered in colored dust.

Harry stepped forward and held his arms out. “I got you, Izuku!”

Izuku had a huge grateful smile on his face as he dove across the finish line. Harry caught him and Izuku started glowing. The other two students pretty much collapsed across the line with Todoroki across it first.

“Thanks, Harry.” Izuku said and stood up, all of his aches and pains gone.

“What are friends for?” Harry asked and walked over to Todoroki. He knelt on one knee and put a hand on the boy's shoulder.

Todoroki glowed for several seconds and groaned as his body was healed. “Thanks.”

“You're still exhausted, so rest for a minute and catch your breath.” Harry said and turned to put a hand on Bakugo.

“Stop... touching me.” Bakugo protested and tried to move, and couldn't.

“Unlike you, even if I hate someone, I won't refuse to help them. That would make me a horrible person.” Harry said and the glow started. “I'm going to be a Healing Hero and we have certain standards. People in need, no matter who they are, will be helped.”

“Even... villains?” Bakugo asked and grinned, as if he had just stabbed Harry in the chest.

Harry chuckled. “Villains are people, too. They usually have friends, families, and people that care about them. Just because they do bad things, that doesn't mean they shouldn't be healed when they're hurt.”

“You're a traitor!” Bakugo said as the healing glow faded. “No hero would ever help a villain!”

“I just helped you, didn't I?” Harry asked and lots of people gasped. “You bullied, burned, and hurt my friend for 10 years and no one has ever called you on it or punished you for it, because your quirk is so powerful and useful and no one wanted to get on your bad side.”

Bakugo glared at him as he stood. His hands started to spark and his face was red with embarrassment.

“I'm here now and unlike everyone else, I won't take your abuse or allow you to abuse my friends.” Harry said and stood up to give him a glare right back. “Smarten up, Bitchkugo! If you're going to be a hero, stop acting like a villain and use your head. You don't have to push everyone else down and step on them to get to the top!”

There was complete silence in the whole stadium and Harry looked around, only to see Midnight standing right beside him with her microphone by his face.

“Those are inspiring words, Harry.” Midnight said and she clicked it off as she put a hand on his shoulder. “I'm sorry the vote went against giving you the opening speech.”

“What? Some of the teachers voted against me?” Harry asked, shocked.

“Oops! Forget I said that.” Midnight said and pointed over his shoulder. “I see more students ready to cross the finish line. I gotta go!”

Then she ran back to the podium and away from said finish line.

Izuku walked over to Harry and nodded off to the side, so the pair walked over to the rest area and sat down to wait for the obstacle race to end.

“I can't believe it.” Harry whispered. “I thought they all liked me?”

Izuku put an arm over his shoulders. “I don't think it's a matter of who likes you. They made a choice of who they want to represent the school...”

Harry turned his head to stare at Izuku. “You're kidding!”

Izuku shook his head. “Like you said, Bakugo could do no wrong in the eyes of the teachers and other parents. He got away with everything, even destruction of school property, because they all believed he would be a great hero.”

“While completely ignoring his attitude and how he treated everyone.” Harry said, sadly.

Izuku nodded and didn't say anything.

“That was a nice trick you played on him at the end.” Harry complimented his friend.

Izuku smiled. “Both Bakugo and Todoroki needed a little more color in their lives.”

Harry barked a laugh and the two of them sat there talking about the other students as they crossed the finish line. Uraraka was tenth and joined them, so Harry patted her shoulder and healed her. She practically collapsed between him and Izuku, which made Harry laugh and Izuku blushed.

Pony was twenty-fifth and Harry healed her. When she tried to collapse against him, he held her off. “Harry? What's wrong?”

“The sports festival isn't over yet.” Harry said and kept his face blank.

Izuku and Uraraka exchanged concerned looks.

“What does that have to do with anything?” Pony asked, confused.

“You said that you didn't need my help and you didn't want to distract me from my own preparations for the festival.” Harry said and stood. “I should go check the other students and see if they need healing.”

Izuku's and Uraraka's concerned looks changed to worried ones as Harry walked away.

“Why did he say that? Everyone trained and...” Pony started to rant.

“He didn't.” Izuku interrupted.

“Huh? What?” Pony asked.

“Harry told you he didn't even want to come here, because he already has his career set.” Izuku said and nodded to Uraraka, because she was better at the emotional stuff.

Uraraka gave him a little glare and then sighed. “You pushed Harry away and cut him off completely two weeks ago.”

“No, I didn't!” Pony denied. “I needed to concentrate on my training and getting myself pumped up for the festival!”

“Uh huh.” Uraraka said. “And how many times did you see Harry during those two weeks?”

“I saw him every day in class!” Pony answered.

“Uh huh.” Uraraka repeated. “And how many times did you talk to him about anything besides the festival you knew that he wasn't interested in?”

Pony opened her mouth to say that they talked about everything, like always. No words came out, because she realized that they hadn't talked at all. All she did was excitedly spout about the festival and Harry hadn't said a word to her about it. Not once.

“How many times did you hug him, kiss him, and tell him you weren't ignoring him over the last two weeks?” Uraraka asked her.

“How many times did he pick you up in the mornings and walk you home after school?” Izuku asked.

Pony looked at Izuku and he was pointedly not looking at her. “N-none. I... I told him I was too busy training to...” She stopped talking and ducked her head.

“To what?” Uraraka prompted.

“...to waste time like that.” Pony said as tears rolled down her cheeks. “I didn't think... I didn't realize... it sounded so horrible.”

“Yes, it does. Both then and now.” Harry said and Izuku, Uraraka, and Pony looked up at him. “I know I'm not the best with emotions and...”

“No, Harry. I'm the one that's wrong.” Pony said. “I was just so excited and...”

“...nothing else mattered. I know.” Harry said.

“I'm sorry.” Pony said and stood up. “I'll do better from now on, I promise!”

Harry shook his head. “You're wrong.”

“Wh-what?” Izuku, Uraraka, and Pony said at the same time.

“The week long internships are coming up a week after the festival, and that's the first week in June, then the end of term exams are barely a month after that. You're going to be too busy to spend time with someone like me.”

Pony's tears didn't stop flowing. “Harry, no! I promised that I would do better!”

“We both know you can't keep that promise.” Harry said and stepped back when she tried to hug him. “I thought I would get the chance to help you with the sports festival like you helped me prepare for school, and you refused. You even refused our daily walks that I really liked. I hadn't realized what a burden I was on you and your time until then.”

“No! You're not a burden! You were never...” Pony started to protest.

“I'm sorry, Pony. I know I am.” Harry said and tears rolled down his face as he motioned to the large display at the side of the arena. “You're not even going to join my group for the Cavalry Battle.”

Pony let out a sob, because he was right. He was the winner of the obstacle course and had a value of ten million points. She wouldn't be able to showcase her own talents if she let him do his thing and overshadowed her. Her own value of 45 points wouldn't contribute much to his team's total.

“I don't think we can be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore.” Harry said and wiped at his eyes as he turned away, then he mumbled. “I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.”

Pony sobbed as he walked away. “H-Harry! Harry, please.”

“I'm sorry.” Harry said and walked over to where the other students were gathering to construct their teams.

“We need to go make our own teams.” Uraraka said and grabbed Pony's and Izuku's hands to drag them over to the gathering.

Ten minutes later, the teams were set. Everyone had different configurations and various members from two to four. They were all determined to get as many points as possible to qualify for the third round. This meant that nearly everyone would be gunning for the top team with the most points. Harry Potter and Kinoko Komori, with 10,000,045 points.

Kinoko sat on Harry's shoulders and her tiny hands held his chin tightly as her thumbs constantly wiped his tears away. “I am so very sorry about you and Pony, Harry.”

“M-me, too.” Harry said and fought down his emotions. “Thank you for agreeing to be my partner.”

“I know how little this festival means to you.” Kinoko said. “I believe the same thing.”

“First years shouldn't qualify.” Harry said and crouched slightly as the first whistle blew.

“No, we're too young and we have almost no training.” Kinoko said. “We haven't passed the basic CPR course yet. How are we supposed to handle car accidents and mugging victims?”

Midnight made the announcement that the event was about to start.

“Hold on, Kinoko. Get ready to grab to your right.” Harry said.

“I'm more than ready, Harry.” Kinoko said. “Let's show these morons how unprepared they are.”

Harry couldn't stop his laugh, even with his tears still flowing. When the second whistle blew, he moved. Kinoko's hand reached out as Harry told her and she had a 700 point bandana in her hand.

“Left.” Harry said and then another flash later, 650 points were added.

After 30 seconds, Kinoko proudly wore all twelve bandanas on her head and had 10,004,305 points. No one knew what to do now and Harry pretty much jogged around the outside of the arena until the ten minutes were almost up. No one could catch them and there were a lot of unhappy and angry faces pointed at them as the time for the event was about to expire.

“Do it.” Harry said and came to a stop in the very middle of the arena.

“SHROOMPOCALYPSE!” Kinoko yelled and raised her hands as literally millions of mushrooms grew out of everywhere inside the arena, on the ground, and on all of the competitors, then each and every one of them blew out a huge cloud of knockout gas.

All of the other students succumbed immediately and dropped to the ground. Dead silence fell in the stadium just as the whistle blew to end the event.

“That was awesome!” Kinoko said happily as Harry gently lifted her from his shoulders and set her down on the ground.

“It really was.” Harry said and took her hand before he raised it up in victory.

It took a few moments before someone cheered, then everyone in the stadium joined in and the applause was thunderous.

“They just realized you could have won this all by yourself.” Harry said and Kinoko blushed.

“Y-you, too.” Kinoko whispered. “I think that's why they have us form teams. No one can really outshine anyone because they're working together.”

Harry nodded and kept hold of her hand as they left the arena.

Kinoko didn't try to take her hand back, because Harry was way too nice to reject him like that. She had no idea that Pony had cut him off like that for the last two weeks and she might have said something if she had known. Then again, if she had said something, she might not be wearing ten million points on her head right now.

“Pony wouldn't have wanted to ride on my shoulders like you did.” Harry said, as if he knew what she was thinking. “It was my own fault for not realizing I was interfering with her dreams to become a pro hero.”

“That's not true. You wanted to help her.” Kinoko said. “It's not your fault she thought you couldn't.”

Harry wanted to argue and saw the look on his friend's face, even if her eyes were covered by her bangs. “How can you show off expressions like that with your hair in the way?”

Kinoko grinned at him. “I've had years of practice.”

Harry laughed and nodded as they entered the hero class area to sit and wait for the others to wake up. The miscellaneous events would be happening so that the other students could perform and show off their skills while the main part of the arena was reconfigured for the third event, the one-on-one elimination tournament.

“You're going to kick ass.” Kinoko said.

“I'm a healer.” Harry countered.

“A healer that kicks ass.” Kinoko responded and she playfully elbowed his side.

“Who can instantly grow a mushroom inside someone's mouth and make them choke out?” Harry asked her.

Kinoko laughed. “Next you're going to tell me to clog their noses to stop them from breathing.”

“Yes, and you can cover their eyes to not see you and block their ears to not hear you.” Harry suggested. “If you want to get vindictive, you can cover their fingers and stop them from punching or grabbing anything, especially you.”

Kinoko could only stare at him for those suggestions.

“It's too bad we weren't allowed tech assistance or your spore guns would have given you a huge advantage.” Harry said. “It would have let people show off in their costumes, too.”

“Yours is a doctor's uniform like Recovery Girl's.” Kinoko commented.

“And yours is a cute outfit with a mushroom hat that lets you stand out.” Harry said.

Kinoko blushed at the compliment. “You think my outfit is cute?”

“You're wearing it, so yeah. If anyone but you tried that, I think they would look ridiculous.” Harry said and laughed. “Imagine Bakugo wearing it! Ha ha!”

Kinoko imagined the sight and laughed, too. She tried to ignore how nice it was that Harry had called her cute, because it was a genuine compliment and he wasn't saying it to try and gain her favorable opinion, which gained her favorable opinion anyway.

A bunch of students walked over to them and their conversation changed to who the organizers would choose as the top 16 to fight off.

“Thanks for only using your minimum power knock-out gas.” Istuka said and sat beside Kinoko.

“It was Harry's idea to wait until the end.” Kinoko said. “I wouldn't put you all out for an hour just to show off. Five minutes was enough.”

Itsuka smiled at her and gave Harry a pat on his shoulder. “Thanks for being reasonable, even though we all know you're not in a good place right now.”

Harry smiled at her and nodded. It hadn't taken long for everyone to see the tears on Pony's and his faces for them to guess what had happened. Thankfully, no one tried to talk to them about it or asked what had happened to break them up.

The 16 students were chosen for the next event and they watched as the rest of the hero students were bundled with the other students to participate in the games that would let them showcase their own quirks and abilities.

Harry had thought about refusing to fight in the tournament until Bakugo proclaimed he was going to destroy everyone to take the top spot. He looked at the pairings in the tournament display and he saw his first match was against Kirishima from 1-A and then he would fight Bakugo in the second round.

Uraraka looked determined and Izuku whispered words of encouragement to her, so Harry nodded to her. She nodded back and they both looked at Bakugo's arrogant face. He let out a growl and huffed before he ignored them and looked back at the extras playing games and making fools of themselves.

It was soon over and the fighting arena had been prepared. The first sets of matches went off without a hitch and everything turned out as people predicted, until it was Harry's match against Kirishima.

“Kick his ass, Harry!” Kinoko shouted when the two competitors approached the platform.

Harry waved at her before he looked across the ten feet between him and Kirishima. “I'm really sorry about this.”

Kirishima laughed and activated his quirk, Hardening, which made his body take on a rock-like texture and strength. “Apologizing for something you haven't done yet, isn't very manly!”

“That's because I'm not going to be manly. You are between me and stopping Bakugo.” Harry said and took a fighting stance. “Don't worry, though. I'll heal you afterwards.”

“HA! You can't hurt me! I train every day and...” Kirishima stopped talking when Midnight blew the whistle and Harry blurred before a fist slammed into his rock-hard chest. It blew the air out of his lungs and left a fist-sized dent in his t-shirt. He tried to block the next punch with his forearms and hardened himself as much as he could.

“I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.” Harry chanted as punch after punch left fist-sized divots all over Kirishima's arms, chest, and abdomen. Each hit pushed him back towards the edge of the platform and there was nothing that Kirishima could do to stop it. His heel slipped off the edge and the next punch pushed him off and he flailed his arms before he landed on his back in the grass.

“I'm sorry.” Harry said and stepped off the platform and knelt beside him to put both hands on him.

Kirishima glowed brightly for almost thirty seconds and everyone watched as all of those dents and cracks popped out and smoothed over. “D-d-dude! You can heal me even with my quirk active?!?”

“I guess so.” Harry said and the glow faded. He stood up and held a hand down for him.

Kirishima took it and was surprised when Harry easily lifted him to his feet in his heavy rock-like form. “Dude! You're so manly!”

Harry smiled and let his hand go to pat him on the back. “You're the one that took a lot of punishment without yelling or hollering about how painful it was.”

Kirishima grinned. “You knocked the breath out of me and I couldn't!”

Harry looked surprised for a second and then laughed. Kirishima laughed as well and they walked over to the stands. Bakugo growled at them and stormed past. Uraraka shook her head at the blond boy and stopped walking when Harry reached out and touched her arm.

“He's not going to let you touch him to make him weightless.” Harry whispered to her.

“I know. Izuku told me.” Uraraka whispered back.

“Don't chase him around or make him sweat more. His attacks will be weak and easily avoided.”

Uraraka smiled. “Izuku said that, too. He also said that he'll only attack with a single hand and save up everything in the other one.”

Harry smiled. “Then make sure to use your uniform to suck up as much of his sweat as possible.”

Uraraka's eyes widened at his suggestion, then she gave him a calculating smile. “Thanks, Harry.”

“Good luck.” Harry said and walked on. When he sat down, Izuku leaned forward.

“She's still going to lose.” Isuku whispered.

“Yeah, but she's going to tear him apart before he finally wins.” Harry whispered back.

“Harry...” Izuku started to say.

“I'll be there before the smoke clears.” Harry promised and Izuku nodded.

The match began and everyone watched, transfixed, at the epic battle. Uraraka proved she wasn't a lightweight when it came to fighting. Bakugo was just that much better. He had been fighting since he was four years old and knew a lot of dirty tricks, most of which he used. The crowd booed him when he did, too. Underhanded tactics in a sports festival were not heroic at all.

Uraraka had even removed her uniform top and had used it judiciously to swipe at Bakugo's hands to keep his attacks under-powered and distracted him. The match ended when she successfully tied her top's arms around his right wrist and folded it over his hand.

Bakugo ignored the delay tactic and fired off the explosion he had been charging for several minutes. However, he didn't take into account that Uraraka had pretty much soaked her top in his nitroglycerine sweat.


Both of them were blown off of their feet and it was just unfortunate that Uraraka was closer to her side of the arena. Her slightly charred body flew through the air and would have landed hard in the grass if Harry hadn't suddenly appeared there and caught her as gently as a feather in his arms.

“You did wonderfully, Ochaco.” Harry whispered to her as he started healing her.

Uraraka smiled through the pain she felt with her right side a burned mess. “You used my first name.”

Harry smiled back. “I didn't want Izuku to think I liked you more than he does.”

Uraraka laughed and coughed. “Ow ow ow.”

“Easy now. Just relax and let me heal you.” Harry said and used more energy.

“Ohhhh.” Uraraka moaned as she glowed brightly and her pain faded away. “That's so warm.”

“Is it like being peed on?” Harry asked and she laughed.

Fifteen seconds later, Harry carefully stood her on her feet and whipped off his own uniform top and put it around her and zipped it up.

“I look like a little kid in this thing.” Uraraka said with a huge smile on her face.

“You better not promise to get muscles this big.” Harry said and flexed his arms to show them off.

Uraraka giggled and reached up to grab one of his biceps. “Ooo, muscly!”

“Harry!” Izuku exclaimed and ran over to them. “Hands off my girlfriend!” He said and saw Harry's and Uraraka's startled faces. “Um... I mean... wait, that's not... what...” He stammered and blushed.

“I should have let Ochaco feel my arm weeks ago if that's what it took for you to admit you liked her.” Harry said and stopped flexing.

Izuku's face flushed bright red.

“I guess that means you think we're going out.” Uraraka said with a teasing smile.

“I... ah... yeah, I... I really like you and...” Izuku ducked his head. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

“He actually asked her!” Kirishima shouted and held up a fist in the air. “That's so manly!”

Nearly everyone laughed and a few of them applauded.

Uraraka took Izuku's hand as she stepped close. “Yes, I'll be your girlfriend.”

Before Izuku could sigh in relief, his lips were occupied by Uraraka's and the girls of their class cheered. Happiness flooded Izuku's brain and his eyes rolled up into his head and he passed out. He flopped bonelessly down onto the grass and Harry and Uraraka stared down at him.

“I hope he doesn't do that every time.” Uraraka said and everyone laughed.

Harry bent down to lightly touch Izuku and gave him a jolt of healing energy and stood, nodded to Uraraka, and walked over to the fighting platform. He walked across it and saw the medics were already tending to Bakugo's heavily burned arm and he had three missing fingers.

“Get the fuck... away from me.” Bakugo managed to say through his missing teeth and the oxygen mask on his face.

Harry nodded at the medics and they stepped back. “You're lucky I haven't taken my oaths yet or I would have to respect your wishes to not be treated.”

“Fuck... you.” Bakugo grunted.

“Is that why you hate Izuku so much? He rejected you as kids?” Harry asked and grabbed onto the charred arm tightly.

“AHHH!” Bakugo yelled in pain. “I'LL KILL YOU!”

“I doubt that.” Harry said and the glow was so bright that people had to look away from them. “With the way my power works, I'm constantly being healed. It's how I built so much muscle and strength so quickly.”

Bakugo muttered curses for the thirty seconds it took for his fingers to grow back and for his third degree burns to fade. When his teeth split his gums and grew back, he spat the blood out inside the oxygen mask.

“I'm glad they kept that on you like a muzzle.” Harry said and let Bakugo's healed arm go. “You can thank me later for giving you the ability to pick your nose again.”

“Fuck you!” Bakugo spat and shook his head. “Get this fucking mask off of me!”

Harry nodded to the medics and walked back towards where the hero classes sat in the stands.

“DUDE!” Kirishima yelled. “You grew his fingers back!”

“Yeah, it took a lot out of me.” Harry said and sat down. He took several deep breaths and could feel his energy reserves were down to about half. He could only heal one more major injury today and that was about it. When someone put a small hand on his back and rubbed it, he turned his head to see Kinoko smile at him.

“You're the last match in the second round, so you've got time to relax.” Kinoko said.

