Head Patting in Marvel

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Attack!!

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After witnesses her sorry figure in picking up the paper, he didn't greet her. Instead, he crouched down straight away and helped picked her stuff from the snowy ground. He asked slowly, "Where's your friend?"

She always stuck together with her noisy friend, so he was curious why she was alone now. 

Gwen only glances at him for a while and continued picking her stuff up. She replied indifferently, "She didn't have an exam today."

In her heart it sing a different tune, 'Why oh why, did the hateful guy see me like this.'

They were done picking the stuff up in mere seconds. Gwen was organising her stuff after Ryan handed it to her. Some paper was damaged by the snow, so she will have extra work to do tonight. 

"Thank you, although I can do it by myself," she said, feeling embarrassed by her attitude toward him yesterday. She knew that he had saved a lot of her works, but she couldn't bring herself to fully showed her gratitude toward him. 

Ryan just smiled seeing her antics. Their fingers lingered a bit when he handed the paper to her. Instead of butterflies, he got feedback from the malice talisman. 

His eyes became sharp and he glanced slightly to his sides. Gwen was surprised by his sudden change and she blurted out," No really, thank you."

She thought that he was feeling mad because of her behavior. She suddenly realised that she behaved quite badly whenever she's with him.

*Pah Pah* He dusted off some dirt from her kindly as she sat on the snowy grass. His eyes kept darting around to search for the source of malice towards him. His father had told him about assassination attempt on his life so he was always alert at possible attack.

Gwen walked away in an embarrassed state after thanking him. She needed to meet the faculty member to talk about her scholarship. After she walked away, surprisingly the talisman stopped giving feedback.

Ryan tilted his head. He was confused."Is this thing broken?" he muttered. His eyes finally caught the sight of someone suspicious.  He noticed that 'someone' was following Gwen through his peripheral eyesight. 

"The malice is directed toher, not me" he muttered. IHe deduced that it must have been when he touched her before. The talisman reacted at that time that they were connected as it sensed the malice directed toward Gwen. Now, he was conflicted as he didn't know whether it was someone sent to protect Gwen, sending malice to him as they seemed close, or a stalker, or just a bad guy. 

He observed the guy to confirm. The bald guy has a pedophile moustache, was wearing a khaki shirt, and has a tattoo on his right arm. The guy was texting and kept his eyes on the girl. He also kept a distance and followed her from afar, out of her eyesight.

"Yup, definitely suspicious." He said while watching the whole thing.

Gwen finished her business and was finally going home. That guy kept following her without her realizing it. Ryan noticed 3 more guys were coming to this direction, seemingly the suspicious guy's companion. 

They were carrying guns. Two of them were bald and one of them wore a beret. From their overall vibe, Ryan got a bad feeling about the situation. The guys were looking determined to do something. 

Ryan was torn as to intervene in this matter. But he couldn't not do anything . He texted <S. O. S> to Hiddle using his smartphone. A code he discussed with the housekeeper for whenever he's in danger. That's not only it, he also alerted the campus security about the suspicious man. 

He activated his stealth skill and rushed past the bad guys without making a sound. Quickly, he catched up with her.

"Hey Gwen, could you come with me?" he said urgently. Gwen was surprised to see him there but before she could wonder about his intention and whether to agree, Ryan grabbed her arm and pulled her into an empty lecture hall.

Gwen was flabbergasted at the sudden action and wants to yelled at him , "What are you doing-"  Ryan shushed her before she make a loud noise.  "There's some suspicious men carrying guns in the hallway. Can you call your father, he is a police officer right?" 

She realised the situation instantly and she pushes back the thought of how the guy knows about her father . She took out her flip phone and called Captain Stacy. Before the line connected, Gwen stared him dead in the eyes and said ,"He is a captain, not an officer." 

"Cause that's what's important right now," Ryan retorted. 

Smiling wryly, he thought to himself, 'I'm trying to save you, couldn't you cut me some slack.'  School shootings weren't rare in the country, so some students have adapted to it. 

He was looking for a possible exit from the lecture hall. He locked the door. To his bad luck, there's no exit other than the one he used and another that led to the same hallway.

In the 77th police precinct, Captain Stacy picked up the phone and said lovingly,  "Hey sweetie, are you done with your exam? ".  But his brow wrinkled when he heard the reply.

"Dad, there are some suspicious gun carrying guys at the university. " 

"They seem to be targeting Gwen," Ryan added which shocked the girl.


"Yeah...They had been following you. Only you."

Captain Stacy asked Gwen and her friend to find a place to hide. He alerted every police officer nearby and he himself was going there. Captain Stacy roared while he drove the police car like a madman.  "Who the hell has enough courage to target a Police Captain's daughter!!" 

Gwen ended the call and said reassuringly, "My dad is on the way."

He nodded after hearing that. He noticed that Gwen was not as fearful as he imagined her to be. 

"You're very brave, as expected from a police officer's daughter," he blurted that out loud without noticing it. Gwen gave a weird look at Ryan who was still wearing a mask and said, "Police Captain!" 

Outside the door, a man yelled to his companions. "She went in here!" the tattooed man pointed for his companions. They tried to pried open the locked door together. 

*Ba-Bang Bang Bang* The door was rattling from the thug's forceful action. 

Ryan wanted to take the initiative to fight instead of waiting for them to come in and surrounded them.

"Gwen, you go hide first." 

"You cannot fight them off,wait for backup to arrive. "

It's like she knew what was inside his mind. "Come hide with me," she said as she pulled his arm to hide behind the desks. 

