Head Patting in Marvel

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 : Chat group

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The trade panel popped up exactly at 9 o'clock. But unlike the previous trade, he wasn't in his room. He wanted to know if other people could see what he was doing, so he was taking a walk around the house. Not surprising that there wasn't anyone else other than him that could see the floating panel. He also found out that he could use his eyes to scroll and clicks. Using his finger felt more natural for him, so he went back to his room. 

He was satisfied when he saw the marketplace arrangement. Rather than list type, now it was more of an online shopping platform. First, he started by selling the antiquities and artwork he bought after checking the general price of these items.

It was easier to find these items as they were listed in categories. There were also categories for bestsellers, hot items and  more making his purchase easier. He only got 200 tc now at the beginning for when the items that he listed last session was sold during the time he was offline. 

While scrolling, an item caught his eyes. It was an item for body strengthening that he knew of. The gene optimization fluid. This time, it was  listed as an 'elementary' gene optimization fluid.

"I guess the quality gets better with higher authority," He muttered excitedly. He had been waiting to buy higher level stuff. The product description was quite satisfactory such the description for this item.

> A gene optimization fluid that perfects the body, making you as strong as a cheap quality version of Captain America. Gradual strengthening of the body to up to 3 times the strength of a normal adult. Price - 700 tc.

"What the hell?!"

His jaw almost dropped. He didn't think that a low priced gene serum had an outstanding effect. If he bought it in bulk, he could have his own team of super soldiers. Before he could click buy, but the post was gradually greyed out. He was too late. The item was already sold.

"I can't hesitate next time," He muttered in slight disappointment. 

There's an option to contact the seller that he was curious about. He clicked on it and asked;

Ryan : Hey, do you have any more Gene Fluid?

Mythic shopkeeper : My stock is gone. Wait until the next session. Are you new here?

Ryan : Yeah, I just got to tier 1.

The newbie was amused, 'how can he/she know about it? Can others find out he's a newbie with only one line?'

Mythic: If you're new you can change your username to something else in the setting. Most guys here do that.

Ryan : Why?

Mythic : It keeps the mystery of item selling (laugh) (laugh). It wasn't for keeping yourself from getting cursed or something, but most travellers do this to remember their real world by making their nickname related to it.

Mythic :Some also chose to make a nickname from their current world, so that people can find them quickly if they want to get technology related from that world. You are new so have you entered any group yet?

Ryan : There's a group?

Mythic: You can create a group at tier 2. You can enter a group from others' invitation though if you're low in authority.

Ryan : I do want to enter a group. Is there a limit to groups you can join?

Mythic : There's none, but the admin may kick you out if you're not active in the group.

'Why does this remind me of discord?'

Ryan went to change his name first before continue chatting. He changed his name to 'Hydra is a bitch'. No spaces.

Hydra: Can I ask you something? Your serum is relatively precious, why is it so cheap?

Mythic: Ooh, are you from the Marvel universe?

Hydra : Yes, I am.

Mythic : I agree with you that the Hydra's is a bitch. My serum is not precious at all here. People can become a God in my universe! 3x the strength of man is like an ant here.

Mythic : I can make people have 10 tons of strength. No problem for that. But it's only the upper limit of your body. To get there, you need to exercise.

Hydra : Damn man, here I was excited about the 3x strength.

It felt good chatting with Mythic. He was friendly and wasn't condescending. Ryan felt a sense of kinship as Mythic was also scared when he first entered his universe. Mythic was a loner before transmigrating and also after.

It was only when he entered the chat group from other dimensions that it saved him by knowing there's someone else who went through the same thing he did. Otherwise, he'll go insane. His world was crazy dangerous! Even more so than the Marvel Universe.

Mythic: If you have time, talk to the Post-apocalypse survivor. Most who travelled there almost lose their mind.

For the first time in his transmigration, Ryan was glad to be in the Marvel-verse. He couldn't imagine the situation where he needed to scavenge for food and roaming endlessly trying to find another person in his world. 

Hydra : Have you met someone other than me from the Marvel-verse?

Mythic:Yeah I have, but I don't think you'll meet any of them in real life. As far as I know, there are no two transmigrator in the same universe. I'll send you the group invitation, there's someone from your similar universe there.