“Says the girl that's fighting second.” Harry countered.

“Thanks to you, I'm getting through by my opponents being afraid of what I'll make grow on them.” Kinoko said with a grin. “I don't have to pretend I'm going to use my ultimate move, either.”

Harry chuckled. “Make them flinch by raising your arms in the air when the match starts.”

Kinoko laughed and leaned into his side and hugged him.

They both ignored the distressed sound Pony made from several seats behind them.


Izuku's match against Todoroki was a weird one. Izuku didn't goad or talk to the other boy and avoided the ice barrages as best as he could. Even when his foot was caught in one deluge and Todoroki boasted that he was going to bury him, Izuku shocked himself and everyone else when black whips of energy came out of his arms and lashed at the ice. It broke his foot free and he dodged the glacier attack.

With the new quirk weapon to use, Izuku quickly subdued the surprised Todoroki and tossed him out of the ring. The whips withdrew back into Izuku's arms and he stared at them as he walked back towards the stands. Uraraka took him into a hug and they put their heads together and whispered furiously.

Kinoko's opponent really did flinch when she pranked them, then she covered their hands and face with mushrooms and taunted them. They rushed at her without being able to see and fell out of the fighting area without landing a single blow. The other matches didn't really get anyone's attention until it was Harry's turn.

Bakugo stood ten feet away from Harry and he desperately rubbed his hands together. He needed to work up as much sweat as he could because he wanted to take the bastard down as quickly as possible. Midnight blew her whistle and Bakugo flinched and dodged backwards as he let off a small explosion where he thought Harry was going to appear. Harry hadn't moved, though.

“Go ahead, Bitchkugo.” Harry said and slowly walked towards him. “Build up all the sweat you want. You've already showed everyone here and at home that you have no regard for your fellow classmates. This is just a school event and you've been blowing up everyone you could get near.”

Bakugo ignored his words and built up more sweat.

“You're not holding back at all, no matter who you hurt. You don't care that you gave second and third degree burns, not to mention internal blast damage, to one of the nicest girls in the school.” Harry said and kept walking forward. “So, give it all to me. Blow me up with the biggest and most destructive explosion you can without your support gear.”

“I'm going to!” Bakugo snarled and hopped around to get even more sweaty. His hands sparked on the edges and he built and built more sweat up.

“You're going to make sure I'll never be a hero, right? I don't deserve it like you do.” Harry taunted. “Go ahead and show all these people who the real Katsuki Bakugo really is.”

Bakugo felt that both of his palms were completely saturated and he grinned evilly as he crouched to attack, then he leapt forward and braced his feet as he aimed his hands. “Fucking DIEEEEE!”


Both explosions happened nearly simultaneously and three quarters of the concrete fighting platform disintegrated and the fireball blew thirty feet into the air and scorched sixty feet of grass. People's hair flew in the shockwave and their faces felt the searing heat.

Bakugo was breathing heavy as he dropped to his knees and his hands were cramped into claws and looked like prunes. All of the moisture had been sucked out from that last attack and even his resistance to his own quirk couldn't stop him from suffering after unleashing such a huge blast.

“Was that the best you could do?” Harry voice asked from the dust cloud.

A slight wind breezed through and cleared away everything that was blocking people from seeing what was going on. They gasped when they saw a floating naked torso and a head with stubs for arms and legs.

“HARRY! NOOOOOO!” Several shrill screams came from the girls of the hero classes.

The burned and charred torso started to glow. Part of his forehead that had been blown off with his ear grew back first and he no longer had the lightning bolt scar. The ear grew back and the charred skin and flesh flaked off the rest of the head and brand new skin grew around the reinflated eyeballs.

Everyone stared as bones and ligaments seemed to flow down to recreate his limbs. They were soon covered in muscles and tendons and then blood flowed through them before the skin grew around them and restored then to human functionality. The last things to grow back were his manhood and he gained stubble on the top of his head.

Harry was now fully formed and the screams stopped as the girls blushed deeply. None of them looked away, though. Pony's anguished cry was as prominent as Midnight's womanly moan of desire.

“If I had been anyone else, I would have permanently died.” Harry said and floated over to Bakugo. “How good did it feel to become my murderer, Bakugo?”

“STOP!” Nezu's voice echoed over the stadium's speakers. “Harry, don't do it!”

“It's all right, dad. I don't have to do anything to defeat him. He defeated himself.” Harry said and floated above Bakugo. “Everyone knows what he's really like now. He can no longer lie to himself about it.”

Bakugo stared up at the boy that used to be a mass of charred ruin. “Wh-what... what lie?”

“That you are a good person.” Harry said and floated forward.

Bakugo fell backwards and started to crawl away from him.

“Good people don't put others down. Good people don't feel satisfaction when they make others fail. Good people don't hurt others for their own satisfaction and to feel better about themselves.” Harry kept floating forward and Bakugo kept crawling backwards. “Good people don't do evil in the name of good.”

Bakugo hit the edge of the fighting platform and tumbled backwards, head over heels, and landed in a heap on the grass.

“Winner by ring-out, Harry Potter.” Midnight's voice said in a whisper.

“I concede.” Three voices rang out. No one had to ask who they were. Izuku, Tetsutetsu, and Tenya Iida were the other three finalists.

“Then the winner of the elimination tournament is Harry Potter.” Midnight said in a normal voice. “Congratulations.”

Harry shrugged and floated over to the stands where his classmates were. The girls all had bright red blushes, Pony's the reddest, and the guys all looked away.

“I'll be right back!” Tenya said and used his quirk Engine and ran at full speed to the lockers and brought back a replacement UA gym uniform for Harry.

“Thanks, Iida.” Harry said and dressed right there, since there was no point in trying to hide what everyone had already seen. He sat down beside Kinoko and saw her sorrowful look before she turned and gave him a tight hug.

“Oh, Harry.” Kinoko whispered and started crying.

Harry put an arm around her and she started balling her eyes out. No one said anything and they watched as the maintenance crew cleaned up the mess that Bakugo had made of the nice fighting platform that Cementoss had made. They brought out the three tier platform for the winners and announced them.

Harry Potter was first, Izuku was second, and Iida was third. When the three of them walked over to the stand to take their places, Iida's phone rang. He quickly took it out and saw it was from his mother. It took almost no prompting from Izuku and Harry for him to answer it as All Might himself came out and started giving a speech about heroism.

“No! It can't be true!” Iida exclaimed.

All Might paused and gave the young man a huge smile. “I assure you, young Iida, it is.”

“Iida? What is it?” Harry asked.

“My brother... Ingenium... was attacked and crippled.” Iida whispered.

“Tell your mother we'll be right there.” Harry said and jumped down from the platform.

All Might ignored the ruckus behind him and continued his speech.

“Harry, what... what are you...” Izuku started to say.

“I might not be a licensed healer yet; but, Recovery Girl said she can't heal the things I can.” Harry said and grabbed Iida's arm. “We're wasting time by not moving. Let's go!”

Iida took the hint and turned to motion for Harry to climb onto his back.

“Right! I'll save my strength and heal your exhaustion and sore muscles as we go.” Harry said and climbed on.

Iida nodded and took off running. The rooster tail dust cloud he left behind as he crossed the arena was huge and then they were gone through the exit.

“Where are they going?” All Might asked when he finally noticed that two of the winners had just run off.

“Family emergency.” Izuku said.

All Might let out a sigh and announced Izuku as the second place winner and then made his apologies about the first and third place winners not being present to accept their medals.


“I don't recommend this.” The professional and very expensive doctor said after Tenya convinced his family to allow Harry to heal his brother. It had taken a while, because they hadn't seen the last fight where Harry had regrown his arms and legs.

“We're not paying you to argue.” Mr. Iida said. “Go ahead, Mister Potter.”

Harry nodded and had to use both hands as he paced himself. He was bottoming out on his stored up energy reserves and he hoped that he didn't exhaust himself completely before he was done. Healing a severed spine and hundreds of slashes and stabs that should have killed the pro hero, wasn't going to be easy. Luckily, Ingenium had a slightly higher regeneration rate than a normal person because of his quirk.

Ten minutes later, Harry was half asleep when the glow finally faded. He let Ingenium's arm go and slumped to the floor. Before anyone could rush to him to see if he was okay, they heard a light snoring sound come from him.

“I'll put him in the chair.” Tenya said and carefully lifted Harry from the floor and sat in in the chair and leaned him back to stop him from falling. When he was sure Harry wouldn't move, he turned around and dove onto his perfectly fine brother and hugged him tightly.

“At least let the real doctor examine him before you test if he's fully healed.” Their mother chided and made the brothers laugh.

The doctor quickly gave him a full check-up and nodded in approval. The Iida family celebrated loudly and decided to not tell anyone about Ingenium's miraculous recovery. Harry slept through the whole thing.


At school the following Monday, Pony Tsunotori was quite happy to have earned 82 offers of internship. Her showing at the Sports Festival had been enough to get her some attention and she was relieved that all of her hard work hadn't been for nothing. The problem was that she was sad it had come at a cost that she hadn't known she had already paid.

Despite how their first meeting and the entrance exam had gone, where they had worked together and kicked ass, she wanted to show that she was capable on her own. She did and she was proud of herself. She just couldn't shake the knowledge that she would have many more offers if she had paired up with Harry like he wanted.

“The people have spoken! They love the shrooms!” Kinoko said and held up the huge stack of offers.

“You're not supposed to gloat so much.” Setsuna said with a laugh.

Kinoko shook the papers in front of her face. “876! I beat mom's and dad's offers combined! They're going to blow their mushroom tops!”

Most of the class laughed and agreed with her. She had really stood out during the festival.

“It's all thanks to this guy right here.” Kinoko said and flopped herself across Harry's lap and waved the papers in his face. “If you hadn't convinced me that a two-person team would be more effective than a three or four, I might have been stuck being someone's legs like you were!”

Harry had to laugh at her. “How can you give me a compliment and insult me in the same breath?”

“Lots and lots of practice.” Kinoko said and gave him a brief hug before she started flipping through the papers and stayed on his lap. “Seriously, though. You let me showcase my quirk and everyone loved it.” She said and flicked her hair slightly and let Harry see a single eye that was full of gratitude before her hair fell back into place. “No one is going to make fun of me or call my quirk useless ever again.”

Harry smiled and nodded. He knew that was worth more to her than all of the offers in the world.

“How many did you get, Harry?” Tetsutetsu asked from the next desk over.

“I would rather not say.” Harry said and his face went a little red.

“Don't tell us you didn't get any?” Ibara asked before she clutched her rosary beads and whispered a prayer as she ducked her head.

“He received the highest number of internship offers in the school.” Vlad King said and all of the students looked at him. “Of any year.” He said and smiled. “Ever.”

They all stared at him and couldn't believe it.

“It would have been a lot of work to go through them all if he hadn't had his internship and future career decided already, eh?” Vlad King asked with a laugh.

That was the moment that Pony finally understood where she had gone wrong. She had been so gung-ho about proving herself to get future sponsorship that she had discarded the only person in the entire school that didn't need to prove himself at all. He would have helped her as much as he possibly could and she had ignored him.

Harry would have gone and made a little show, probably not really enough to be noticed by more than a few heroes, then he encountered Bakugo and crushed the obstacle race just to stop him from getting first. That was when Pony and Harry had their own confrontation and broken up, which also made Harry decide to show her how things could have gone if she had let him help her.

Kinoko literally rode on his shoulders and everyone noticed her, even though she wasn't wearing her hero costume. Harry's help had gotten her into the semi-finals of the tournament, too.

Pony tried to not let her sadness out at screwing up so much. She also tamped down her jealously when Kinoko opened up her blouse and showed Harry that she was wearing his ten million point bandana around her neck.

“That's how much you're worth to me.” Kinoko whispered and kissed his cheek.

“Aww!” A few of the girls around them cooed.

Pony turned away and took several breaths before she resolved to do better, just like she promised Harry. They might not be dating anymore; but, that didn't mean she couldn't still be his friend... just as soon as the internships were over, and studying for finals was done, and... dammit, Harry was right about that, too. She was going to be too busy to do anything extracurricular at all.

She would never realize that would be true for any girl that would be dating Harry and not just her. That was why Kinoko didn't ask him to go out or promised to spend time with him, because she couldn't for the same reasons. Harry knew that and didn't ask her, either.


Harry's internship with Recovery Girl was great as she travelled for the week to different hospitals to consult on different cases and offered her medical expertise, and in some cases, even used her quirk. Harry was also allowed to use his quirk, as long as non-disclosure agreements were signed and everyone kept quiet about it. Even with medical supervision, unlicensed quirk usage was strictly prohibited.

Of course, everyone that had watched the Sports Festival recognized him and signed the papers immediately. They all wanted to experience the quirk that literally brought the young man back from his supposed death.

Harry never told anyone what had happened when he died, either. Not even Nezu. It wasn't something he could safely tell anyone and not be called insane and committed to an insane asylum, or worse, to Tartarus prison for powerful quirk users. He liked his freedom, thank you very much. He would also never reveal that he had received parts of One for All, the Stockpile, Gear Shift, and Float quirks.

Everyone returned to school with their own stories about their internships. For the next few weeks as they prepared for exams, it was all anyone talked about. Harry wasn't allowed to talk about his, because of the NDAs, so all he could say was he went on tours of hospitals and saw how medical professionals performed their duties and what would be expected of him when it was time.

They all studied hard and prepared as best as they could for the final exams that would last a week for the written parts and the Hero Studies practical would happen that weekend. Class 1-A always went first, so they had theirs on Saturday and Harry's class had theirs on Sunday.

Needless to say, Harry performed really well on the written exams and after a day off, excelled in the practicals. They had to get by their teacher to escape the area or fight them to make them submit. No one was surprised when Harry was paired up with Kinoko, except for Harry and Kinoko themselves.

After a short discussion, the pair decided to do both tasks to earn the best marks. The pro hero named Snipe had no idea what happened to him, except that certain mushrooms smelled horrible and he did not like being carried over someone's shoulder. Harry and Kinoko received full marks.

The summer break started in Mid-July and the students had until September to enjoy their time off. Both Pony and Kinoko looked forward to this, so they could spend more time with the guy they liked so much, then their teacher announced the summer training camp in August and ruined their plans.

Kinoko resolved to enjoy her time with Harry at the camp that would only last two weeks, then they would have the last two weeks to hang out with each other and have fun like normal teenagers were supposed to. She also decided to sneak out of the girl's side of the bath house to get Harry's attention. If that didn't convince him that she really did like him, nothing would.

The first day of the training camp was kind of relaxed, because the bus took them right to the lodge in the mountains. Class 1-B unloaded their luggage and unpacked it into their rooms. They had to wait for several hours for Class 1-A to arrive to eat supper, however.

That wasn't fair for anyone, especially when they learned that the Class 1-A students had been dropped off hours ago and had to fight their way through a thick forest to reach the lodge. Class 1-B's accusing stares at the teachers were ignored by Aizawa and the hosts of the camp, the Wild Pussycats. Vlad King didn't look too happy about it, either.

Harry was the most put out about it, because of all the injuries his friends in Class 1-A had sustained fighting earthen creatures and monsters. He had to delay eating his own supper to heal them all and when he was done, he was almost too tired to eat. Thankfully, Kinoko had saved him some food and kept it warm for him.

Before Harry could thank her for that, she started feeding him. She even did the kiddie choo choo train trick and the airplane hangar trick. Their friends laughed at her antics and Kinoko blushed from embarrassment. She didn't stop, though. She made sure Harry finished everything and nodded when his plate was clean.

Kinoko picked up the dishes and turned to walk away, only to stop when a strong hand lightly caught her arm. She turned back to see what he wanted and gasped when her lips were caught. She dropped the dishes and wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and kissed him back enthusiastically.

“Kinoko's acting like they've never kissed before.” Setsuna commented as she watched them make out like there was no tomorrow.

“They haven't.” Pony said before she could stop herself, then she blushed at admitting she had been watching them that closely, and ran to her room.

“I thought they've been not-so-secretly going out since the Sports Festival.” Itsuka said with a shrug.

“At least they finally admitted they like each other.” Tetsutetsu said with a steel-covered toothy grin.

“Are we all just going to stand here watching them or are we going to give them some privacy?” Neito asked. He had been a lot less antagonistic after Bakugo's public shaming.

“Privacy isn't needed.” Aizawa said. “We're only allowing this because it's their first encounter.”

“Right.” Vlad King said and clapped his hands loudly to get everyone's attention. “All right, people! Off to your rooms.”

“The onsen's open and it's lights out at 10.” One of the female Pussycats said and a few of the students said they would be using it right away.

Harry and Kinoko broke the kiss, their faces red with happy smiles. “Goodnight.” They said at the same time, gave each other a quick kiss, and walked away from each other.

The other girls of 1-B caught up to Kinoko on the way to their room.

“What was it like tongue wrestling with the Healing Hunk?” Setsuna asked, teasingly.

“I didn't want to stop.” Kinoko responded, her face still red.

“Was it really that good?” Itsuka asked and Kinoko nodded several times. “Maybe I'll try it.”

“Don't you DARE try to abuse Harry like that!” Kinoko spat and almost let out a growl as she raised a hand towards Itsuka's face. “You'll be picking my shrooms out of everywhere for weeks!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Itsuka held up her hands and backed away. “I meant kissing a boy!”

Kinoko glared at her for a moment before she nodded and lowered her hand. “Harry's so nice and good that anyone trying to hurt him will pay for it. I'll make sure they will.”

The other girls exchanged looks. They had never seen their friend act like that before. It was a little worrying that Kinoko was so protective of him, until they remembered how much Harry had helped her. She had been right and no one picked on her or told her that her quirk was stupid or useless after that spectacular showing at the sports festival.

The girls went to their room and changed to go to the onsen to wash up and relax in the hot springs. The oppressive air after Kinoko's threat dissipated and she was back to her normal personality as they trudged to the girl's side of the enclosure. They had changed in the locker rooms and showered at school for months, so there was no awkwardness as they scrubbed up and rinsed off.

“Ohhh, this is heaven!” Setsuna said and barely stopped herself from moaning as she settled down into the hot spring.

“I'm surprised Class 1-A isn't here already.” Ibara said and clutched her rosary beads.

“They're probably exhausted after that trek through the woods.” Itsuka said and used a Big Hand to check the pool's bottom for sharp objects like rocks. It was clear, so she stepped in and sat beside Setsuna. “Ahhh, you're right, Setsuna. This is great!”

The other girls settled in and relaxed as they let the hot water comfort them. None of them noticed that one of their number had not joined them.


Harry sat way off to the side of the hot springs and tried to relax. He couldn't, because his mind was filled with thoughts of Kinoko. He hadn't realized how much he liked her until she had embarrassed herself by feeding him and making sure he ate it all.

He had felt the impulse to thank her and when he stopped her from walking away, his impulse to kiss her overwhelmed his common sense. And what a kiss that was! He couldn't have stopped himself if he tried, and he didn't try. His hands had held her tenderly and Kinoko had been enthusiastic in kissing him back, so it just went on and on.

Harry held in his sigh at the kiss ending so soon, even though he had never kissed anyone like that before. Just as he resolved to get Kinoko alone somehow, a tiny little mushroom grew on his right shoulder. He turned in that direction and saw the edge of a head of brown hair tucked into the bushes.

Without a thought of concern about what he was doing, Harry slipped out of the water and walked over to and through the bushes. The shock on Kinoko's face at seeing a completely naked Harry was worth him forgetting his towel beside the pool. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her off a little deeper into the woods, then they started kissing.

Kinoko didn't stop her moans as her hands touched him all over and she was overjoyed that Harry responded with the same hand movements. They soon used her towel as a bed and then they were joined together and their passion was unleashed. Neither of them really knew what they were doing, so they just did what felt good and that was enough.

By the time they were done making love, they were completely surrounded by a grove that contained all kinds of fungal growths and a few of them were technically theoretical and a lot of them were ancient and extinct. Harry blushed at the look of utter joy on Kinoko's face when she discovered that.

“Thank you, Harry!” Kinoko gushed and kissed him passionately. “You've helped me again and I thought I was the one helping myself!”

Harry laughed at her exclamation and hugged her tightly. “I'm not sure if we can get specimen containers out here quickly enough to keep the rare ones alive for longer than you can keep your quirk active.”

Kinoko nodded several times. “It might be the combination of the old woods and my quirk that let me access the local bio-environment.” She said and gave Harry a very sultry look. “And having someone so nice to love and give my first time to.”

“You... you're my first, too.” Harry whispered.

Kinoko looked surprised for a moment, then she let a huge grin show on her face. “Thank you very much, Harry.” She said and kissed him tenderly. “I'm really happy that you let me have you first.”

