Head Patting in Marvel

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Moving out

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"Congratulations, you have finished your rehab early. Your body is healthier than most people," the old family doctor that was also the hospital director that helped hides his identity before said.

Ryan breathed in relief. It's been 3 months since he transmigrated here, but he couldn't get his alone time. His rehab finally ended. 2 weeks ago his doctor cleared him for normal activity. He had since have a talk with his father about moving out of the house.

"Isn't it normal dad, besides, Long Island is for old people. If I stay in New York it'll be easier for me to commute."

His father bought him a penthouse in Brooklyn after a discussion. It's in Brooklyn Heights, therefore it would be easy for him to commute to NYU. He just needed to cross the Brooklyn Bridge to get there.

He didn't reject it as he knew his father was watching out for him. 

After driving a Knights X-series luxury sports car from Long Island, he arrived to his new house an hour later. Ryan also left a present for his father in his room. He asked his father to check it out mysteriously when he exited the front door. 

"Why didn't you give it to me yourself?" Tim asked. during that time. The little kid was acting all mysterious that it brought laughter to his depressed self.  His son was a little different nowadays. He noticed that sometimes his son may unconsciously kept a distance from other people. He didn't say much about it as he saw that the kid was trying hard to adapt to his new life.

Tim could gather that Ryan was uncomfortable being around other people.  Maybe that was why he wanted to move out. He wasn't not sure that moving out was the right move, but after seeing Ryan's determination, he accepted the result with a heavy heart. 

After waving his son off with Hiddle who was wiping his tears with a handkerchief, Tim walked to Ryan's room to find the present. There was a few documents on his son's desk tied together using a purple ribbon.

Hiddle followed Tim from behind as his shadows and said, "It's what he's been working on." 

Ryan had been working on it everyday since he asked for the data and that didn't escape Hiddle's observation. 

Untying the ribbon, Tim was shocked after he read the document. It entailed a new design for a twin turbo V8 engine, framework for smart car design, new material for chassis, modified suspension and new modification that will make Knight industry become the frontrunner in the luxury sport automobile industry.

Even a modified NA engine was included. That's not all. A design for new cars and F1 race cars was also there to bring the Knight Industry back on track. The 300 page document covered all that Tim needed to shot forward and becoming the first ranking car manufacturer this season.

Ryan also included several new technologies for material processing, vacuum arc melting furnaces, large hydraulic press for new alloy, basic framework and code for GPS system, in which his father needed only a little work to complete it. It could be done by the company without him. 

Ryan was torn whether give his father complete technology rather than design and theories. But he did this to ensure that his father didn't think he copied the design from somewhere. He made it look like he thought about it during his stay.

He even makes some scribbles, wrong equations that he scratched out to make a new one so that it looks more genuine. Call him faker or sociopath all you like, but he doesn't want to become high profile.

Tim was absorbed in reading the document. Hiddle was curious so he interjected, "What is it?" Tim snapped out of his trance and said,"My son's a genius!"

He could use this to restore the board member's confidence. Ryan's ideas will make the company get out of crisis after some verification. "He gave us a new car, and new technologies. All of it are theories for now, but it's had a solid foundation. The modification is written in details, making our work easier."

Only three months but his son could make what 10 R&D teams couldn't in five years. He knew that his son was a good student in school, but not to this level. There's also a CD and a small, rectangular device next to it with a note. < the CD and the drive also contains something - XOXO Ryan>

Tim didn't notice this, but Hiddle did. The kid had explained it clearly to him, multiple times before. "Master Tim, it seems there is something else"

They checked out the CD together. But they were clueless about the rectangular stick. The CD contained his initial drawing for an animated movie, titled 'The Lion King'. It has a great storyline and was really fun to watch. He had composed all the songs for the movie by himself after buying the script on the trading site. Now, Tim only needed to find the voice actors and actresses to complete it. 

After wrecking their brain for hours, they finally decided to call Ryan. "Open the cap, then stick it to the PC. Use the port to stick the mouse in." His son had to teach them a couple times before they get it. "It seems like this is the Flash Drive he is talking about," Hiddle got a sudden realization. 

The drive contained the softcopy of the automobiles modification. The duo didn't notice it yet, but the storage of the small stick surpasses all other flash drives. It's going to be easy to use as they didn't need to burn the data onto the drive. Just drag it in to copy it. Ryan will let them figured it out by themselves,which they did months later.


"This is the first time I can move house without bringing any stuff with me."

Ryan was satisfied after he entered his new penthouse.  Hiddle already transferred all his stuff and made renovation and furnishing before he moved. The house was also equipped with a top of the line security system that adhere to Hiddle's requirements. 

*Cer-clack* He pops open a  can of beer and then watched some anime he bought from the system. In this world, anime and manga were not as developed as his previous world.

Even cartoons  there were filled with Captain America's stories. 'It's like people are afraid to try new genres...Or Captain America story sell well so they didn't have to try anything else.'

Disney company didn't exist here, in which many movies were not created. Ryan had the ideas of taking movies from his previous world and creating them here to show these people here what they had missed.  He would do it slowly later on. Now, he wanted to enjoy his precious moment in which he was alone and unwind himself. He glanced at the autumn leaves all over the city after his anime had finished. 