( group link)

Ryan doesn't hesitate to enter the chat group.

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HydraIsABitch: Hello there.

DuckingZombie : General Kenobi!

TheDoctor: New Blood huh, come give me some blood

QueenElf : I hope the friendship of nature comes to you.

VampireKid: shouldn't I get the blood you crazy doctor. And @queenelf, that is so cringe. Anyway, welcome newbie!

Baal's ass: you're both crazy




Mythic : Where's Mephisto?

VampireKid: he wasn't online today. Said some bitches were in his house. Why are you looking for him?

Mythic: The newbie is in the same universe as him. As a senior, maybe he could give some advice.

Hydra : I don't mind if it's sometime later. Do you guys all get transmigrated?

TheDoctor: There's another name for the system. It's called the Transmigration Support Group. All broken people who are not special enough to become a protagonist are here.

Ryan took some time to get to know other members of his chat group. He also got some tips on how to get the best item, how to sell items more efficiently , Tier level , corresponding skill,  item level and many more.

Ryan was feeling elated today. After selling his art and antiquities as a fund, he got 1200 ts, more than he wished for. As Mythic said, "Art and antiquities sell more as they are irreplaceable in any universe."

TheDoctor gave  him some recommendations on Marvel's life hack as he was an avid Marvel fan in his years. For him personally, he sternly advocated that information gathering was very important in the world. That's why SHIELD's were always on people's asses.

TheDoctor : I can make a clone for you if you want to..

Hydra: Can you even trade clones here?

TheDoctor: You can, but you need to get to tier 2... or have someone on the inside. In this case, you have me.

Hydra: What world are you in doc? How can you create a clone?

TheDoctor: It's setting was the Resident evil movie. T-virus and the sort. My world story has already ended. I have saved a few Umbrella's tech and upgraded it with other universes technology.

TheDoctor, transmigrated during the time of Resident Evil 2, has been living hellish life during the zombie era. Most of the time, he used the trading site to bought food and necessities for him and his group. It wasn't until Alice broke down the antidote for T-virus that he had a breather.

Before the end, he bought an artificial intelligence from a higher order universe and hacked into the Red Queen database. Hegot all of the Umbrella technology before it was destroyed. It's been 5 years since then. He had already taken over the entire world! Or more like, he needed to. Otherwise humanity in that world will go extinct.

In a universe without higher order power, it was very easy for him to do that. Maybe because of the influence of Umbrellas, he liked to experiment with new things. But unlike the company's researchers, he wasn't a genocidal maniac.

TheDoctor : There's two types of clones I can sell you, one is an original type clone. You implant your memory in them, they'll become another you.

TheDoctor: Another one is just a modified body, no consciousness, so he can't take over or anything. His brain is controlled with a chip, in which you split your consciousness to control him. It's very taxing for the body. You need to learn parallel thinking from the magic universe to get it. At the same time go learn magic circuit skill, you can get tier 1 magic circuit in your level.

TheDoctor couldn't stop talking that VampireKid had to interrupt.

Vampire Kid: Here folk, you can see a prey is persuaded by the predator to let him bite his neck. Doc, go use personal chattin, you're bombarding the group chat.

Mythic : Doc switch turns on again. (sigh) @Hydra you can make your own choices. You're new here. Although we sell stuff , it doesn't mean that we are profiteers. Just do whatever you're comfortable with.

Ryan felt grateful to Mythic and the rest of the group. The unfamiliarity in this world gave him panic attacks sometimes. Not all reincarnator adapt quickly. Even more so for him as he was still locked up in the house - recovering and enduring a rehab period.

Ryan thanked all of them for their warm welcome. There's only a few minutes left for him in the trading session. Suddenly, he got an idea he needed to ask.

Hydra : Doc, can the clones be kept in the inventory space?

TheDoctor: Type 1 cannot, type 2 can.

Hydra : Why's that?

TheDoctor: Anything with a mind of their own couldn't be kept in the inventory after you took them out. That includes pets, monsters, artificial life forms and others.

Ryan procured some gene serum for next week's trade from Mythic . All he did today was chat with others and learned their story. He gotten so absorbed with knowing these people that he didn't realise the time passed by. This was the first time in his trading session that... he didn't buy anything!

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