Harry blushed. “Um... I thought... shouldn't I say that to you, too?”

Kinoko blushed as well. “I'm not letting anyone but you have access to my shroom, Harry.”

They both glanced down at her eager-looking shroom and Harry grew hard for her again.

“Let's try for some samples from the Jurassic period this time.” Kinoko whispered and climbed on top of him.

The legend of the two foot tall prehistoric mushroom forest was created that night.


The next day was filled with the students trying to enhance their quirks by performing specifically designed exercises to tax them and their quirks. The only two exempt from this were Harry and Kinoko, since their quirks couldn't be tested in such a way to do the same things, or so the teachers thought. Neither Harry nor Kinoko offered to enlighten them about how Kinoko maxed out her quirk.

They were told to cook their own meals, which upset a lot of the students, because this was supposed to be a training camp for quirks, not a self-serve camping trip. Luckily since Harry wasn't busy, he offered to take over the duty and prepared meals for everyone. He earned a lot of good will from everyone for that, especially from their hosts. His food was delicious, too.

That evening, Harry absolutely refused to participate in the hazing ritual and berated both the teachers and the other students for wanting to bully their friends and classmates. It wasn't heroic to want to scare people in an unfamiliar environment and they should be ashamed of themselves.

That burned up all of the good will Harry had earned and both Aizawa and Vlad King ordered him to participate or he would fail the camp. Harry told them he would rather fail than be forced to scare the girls of the other class for no other reason than to prove how brave they were. They were already brave for giving up their summer to be here for special training. Why would the students need to be scared for it to count?

Aizawa shook his head and used his cell phone to call for a drive. It would pick Harry up in the morning and he would be sent home in disgrace. Harry's comment that it was a disgrace to force one class to act like villains to scare the heroes of the other class, made the other students think about the fairness of the exercise.

Harry was confined to his room for the evening and he told Aizawa he wasn't letting his new girlfriend face villains like Bakugo alone. That brought everyone's conversations to a stop. Aizawa tried to use his quirk on him and Harry laughed, then they had a silent argument. In the end, Aizawa decided to ignore Harry and told everyone else to prepare and get ready for the scare training.

Harry walked over to the front door of the lodge and stood there with his arms crossed. His adamant refusal to allow villains to leave the lodge to attack the heroes, had everyone thinking he was going crazy. Not Kinoko, though. She walked over to him and stood beside him. A moment later, all the doors and windows were covered in thick fungal growths that were as tough as steel.

The threat of expulsion fell on deaf ears, because they both knew after the sports festival, only an idiot would kick the winner out of their school and ruin the school's reputation. Plus, Harry was going to be a healing hero, the most sought after kind of quirk. That he could grow limbs back made him more valuable than the entire class of that year's heroes.

With no choice, Aizawa cancelled the exercise and told Harry he would be serving detention until he graduated. Harry laughed, because his detentions were with Recovery Girl and he would learn his job that much faster. Aizawa grumbled about smart-ass teenagers and went to his room.

Only two of the students were visually upset about the whole thing. Aoyoma because he was the spy that the League of Villains had relied on to provide them information that was now wrong, and Bakugo, because he had provided that same information to the League of Villains to get back at Harry for embarrassing him on national television.

Everyone eventually gave up trying to get out of the building, not that any of them tried hard, except for Aoyoma and Bakugo. The latter was quite adamant to escape and Kinoko had to block his airways to knock him out to shut him up, because his constant cursing and shouting was keeping everyone awake.

The night passed without incident and the next day, Harry was sent away with his ride and Kinoko went with him, since the training wasn't going to help her. The teachers and the Wild Pussycats resumed their harsh quirk training with the remaining students that would benefit the most from it.

Several members of the Pussycats performed a patrol along the outskirts of their property to give a bunch of the prospective heroes a chance to see what a wilderness patrol looked like. They didn't report anything out of the ordinary until they found several different spots where it was clear that several people had been waiting and milling about restlessly. The cigarette butts were a dead giveaway.

That sparked an investigation, because no one was supposed to know where the training camp was. Almost no one was surprised when the teachers and police asked to search through everyone's phones. Bakugo adamantly refused and was the only one that brought up that two of the students had already left and gotten away without being investigated. His phone was confiscated first and they easily found the deleted texts that incriminated him. The data was always backed up for just that reason.

As he was being hauled away and arrested, Bakugo yelled that it was all Harry Potter's fault.

Not surprisingly, the training camp was cancelled with their security breached and everyone was thoroughly investigated before they were sent home, just like Harry and Kinoko had been that morning. Aoyoma was caught with an encrypted cell phone and arrested as well and he joined Bakugo in a cell and later in an interrogation room. The police would sweat them out and would find out everything.


Because of the inherent dangers that having two spies among the first year students presented, Class 1-A were granted a special dispensation to attend that year's Provisional License Exam during the last week in August. Since Harry was specifically implicated by Bakugo, Class 1-B was also allowed to attend if they wanted.

Almost all of them refused, because it was too much responsibility and they didn't feel ready. Only Harry and Kinoko accepted the offer, because they didn't want to be hampered in protecting themselves, now that they knew their actions had saved both classes from villain attacks during the training camp. That they also stopped Bakugo going villain convinced them it was the right thing to do.

Both Harry and Kinoko passed easily by working together and they enabled their friends in Class 1-A to easily pass as well. It also led to a complete overhaul of the testing procedures to stop anyone else with similar powers as Kinoko from completely dominating the competition.

The first week of September saw the students return to school and everyone acted normally, except that there were two new students in Class 1-A. Both Aoyoma and Bakugo had been expelled and sent to another school to try and redeem them.

The second week of September was the second round of internships and both Harry and Kinoko chose to return to the same ones they had chosen previously. Recovery Girl and Machine Gunhead were delighted by their loyalty and gave them a much higher priority than they had planned. Them having provisional licenses also helped smooth things over with the people they interacted with.

Recovery Girl and Harry Potter's first patient they saw to, after they had healed as many of Stain's living victims as they could, was All Might. They had shown him all of the evidence and Yagi reluctantly agreed to let Harry try.

Unlike with Ingenium, All Might's injuries were years old and Recovery Girl had to perform extensive surgery to remove and undo all of the temporary fixes she had given the man over the years. It took about four hours to do so and Harry was right there with her and learned about it all. It was a wonderful experience for him and he would apply specific healing to areas, rather than try to pour it all in at one time.

It worked. All Might was whole once more. Harry had even grown the man's stomach back. It would take a few days for All Might and Harry to return to normal, since nearly all of their energy had been used up during the exhaustive surgery. Recovery Girl gave them both a kiss on the forehead, not to heal them, though. It was to thank them for trusting her and for doing a great job.


With things turning out so differently for their student spies, the League of Villains had their subversion turned on them and the police and heroes investigated them. It took them a week to work out the logistics to hit each of their locations at the same time, then they split up and the police and heroes raided all of their locations.

Hundreds of arrests cleared out all of the riffraff and it came down to the most powerful heroes against the most powerful villains. A severely angry All For One, the secret leader of the League of Villains, came out of hiding to confront the heroes raiding his Nomu factory... only to meet All Might.

The villain laughed and said that he knew all about how All Might had been injured since their last fight and how appropriate it was that both of them would be handicapped for this, their final battle.

All Might smiled his trademark smile and gave two thumbs up gestures to the camera crews, then he lunged at the villain and pounded him into the ground. All For One tried to desperately fight back, only for his punches and powers to be almost ineffectual against his rival.

As the villain muttered curses and questions about how he could be so easily defeated, All Might told him that evil should never underestimate the power of good, then he gave him an epic punch called the United States of Smash and laid the villain out, unconscious.

And that was that.

It might have been a little anticlimactic, considering the troubles they had from the building league that had been gathering the smaller villains together. The thing was, with an apparently full strength All Might coming out of retirement to deal with the situation, caused the waning peace to surge and give hope back to the people.

His successor Izuku was more than happy to defer to his mentor for a few more years as he learned how to use the multiple quirks he had inherited for the betterment of everyone.


The Yakuza were taken down next, thanks to their own quirk suppression ammunition that the cops had been buying for weeks. The raid on their stronghold was barely a footnote and the little girl they had found inside was set free and brought to the premiere healer in Japan, Recovery Girl.

Harry Potter saw Eri and he knew exactly what she had been through. He spent all of his time with her and told her all about himself, about how he grew up, and how when he wished to go somewhere safe, he ended up there at UA. Eri looked at him with utter devotion and hugged him tightly. Both of their quirks activated at the same time and they kind of flickered, then they both let out laughs.

“I know it's way too soon; but, I was going to ask my girlfriend to marry me.” Harry said and cuddled Eri into his arms. “How would you like to become our first daughter?”

“Okay.” Eri said and hugged him tightly. She had never met anyone immune to her quirk before and she was never letting him go. Never ever.


Three years later, Harry finished UA High School at the top of his class. Kinoko was second. Both were already in the top 50 heroes in the country, despite neither of them being a hero full time. Taking down the Mutant Liberation Front was a huge deal and Harry had healed a lot of heroes. They had their provisional licenses upgraded to full licenses automatically without having to do anything, too.

Kinoko went to work full time with Machine Gunhead's agency and Harry went on to medical school. He would only need four years of studying and he hoped to graduate as a fully qualified doctor. They had even worked it out with the college that he could stay at home most days to take care of their two daughters, Eri and Kikono.

Harry and Kinoko loved their new lives and they loved their children.


Harry Potter graduated medical school with honors and he was all set to take over from Recovery Girl. He was at home with his family after a full night of Trick Or Treating and they cuddled on the couch. Kinoko was under his right arm and held their five year old daughter on her lap and a fourteen year old Eri was under Harry's left arm. She had grown into a beautiful young woman and would be starting UA next spring.

Harry suddenly felt like his guts were churning. “I think I'm going to be sick!”

“EWW!” His wife and his two girls said and dove away from him, then they screamed as Harry was engulfed in blue flames. “HARRY!” “DAAAAD!”

Harry doubled over in pain. “I... love you all... so much... AHHHH!”

The three of them watched in horror as Harry seemed to be crushed into the shape of a tube and then he disappeared with a crack of thunder.


The Great Hall was completely silent as Albus Dumbledore secretly cheered. His outrageous plan to abduct any kind of Harry Potter from anywhere else, using the stored up magic of the Goblet of Fire, had actually worked. He had done the calculations and pulling Harry from a divergent dimensional timeline had been his only option. The world needed their saviour now more than ever.


No one reacted to the sound of apparition or the blast of blue flames from the mouth of the goblet that seemed to blow it out. They all stared at the muscular teenager that fell to the floor, hunched over on himself. He sucked in a deep breath and screamed in pain.

Madam Pomfrey rushed over to the anguished sound and she swished her wand at the young man several times. She let out a sigh of relief. “He's suffering from extended apparition sickness.”

Albus did not say how appropriate that was, considering how far away Harry had just been forced to travel. “Do what you can to ease the boy's pain, Poppy. We need him to meet the other champions.”

Pomfrey nodded and looked over at her student assistant. “Anti-nausea potion and a pain potion, both medium strength, please.”

“Right away.” Daphne Greengrass said and ran from the Great Hall.

Pomfrey used several spells to relax the young man's tense muscles and nodded at his relieved sigh. Daphne rushed back into the hall with three potions in her hands. Pomfrey saw what the third one was, Pepper-up, and she smiled and nodded at her for anticipating what would be needed. She carefully administered the three potions in order, anti-nausea, pain, and pepper-up.

The students and other teachers chatted quietly as Pomfrey cast several more spells and waited for the few minutes that the potions needed to work. The young man on the floor shuddered for a second before he glowed softly for several seconds, then he let out an anguished sound before he slowly stood.

“Poppy? I thought you...” Albus started to say.

“He's fine.” Pomfrey said. “I don't know why he's making that sound.”

“You took me... from my family.” Harry Potter said in perfect Japanese. He had tears in his eyes when he stood to his full 5 foot 10 inches of height and he seemed to unfurl like a flower as his arms moved to the side and everyone saw how very muscular he was. His denim jeans and t-shirt left little to the imagination.

Daphne was left speechless and she blushed, because she had never seen a more perfect male specimen, not even in Pomfrey's medical books. His musculature was so well-balanced that she thought it was fake and must have been transfigured. Otherwise, her expectations for what a man looked like when barely dressed, were sorely lacking.

“He's speaking Japanese!” Hermione gasped and the muggleborns and muggle-raised all understood the implications, as did several of the Asian students. The rest of the wizards and witches looked confused.

Harry heard her speaking English and switched to that. “Send me back.” He said and turned his very sad face to Daphne first, which almost crushed her heart. He looked at Pomfrey and she felt her heart melt for him and she gave him her own sad face. He looked at the old bearded man and instead of seeing sadness and regret, he saw satisfaction. “You did this to me. You brought me here.”

Albus tried to remove the smug look from his face and he wasn't in time. Everyone saw it and they all started talking and pointing. “There's no need to overreact, my boy.”

Harry's fist shot out quick as a flash and hit Dumbledore in the chest. The headmaster flipped head over heels as he was flung down the aisle between the spread out tables. He landed and tumbled until he stopped at the platform that the head table stood on.

“You kidnapped me from my wife and kids.” Harry said and missed everyone's reaction to that as he walked over to the old man. “You took me from my happy life, from taking over for my aged mentor as the premiere healer in the country, and you dare tell me there's no need to overreact?”

“Stop right there!” Minerva McGonagall said and pointed her wand at him. “Fighting like a muggle is uncalled for!”

“A muggle?” Harry asked as he glared at the woman. “What's with the stick, anyway? That's not very threatening.”

That comment caused a huge ripple of surprise to spread around the Great Hall.

“Mister Potter, this is a wand.” Minerva said. “In my hands, it is a dangerous weapon.”

“Maybe if you smack someone with it.” Harry said and reached down for the old man.

“I said STOP!” Minerva shouted and a red beam came out of her wand to hit Harry in the chest... and nothing happened.

Harry picked the wheezing old man up by his dress and easily caught the old man's hand trying to point another stick at him. He pulled the stick away and gasped when his power reacted to the piece of wood and the stick somehow shot golden sparks from the end.

“What the hell is going on?” Harry asked and dropped the old man to almost cuddle the stick. “Why is it so warm? It almost feels...” He paused and stared at it. “It feels like a part of my quirk.”

That shocked a lot of people and no one knew what to say. Harry's reaction to touching a wand was too much for the students to comprehend. He was supposed to be the boy-who-lived! How could he not know anything about magic?

Madam Pomfrey was the first to recover from the shock. She walked over to him and very carefully touched his arm. “Did I hear you say you were a healer?” She asked and waved her wand at Dumbledore. He wasn't getting enough air. “The headmaster is having trouble breathing after your punch.”

“I know. It's a technique I developed to keep villains subdued long enough for transport to jail.” Harry said and reached down to touch the old man's shoulder to make him glow for several seconds. “He won't die from it and will only be weak from lack of oxygen for a short while.”

Pomfrey was impressed by both the technique and Harry apparently healing the headmaster with a touch of his hand and not with the newly acquired wand.

“He's not going to send me back, is he?” Harry asked.

“C-can't.” Albus wheezed. “One... way. Used up... magic in cup.”

Everyone turned to see an almost dark grey cup where it used to be an earthen gold.

The woman that represented the ministry walked over to the cup and cast several spells on it. “The headmaster is right. There's barely a few years worth of magic left in it when it used to have centuries of it built up.”

“I left... enough to... ensure contracts.” Albus breathed.

“Then I'm sorry, young man.” The woman said and turned to Harry. “Not only can't you be sent back in a similar fashion, you've been magically enrolled into the Tri-Wizard Tournament as its fourth champion.”

“Magic's not real.” Harry said, to nearly everyone's shock.

The ministry woman was made of much sterner stuff. “Mister Potter, my name is Amelia Bones and I am the Head of the Ministry of Magic's Sports and Games Division.” She said and walked over to him with her hand outstretched. “As the ministry's representative here, I will take it upon myself to inform you all about our world and what that means, now that you've become a part of it.”

Harry looked into her eyes and didn't see any deceit there, so he shook her offered hand.

Amelia smiled warmly at him before she looked at the headmaster and then at everyone else in the Great Hall. “Because of this complication, I must delay informing the champions about the first task until tomorrow afternoon. Headmasters, please inform your champions of the delay and the reason.”

The Beauxbatons Headmistress and the Durmstrang Headmaster nodded and Albus paused for only a moment before he reluctantly nodded as well. He knew he had already lost his chance to influence the boy into his way of thinking. He also needed a few more minutes to try and catch his breath again.

Amelia led Harry Potter out of the Great Hall and down several passageways to her assigned rooms near the Hufflepuff House entrance. She had a lot to tell the young man about and she suspected she would be up for most of the night doing so.

Madam Pomrey helped Albus stand up and brought him around the head table to sit him on his throne. She didn't berate the man for what he had just done, because she knew from the enraged look on Minerva's face that she was going to give him a great tongue lashing. She nodded at Minerva and sat down at her own place to watch and felt satisfaction as the old man flinched after each sentence Minerva spat at him.


It was three in the morning, after a very long explanation about the situation he was in, before Harry finally admitted what had become the truth. “Magic is real.”

“Yes, it is.” Amelia said, her hands gently holding his. “You're a wizard, Harry.”

“But... but, I... why did no one ever tell me?” Harry asked. “My relatives abused me and called me freak and boy for six years before I disappeared.”

Amelia sighed and she didn't fight her motherly instincts as she pulled the young man into an embrace onto her lap. She hugged him tightly and she reclined on the couch instead of remaining sitting. It just felt right to comfort him in his time of need.

“Albus Dumbledore was responsible for giving you to them when you were 15 months old and your parents were killed by Voldemort.” Amelia told him. “He said that the only safe place for you was with your family, no matter how horrible to you they were.”

Harry couldn't stop himself as he hugged the woman back seeking comfort. He felt like all those old wounds had been freshly torn open and he was emotionally raw and full of pain after being taken from his family. He needed someone to comfort him and he mentally apologized to his wife for it.

“It really was all his fault?” Harry asked and cuddled into her warm embrace. His tears came unbidden and he didn't try to hide them.

Amelia's heart fluttered as the young man silently cried on her shoulder. She wasn't sure why she felt so strongly for the young man she had just met, she just did. “He had to admit he was involved when you disappeared, which brought out a bunch of different things he had been involved in.”

“I don't want to know, do I?” Harry asked her and he didn't miss the shiver the brief touch of his lips had given her as he spoke softly. Why am I being turned on by that?

“Voldemort was a student of his from 50 years ago named Tom Riddle Junior. He was raised in an orphanage and was twisted and dark, even as a child. Dumbledore claimed he kept an eye on him and actually ensured he created the Dark Lord he so feared Tom would become.”

“N-no, he... why? Why would he do that?” Harry asked and tried to ignore the woman's arousal as her nipples poked into his chest. His body did not have the same thought and reacted as well.

You are reading story Harry Potter’s Accidental Apparition Oneshots at novel35.com

Amelia blushed as her body reacted to having such a handsome young man embrace her so lovingly. She also felt him grow hard and it pressed against her thigh. It set her mind afire with thoughts she really shouldn't have and her body didn't care that she was conflicted about what was happening.

“Dumbledore kept sending the angry boy back home to the orphanage where he knew he was being tormented and abused. It was also at the height of the second world war, so it was right in the middle of London being bombed by the Axis Powers. No electricity, no heat, constant starvation... it was a horrible thing to do to a child, evil or not.” Amelia whispered.

“He did that to me, too.” Harry admitted and let out a sob, then told her all about his life in the cupboard under the stairs. By the time he was done speaking, Amelia had cried a lot herself and had given him several soft and tender kisses on his cheeks.

For a brief moment in the silence, their gazes locked and they stared at each other without breathing, then they gave in to their feelings and kissed passionately. They were soon naked and Amelia cried out in pleasure as she gave herself to a very needy man. That she hadn't had sex since the birth of her son ten years ago, made her as tight as if she had never had sex before.

Amelia felt every movement and powerful thrust as if it was the first time that anyone had ever taken her, and she loved every second of it. Her desire seemed to burst from her heart and she poured it all into the passionate lovemaking that both she and Harry desperately needed.

Two hours later, they were cuddled up and still joined together, sweat-covered, and spent both physically and emotionally.

“I'm married.” Harry whispered to her and showed the wedding band as the guilt weighed heavily on his heart and his mind.

“So am I.” Amelia whispered back and showed off her own wedding ring. “Neither of us can ever go back to them.”

“What happened?” Harry asked.