The season passed quickly. The autumn leaves have fallen from the tree as winter was approaching.  Ryan finally adapted to the new environment after a month moving out of his parents house. He made some modification to his house during the month by himself to cater to his needs. There's a total of 5 rooms in his house. He modified 3 of them into a liquor room, a tech room, and a personal gym.

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He placed the rare liquor he bought into the liquor room that was setup with wine racks. He wanted to make a collection of rare liqour from across the Omniverse there. In his tech room, he had set up a server and a supercomputer. Additionally, he used the hardware to support the artificial intelligence creation he was currently doing. 

He wanted to make his own JARVIS.  The server room was also equipped with its own electric line to avoid suspicion, especially from authorities. He had bought a lot of advanced technology from tier 1 marketplace. He could even buy a miniaturised arc reactor that Tony would made when he discover a new element.  Ryan tried to search for a blueprint of the arc reactor, but there was only the completed product.

His last room was created in a special way. He used a quantum displacement module room, a room in alternate space that he bought for 2000 tc in the trading site from someone in the DC Universe, username Peacemaker. It used tech that looks like a rubix cube when he bought it Once the room was finished, the cube was integrated with the room, hiding it in another dimension. 

For security, it only needed a password to get into it. The alternate space is only 20m³. But it was enough for him to set up a equipment that was too advanced for his current situation. For ordinary people, the room was just an ordinary antiques collection room.

He wanted to buy Newts' Scamander luggage and made a mobile room, but he has no magic to use it. During his few weeks of trading, he only got a book on occlumency, some tier one magic knowledge, but he still hasn't seen the Tier 1 Mana Circuit skill.

From his group chat recommendation, rather than using mana core or mana heart, the mana circuit was more flexible and more stable. It also hides magic fluctuation from his body, freeing him for some concern of getting see through by some important people.  The magic was created by an Archmage in Tier 4!   Trading authorities and marketplace, not magic tier. The Archmage already passed by tier 9 in the magic tier.

The mana circuit could mimic most magic systems in the omniverses. It was different from sorcerer magic in Marvel as Ryan needed to get energy from dimensions in exchange for a price to use the sorcerer magic. This mana circuit could allowed him to use the natural magic of the world.

He also had started to sell miscellaneous  items on the trading site. He traded some food and water, living necessities and some entertainment.

Targeted customers were the post-apocalyptic survivors. They don't lack gold, but food and other basic necessities. It sounded opportunistic, but after talking to some of them, it was what they wanted to have. 

Ryan was looking at the letter on his desk. It was the itinerary and class schedule for his degree study in New York University. There's also some book, some study notes, his basic information, his social circle which there wasn't any and other information that he received from his stand-in.

Although he wanted to study again to make up for his regrets, he was conflicted as he is going to school in his 40's, No, 60's combined age with the previous Ryan.

"And I am going to the University starting with what class... final exam!?" Ryan was shocked as he read the itinerary. He cursed out loud, "That b*tch, that's why he looks so relieved."

During the time he met his stand-in, Dana Carvey, he felt a bit weird but he didn't know what was wrong with the meeting.

Dana's POV

"That's a fu**ing relief. I know this is a luxurative assignment and all, but to study in the university and take a test. Last year was so wonderful when 'Ryan Knight' took a leap year and travelled to Europe. I did some interesting things there, had fun with some Scandinavian girl, did some weed and so on. "

" This year I need to keep my head down in the university, as I can't be as loose as I used to, thank god this kid wakes up early, this exam is a nightmare. I got through the quiz and assignment by cheating but I don't think I can do that in the final exam. "

Ryan's POV.

" Well I'm fucked. "

He looked at the course book and materials from Dana. He only had 2 more days before the final exams started. There were 7 subjects, each more challenging than the last.

Luckily most subjects had been bought by him, such as biotech, machinery, psychology, higher order mathematics and statistics, experimental physics, thermodynamics and so on.

Just to be sure, he bought some elementary version of the knowledge in the trading site.

"Luckily I checked it today, otherwise, I would have to wait until next week. The final will be gone by then."

He spent two days preparing for the exam with a headband tied up on his forehead. On Monday, he drove to New York University for his test.

"Wait, I forgot to check where the exam hall is..."

As the hall is different from the lecture room, Ryan was lost. He didn't panic or cried as he have some time. It's now 8.30 am. The exam starts at 9 sharp.

He went to check the university information on the bulletin board and walked slowly with his attention to other college kids there. As the exam was near, many students walked around with their nose in books.

Ryan checked for a thermodynamics book as the bulletin board wasn't helpful. He had Thermodynamics 101 as his first exam today. 

Finally, he saw a beautiful, blond young woman with a ponytail having the same book. She has a pair of green pair eyes , wearing a loose green sweater ,a pencil skirt despite the cold weather and white legging with brown boots. He approached the seemingly nice girl and asked "Hey, do you also have Thermodynamics 101?"

Gwen Stacy looked at the guy in disbelief, "Why are you being weird now ? We had the class assignment together… Did-did you forget me?"

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