“The Death Eaters tried to resurrect Tom Riddle about eight years ago and needed a sacrifice of blood, soul, and magic.” Amelia said and hugged Harry tightly. “They used blood replenishing potions to get enough blood, used a ritual to strip him of his magic, and a Dementor ate his soul instead of letting them harvest it when it left his body.”

Harry was too surprised to say anything to that.

“He's kept magically alive in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic. He should have died without a soul and without his magic. Since he didn't, they've been studying him ever since.”

“You visit him.” Harry guessed, quite accurately.

“I do and there's nothing there. Even the spells used to look for memories and thoughts come back with nothing.” Amelia said and sighed. “I wanted to hunt the Death Eaters down and make them pay for what they did, and... and I... I just couldn't. I switched from the Auror department to Sports and Games to get away from the danger. I couldn't face the fact that they could do the same thing to me and there would be no one left in my family to take care of my son and my niece.”

“My daughter Eri is 13 going on 40 and Kikono is 5 going on putting me into an early grave.” Harry told her in as happy of a voice as he could, despite the previous subject matter.

Amelia made a snorting sound and laughed. “That sounds like my niece, Susan. She's 14 and has adventures like they do in storybooks. Ethan will be 10 this year and I can only hope he doesn't follow in her footsteps, even though I know he adores her.”

Harry smiled at making the woman laugh, despite everything they had both told each other. He gave her several tender kisses before he relaxed and took several deep breaths and closed his eyes.

“We should sleep.” Harry said.

“That's why I told the headmasters that I would explain the first task to the other champions this afternoon.” Amelia said smugly and closed her eyes. Her arms tightened around Harry instead of relaxing, however.

“We really can't be with the ones we love ever again, can we?” Harry asked in a whisper.

“No, and we are going to miss them for the rest of our lives.” Amelia whispered back.

Their lips met and they held it for several minutes as they cried for the loves they had lost, broke the kiss, sighed sadly, and drifted off to sleep as they wished the one they held in their arms was someone else.


Albus Dumbledore didn't bother asking for his wand back from Harry as Amelia explained to the four Tri-Wizard Tournament champions and the judges about the first task being one of daring, bravery, and cunning. She also hinted that it was going to be quite dangerous if they didn't know their Care of Magical Creatures Newt material.

That was a bit more of a clue than she was supposed to give and no one objected, because it gave them all a distinct advantage, except for Harry Potter. He just stood there, completely ignorant of pretty much everything, and the extra clue did absolutely nothing for him.

No one seemed to want to leave as a discussion began about getting Harry Potter the materials and supplies he needed to attend classes. They had barely chosen to put him into the fourth years, because of his apparent age, when they were interrupted by Harry saying he didn't have any money.

Albus immediately offered a Hogwarts scholarship fund for him and Madam Maxime and Igor Karkaroff immediately objected. Hogwarts would not be allowed to have two champions and it didn't matter that it was Albus that had summoned Harry inside of Hogwarts, because if the tournament had been held somewhere else, they would have him as a champion instead.

It was Amelia that had the solution. “Harry is an accomplished medical professional and his... quirk... lets him heal people after a quick examination. Depending on the severity of the injuries, he could charge anything from a few silver sickles to hundreds of galleons to heal someone.”

Harry thought about that, since it was similar to what he had done back home. “What's the English Pound to Galleon conversion rate?”

“It's 6 pounds to a galleon.” Amelia said.

“What? That's it?” Harry asked, surprised.

“Why? What's wrong?” Amelia asked.

“I don't really want to say how expensive quirk doctors were to hire back where I came from.” Harry said, sheepishly. “Normal doctors were mid-range cost-wise and their work was great... but... professionals like Recovery Girl and myself earned top salaries for healing injuries nearly instantly. My own work also didn't leave scars or lingering pain.”

“Can you give us a base cost at least? Say, for a broken arm?” Amelia asked.

“It's a little complicated, since that's mostly an outpatient procedure and all I'd really be doing is saving the hospital workers some time, effort, materials, and a return visit. The bone setting isn't a big deal normally and using a quirk to heal it is almost a waste.” Harry said and they all looked surprised. “Still, about a thousand dollars would make the hospital happy and saves the insurance company about three times that in fees and payments.”

“You're joking!” Madam Pomfrey exclaimed.

“Like I said, it's almost a waste to use a quirk to heal them, since they would heal normally anyways. It's the more complicated cases Recovery Girl and I get called in on and consult.” Harry said. “The last one was a disgraced hero's final attempt to regain the spotlight he hadn't had in years by attacking a villain with his flame quirk. Third degree burns down to the bone over 25% of the body and second degree over 65%. He avoided the villain's face, thankfully.”

Everyone's faces paled at the thought of having that much damage done to their body with flames.

“Recovery Girl and I examined him for a good half an hour before we could decide what to heal first, since each thing we healed would cause something else to flare up and he would start to bleed out.” Harry said.

Both Madam Pomfrey and her student assistant nodded.

“We started the surgery from the outside and worked our way in, repairing the structure before fixing the main problems. It let us catch a bunch of torn and broken veins and arteries before the blood flow was restored to full pressure.” Harry continued.

“Then you worked on restoring the muscles?” Daphne asked.

“Exactly. With proper blood flow, the body wanted that musculature back to work properly.” Harry said to her and she smiled. “With that grown back, we could easily repair and regrow all the burned off and missing skin.”

“I'm almost afraid to ask how much that cost.” Amelia said.

“We billed the insurance company about 10,000 galleons.” Harry said and everyone's faces lost all color and their mouths hung open. “Don't worry, Endeavor's estate covered the man's out of pocket expenses of about 1,000 galleons and the company was extremely grateful to not have to pay for years of ongoing care for the victim.”

“I believe your scale of services is much different than ours.” Pomfrey said and Daphne nodded.

Harry looked at them questioningly. “Can you give me some examples?”

“We have a potion called Skele-grow that mends and regrows bones overnight and it's only three galleons.” Pomfrey said.

It was Harry's turn to be surprised. “That would have been really useful to have back home, especially the regrowing bones part. It would have saved a lot of time and energy when putting people back together after severe accidents.”

“I believe we are going afield of where we need to be.” Albus said and ignored the pointed looks from the others. “Harry needs money quickly for his school supplies and a proper wardrobe.”

It was then that someone else spoke with a sneer. “What happened to the fabled Potter fortune?”

“Professor Snape, now is not the time to...” Minerva started to say.

“The vault was sealed by the Potters when they went into hiding and the money was reclaimed by Gringotts when Harry Potter's death was confirmed by the Ministry of Magic and Albus Dumbledore seven years ago.” Amelia Bones said, her voice flat. “As far as I know, the patent for Sleakeasy's Hair Tonic was sold to Lucius Malfoy to recover unpaid vault costs.”

Albus almost groaned at the accusing looks he was receiving and Snape looked smug for revealing that Harry was only a pauper. He would berate his potions professor in private later for bring that delicate subject up at a time like this.

“I will give him the money to...” Albus started to say.

“I think you've done far too much to me already for me to accept a loan from you.” Harry said, his voice like ice, and Albus couldn't hide his wince. “I also won't be paying to attend this school.”

Minerva caught her breath. “Mister Potter, your parents paid for your schooling after you were born. You didn't attend, so all those school fees are rightfully yours and could be returned to you.”

Albus barely stopped himself from jumping for joy over the suggestion of his Deputy Headmistress. “Yes, yes. A wonderful idea, Minerva. We can have the paperwork done up before lunch and we can ask Amelia to bring Harry to Gringotts to oversee the transfer and withdrawal.”

Harry looked skeptical until Amelia took his hand and nodded acceptance. He let out a soft sigh and nodded back.

“Excellent! Minerva, we'll go to my office immediately and get started.” Albus said and looked at the other people in the meeting room. “I will see you all again for the weighing of the wands in two weeks.”

They all watched as Albus dragged Minerva out of the room and the door shut behind them. Professor Snape glanced around and decided he was no longer needed. He strode from the room and his cloak billowed out behind him.

The other two headmasters took their champions in hand and led them from the room as well. Cedric shrugged and followed them out. That left Harry, Amelia, Pomfrey, and Daphne.

“There is a lot we need to talk about, Mister Potter.” Pomfrey said. “If your guide can let you out of her sight for a few hours.”

Harry blushed a little and glanced at Amelia.

“We can have a more in-depth debrief about the magical world after lunch.” Amelia said and nodded at Pomfrey. “I'll leave him to your care as long as you don't allow anyone else have access to him.”

Pomfrey knew exactly what the other woman meant and nodded back. Albus would not be seeing Harry Potter if she had anything to say about it.

“I'll meet you in the Great Hall at lunch.” Amelia said to Harry and started to walk away, then paused when their clasped hands stopped her. She blushed slightly as she reluctantly let his hand go and left the room at a fast walk.

Neither Daphne nor Pomfrey commented about Harry and Amelia having similar blushes. They led the young man out of the room and across the castle to the hospital wing. Harry appreciated the cleanliness and brightness and he followed them into the office. They sat down and Pomfrey asked Harry about his medical training.

“I am a fully licensed medical doctor and I have my full hero license for quirk usage.” Harry said and took out his wallet to produce both cards. He also had a few hundred Yen and his debit card, which would be useless, since his account was in another world's Japan.

Pomfrey stared at the medical certification and sighed. It was for muggles and wouldn't be anywhere near as useful when dealing with wizards. She looked at her student assistant and saw a similar look on her face. They would have a lot of work to catch up the young man on proper healing.

“Pass me the first volume of the medical text from the shelf.” Pomfrey ordered Daphne and the young woman grabbed it and handed it over. “We'd best get started.”


Harry walked into the Great Hall for lunch and his head swam with the implications of what magical healing entailed. He hadn't had the heart to interrupt the lesson to tell them that their healing methods were outdated by over a century and their knowledge and understanding of anatomy and bodily functions were on par with high school students.

He also didn't tell them that he could heal people completely and not just specific parts or ailments. His quirk wasn't so limited like their medieval methods. Potions and spells seemed to be too specific to provide a general health system that benefited everyone, which was a huge hole in their methodology.

Then there was their conversion of inoculations from injections to potions. If he hadn't seen it for himself, and tasted the horrible concoctions when he said he hadn't had his wizarding diseases inoculations, he never would have believed they could condense inactive viruses into a slurry. He had checked them briefly, thanks to Pomfrey performing the appropriate diagnostic spells.

“I see you have been flummoxed.” Amelia's voice said and took Harry out of his thoughts.

Harry smiled at her and walked over to the Hufflepuff table. “It was... informative.” He said, diplomatically.

Amelia laughed demurely and waved at the space she had left for him. “Have a seat and try to push those thoughts aside for now.”

“Done.” Harry said with a teasing smile and sat beside her.

Amelia gave him an amused look and motioned to the girl that sat beside her. “This is my niece, Susan Bones.”

Susan looked exactly like a younger version of Amelia. If she hadn't told him that the girl was her niece, he would have assumed they were either sisters or mother and daughter. Even their body types were nearly identical with strawberry blonde hair, slightly chubby cheeks, large breasts, and thighs that could crush a man's head.

“It's nice to meet you, Susan.” Harry said and reached across the table to shake her hand. “I apologize for intruding on your family time.”

Susan briefly shook the hand with a slight blush and let it go. “Auntie explained a bit about you, so I don't mind.”

Harry raised his eyebrows as he gave Amelia a pointed look.

“Nothing so crass as your entire background, just how you've essentially lost all of your family like she has.” Amelia said and lightly touched his arm. “Twice now, actually.”

Harry took a deep breath and let it out. “Yes, I... I fully expect to break down in tears a few more times before I fully accept everything that's happening to me.”

Both Amelia and Susan nodded sadly at that. They both knew it would take a while for someone to come to grips with losing their family and they both promised themselves that they would support him as much as they could.

“I have the bank paperwork for you as well.” Amelia said as they started eating. “We can head out after we eat and we can set up a new vault for you.”

Harry shook his head. “I don't know anything about your banking system or its rules and regulations. I would rather just keep the money myself and avoid having it stolen again.”

Amelia blinked her eyes at him several times. “Harry, you... you don't understand. Seven years of school fees is a lot of money. You can't just carry that around with you.”

Harry looked at the other people around them as they tried, and failed, to show that they were not listening to them. “Obviously, I can't now. Thanks for letting everyone know how much money I'll have access to.”

Amelia blushed from embarrassment, thought about apologizing, and ducked her head to continue eating without speaking. She had pretty much ruined any plans Harry must have had for hiding the money anywhere, either on himself or wherever he would be staying, which she just realized she had messed up for herself.

She somehow knew that Harry wouldn't accept staying with her after that mistake, considering she had already told her niece a few of his secrets and had just revealed a huge one to a bunch of students. Her mistaken thoughts of sharing secrets would bring them all closer together, had actually set them at odds, because she couldn't keep her foolish mouth shut.

Harry saw Amelia's embarrassed face and knew he had made his point. He felt bad about pointing out her mistake until she clammed up and didn't bother apologizing. He glanced at Susan's face and saw that she was just as embarrassed, probably for her aunt's sake.

If she's not going to apologize for it, then there's no reason to forgive her for it. Harry thought and ate in silence.

His thoughts were mirrored by Susan, whom couldn't understand why her aunt stayed quiet. If she had made a mistake like that, she would have apologized right away. Waiting was not going to make the situation any better. Susan tried to tell her aunt with her eyes and facial expressions to say something, except her aunt avoided looking at her and kept her head down.

When the meal ended, Amelia couldn't avoid it any longer and opened her mouth to apologize.

“We need to go to the bank and then we have some shopping to do.” Harry said and stood. “I need to wash up first. Excuse me.”

As soon as he was out through the doors, Susan grabbed her aunt's arm to stop her from leaving. “Auntie! What are you doing?” She harshly whispered at her.

Amelia sighed. “I made a mistake.”

“Yes, and you waited too long to apologize and now he won't let you!” Susan spat. “He must think you've told me everything you've talked about, because you sat there looking guilty for the whole meal and didn't look at either of us!”

Amelia couldn't defend herself, because she had been furiously thinking about how she could salvage things, realized she was overthinking things, and knew it was far too late to undo it all.

“I'm sorry.” Amelia whispered.

“I'm not the one that needs to hear that, Auntie!” Susan said, angrily.

“I know, I... I thought...” Amelia shook her head. “It doesn't matter. It's not going to work out and you shouldn't get your hopes up.”

Susan squinted her eyes at her for several seconds, then she huffed. “I see. Then you'll forgive me if I invite myself along and make sure he knows that I don't know anything and that I don't care if he's dirt poor.”

“Susan, you can't skip classes...” Amelia started to argue.

“My Auntie gave me permission at the start of the year to take a few days off from school occasionally to help deal with family business.” Susan said with satisfaction and Amelia closed her eyes and sighed about asking her to watch Ethan during Tri-Wizard events. “Let's get cleaned up, too. Harry will be ready to leave soon.”

Amelia stood and followed her niece out of the Great Hall to the nearest bathroom. Susan wasted no time washing her hands and face, used several spells to fix her school robes and cleaned them, then touched up her make-up and her hair. Amelia did herself automatically and followed her niece back out to the Entrance Hall.

Harry was already there and saw Susan was going with them, so he gave her a questioning look.

“I'm the school's ambassador for the day.” Susan lied with a happy smile and took his hand before she led him out through the large oak doors into the crisp November First air. “Don't worry, Harry. Auntie didn't really tell me anything, just hinted, and I'm not going to pry. That's not the Hufflepuff way.”

Harry wasn't sure what to think about that. “What's the Hufflepuff way?”

Susan beamed a smile at him. “We're hard working, extremely loyal, and the best friends anyone could ever have.”

Harry's eyes briefly went to Amelia.

“Oh, she's out of practice. Auntie hasn't been a Hufflepuff for over fifteen years.” Susan said and waited for Amelia to open the school's metal gates for them to pass through. “She's forgotten how she's supposed to act when she makes a new friend.”

“And how is she supposed to act?” Harry asked, genuinely curious.

“Like their new friend is their entire world and to welcome them with open arms into their lives.” Susan said and walked with her arm tucked around Harry's arm.

“She did some of that.” Harry admitted.

Susan smiled and nodded. “She can't completely fulfill her duties to you, because she's the tournament's Ministry rep. Her priorities are skewed and that's not a good thing for you.”

“Why, because I'm the fourth champion in a three champion competition?” Harry asked.

Susan shook her head. “You're a foreign exchange student and that's a completely different Ministry department. If anything, they should have the Japanese ambassador sent over. You're from Japan, aren't you?”

Harry nodded, a little surprised she had remembered that from the night before.

“I'll have Auntie contact the Ministry while we're shopping and then she can fix her mistake.” Susan said as she gave her aunt a pointed look. “For now, we're going to the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer, we'll use the floo to go to the Leaky Cauldron, and we'll visit the bank and shop.”

“What's a floo?” Harry asked.

“It's a magical fireplace that's connected to thousands of other fireplaces all over magical Britain. You can travel to any of them, as long as you know the name to call and the fireplace isn't blocked.” Susan said as they approached the nearby village. “This is Hogsmeade village. It's the only fully magical town in the country.”

Harry looked at each of the businesses that Susan pointed to and described their products. It really was all quite fascinating.

“And this is the Three Broomsticks.” Susan said and paused in front of the door. “I need to warn you that the matron, Madam Rosmerta, is a shameless flirt and shows off her boobs a lot to get people to buy more drinks.”

“Susan!” Amelia gasped.

“What? I'm not going to lie. Harry needs essential information like that.” Susan said. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the smile on Harry's face. “Before we stepped through the floo, I was going to warn him about Tom the barman and how he wants everyone to buy something to eat, usually the day's special, because he makes a fortune from selling cheaper meals.”

Harry barked a laugh and changed it to a cough to cover it up. He knew by the smirk on Susan's face that he wasn't successful. “Forewarned is forearmed.”

Susan beamed another smile at him and opened the door to the Three Broomsticks. “After you.”

“Thank you, kind lady.” Harry said and stepped inside the almost empty restaurant pub and saw the larger than normal tables set up in the corners. “Those things are huge!”

“Why thank ya, lad. I am particularly proud of 'em.” Madam Rosmerta said as she walked over to them and crossed her arms under her massive breasts. She saw Harry's blush, which made her mentally giggle at teasing him. “Yer lucky that ya just missed the lunch rush or ya wouldn't have had a chance at snaggin' a table.”

“I'm sorry, Madam Rosmerta. We've got business in Diagon Alley today.” Susan said and the older woman's face showed sadness. “We'll take three bottles of butterbeer to go and we'll probably stop in on the way back to the castle after supper tonight, if that's okay?”

Rosmerta smiled happily. “That's more than okay.” She waved them over to the bar. “I'll have them ready in a tick and ya can grab the floo.”

“Thanks, Madam Rosmerta.” Susan said and followed her over to the bar. She bought three butterbeers for 6 silver sickles and then added 3 more sickles. “For the floo powder.”

Rosmerta bent over to give them a very nice view of her cleavage as she scooped up the coins with a huge smile. “You always were conscientious, Susan.”

“What happened to your accent?” Harry asked.

“You've already looked at my breasts, so I don't need to play dumb anymore.” Rosmerta said with a grin.

“Susan said I was supposed to look.” Harry defended himself, even though he still blushed at getting caught.

Rosmerta laughed. “She's conscientious and smart. A good combination.”

Susan blushed this time and took Harry's hand again. “See you later.”

Rosmerta waved and started cleaning the bar's top.

“This is the floo.” Susan said and then explained what to do to enter it, use it, and exit it safely. “There's a bit of a trick to it, so if you don't get it on the first try, don't worry about it. I'll go first and I'll catch you on the other side if you need it.”

Harry nodded and watched as Susan tossed a pinch of floo powder into the fireplace. It changed to green and she called out the name of the pub, and she stepped into the green flames and swirled around like a top before she disappeared. He took a deep breath and repeated what she did and remembered to tuck his arms into his sides and closed his eyes and mouth.

Spinning like a top was not a pleasant experience and it seemed to go on for a long time, then it was over and Harry glowed for a second. He let out the breath he had been holding and carefully stepped out of the fireplace.

“You did it!” Susan exclaimed happily and gave him a quick hug, realized what she did was a bit too forward, and let him go. She hid her red face as she swiped her wand at him to vanish the dust and soot from his clothing.

Amelia stepped out of the floo behind Harry and she vanished her own dust and soot. The three of them greeted Tom the barman and promised to come back to eat supper, which made the man very happy, and the three of them went out the back of the pub to the bare wall at the back of the small enclosure.

Susan gave Harry a quick lesson on how to open the entrance to Diagon Alley and then opened it for them. Amelia would never admit that her niece was doing a much better job than she would have with introducing a complete novice into the wizarding world. It was then that she realized Susan was right about her being out of touch of what being a true Hufflepuff meant and she felt a deep regret.

The meeting at the bank had almost proceeded without incident, thanks to Amelia having the paperwork already filled out and authorized by both the Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts. Harry now had access to 8,000 galleons, which was 1,000 galleons for the first five years of school for his OWLs and 1,500 for the last two years for his NEWTs.

The problem arose when they goblin asked if the new customer would be opening a vault.

“I'm not a new customer. You sealed my family vault and stole all my family's money, which is why I refuse to store any money at this bank.” Harry said.

The goblin growled and several armed guards walked over. “You dare accuse us of being thieves!”

“Of course, you're thieves. You didn't earn that money. It was my inheritance and you kept it.” Harry said and hid his own anger at finding out he used to be rich and was robbed. “Tell me that doesn't make you thieves!”

The goblin looked down at the eight large sacks of 1,000 galleons that other goblins had just put behind his desk. “I think charging you an appropriate fee for your false allegations is in order.” He said and waved for one of the sacks to be collected.

“You just proved that you are even bigger thieves than I thought you were.” Harry said very loudly, which gained everyone's attention, goblin and wizard alike.

“Harry, don't do this.” Amelia whispered.

“It's too late for that.” Harry said and shouted. “I want the bank's director out here now! I want retribution! I want my family's money returned! I want compensation for thieves stealing my money right in front of everyone here!”

“Oh, no.” Susan said and hugged her aunt.

“How dare you make demands...” The goblin started to shout back as his brethren started tapping their spear ends onto the stone floor.

“THE BOY WHO LIVED HAS COME TO CALL THE GOBLINS OUT FOR THEIR ACTIONS!” Harry's voice somehow echoed and carried all over the bank and down into the tunnels.

Everyone froze at his words, especially the goblins.

“They're going to kill us.” Amelia said and tightly hugged her niece.

A large contingent of armored goblins marched out of a tunnel and split apart to reveal an older goblin wearing a distinguished suit. He wore it to show the humans that whatever they could do, goblins could to it better. None of the people he was associated with told him that he looked like a fancily dressed children's doll.

The older goblin looked at Harry standing there with weapons arrayed around him and looked at the teller goblin. “Explain why you are doing this in public and not in an office. NOW.”

The teller goblin blanched at the hissed order and realized he had committed the worst offence that a goblin could ever do. He had aired private Gringotts business in front of witnesses that were not solely the clients they were dealing with. The goblin spoke quickly in their native language and couched everything in insults to the client and twisting everything to make the goblins look good.

“Remove him.” The older goblin said and pointed to the teller.

“NOOO!” The teller goblin yelled as two of the older goblin's armored guards dragged him away.

The older goblin turned and looked at Harry. “You claim to be the boy who lived.”

“My name is Harry James Potter, son of Lily and James Potter.” Harry said.

“You don't have the telltale scar on your forehead.” The older goblin said.

“It was blown off with part of my forehead about seven years ago.” Harry said and both Amelia and Susan gasped, because that would have explained why everyone thought he died. “It grew back without the scar.”

“Your glasses?” The older goblin prompted.

“Healed my eyes. It's a simple procedure to round them out.”

“Your scrawny body?”

Harry chuckled at remembering what he looked like before. “I figured out that exercise and constant meals instead of being starved by my relatives, let me pack on muscle. Being healed constantly keeps it balanced.”

The older goblin waved at the money behind the teller's desk and the seven bags were brought out. “Add the other as well.”

“But, sir...” The goblin closest to him started to protest.

“Does Gornack need a partner in the mines?” The older goblin asked.

The goblin shook his head several times and retrieved the eighth bag and added it to the pile.

The older goblin walked towards Harry and stopped five feet away as his guards posed to attack. “As the director of this bank, I could have you killed for calling goblins thieves.”

“You can't deny that you kept money that wasn't yours and sold items and property that also wasn't yours and profited from it.” Harry countered and his eyes squinted. “You will also lose most of your clients if you try to kill the wizarding world's most famous hero.”

“Not if no one knows about it.” The older goblin said and half of the weapons pointed at Harry now pointed at the rest of the bank's occupants. Several of the women let out screams and distressed sounds.

Harry smiled. “You don't seriously think I would just stand still and let you harm anyone, especially myself, do you?”

“It is illegal to use a wand inside Gringotts. How would you stop...”

Harry moved. Suddenly, all of the goblins were weaponless and piled in the corner of the room, including all of the older goblin's armored guards. Their swords and spears clanged on the floor in front of the older goblin as Harry dropped them there.

“Before you ask, none of them are hurt.” Harry said and picked up a sword. “How much did this cost to make?”

“About 35 galleons.” The older goblin said, bravely. He didn't back down, even though that was his sword and he hadn't felt the boy take it from the scabbard on his back. He wasn't the bank's director for no reason.

Harry reached into the closest money sack and counted out 35 galleons, stacked them on the floor, then proceeded to bend the sword into a pretzel shape and pulled on the hilt and sword tip to tighten the knot. Everyone in the bank swallowed nervously, even the older goblin.

“A gift.” Harry said and placed the sword next to the stacked coins. That it would be a constant reminder was left unsaid.

“When the last of a family line is declared dead, various treaties allow reclamation of their funds to keep the economy flowing.” The older goblin said and tried to not let his emotions show. “Items and properties are offered to distant cousins first and then to the general market.”

“You never once held onto any gold whatsoever to see if a relative would come to claim it?” Harry asked and the older goblin's face twitched. “So, only certain families? Who paid for you to destroy the Potter finances and made the most off of it?”

“I can't disclose any client's business dealings.” The older goblin said through gritted teeth.

“It was Lucius Malfoy. He bought everything from your family's estate for a pittance.” Amelia said and had a thoughtful look on her face. “I wonder where he found the funds to... oh, that son of a bitch!”

Harry turned to look at her.

“He's been trying to claim the Black Family inheritance for years. If he arranged for the named heir to disappear while in prison, his son is the closest blood relative that wasn't disowned by the family.” Amelia said. “With that huge of an influx of gold, he could sweep up everything the Potters had been invested in without batting an eyelash.”

“What about my family's things?” Harry asked and turned back to the older goblin. “Surely there must have been personal artifacts and heirlooms or something.”

“I can't disclose any client's business dealings.” The older goblin repeated.

Harry squinted his eyes at the goblin. “It doesn't matter that those were my things by right, does it? As long as you got your blood money out of it.”

The older goblin's eyes squinted as well.

“I wonder what everyone will think when they find out that the only bank in wizarding Britain won't help the boy-who-lived recover his family's heirlooms taken from their vault.” Harry said as he untied the tops of the sacks of money, tied them together with their strings, and hung them over this shoulder like they weighed nothing. “Now you know why the savior of the wizarding world will never trust the goblins to keep his money safe.”

That statement made the older goblin pale and he watched as the clearly upset young man walked out of the bank with his two women. He couldn't even order Harry stopped to continue their talk, because all of the goblins were still piled in the far corner of the room. He wasn't surprised that all of the other humans quickly left and their reasons for banking that day had been forgotten.

“Clean this mess up!” The older goblin growled in his native language and scooped up the twisted sword and the 35 galleons before he stomped away to go to his office. He doubted anyone at the Ministry would read a statement from him about today's incident and he had to try anyway. Perhaps a preliminary note to the newspaper would be a good idea.

The last thing the bank needed was to have their major clients withdraw their gold. That those major clients were mostly Death Eaters because they stole the gold from others, didn't matter.


A trunk with an extra compartment was bought and Harry still carried it like it weighed nothing. Amelia applied a featherweight charm to it anyway and they went to various stores and businesses to buy Harry the things he would need. Since he needed information that seventh year students needed, their last stop was the bookstore and Amelia made sure he bought all of the books needed from first to seventh year, with additions for Arithmancy and Ancient Runes.

Harry was quickly reminded of his cram sessions with Nezu and Pony years ago and that made his heart ache. Pony had become a good friend after the mess at the Sports Festival and Nezu was godfather to both of his children. He realized he would never see them again and that hurt. A lot.

Susan saw his teary face and pulled him into a back corner of Flourish and Blotts. She didn't say anything and just stared into his eyes, then she surprised him by kissing him soundly. She broke the kiss a minute later and smiled at the shocked look on his face. Now that he was distracted and not thinking about the past, she brought him back to the front counter and they finished buying his books.

They left the book store and went to the Leaky Cauldron, drank their butterbeers as they ate supper. Tom the barman was happy because they had kept their word and they used the floo to go back to the Three Broomsticks. Madam Rosmerta only had a few customers, so she sat with them at a table after serving them and they chatted about how Harry was adjusting to life as a wizard.

A very pretty Asian woman of Japanese ancestry entered the Three Broomsticks through the door and Amelia waved to get her attention. She walked over to them and gave them a smile that was both fake and welcoming, the same one she gave when meeting foreign dignitaries.

“Greetings, Amelia. Hello, Susan.” She said and turned the fake smile to Harry. “This must be the famous Harry you mentioned.”

Harry switched to Japanese and spoke perfectly as he gave her a respectful bow and intentionally did not introduce himself. “Should I keep your intended insult to myself or should I tell your coworker how you dishonored me?”

The woman's face lost all color and she caught her breath. She took a step back from the table and seemed unable to speak as she tried to gather her composure.

“I sincerely hope you haven't had your job long if that is how you act in polite company.” Harry said and slowly stood. “I also suspect you will not have it for much longer.”

The woman looked panicked. “No, I... I'm...” She muttered in English.

“You have broken and ignored over three centuries worth of protocols and customs.” Harry said, still with perfect Japanese. “You will return to your office and you will contact the Japanese government to beg for your replacement. If you are lucky, perhaps they will forgive you for this breach.”

The woman visibly trembled before she nodded and ran to the floo. She tossed in some powder and turned to look at Harry, gave him a hasty bow, and dove into the flames.

“What was that about?” Amelia asked, shocked. She had never seen Madam Chang react like that.

“She didn't grant me permission to say.” Harry said and sat down. He could tell them, except it would spread the woman's shame farther than was necessary. She wouldn't be around any longer and he didn't have to embarrass her more than she already had herself.

“Harry...” Susan whispered.

“As you said, I am a foreign citizen on British soil. The only identification papers I have are from Japan.” Harry said and emptied his butterbeer. “I doubt they'll be able to get anyone else here until at least tomorrow or the next day, so we should return to the castle.”

Amelia couldn't stop her frown as she watched Harry picked up his trunk.

“If you were the foreign dignitary in France visiting Beauxbatons, would you expect certain people to be there to meet you and to officially exchange particular greetings?” Harry asked her.

Amelia lost the frown and sighed, because she hated politics, and she knew her friend had literally stepped all over proper protocols. She didn't say anything in response to that and stood.

“Susan, I'll be heading home tomorrow and will be back in two weeks.” Amelia said and looked at Harry. “Minerva should have your proper living arrangements prepared by now.”

“I doubt that.” Harry said and hefted his trunk onto his shoulder.

“Why?” Susan asked.

“She never asked me what was suitable.” Harry said and walked around the table. “Madam Rosmerta, it was a pleasure to meet your breasts. Maybe next you'll let me stare into your eyes?”

Madam Rosmerta laughed and stood up with a hop and intentionally jiggled her breasts for him. “Seeing them isn't meeting them, Mister Potter.” Rosmerta said with a grin. “Now shake hands like a gentleman and get out.”

Harry laughed and took her hand. “I think my wife would have loved meeting you.”

“Oh? You're married?” Rosmerta's smile lessened as she felt disappointment.

Harry gently kissed the back of her hand and gave her a very sad smile. “Thanks to the headmaster kidnapping me for this blasted tournament, I can never return to her or my children.”

Rosmerta looked deep into his eyes and saw the sadness there. She reacted the same as Susan had and she stepped forward and gave him a solid kiss. It wasn't passionate, just as Susan's wasn't. It was comforting and exactly what Harry needed to distract him from his woes.

Unlike when Susan did it, Harry wasn't stunned into silence. “Thank you for caring, Madam. I appreciate it.”

Rosmerta stepped back and looked pleased, because he hadn't tried to take liberties with her. “You can come back here at any time for a drink and to talk. My door is always open to those that need it.”

Harry nodded and walked over to the door. He opened it and held it. Amelia went first and her face was blank, so obviously she was upset about what just happened. Susan went next and her face was between blank and upset. Harry stepped out and shut the door and walked quickly to catch Susan.

“I need to thank you, too.” Harry whispered to her.

Susan glanced at him and looked forward again without responding.

“If you hadn't given me a similar kiss, I would have assumed she was making a pass at me.”

“I was making a pass at you.” Susan whispered.

“I thought you were comforting me.” Harry responded.

“I was.” Susan said and she looked to see if she could take his hand, only it was holding the trunk on his shoulder. “A kiss can mean different things.”

Harry wasn't sure why she was telling him that, so he decided to be truthful. “I slept with your aunt last night.”

“I know.” Susan said and saw the surprise on Harry's face. “Auntie hasn't been this relaxed around other people in years.”

“Oh.” Harry said. He had no real way to defend his actions, either. The guilt was already crushing him emotionally for betraying his wedding vows. Knowing that everyone would know that he and Amelia had been together, was just going to make everything that much worse.

“Don't look so sad, Harry.” Susan said. “Just because the Ministry has declared that the Potter line is dead, that doesn't mean you can't have a wife for it anyway.”

Harry stared at her and didn't know what to say.

“There are a few nearly extinct families around that would love to have a line continuance marriage with someone like you and they don't count as a real marriage.”

Harry understood that implication right away. “You.”

Susan gave him a smile and a nod.

“Rosmerta?” Harry asked and she shook her head.

“She was married and discovered she can't have any little rugrats of her own.” Susan said. “She was disowned by her family and husband and lost both of her last names because of it. She opened the Three Broomsticks after she used three broomsticks to shove them up her husband's, mother's, and father's arses.”

Harry didn't know if he should laugh or cry.

Susan saw his face and smiled. “Everyone feels that way when they hear the story.”

Harry didn't tell her that after a story like that, he had discovered someone to be his very first patient.

Minerva met them in the Entrance Hall and tried to put Harry into the fourth year Griffindor dorms, as if that was an appropriate living space for him. Harry absolutely refused, mainly because she knew for a fact that he was not enrolled there or paid any money for tuition, so bunking with students was not appropriate at all. He was a foreign dignitary visiting for the tournament, like the other two schools, and by law he had to be treated properly.

“You can stay there for now and I'll have appropriate rooms prepared by either tomorrow or the next day.” Minerva hedged.

“No, thank you.” Harry responded and picked up his trunk. “I'll come back in a few days.”

“What? Where will you go?” Minerva asked, surprised. She had thought Harry staying in his father's bed would have been exactly what the young man would have wanted.

“That is no concern of yours.” Harry said and walked out of the castle.

“Harry!” Both Susan and Amelia shouted.

“I already spent one night in the castle without proper accommodations. I don't need more proof that the facilities are lacking.” Harry said and walked down to the iron gates. He tried to open them and they were locked. He remembered Amelia tapping them with her wand and he took out the one he had taken from the old man. He tapped the metal and nothing happened, even though he felt his quirk through the wand. “Come on! I just want you to open!”

The gates clicked and swung open. Harry almost laughed at the simplicity as he stepped through the opening and the gates closed behind him. He trudged all the way back to Hogsmeade and entered the Three Broomsticks. The place was completely empty now.

Rosmerta was behind the bar and smiled widely at him. “Ah see ya jus' cannae stay away from ma pearly white globes of soft tenderness!”

That actually made Harry laugh and he walked over to the bar. “I know you're not an inn; but, is there any chance you have a spare room I can rent for a few days?”

Rosmerta made a show of thinking about it as she tucked an arm under her chest to push her breasts up and rested her elbow on that hand. “Hmm.” She rubbed her chin with her other hand. “I do recall a bed that's currently unoccupied.”

“I'll take it.” Harry said and dug out a few galleons from his pocket. “How much...”

“That'll be enough, dearie.” Rosmerta said and the galleons disappeared between her breasts.

Harry stared at her chest, just like she wanted him to. “I'm almost afraid to ask how much you've got stuffed in there.”

Rosmerta laughed and walked around him to put out the closed sign and locked the door, then she flicked her wand to seal the windows as well. “Come on, yer room's this-away.”

Harry followed her into the back and down a short hallway. She pointed out the storeroom, the small kitchen, and opened the door to a nice room that looked well taken care of. He placed his trunk down on the floor beside the door and walked over to the bed.

“This is really nice. Thank you.” Harry said gratefully as he sat down on the firm mattress.

“Yer welcome, 'Arry.” Rosmerta said.

“Why are you still using the accent?” Harry asked. “I thought...”

“Tha's only fer the customers. A quick look an' a little thrill.” Rosmerta said and walked over to him and pushed on his shoulder.

“Madam? What are you doing?” Harry asked as he laid back on the bed.

“Ah'm lettin' ya see what ya asked me about.” Rosmerta said and flicked her wand at her leather corset. It separated slightly as the laces loosened, then she pulled it open with the wrap that he thought was a blouse.

A literal shower of gold, silver, and bronze coins flowed out from under her chest and Harry stared as it rolled over his own chest. She had also revealed her large breasts and her nipples were the size of quarters. They also stood out and looked hard enough to cut glass.

“Good lord, Almighty.” Harry whispered.

“Are you saying my breasts are heaven?” Rosmerta asked and swiped her wand at her skirts and crinoline. They dropped to the floor with her knickers and left her as bare as the day she was born. “That's so sweet, Harry. Let me just thank you for that.”

Harry was soon engulfed in more warm flesh than he had ever handled before and Rosmerta's moans were caught by the silencing charms she had already cast on the room.


The next morning found the new lovers cuddled up together with Harry being the big spoon and Rosmerta hugged his arms that held her so lovingly.

“Your wife was a very lucky woman.” Rosmerta said.

“Do you mean for having me or for having children?” Harry asked. He didn't know why he felt less guilty for sleeping with Rosmerta then he did for sleeping with Amelia.

“Both.” Rosmerta said and rolled over to look at him. “You're so intense and passionate and you're only pretending I'm her. I can only imagine what you really do with her.”

Harry sighed and lightly stroked her cheek. “I didn't stay here so I could sleep with you.”

Rosmerta smiled. “How can you say that? This is my bed.”

Harry blinked his eyes several times. “I... uh... I thought you said it was unoccupied.”

“It was at the time when I rented it to you.” Rosmerta said and grinned.

Harry groaned at being so easily manipulated and she laughed.

“The look on your face is making me regret that I can't get pregnant! Ha ha ha!”

“You shouldn't laugh. I healed you last night.” Harry said.

Rosmerta's laugh changed to a coughing fit. When she was calm enough, she glared at him. “You shouldn't joke about...”

“Before I was brought here, I was Japan's second best healer, and that's only because my mentor hadn't retired yet.” Harry said and she stared at him, her eyes wide and full of disbelief. “I doubt you can get pregnant after only one night, though.”

He didn't realize what a mistake that comment was until Rosmerta's entire countenance changed from disbelief to determination, then she reached down to quickly make sure he was ready and that was when he knew.

“You're lucky you already paid to stay here for a few days.” Rosmerta said in a sultry voice that was almost a growl.

Harry was once again engulfed in more delightfully warm flesh than he thought he could safely handle. His whispered words telling her that, made Rosmerta extremely happy.


Three days later, a full Japanese contingent of wizards and witches from the Mahoutokoro School of Magic and a replacement representative from the Japanese government arrived at Hogwarts. They had owled ahead to warn both the school and their supposed dignitary student about their appearance.

The students and professors of Hogwarts, along with the headmasters of the other two schools, stared as Harry Potter and the Japanese representative exchanged elaborate greetings, several bows from both sides, and token gifts of apology.

None of them could understand a single word that was spoken, except for two of them named Sue Li and Cho Chang, the latter whom was very embarrassed, despite her mother not being mentioned by name. Her mother was supposed to be the Japanese Ambassador and she wasn't there, which meant she had been replaced.

To everyone's surprise, the stern-looking Japanese man that was the new Japanese Ambassador to the British Ministry smiled. “You truly are of our culture, Mister Potter. That you were not faking it pleases my government immensely and me personally. From this moment on, we will speak English unless conducting private conversations.”

Harry shook the man's hand with his own smile. “I'm sure the Brits will be relieved to hear that, Master Shinsoshi.”

Shinsoshi chuckled. “No, no. You cannot title me, unless you want to subject yourself to a few years under my stern fist. Then you can call me master.”

Harry chuckled, too. “If I had the time, I wouldn't mind studying under your tutelage. However, I am under certain constraints for about the next eight months and my future after that is quite uncertain.”

“Yes, nasty business this tournament.” Shinsoshi said and let his hand go. “I hope appropriate accommodations have been provided for us.”

“I doubt it, since the staff here keeps assuming I want to integrate with their own students and have assigned me living space with them twice now.” Harry said with a shake of his head. “I have had no magical education whatsoever and they are still trying to force me to attend fourth year classes. I tried one for Charms and none of it made any sense to me whatsoever.”

Shinsoshi and the Mahoutokoro School of Magic contingent shook their heads, too.

“Tuna to the sharks.” Shinsoshi commented and the other Japanese people nodded.

Harry barked a laugh and waved them forward. “I'm not sure how necessary introductions are; but, I will conduct them anyway. It's only proper.”

The Japanese people nodded, because protocol had to be followed. Another round of introductions happened between them and the English speaking people and the students were getting tired of standing around in the cold.

Minerva saw them all starting to fidget and excused herself from the conversation to dismiss the waiting students. They practically fled back into the castle and she tried to not sigh at their hasty departure.

“Children will be children.” One of the Mahoutokoro representatives said.

Minerva couldn't pronounce the woman's name, so she just nodded. “Even the older ones still behave that way.”

The woman briefly smiled and nodded back.

“Lunch will be served soon.” Minerva said. “Would you care to join us inside?”

“I hope you will forgive us if we don't partake.” Shinsoshi said. “Our food is much different than...”

“Don't worry, Ambassador. I've already approached those that run the kitchens to instruct them on creating some proper Japanese dishes.” Harry said, to everyone's surprise. “They've come out surprisingly well, even with using local ingredients.”

“This I have to see and experience for myself.” Shinsoshi said with a mix of eagerness and trepidation.

Harry easily recognized that tone of voice. It was the same one his wife had used when he first offered to cook her a meal. Kinoko had declared that if she didn't already love him that she would have fallen for him as soon as she tasted his katsudon. He couldn't stop his sadness from showing at remembering her and the Japanese man lightly touched his shoulder in understanding.

Harry led the Japanese people to the far end of the Hufflepuff table where he had asked the house elves to provide the food for the Japanese contingent. Surprisingly, Susan and her best friend Hannah Abbot were there. Not surprisingly, Amelia was at the head table and her face showed no emotions.

Apparently, scaring and insulting her friend and that friend losing a job she had for decades, caused some adversity and bad feelings towards Harry, not to mention him getting the cold shoulder from her for not staying with her in her rooms to continue their affair.

Harry introduced the Japanese contingent to Susan and whispered in Japanese as he asked them to forgive the students for their behavior and mistakes, since they had no practice properly greeting people of their stature and importance. His words made them all relax and they settled at the table as multiple Japanese dishes appeared around them.

The meal commenced after a brief thank you from Harry and the Japanese people, then everything was sampled. A heavy discussion about the recipes used and the value of different ingredients, substitutions, and preferences, lasted through most of the time allotted for eating the main meal.

When all of the dishes switched out and became traditional Japanese desserts, the visitors were both surprised and delighted. It was a bonus that they had never expected, like having passable traditional meals so that their diets didn't suffer. The Japanese women tittered over their favorites and the men looked pleased to have them happy.

Albus Dumbledore rose from his seat at the head table and gave a speech welcoming the Mohoutokoro School of Magic's representatives. It was full of false platitudes and backhanded insults, which was fully expected by the Japanese people.

Harry leaned over to whisper to Shinsoshi. “Him you don't have to forgive. He's the Supreme Mugwump and knows he's insulting you.”

Shinsoshi nodded and made note of the speech and would report it to both the British Ministry and the Japanese Ministry. It meant that the next International Confederation of Wizards meeting was going to be quite interesting, and not in a good way for the headmaster.

Albus dismissed the students to go to bed, then thought the better part of valor was to retreat from the mistake he had asked Minerva to make. He left her to handle things and somehow exited the Great Hall before the students had.

Minerva sighed when Harry and the entire Japanese contingent approached the head table. “I am sorry, Mister Potter. After you rejected my last two attempts to make your sleeping arrangements, I haven't tried to find somewhere else to put you.”

“I know, Professor. Your adamant refusal to acknowledge that you know nothing about me or my needs has been a constant slap in the face.” Harry responded and Minerva winced. “I'm here to see if you have arranged accommodations for the people you specifically were told to expect. As the hosting school, it is your responsibility to arrange these things.”

Minerva felt anger at Albus for foisting this problem onto her shoulders and it must have shown on her face, because Harry and all of the Japanese people blanked their faces and gave her cold hard looks in return. She had given that same look to errant students hundreds of times and now she knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end of it. It wasn't pleasant.

“I am sorry, Mister Potter. I was unable to find the space inside the castle for their requirements.” Minerva said, sadly.

“Where shall we sleep for the next eight months, Madam? On the floors? In the hallways? Out on the grounds in the snow?” Harry asked her and her face went red from embarrassment. “Very well.” He said and turned to the people from the invited school. “It seems our people are not welcome here in Britain.”

“What? NO!” Minerva gasped.

“Don't worry, Madam. Your ministry and the newspapers will be hearing exactly how your people have treated our honorable personages as if we are dirt under your feet.” Shinsoshi said to her, his voice ice cold.

Minerva sighed. “You were supposed to ask about renting space in the nearby town.”

“You expect us to pay to stay where we are constantly insulted?” Shinsoshi asked and shook his head at her stupidity. “I have only started working here in this country yesterday and I have already marked down sixteen duels of honor against you backward savages, including the buffoon that pretends to be the Minister of Magic.”

Minerva's face drained of color at his biting words, because she knew that she had just become the seventeenth.

“Mister Potter, you are more than welcome to join us.” Shinsoshi said.

Harry bowed deeply. “I would be honored to accept living space from you. Thank you.”

Minerva could do nothing but watch as the fourth Tri-Wizard Champion and his entire support structure walked out of the Great Hall with their heads held high.

It had been a huge economic blow when the Daily Prophet announced that the Boy-Who-Lived had been robbed of family heirlooms by Gringotts and he refused to trust thieving goblins with his money and valuables ever again. Hundreds of wizards and witches withdrew their gold and valuables from their vaults and there was nothing the goblins could do to stop them.

It had been a ploy by Albus and the Minister to try and get an influx of gold by tricking the Japanese people, and now it had backfired. As soon as the next issue of the Daily Prophet was released, everyone in the world would know how the British people treated people they thought were below them. It was not going to be a good time for anyone.

That Harry Potter identified with those lesser people and had left the country with them, was going to rock the entire wizarding world.


There was an almost immediate call for Britain to be censured by the ICW and sanctions imposed. Albus Dumbledore was ejected from his post as Supreme Mugwump for his blatant racism as well. His inability to run a school was also called to attention and an investigation was launched to determine if their standing as a top school in international circles was justified.

It wasn't. They had a ghost teaching classes, had no Aurors or healers being produced from such a poorly taught potions course, and test scores for Defense Against the Dark Arts were the lowest among the eleven top schools in the registry for the last twenty years.

It was a huge scandal and the British people felt every harsh comment was like a physical blow that was delivered by the international press. Since the Daily Prophet was pretty much the mouthpiece for the British Ministry, it didn't report anything that saw them in a bad light, which was everything.

All magical imports and exports from Britain were heavily monitored and in some cases blocked completely. All international magical transports were cancelled. No magical British citizen was allowed to leave Britain without a stringent and exhaustive security check by the target country that took weeks to confirm and then they were only allowed to use muggle transport.

Anyone who failed the checks were given a speedy trial with viritiaserum by that country and thrown in prison. Once the first few cases were reported in the papers, none of the Death Eaters tried to leave British soil.

The economy bottomed out in barely a week and caused a country-wide Depression. Loans from the bank were too expensive and dangerous to accept, because if you missed one payment, the clauses pretty much handed everything the person owned over to the goblins. Gringotts was pretty much deserted.

Inflation was ridiculous as well and no one bought anything that wasn't essential. A lot of the stores in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade had to close. Who could afford Quiddich gear when a loaf of bread that used to cost five bronze knuts was now two for a galleon?

Even St. Mungo's had to close down most of its non-essential services and charged a lot of money for emergency care. They also had to send the long term patients back to their families because they could no longer care for them. When there was no family left or a home to return them to, the poor souls were left in the streets for muggles to find.


The looks of hate and anger Harry Potter received when he returned to the castle for the weighing of the wands, were returned with smiles and waves. He greeted everyone happily and that made them even angrier. The Daily Prophet reporter, a woman named Rita Skeeter, was almost spitting mad when Harry's magical guardian refused her an interview that she could twist with her lies.

Victor Krum handed over his wand to Ollivander and it was easily described and tested, then handed back. Cedric was next and there was no trouble. Fleur Delacour handed hers over and proudly proclaimed that the Veela hair in the core of her wand was her grandmuzzer's.

“Really? Could I have a few of your hairs to do some experiments?” Harry asked, excitedly.

Fleur bristled for a moment at his audacity and blasted him with her Allure at full power... and nothing happened, to her surprise.

“A simple no would have sufficed.” Harry said as her magic flowed away and he handed a wand to the examiner.

“What is this?” Ollivander asked as both he and Albus Dumbledore stared at the red cherry wood.

“Aren't you supposed to be the expert? It's a wand.” Harry said with a smile.

The Japanese people behind him whispered about Ollivander's ability to miss the obvious.

“This isn't the wand you had before.” Ollivander stated.

“How would you know what wand I had or didn't have?” Harry asked and he didn't answer.

Ollivander seemed to spend a few minutes examining it, then he described it as springy cherry wood and unicorn hair before he produced a flow of wine from it and handed it back. Harry handed the wand to his magical guardian and the Japanese Ambassador used his own wand to see what spells had been cast on it. Words for Tracking Charm and Magical Trace floated above it.

“I see. You decided to violate privacy and interfere with a Tri-Wizard champion and his training. This will be reported.” Shinsoshi said and put the wand into a magic sealing bag and tucked it into his robes.

“We did no such thing!” Minerva gasped.

“That wand was clean before we delivered it to your expert. Since he does not have a wand on him, we must assume the headmaster standing right beside him cast the two spells.” Shinsoshi said and everyone turned to look at Albus.

“All children have those spells put on their wands.” Albus said.

Minerva sighed and stepped back. “I'll not be a party to this any longer, Albus. I also refuse to let you tell Mister Potter the wrong date for the first task.”

“I wish you would have, then he would have lost his magic and probably died.” Harry said and the older woman caught her breath. “You have all forgotten that the headmaster of the school I represent is also a Tri-Wizard judge. He has the full schedule and should have been consulted and involved with all of the events. Instead, you have completely ignored him.”

Amelia Bones felt a headache coming on, because she knew this was going to ruin any good will the government had already tried to extend to the visiting dignitaries. She was sure they had seen the palatial Japanese pagoda building that was four stories tall on the grounds near Hagrid's hut and she was also sure they would reject the offer to occupy it.

Harry looked at Rita Skeeter. “You don't have to embellish anything about today. Report the truth and it will still cause an uproar.”

“I'll report the truth, all right.” Rita said, her voice low.

Harry gave her a smile. “I hope so. We all need more proof of what you really think of foreigners.”

Rita glared at him and didn't respond.

“Have a good day, ladies and gentlemen.” Harry said and bowed, then he left with his entourage.

Amelia rushed out of the room and caught up to them. “Mister Potter.”

Harry kept the smile on his face, even though her distancing herself hurt. “Madam Bones.”

Amelia didn't miss the brief look of hurt on his face. “The ministry went to some expense to finally provide you and your school a proper place to live while visiting Hogwarts for the tournament.”

“Yes, we saw that you have tucked us all the way down the side of the grounds where the hired help have built their hovel of mud and grass.” Shinsoshi said.

Amelia groaned as her headache grew. “It was the only space large enough for a building that big.”

The entire group came to a stop as one and Amelia almost ran into the Japanese Ambassador's back.

“You dare tell us to our faces, that the only spot in the entire grounds that could hold a fifty foot per side square building, was where the groundskeeper kept the muddy hole that he used to raise pigs?” Shinsoshi asked, angrily.

Amelia blinked her eyes in shock. “That... that wasn't...”

“We toured the school's extensive grounds the first time we were here.” Shinsoshi interrupted her. “My government will be more than happy to know that the British government was willing to let us wallow in a spot that their pigs were too good to use. It will make all their previous transgressions disappear in people's eyes, I am sure.”

Amelia's mouth opened and closed and nothing came out.

“Good day, Madam.” Shinsoshi said and they all left the castle with their heads held high.

Amelia stood there for several minutes before she could get her mind working again. “Bloody hell, this won't be good. Not good at all.”

It wasn't.


British Ministry Removed From ICW Membership For Inhuman Practices!
By Jiggles MaBaps

As you can see from the before and after photos and referencing the provided map of the Hogwarts grounds, the British Ministry of Magic intentionally built the living are for visiting Japanese dignitaries on a pigsty. According to documents recovered from their planning department, no less than six other locations were considered before it was chosen as the 'best' site.

When certain members of the ministry were contacted, they stated that...


“We're ruined.” Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge said and tossed the paper onto his desk.

“Now Cornelius, there's no need to be overly dramatic about...” Deloris Umbridge started to placate him as she always did.

“This was your fault!” Cornelius shouted and slammed his hand onto the paper. “You're the one that recommended that was the best spot for them to stay!”

“That's because it is.” Deloris said. “It's not our fault they can't see the benefits of living next to a half-giant.” Where they belong!

“They don't agree with you.” Cornelius said and shoved the paper away. “All that money wasted.”

“I'm sure we can recover some of the expenses by charging them more for entering our country. They are foreigners and don't belong here, after all.”

Cornelius started to smile at getting access to more money and his office door opened. Several stunning spells flew and both he and Deloris slumped and fell to the floor.

“Get the viritiaserum ready.” Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement ordered. “Drag them both into the Wizengamut chamber and secure them. We need to try and save the country before everyone leaves or starves to death.”

Little did he know that they would uncover the truth that Lucius Malfoy and his friends the Death Eaters had hatched a plan to buy up all of the properties when everyone was desperate enough and they had arranged for everything to get worse. Since they owned the majority of the gold in Britain, they were essentially the only ones that would benefit from everyone else being poverty stricken.

During Malfoy's trial, it was discovered that Lucius had the notorious mass murderer Sirius Black killed and that Harry Potter was the real heir to the Black Family fortune. Thankfully, all that gold was hidden in the Malfoy Manor's basement and was easily recoverable. His wife Narcissa was arrested for being in on the plan and sent to prison, as was Cornelius, Delores, and fifteen other high ranking Ministry workers.

The Wizengamut with most of the Dark Faction in prison, made a desperate attempt to appease the savior of the wizarding world and to save their country. They deemed that all of Malfoy's possessions, including the gold, properties, and patents, would be given to Harry Potter, less the fees it would cost to transfer everything over to him.

Harry accepted the so-called gift in the spirit in which it was given, as another insult. It was actually the return of his own belongings, especially the gold, properties, and one of the patents, so he stripped the manor of everything dark and cursed before he sold it, expensive furniture and all, to a muggle orphanage for a 50 pence piece.

The extremely happy woman couldn't believe that she held the deed to such a grand place that would easily house all of the children comfortably, and many more besides, then she fainted when Harry gave her a check for 50,000 English pounds as a donation. The Japanese conversion rate had been much more favorable than what the British offered and he had taken full advantage of it.

Harry would never know that the house elf he had also acquired hadn't revealed himself because he was too afraid of having another nasty master, then he suddenly had sixteen children to take care of living in the new master's manor.

Dobby the House Elf couldn't have been happier to have so much work to do!


November 24 was the first task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament and almost no one was excited to see it. The entire country had been in a low mood with everything going on and most of Slytherin House, part of Ravenclaw, and a few members of both Hufflepuff and Griffindor were absent. Their parents were in jail or had been kissed by a Dementor and they had been withdrawn from Hogwarts to save money.

Even though the task was dragons, no one cheered or made much noise to encourage the contestants. Since the Durmstrang students rarely showed much emotion, they stayed quiet. The Beauxbatons students didn't like Fleur at all, so they were also quiet. That meant Cedric, Victor, and Fleur all performed their tasks to complete silence.

Harry Potter, the only one that didn't know the task was dragons, entered the arena and a chorus of boos greeted him. “Thank you, thank you. You are so kind.” He said and gave them a bow, then bowed to the Hungarian Horntail. The dragon roared at him and he stiffened. “No! They did that to you? Those swine!”

The dragon roared again and everyone stared as Harry ignored common sense and jogged right over to the dragon. A blast of flame came from the dragon's mouth and hit him before he could dodge. Several girls screamed and one even fainted.

“Stop that!” Harry's voice said and a partially burned hand reached out through the flames and smacked the dragon's nose. She whimpered and the flames cut off as she backed up from the smack, clearly indignant that someone had hit her nose.

Two more people fainted when they saw the partially charred young man that stood there with only one arm and no clothing.

“Your expelling glands are already inflamed from overuse. If you use your flame breath any more, you could cause yourself even more damage!” Harry berated the creature.

That didn't really surprise anyone, though. They were too distracted while they watched Harry Potter glow and his burned off arm grew back.

“Come here and let me look at it.” Harry said and used his regrown hand to wave the creature forward.

The Hungarian Horntail shook her head in a clear refusal.

“I can't heal it if you won't let me touch you.” Harry said and the dragon didn't move, so he huffed. “I'm sorry I smacked your snout. You were being bad and it was the quickest way to get you to stop.”

The dragon let out a sigh that lit a puff of flame.

“I already warned you not to do that.” Harry reminded the dragon. “I won't approach the nest without your permission, so you can relax.”

To everyone's shock, the Hungarian Horntail looked down at her eggs and blew a bit of flame on them, then she moved off the nest to stand in front of it and bent her head down to look into Harry's eyes.

“That's better.” Harry said and reached up to rub the creature's nose. “Hold still. This might take a few minutes.”

Everyone in the audience stared as the dragon started to glow.

“I see, I see. Yes, that old side wound hurts, doesn't it?” Harry asked and the dragon huffed and grumbled. “I'm not being stupid. I'm a doctor. I'm supposed to talk to ease the patient's fears.”

No one spoke or moved as they listened to Harry talk to a dragon as if the creature was a person. It was nearly ten minutes later when the dragon stopped glowing.

“There we go. You're all fixed up.” Harry said and rubbed the dragon's snout. “You don't have to space out warming your babies with your flame breath anymore. You can blast them as much as you want.”

The Hungarian Horntail grumbled and moved her head to nudge Harry's shoulder with her chin.

“Sure, I can check them. Lead the way.” Harry said and waited for the dragon to move around the nest and she hunched over the eggs, clearly protective. “I'll only use a finger and won't maul them.”

The dragon grumbled and nodded.

Harry made sure to show her a single finger each time, then only touched the tops of each egg to make it glow. “Boy.” “Girl.” “Girl.” “Girl.” “Boy.” “Boy.” “Fake.”

The dragon growled and huffed a bit of flame.

“It's true. Look.” Harry very carefully picked up the gold colored one and lightly tapped on the side to let her hear the metallic ring.

She growled again and narrowed her eyes.

“I'll get rid of it.” Harry said and tossed it over his shoulder. It went quite far before it bounced and clanged against rocks and things on the ground and it rolled all the way near the exit tent. “You only have six weeks of peace before the real eggs hatch, so good luck.”

The dragon huffed a fireball and Harry laughed as he slowly stood and backed up from the nest. When he was far enough away, he bowed to her in a sign of respect, then he turned and walked over to pick up the egg before he entered the exit tent.

“Dragons!” Madam Pomfrey exclaimed and grabbed Harry's arm to bring him over to the last bed in the temporary infirmary and sat him on it. She pulled the egg from his hands and quickly cast several diagnostic spells on him before she froze. “Why are you not hurt, Mister Potter?”

“I told you a month ago. My quirk constantly heals me.” Harry said took the egg back. “Can I borrow a spare robe or a hospital gown or something? I feel a little drafty in here for some reason.”

Cedric laughed, Victor smiled briefly, and Fleur stared at Harry's perfect naked body as a bit of drool dripped out of the side of her mouth.

“All of your muscles really are perfectly symmetrical.” Daphne said and walked over to hand him a hospital robe.

“Yes, and it took a lot of work to make them that way and even more to keep them.” Harry said and put the egg down to stand up.

“My parents were sentenced to death yesterday, so I can send you a family line continuance contract without them trying to kill me or my sister.” Daphne said as her eyes looked at a specific part of Harry's anatomy before he covered it up with the robe.

“You would allow someone the Daily Prophet called 'the scourge of the wizarding world' to sully your loins?” Harry asked with a chuckle at the nickname that a lot of people had accepted as the truth, even though it was proved that it was the death eaters that were responsible.

“You can sully my loins, my abdomen, my back, my chest, and even inside my throat.” Daphne said, to the surprise of everyone else in the room. “I draw the line at my face, however. That's degrading.”

Harry was almost too stunned by her words to respond as he sat back down. “I... I will seriously consider your request, Miss Greengrass.”

“Please call me Daphne.” Daphne said before she leaned in close to whisper in his ear. “I demand you call me Lady Greengrass when you bend me over the bed and talk dirty to me.”

No one missed Harry having to use the egg to cover up his growing erection. With her proposal successfully delivered, Daphne went back to tending to Cedric's slightly burned arm.

The flap of the tent opened and the Japanese Ambassador walked in with a smile on his face and a set of proper robes over his arm. “I have replacement robes and accoutrements for you to don, Harry.”

“Thank you, Shinsoshi.” Harry said and carefully made sure that he didn't flash his erection at the rest of the room as he quickly dressed in proper clothes. He knew he hadn't been successful after he heard two distinct female moans.

Shinsoshi led Harry from the tent and he received his scores. By the boos from the crowd, they were either complaining he had an average of seven or they were complaining that only the Japanese headmaster had given him a 10. Either way, it didn't matter.

“I need to go visit the other dragons and check them for damage.” Harry said and started to walk over to where the dragons were being kept.

Shinsoshi's face lost the smile. “You are not going to be happy, Harry.”

Harry stopped walking and turned to him. “Explain.”

The Japanese man sighed. “The Durmstrang champion cursed the Chinese Fireball dragon's eye to distract her. It worked, except she was so distracted by the pain that she crushed half of her eggs.”

Harry felt his face pale as his blood pressure dropped. “No, they... they wouldn't have...”

“You saw your own dragon's nest up close. They had no protective spells on them at all.” Shinsoshi whispered.

Harry had to take several deep breaths before he could speak. “If it wasn't against the rules to impede a champion from competing in the tournament, I would do the same to Krum.”

“As would I, my friend. As would I.” Shinsoshi said. “Can you put it aside for now and continue?”

Harry was barely able to nod. “Did they keep the ruined eggs so I could at least try to...”

“They vanished them as soon as they reached the nest and cleaned it.” Shinsoshi responded.

“Those idiots.” Harry said, angrily. “She's going to assume they stole them or she lost them to the human that attacked her.”

“Which she did.” Shinsoshi pointed out.

“Yes, and she is going to be even more upset about that.” Harry groused and they walked on towards the very loud roars of the distressed dragons.

The first dragon handler they saw near the pens turned and saw them. He smiled and opened his mouth, probably to say something stupid like thanking him for not damaging the eggs, and Harry's fist slammed into the man's chest and flung him into the closest pen's fence and he bounced off.

“Don't you dare speak to me.” Harry said and caught him, healed him, and dropped him to the ground. “You didn't use a temporary imperturbable charm on the eggs? Are you all morons?”

The muscular man wheezed something that Harry didn't bother listening to.

Harry walked over to the Chinese Fireball's pen and saw that several wizards were casting stunners at her to try and calm her down. “Stop that, you fools! You're making her angrier!”

The men immediately backed off and then dove out of the pen when the dragon's fire breath swept through the pen.

“Where are her eggs?” Harry asked the closest man.

“We packed them away so...”

“Get me that crate right now!” Harry ordered him. When the man didn't move, Harry picked him up by his robes and easily threw him across the clearing and he bounced off of one of the shipping containers.

“Hey! You can't do that!” Someone else shouted and raised his wand to point at Harry.

“Either bring me those eggs or I open her pen and let her kill you all!” Harry shouted back and grabbed the locking pin.

That made all of the men pause.

“Hurry up. My hand is slipping.” Harry said with a deadly voice and slid the pin an inch to the side.

As if the dragon knew what he was doing, she stopped thrashing around and her one eye stared at the pen's door.

The nest was brought over and Harry looked at the sad state of it. Part of it was crushed and only three eggs remained.

“You stupid, stupid fools.” Harry said and started hissing in a deep timbre. He checked the eggs wth his power and they were severely shaken up. Only one would have lived after the rough handling and he healed the other two.

The Chinese Fireball walked over to the pen's opening and she saw there were only three eggs. A sad keening sound came from her and a large salty tear appeared at the corner of her only working eye.

Harry kept hissing and he gently stroked each egg and told her how they were now unhurt and would live, despite being shaken up so much. He reached into the pen and lightly stroked her snout and told her she was going to be fine as well. She started to glow and as her damaged eye healed, it released a tear.

None of the workers tried to interfere or told him to put the eggs down after the glow faded from the dragon. The two Harry had assaulted also kept their mouths shut as Harry kept the previously irate dragon calm. Harry nodded at Shinsoshi and he repaired the nest, so Harry put the eggs back into it and waved at the dragon handlers.

The nest was carefully packed up again and Harry went to the other two dragons. He hissed at them the entire time to tell them what he was doing and why. They let him check them and their eggs without complaint or a show of aggression, which shocked the workers that were supposed to do the same thing. One of the men, the muscular one that he had met first, opened his mouth again to speak.

Harry raised his hand to stop him and then turned his hand around to give the man the middle finger. The man clamped his mouth shut and didn't say whatever it was he was going to say. Shinsoshi led Harry back towards the castle in complete silence, because all the dragons had stopped roaring and making noise.

“Let's go home.” Harry said and they joined the rest of the Japanese contingent. The portkey activated and they swirled away before anyone else could try to talk to Harry.


The Yule Ball had been a Tri-Wizard Tournament event for hundreds of years and this year wasn't any different. The only change was that there was a fourth champion that no one expected would show up for it. They were wrong.

Just before the event was to start, the giant oak front doors of the castle opened and the entire Japanese contingent were there with dates on their arms. Their attire was entirely eye-catching, because all of the men were dressed in ancient Japanese ceremonial robes called hakamas and the women were dressed in ceremonial kimonos and yukatas depending on their marriage status and social importance.

The last woman was the most shocking, because she wore a furisode, which was a formal kimono worn by an unmarried woman. She was also on Harry Potter's arm and was clearly pregnant.

“Madam Rosmerta!” Minerva gasped and everyone in the Great Hall turned to look.

Rosmerta gave her a beaming smile. “My pregnancy was confirmed, so I'm going to become Lady Black. Please announce that when you introduce the champions, Madam McGonagall. Thank you.”

Minerva just stood there with her mouth hung open and didn't say anything.

“We shall proceed you.” Shinsoshi said to Harry and led the rest of the procession over to one of the large tables. A quick glare at the two couples already sitting there had them scramble to find seats somewhere else and the Japanese contingent all sat their wives first before the men sat themselves.

Cedric did the manly thing and gave Minerva a slight elbow to wake her up. The older woman barely took her eyes off of Rosmerta and cleared her throat. She introduced the champions from youngest to oldlest, so Harry went first and Rosmerta beamed a smile all around at everyone's stunned faces.

“This was the best advertisement for your healing services.” Rosmerta said as Harry sat her at the champion's table.

“Regrowing my arm at the first task didn't count?” Harry asked and sat beside her.

“That's just physical healing. Surprising as it is to grow a limb back, it's not that big of a surprise.” Rosmerta said and her hand went to her belly. “This right here is irrefutable proof that you can heal anything.”

“I'm not going to argue because everyone's talking about it.” Harry said as the other champions and their dates sat down around them.

“Are you sure it's not because I'm going to have a last name once more?” Rosmerta asked with a teasing smile.

Harry chuckled. “That's definitely a huge part of it.”

“You really are pregnant?” A dark skinned woman asked from the next table.

“I am, Professor Vector.” Rosmerta said.

“I thought it was impossible for you to have a child.”

“All the healers in St. Mungo's said so after hundreds of tests.” Rosmerta responded and then grinned. “They never planned on me meeting the best healer in the world.”

“Neither did she.” Harry said and kissed her cheek. “I couldn't tell if you had more fun before or after I healed you, though.”

“Definitely after. Once the important work was out of the way, all I wanted to do was play.” Rosmerta said. “The best part is that my milky white mounds of soft distractions are going to get much bigger because they're filling up with actual milk! I couldn't feel prouder if I tried!”

Her words practically stunned everyone at the nearby tables that had heard her.

Harry laughed and picked up the menu. It had several dishes for British, French, Bulgarian, and Japanese choices. “Chicken fried rice with soy sauce on the side and egg rolls, please.”

The requested food appeared on Harry's plate and he nodded.

“Thank you.” Harry said and waited for everyone else to order before he started eating.

The meal passed fairly quickly with small talk among the other champions, because none of them wanted to talk to Harry. He was still the 'scourge', even if the economy was starting to recover, and they all treated him that way. Rosmerta treated him normally and she always answered any questions by including Harry in them.

The meal ended and the ball officially started, so the champions took their places on the dance floor and the song began. Rosmerta started laughing loudly as Harry pretty much carried her through the whole thing. He didn't want her jumping in her current state. Surprisingly, no one blamed him for taking good care of her.

“Down, boy!” Rosmerta tapped the top of his head when the song ended.

Harry grinned at her and carefully put her down.

“I can dance normally for a song or two and then I'll release you to the hounds.” Rosmerta joked.

Harry glanced over to where she indicated, only to see six different young women with hopeful looks on their faces. “Hounds?”

“You don't expect me to call them horny bitches, do you?” Rosmerta laughed. “They know you can get them pregnant because you knocked me up!”

Harry waltzed with her and thought about the contracts he had been sent. There were a lot more than the six eagerly waiting for him. “Why am I okay with all of this?”

“Are you just asking yourself or do you want the truth?” Rosmerta asked.

Harry gave her a serious look. “The truth, please.”

“You were ripped from the family you loved. After all your research, you can never get back to them, even if you waited for the Goblet to recharge. It can only pull things to itself and never send, so you're stuck.”

“What does that have to do with...”

“You've decided to live the fantasy because you can't have the reality.” Rosmerta said and saw it in Harry's eyes. “All you have to decide is if you want your children here to carry your stigma.”

That made Harry sigh. “You're going to make me be altruistic, aren't you?”

“Only you can decide that, Harry.” Rosmerta said. “How much of Ogden's Distillery did you buy, anyway?”

Harry huffed. “I bought the whole company and started it up again. The entire family wanted out, because they couldn't stop the raids on their private stocks of fire-whiskey.”

“I bet you're paying appropriate wages, too.” Rosmerta commented with a huge smile.

“No comment.” Harry grumbled and she laughed.

“All you need to do is release that as an article in the paper and make it sound like you're giving a Yule present to the people.” Rosmerta said and hugged him close. “You'll go from scourge of the wizarding world to best friend in under a week. Trust me.”

Harry thought about that and had to agree. It would definitely put him in a lot of people's good graces. “What will they say when they find out I'm going to accept so many line continuance contracts?”

“As long as you make sure it's widely known you're doing your part to repopulate the purebloods and give well known families heirs, they might give you an Order of Merlin.” Rosmerta said and gave him a quick kiss. “Third Class, of course. You can't be greedy.”

Harry rolled his eyes at her and the second song ended.

“Take me over to the table and start dancing with Susan. She was the first to ask.” Rosmerta said as an explanation as to why. “Let the others know they'll all get a turn, then tell them when you're dancing with them that you accept.”

“You're okay with all of this?” Harry asked as he led her over to the table and sat her down. He checked that she had her wand ready, too.

“You've given Kinoko the Potter line and myself the Lady title for the Black Family. I thought I was going to die without a name or have anywhere that I could be legally buried.” Rosmerta said and pulled him down to give him another quick kiss. “You also gave me a child I never thought I could have and I can never thank you enough for either of those things.”

Harry saw in her eyes that she really did feel that way and nodded.

“Try to not let them drool on your hakama when they feel how soft it is.” Rosmerta warned him.

Harry chuckled, gave her a deep and respectful bow to make her blush, and he walked over to the small gathering of girls. “Ladies, please indulge me for the next while.”

The girls looked a little confused when he bowed to them.

“I give my word that I will dance with each of you for at least one fast song and one slow song.” Harry said and held a hand out to Susan. She smiled and took his offered hand.

It was a slow song, so Susan was quite happy about that and hugged Harry close. Her purr as her hands rubbed the colorful cloth of his hakama made him smile in turn. His whispered words of acceptance halfway through the song made her squeak with happiness and she kissed him passionately.

Susan felt pretty smug when the song ended and Harry brought her over to the group of girls. She didn't mind that they were all there for the same thing, either. She was first and knew Daphne would be second, if her understanding of Harry's sense of fair play was correct.

When Harry took Daphne's hand next to lead her onto the dance floor, Susan knew she was right and quickly whispered to the other four girls what was happening and why. They could barely hide their excitement, especially when Daphne proved Susan's words were true and she let out a happy squeal and kissed Harry passionately.

Rosmerta looked amused as each of the girls looked both excited and relieved. They would get the children their families needed to continue and they wouldn't be trapped in a loveless marriage or lose their family names. Years of pressure on their shoulders had been lifted and that alone had them almost giggling... then they started actually giggling as they discussed going to bed with such a powerful man.

I think you are inviting more into your life than you think you are, Harry. Rosmerta thought when she saw the gleam in Susan's eyes. After a few moments, she noticed a similar look in Daphne's eyes. Yes, a lot more.

As the night wore on, Harry danced with Rosmerta occasionally and with the six girls he would sign contracts with. Both fast and slow songs were shared as equally as Harry could, considering he was only one man. The fast songs were a bit easier, because all of the girls could dance at the same time.

At the end of the ball, Harry walked each of them out to the Entrance Hall one at a time and kissed them goodnight before he thanked them for being his date. That made each and every one of them blush, thank him in return, and they rushed off to their dorms. The last to be led out was Rosmerta.

“Should I have warned you that you're raising their expectations into the sky?” Rosmerta asked with a laugh before Harry hugged her and kissed her, then he thanked her for being his date. “Never mind. I am far, far too late for that.”

Harry laughed and took her out of the castle. A few of the carriages were there and they rode one down through the gates and into Hogsmeade. Harry took out a piece of raw steak and fed it to the thestral as thanks before he and Rosmerta entered the Three Broomsticks. They undressed and spent the night together, careful of her small baby bump, and went to sleep happy and satisfied.

The following morning was not a pleasant one.


The Scourge of the Wizarding World has become The Scourge of Eligible Witches!
By Rita Skeeter

That's right, my dear readers! In an exclusive story that would be unbelievable if it wasn't true, Harry Potter had not one, not two, but seven dates to the Yule Ball at Hogwarts last night. I will not name names to protect the innocent; however, one date was pregnant and not a Hogwarts student while the other six dates were from all four Houses of Griffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

What right does one lone 12 year old child have to claim so many young women for himself? He is not old enough to apparate and he has already made one woman pregnant. What will happen if he gets the others pregnant as well? What is happening to our society?


“Apparently, I am a little too late with my decision to release a statement.” Harry said and threw the paper down onto the breakfast table.

“Harry, don't let it get to you.” Rosmerta tried to soothe him.

“It won't. My plans aren't going to change.” Harry said and stood with a determined look in his eye. “I'm just going to give a slightly different statement than I was going to.”

Rosmerta thought about convincing him not to and her eyes landed on the defamatory article. She stayed quiet and watched Harry grab some writing instruments. She just hoped whatever he released would decrease the backlash he was going to get.

Unfortunately, her hope was wasted, since that was not what Harry had done at all.


Nearly all of Britain's citizens were shocked a week later when the Daily Prophet was released.


The Scourge of Witches Admits The Truth!
By Rita Skeeter

Dear readers, it's even worse than anyone thought! As previously reported, Harry Potter did have seven witches as dates for the Yule Ball. What he has admitted in a letter to the editor (printed on page two) was that he actually has thirteen witches he invited to his bed and he plans to have as many more as he desires. He also released an open letter (printed on page three) that calls upon all single witches to owl him and he will choose those worthy enough to mount his broomstick!

The Scourge has also announced that because of the previous truthful article, he has instituted an Alcohol Prohibition and will no longer sell fire-whiskey, butterbeer, ale, or wine within the shores of the British Isles. He also claims to have increased production because international sales earn him more gold because he no longer has to pay the Ministry of Magic taxes on sales.


Newly elected Minister of Magic Amos Diggory sat in his office and stared at the article. He couldn't believe it. Instead of the one approved to tell everyone that an almost entirely new government had been put into place to recover the country's reputation, most of the newspaper was filled with drivel.

What was worse was the implication that a single inflammatory article had caused one of their largest British Companies to change their sales market and severely cut the Ministry of Magic's largest source of income. Taxes. No matter how poor the economy was, or how expensive everything was, everyone needed a drink to relax and would pay through the nose to have it.

“Amy, get me Shacklebolt. And Bones. And Weasley. Oh, hell, bring in all the department heads.” Amos said to his Undersecretary. “We need to figure out how to fix this mess.”

“Yes, sir.” Amy said and pretty much ran out of the office. She could have sent notes, except notes could be ignored and visiting in person would let her targets know exactly how urgent this was.

Fifteen minutes later, the minister's office was packed tightly with chairs and warm bodies. He held up the newspaper and half of the people there winced and the other half huffed indignantly.

“That will be the exact split reaction that the population is going to have.” Amos said and dropped the paper onto his desk. “What are we going to do about it?”

“There's nothing we can do.” Kingsley Shacklebolt said.

“Why?” Amos asked.

“No laws have been broken. We can't arrest someone for having an opinion or for printing that opinion.” Kingsley said with a shrug. “The fallout isn't something we can control, either.”

“I predict that there will be rioting in the streets by suppertime.” Amelia Bones said. “If anyone remembers what businesses Potter bought up, they'll probably be raided and ransacked.”

“That we could stop.” Kingsley offered.

“I don't think you should.” Pius Thicknesse of the Finance Department said. “Potter chose to cause chaos, so let him deal with it himself.”

“You can't condemn innocent people not related to the problem to harm, just because their boss chose to change the sales policy of another business.” Arthur Weasley countered.

“Are they innocent? They accepted his money to stay open and it's common knowledge.” Pius responded.

“Next you're going to say we should let them attack the innocent young women he met at the Yule Ball because they wanted to dance with him.” Arthur shot back.

“They were his dates. He admitted it.” Amelia said and waved at the newspaper on the minister's desk.

“He only had one woman that he took to the ball and he left with her.” Kingsley said.

“His letters were fairly clear that he is propositioning every eligible woman that wants a child.” Amelia almost spat. “I personally think it's disgusting that he is essentially whoring himself out like that.”

“Are you personally affronted or is it because your niece is the first in line?” Amos asked her and she hissed at him. “My son Cedric told me all about the evening when I asked, so I know you are dissatisfied by Mister Potter's behavior.”

Amelia didn't say anything in response. She would never admit that she wished she had gotten pregnant during their night together and she would have put a stop to the whole mess before it happened. Self-blame was a horrible thing to be stricken with when you knew your own influence could have changed everything right from the start.

“So.” Amos said and looked at all of their faces, even the ones that hadn't spoken. “What are we going to do about it?”

“We hope we don't drown in owls and howlers tomorrow when the newspaper prints the story about the government reforming.” Pius said. “Too little too late, I believe the saying goes.”

“We can't just let this go.” Jugson of the Maintenance Department said. “Cutting off all the alcohol is too much.”

“We could impose our own tariffs and taxes on Ogden's shipments specifically.” Pius said.

“Won't work. They would just ship things anonymously in unmarked crates, assuming they use any shipping company besides their own.” Kingsley said.

“Excuse me? What did you say?” Amos asked, surprised.

“Potter owns Greengrass Distributors.” Kingsley said and everyone's faces looked just as shocked as the minister's. “It was part of the deal he struck with the heiress after her parents were tossed through the veil.”

“You must be joking.” Amos said.

Kingsley shook his head. “Potter bought her family's company for a single lump sum of 100,000 galleons, hired Miss Greengrass to run it, and signed a line continuance contract before he slept with her.”

“When did he do all of that?” Amelia asked.

“Yesterday.” Kingsley said and they all gave him questioning looks. “I only know that because I had an Auror staking out the business to catch any illegal activities caused by the sanctions.”

“Then how do you know they signed contracts and... did the other thing.” Amelia asked with a blush.

Kingsley had the grace to look bashful. “Auror Tonks provided a copy of her pensieve memory and she easily heard them talking with a clear view of... the entire meeting.”

Amos Diggory was tempted to review that memory if a man like Kingsley was embarrassed to have seen it. He pushed that thought aside for now. “What does this mean for us?”

“Practically nothing, since it's a net loss. With no local alcohol to tax and his own shipping company that we can't tax, means we can't touch him.” Kingsley said.

“That's not what I wanted to hear.” Amos said with a frown.

“We could detain him as a foreigner and strip all of his locally owned properties.” Pius said.

“The Wizengamut already did that once and then restored them to their rightful owner.” Amelia reminded him. “Do you really think he would let us do it again?”

“Let us? We're the government. This is our country and we run it.” Pius said, briskly.

“That's exactly the attitude that let Cornelius Fudge run the country into the ground.” Amos said and stopped that argument before it started. “I will not be known as the minister that continues the work of a death eater collaborator.”

“Then you are wasting your time with all of this.” Amelia said and motioned to the newspaper again. “Nothing we do or say will convince Potter we aren't trying to pull the wool over his eyes about something.”

“Why is he still so adamant about fighting against the government when he must know we've cleaned house?” Arthur asked.

Kingsley sighed. “One of the main things he complained about with Miss Greengrass was that the Wizengamut charged him to give him his property back.”

“That's a standard handling fee!” Pius said. “Who else was supposed to pay it?”

No one answered that.

“What about the situation with the goblins?” Amos asked. “Have our efforts to rebuild the public's trust in them paid off?”

“Potter absolutely refuses to use them for valid reasons, and he proved to the old pureblood families that not only were their gold and valuables not safe and could be confiscated at any time, they themselves were not safe while on goblin lands.” Dirk Cresswell, Head of the Goblin Relations Department said. “Their boastful and posturing threat to remove the witnesses to Potter's confrontation with them, ensured that no one else will trust them, either.”

“That's because no one wants to hand over their gold and heirlooms to a bank and then have them turn right around and kill them to claim the treasure. No one can touch them because of the treaties and now everyone knows that.” Arthur said with a shake of his head. “Molly won't deal with them, either.”

Amos sighed, even though he hadn't planned to show that kind of reaction to the heads of the ministry's departments. “Amelia, is there any chance that...”

“You would have a better chance of talking to Potter if you threw your letters into the trash.” Amelia interrupted.

Amos didn't let his consternation show. “Your niece?”

Amelia sighed in resignation. “I'll try to talk to her; but, I think you should try the garbage can first.”

Kingsley and Arthur chuckled.

Amos nodded. “All right. My first order of business is to contact a shipping and distribution company on the continent. If we can't buy alcohol locally, then we'll buy it somewhere else.”

“Are you insane?” Pius asked. “We are barely solvent because of all the gold the ministry recovered from Fudge's secret accounts and robbing the country blind. We can't afford to supply a country's worth of drunks!”

“It will be a financial hit at first, yes.” Amos said and then smiled. “We will also be the sole provider of alcohol in the British Isles.”

That made everyone in the meeting happier, especially the maintenance department head. Their stocks of stored alcohol were getting low and because he would be in charge of handling the shipments into and out of the ministry, he was perfectly placed to make a few discreet purchases and sales of his own.


“They took the bait.” Daphne Greengass said with a laugh the next day as she looked at the contracts for several very large alcohol purchases that were made from their sister company in France, which meant a huge influx of gold for them, because they owned that company, too.

“I knew someone would figure it out and would try to circumvent the prohibition. It's a shame that it will become a steady drain on the Ministry's funds and will bankrupt them in under a year.” Harry Potter said from beside her, then he used a hand to turn her face towards him and gave her a deep kiss.

Daphne couldn't help her soft moan as Harry claimed her mouth and his hands expertly groped her breasts exactly how she liked. She didn't complain that they were in her office or that one particular Auror could easily see them. It gave her a thrill to know that she was titillating the famous metamorphmagus that could become anyone and Daphne made her jealous with her normal body.

They were soon naked on her desk and Daphne cried out sexily as Harry called her Lady Greengrass and made her his once more. It had been a very sneaky thing for Harry to have added a sub-clause to the line continuance contract that he could sleep with her as much as possible to ensure that she was satisfied with his services.

As long as Daphne claimed she wasn't satisfied, she could remain in his life for as long as she wanted, pregnancy or not. Did she love him a little more because of that? Yes, she did. She had never imagined any man could be as attentive and involved as he had become in her life, despite having 12 other witches to take care of.

Since it was Daphne's decision when she wanted to get pregnant, Harry was going to be in her life for a very long time. That he was a ruthless businessman as well, just made her pleasure in having him with her that much better.

“How happy... is Rosmerta... that you bought her business... and provide the alcohol stock... for free?” Daphne asked between panting breaths. Harry's powerful thrusts reached the deepest parts of her and she had never felt more like a woman than she did while she was with him.

“I saw her yesterday.” Harry said and grunted as his thighs slapped against Daphne's. “She covered her bed in thousands of galleons... cast a cushioning charm on the whole thing... and rolled around on them... before she begged me to take her again... for making her rich.”

Daphne laughed breathlessly and hugged him close. “We have to... try that ourselves... sometime.”

“As my Lady Greengrass commands.” Harry said and picked her up, still sheathed inside of her. He held her with one hand and used his free one to grab his expanded money pouch and dumped it out onto the floor, cast the cushioning charm, and then dove into the piles and piles of galleons to ram himself inside of her.

“OHHHH!” Daphne screamed and came hard. She always loved it when he took her offhand comments as orders and then fulfilled them.


“Hello, Luna.” Harry said as he sat beside the small blonde at the Ravenclaw table a week later.

“Hello, Harry Potter.” Luna said and smiled at him. “Have you come to play with me again? I did have so much fun the last time.”

Harry nodded and stifled his laugh, because every girl around them blushed and thought she meant having sex. “I've already given your Head of House the written notice that you're helping me train for the Tri-Wizard tournament, so you are excused from classes for the day.”

Luna's smile grew and she almost glowed with happiness. “It was so nice of you to wait until I had a horrible class day with History of Magic and double Potions. Thank you.”

“It was my pleasure, Luna.” Harry said. “Are you finished eating breakfast?”

“Just about.” Luna said and scooped up the last of the pudding in her bowl with a spoon and slurped it. “Ah, tapioca! The flavor of the gods!”

Harry laughed and saw she had a bit left on the side of her mouth. “You missed some. Let me get that for you.”

Everyone watched as Harry boldly leaned in and gently kissed the side of Luna's mouth.

“There, that's got it.” Harry said and stood up. “Shall we?”

Luna smiled dreamily at him and held out a hand for him to take. Harry helped her stand and then walked out of the Great Hall with mutterings and whispers following them.

When they were out of sight, Luna turned her head to look up at him. “Thank you for pretending like that, Harry. Daddy is quite happy that the nargles leave me alone now.”

Harry stopped at an abandoned classroom and pulled her inside, closed and locked the door, and he cleaned a chair to sit down. To Luna's surprise, he pulled her onto his lap and hugged her tenderly.

“Luna, you seem to misunderstand something.” Harry whispered and Luna turned her head to stare into his eyes. “I signed the line continuance contract with your father in good faith. I haven't done anything besides everything you wanted us to do, because by the contract's wording, it will always be your decision what we do and how far we go, until you're ready to accept becoming pregnant.”

Luna sat there and very slowly blinked her eyes once. Then she did it again before disbelief showed on her face.

“I'll let you in on a little secret.” Harry whispered and Luna leaned in close to listen. “I changed yours to include a sub-clause that we will always be friends and I will protect you and your children for as long as you live.”

Luna tilted her head slightly as if confused. “As long as we live and not you?”

Harry smiled. “I found out years ago that my healing power won't let me age past my majority.”

Luna did that long slow blink again. “How long have you looked like you do now?”

“About seven years.” Harry admitted.

Luna's disbelief faded and she smiled dreamily. “If I asked you to kiss me like you kissed Rosmerta at the Yule Ball...”

Harry kissed her exactly like she asked and Luna's arms went around his neck. Her lips moved and she made a soft keening sound before her tongue copied his and the kiss deepened to the point that they were sharing the same breath. They stayed like that for several minutes before Luna slowed her movements and broke the kiss.

“I can feel your blubbering humdinger.” Luna said, breathlessly. “My umbigutous slashkilter itches, too.”

“I know just the thing to help you with that.” Harry said with a dreamy smile that matched hers and he slipped Luna's panties off.

Luna moaned as his fingers probed and played with her, then she was suddenly on her back and Harry's eyes stared at her as he kissed her slashkilter like he had kissed her mouth.

Half an hour later, Luna asked if that was called foreplay, what would they do to each other with one, two and three play? Harry laughed and hugged her close as he told her about all of the new games they could play.

“I still want to play our other games, too.” Luna said after another lesson in foreplay.

“Luna, love.” Harry said and kissed her. “I told you, I'm always going to be your friend and we can do anything you want.”

“I want to find a crumple horned snorkack.” Luna said.

Harry had no idea what that was. “I have a lot of friends in the International Confederation of Wizards and in a bunch of non-affiliated countries, thanks to alcohol sales and Greengrass Shipping.” He said and cuddled her. “Why don't you tell me all about it and I'll ask around about it.”

Luna's dreamy smile changed to a real one. “Really? You're going to help?”

“I have no real plans after this tournament is over, besides taking care of the women I'm under contract to. That includes you, Luna. I'll have some time to do research and things and I don't mind adding snorkack hunting to it.”

Luna felt her chest fluttering and her stomach flip-flopped. She had never had anyone, not even her father, believe her immediately without questioning her if what she claimed was a real creature.

“Is this what love feels like?” Luna asked, almost absently, and laid back on the cushion-charmed floor. “Can do that thing with your tongue again? That was nice.”

Harry chuckled. “I very much want to hear you make those cute noises again.”

Luna giggled and spread her legs for him, then she squeaked when Harry started in on her again. She made many more noises for him that day and she couldn't have been happier. She had a permanent friend now and he played any game she wanted, no matter what it was. It wouldn't be long before she would adamantly choose 'hide the humdinger' as one of her favorites.


February 24 was the second task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament and Harry was pissed. Luna Lovegood had been chosen as his hostage and had been kidnapped. The judges claimed it was to motivate the champions to complete the task as quickly as possible, because they had taken something they would miss the most.

Harry informed them that they would regret harming one of his contracted clients. No one believed he would do anything in retaliation, because he would violate the rules of interfering with the tournament by harming the judges. Little did they realize the true depths of Harry's power.

Thanks to years of stockpiling energy, Harry's magic capacity was nearly a hundred times that of a normal wizard. That didn't mean a lot, since a spell usually only utilized a small fraction of a wizard's power. The difference was that Harry also had a wand that let him channel as much of his capacity into a spell that he wanted.

Harry was so angry at the judges for violating the terms of protection his contract offered, that as soon as the cannon went off to signify the start of the task, he aimed the Elder Wand at the Black Lake and poured all of that anger through the wand as he cast a simple vanishing spell.

“EVANESCO!” Harry yelled with all of his might.

To everyone's shock, especially the other three champions and all of the creatures that lived in the Black Lake, every ounce of water disappeared. Anything that had been floating in the water dropped down to land on the hard rocky bottom of the now completely dry lake.

The three champions cried out in pain after dropping twenty feet and all of the creatures also let out pained sounds when they hit and then started to suffocate. No water meant no air for them. The most damage was suffered by the large pirate ship that the Durmstrang contingent had arrived on as it dropped over fifty feet and crushed the keel of the hull before half of the hull crumbled and the ship listed to the side.

Harry hopped off the dock and moved. He was suddenly all the way over to where the merpeople village was and ignored all the wheezing from the dying creatures. He carefully picked up a crying Luna and healed her.

“Harry, please.” Luna whispered between sobs. “It's not... their fault.”

“The merpeople agreed to it and they held you captive, love.” Harry said and touched each of the other hostages.

“Clarence...” Luna tried.

“The Giant Squid is safely tucked away in a cove off of Japan. Persephone is enjoying his company.” Harry said. “The seahorses have been relocated to the Loch of Ness.”

Luna blinked her eyes for a moment and then smiled. “You didn't... kill the innocent.”

“No, love. You would never forgive me if I did that.” Harry said and she kissed him. He carried her all the way back to the docks and jumped up easily. He glared at all of the people there and they all backed up slightly. “Do you understand why I've grown to hate you all yet?”

No one said anything and the Japanese contingent followed Harry as he walked away with a placated Luna in his arms. Her withdrawal notice and a demand for the refund of school fees was on Minerva McGonagall's desk an hour later. Before the woman could think that it wasn't such a big loss to lose a single Ravenclaw, eleven more notices and demands were dropped on her desk by school owls.

“Bugger.” Minerva whispered, because the one on top was Susan Bones. With her aunt being the Ministry of Magic's representative for the tournament, this wasn't going to go over well if the press got a hold of the story. She had no idea that Rita Skeeter had already been contacted and given all of the details.


The British wizarding public were not happy with their old government and they were not happy with the new one. The people in charge kept making the same mistakes instead of fixing what was wrong in the first place, which was only making everything worse.

The debacle of the second task and the deaths of an entire merpeople village, the last one in Britain, had everyone up in arms. They endangered the champions, kidnapped people they loved, and then ruined an entire ecological preserve that had been full of magical creatures. That most of them were dark creatures and had perished wasn't the point.

The Black Lake had become the Black Canyon and magical Britain had become the laughingstock of the rest of the wizarding world.


Susan Bones, Daphne Greengrass, Luna Lovegood, Sue Li, Katie Bell, Fay Dunbar, Sally-Anne Perks, Megan Jones, Mandy Brocklehurst, Sophie Roper, Leanne Malone, and Lisa Turpin, loved their new lives.

They lived in a huge mansion, had their own luxurious rooms, could buy or have anything they ever wanted, do anything that their hearts desired, and had the best private tutors that money could buy. They also had specific scheduled times with their contracted paramour.

None of them had really understood what that meant until Harry had pointed out the specific clauses each of them had in their individual contracts, which made them that much more appreciative of his attention to detail. He wasn't treating them all the same and that drove them wild with passion for him.

They would never know that Harry had started it as a joke on society, just to see what they would say, and he had quickly succumbed to his own scheme and now he was as devoted to making them all happy as he had been with his first wife, Kinoko.

One particular day in May, Harry was suddenly struck with the pain that he would never see Kinoko or his first children ever again. Then like magic, Luna was there and sucked on his lips as if they were made of chocolate.

When Harry realized she actually had smeared chocolate on his lips first, he laughed and tackled her to play another round of 'tickle the flubberwaffle'. She always made the cutest squeals when the tip of his tongue tickled her there.


June 24 was the third and final task of the tournament and barely anyone showed up to watch, not even the students of the three schools. No one wanted to see what Harry was going to do and that was exactly what Harry had wanted. He had ruined the tournament and made it a completely losing proposition for everyone.

Since Harry was ahead slightly on points, he was to enter the maze first. He didn't really have to show off with barely any witnesses and he didn't care. His plan involved showmanship and he was going to go through with it.

The cannon went off and Harry didn't run into the maze. Instead, he used the Aquamenti spell to soak everything within thirty feet with a firehose of water, cast the Glacius spell to freeze it, then he used a simple glass breaking spell, a piercing hex. The entire space shattered into tiny ice shards.

Everyone's mouths dropped open in shock as Harry did the same series of spells again and again, completely destroying the maze as he walked forward towards the center. Creatures, traps, and hedges all fell to the same three spells.

The other three champions ran into the maze and broke off from Harry's path to try and find their own way, which was stupid. They just had to stay with Harry and he would have cleared the way for them. They wouldn't have had to do anything except perhaps stun him to take the cup first.

Not surprisingly, Harry reached the center of the maze first. His last triple spell destroyed the hedge around the Tri-Wizard cup and revealed a completely unexpected surprise.

“The final battle is with a rotting zombie?!?” Harry asked, shocked.

“Haaarrrry Potterrrrr!” The zombie groaned and then it coughed several times to clear its throat. “It's too bad potions no longer work on flesh converted and enchanted to become an inferi.”

Harry stood there and didn't know what to say. The zombie had just talked to him as if it was normal.

“I see you don't recognize me.” The zombie said. “I am Lord Voldemort. This body used to belong to the Muggle Studies professor, Quirinus Quirrell. He was a willing possession and the unicorn blood we drank for over a year to keep us both alive, eventually took its toll. I barely had enough control left to finish the ritual to use the last of his life to give this body unlife.”

“You're really talkative for a zombie.” Harry commented, his wand at the ready.

“I'm not a mindless automaton, I'm a magically animated corpse called an inferi!”

“And the difference is only because you can talk?” Harry asked.

“No, you buffoon! It's because I was possessing the man both before and after his death. I've been trapped in this body for over two years and I can't unpossess it.” The zombie said, angrily. “When I heard you were here, I came here to let you fulfill the prophecy.”

Harry wasn't sure what he meant. “I'm not following you.”

The zombie let out a growl. “I need you to destroy this body so I can escape it, you moron!”

Harry pointed his wand at him and used a full body bind, wrapped him in ropes, and silenced him. He knew he couldn't freeze it or change it, since it was flesh and any change might let the spirit escape. He did disillusion it and grabbed it and the cup at the same time. They disappeared from the center of the maze and reappeared on the dais.

“Well, that wasn't a surprise.” Someone commented.

Amelia stepped forward to get everyone's attention. “I hereby declare the winner of this tournament is Harry Potter!”

Only a few people clapped and they were the women from the Japanese contingent.

“Here is the prize money of 1,000 galleons and you can keep the trophy.” Amelia said and handed him a large sack of galleons.

“Thank you.” Harry said and put the sack into the Tri-Wizard cup and shrunk it to put into his pocket. “Just out of curiosity, do I have to make an appointment with the Department of Mysteries to access the Veil of Death or can I just show up and receive a tour?”

Amelia stood there and gave him a blank stare.

“I suppose I'll ask someone else.” Harry said and walked around her to go over Shinsoshi. “I believe we are done here.”

“As do I.” The man said and bowed to the judges. “Please enjoy your incarcerations.”

“WHAT?!?” The judges exclaimed just as ten Japanese Aurors and ten French Aurors appeared in a swirl of portkey and surrounded them.

“With the tournament over, you can all be prosecuted for your crimes. Take them away.” Shinsoshi said and the judges were shackled and portkeyed out. “Ah, that felt good. Thank you for letting me do that, Harry.”

Harry bowed deeply to the man. “It's the least I could do for everything you and our people have done for me.”

Shinsoshi took out one final robe for Harry and handed it to him. “You deserve our highest color robe and for not degrading yourself by performing dark magic.”

Harry sucked in a sharp breath and stared at the bright red robe. “Master, you honor me.”

Shinsoshi chuckled and took the robe to drape over his shoulders. “Your test scores came in yesterday and the headmaster was very pleased by the results.”

The headmaster of Mahoutokoro School of Magic nodded and bowed. “You have achieved one of the best scores of any of our students. Your work ethic has been exemplary.”

“We are very proud of you, Harry.” The headmaster's wife said and bowed. The rest of the Japanese contingent bowed as well.

Harry felt tears in his eyes and he bowed as well. “Th-thank you. Thank you all. If it wasn't for your diligent teaching all these months...”

“You have a regular international portkey reservation at the travel office. Do not be afraid to avail yourself of it.” Shinsoshi said and in a rare show of affection, gripped Harry's shoulder.

“At least once a month. I give my word.” Harry said. “I may also move my main family residence there this summer or next.”

That made all of them smile and nod before they activated their own portkey and disappeared.

“Harry.” Amelia said in a soft voice.

“Susan really misses you.” Harry said and took out his short range reusable portkey. “Perhaps with this embarrassing mess over, you can start talking again.”

Amelia sighed and thought about apologizing, and kept her mouth shut.

“Or not. Goodbye, Madam Bones.” Harry said and disappeared.


A seventy year old Harry Potter looked over the grounds of his massive mansion tucked into the side of a mountain in Japan and he adored the sight. He had all of his family over for the summer holidays and they all talked and the children played together as a good family should. There was no animosity, no jealousy, and no one ever felt neglected or unwanted.

He had also gained several new additions over the years, one of which was Nymphadora Tonks, the metamorphmagus that had enjoyed spying on him all those years ago. Her ability had waned from decades of overuse and her magic had weakened as a result. When she turned fifty and retired from active police work, she had approached Harry and asked to join his family.

To her shock and joy, Harry had accepted her offer and healed her. It rejuvenated her magic and her ability to morph her body, and she pretty much ravaged Harry for a week before she was satisfied that he knew how much she appreciated him. She had also gotten quite pregnant, twins to be exact. Those twins grew up and had several children of their own. All of them were metamorphmagi, too.

At the top of the mountain in a well maintained shrine, were three intricately carved marble statues arranged close together to have them hug. Kinoko was in the center, Eri on her left side, and Kikono on the right. For the rest of time, Harry would honor his very first family by making sure that all of his future wives and descendants would always remember the first and only Lady Potter.

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