The pounding at the door gets louder. After a while ,the door was smashed open. 'Why the hell are they not here yet!' Ryan screamed in his heart. The police, Hiddle, campus security, all of them were late. It's a relatively open space in the lecture hall, there was not many places to hide. 

The crooks spreaded out to try and find the girl. They pulled their guns out of their pants , arming themselves. Ryan observed all of this through the slits on the desk.  He smirked as he saw the gun being pulled out. It's what he wanted them to do. Although he had a gun in his inventory space, there's a witness here (Gwen), so he couldn't use it. He was planning to get the crooks gun and used it against them. 

" Stay here a while, then run to the second exit while I distract them," he whispered

What about you?" she asked in worry. 

"They are not targeting me," Ryan said confidently.  He slowly moved in the direction where he calculated the nearest crooks will move toward. 

He counted the distance. ' 5 meters away, 4 meters, 3 meters..' When the crook was in range, Ryan ambushed him with a burst of high speed run. He grabbed the gun welding arm of the crooks and he twisted it. "Argh!"

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Then, he elbowed him in the face, breaking his nose. The crook fell backwards but at the time he falls, he accidently kicked his fallen gun away and made Ryan flabbergasted. 

The second crook was close by and he attacked Ryan by punching at his face, which Ryan barely dodged. His mask was pulled and its string was snapped in the process, revealing his bare face. 

"You mother.." Ryan was angry at his incompetence, although he learned many skill, he lacked actual combats experience. He retaliated by closing the gap with the second crook, pulling his hand to his side rendering the crook's gun useless. 

He snapped the crook arm at the shoulder joint, dislocating it. *Prraps*  The baldy screams loudly, attracting the others. 

Ryan continue by punched the crook in the jaw, rendering him unconscious as he knocked him out. Ryan grabbed the second gun and aimed it toward the villains. Easily, he shot the arm of the nearest person. *Bang* The third crook was incapacitated by the bullets penetrating his forearm. He kneeled and yelled in pain. 

Looking around his area, Ryan breathed a sigh of relief. He already neutralises the threat, now he needed to get Gwen to safety. He turned over, and saw the original crook that's been following Gwen, was holding a gun at her head and was holding her hostage near the second exit. 

"Stay where you are!" the crook screamed. He saw what Ryan could do and he didn't want to take a chance. " Throw down your guns, or else I'll ...blow her head off.!" 

To be honest his boss wanted  Gwen alive to lure Captain Stacy out so he could kill the captain and avenge his brother. But now it not the time for it. He needed to get out here safely first. 

The obviously unprofessional crook kept asking Ryan to throw his gun away while he was retreating to the door. "Alright I'll put the gun away," Ryan said unwillingly. Then he saw the looks on Gwen's face. A soft smile appeared on his face when he saw her determination.  

"What the hell are you smiling at!"

"Nothing, I just thought it's funny that you actually think… you can take a police officer's daughter hostage," he mocked the baldie.

"What are you-"  Before the crook can finish his sentence, Gwen stepped back a step, nearing her distance to the crook. She grabed his arm and fling him over her shoulder using a judo throw! 

*Bam!! *

The crook's body slammed on the floor. He tried to stand up but Gwen twisted his arm. The gun slipped away from the crook's hand, and she kicked it away. She looked over at Ryan and said, " I thought I told you my dad's a captain". 

Her heart was still palpitating from the confrontation and becoming a hostage. Ryan took over in subduing the crook. He slammed the crook's head on the table, making him fall unconscious. "That's ruthless," Gwen said. 

"That is what they deserve," He said coldly. 

Other than the moaning crook with a broken nose and hand that was shot, others are unconscious. 

"Let's go out first, if they have any more companions, we are in trouble."

She  hesitated and said," You can leave first, they only want me. It's better if we were separated. "

By now she already forgot that she didn't like the guy. She was thankful to Ryan as he tried to save her, in which he actually did. But she didn't want to cause anymore trouble for him.

Ryan looked closely at her complicated expression she had her face. "It's my choice to do this, I need to see this through."

He reassured her and said convincingly. Like hell he was going to leave now. He felt angry at this time. Punching a few more guys would appease him. 

These guys were obviously unprofessional, but he almost got hurt. He was ashamed of himself.

Without realising it, his standard for villains in the world was pretty high considering only good villains are shown on screen. This type of stupid bad person couldn't even make the filler episode.  

Seeing her hesitation, he took her hand and dragged her outside the lecture hall. They ran outside to make an escape. As they didn't know how many crooks there were, so they had to be careful. 

The moment they reached the front of the building, 4 blacks suvs drove in and stopped in front of them, 15 armed men with bulletproof vests exit from the SUV. 

Gwen panicked at the sight. She thought all these guys are the crooks' companions, and were looking for her. "Go! RUN AWAY RYAN!" She yelled while pushing him away. She didn't want to involve him any further, especially since it was a deadly matter. 

Ryan's reaction was unexpectedly calm.He was still holding Gwen's hand and refused to let go. He yelled to the allegedly crook, "You guys are late!" 

Brian stepped forward and said," Apologies Young master, the security tried to stop us from entering the premises."

Ryan nodded. He was the one who alerted the campus security in the first place. But he was just going to ignore his actions at this time. It's not very often he could role play a rich young master. 

"Wh-" Gwen's brain short circuited.

He turned to her and explained, " These are my bodyguard Gwen. We are safe now."

Her heart was still beating fast because of the previous tension. "You could have warned me, " she said in dissatisfaction. 

"I don't even know when they are going to arrive, you can't blame me," he dismissed her accusation, and pointed to Brian the whereabouts of the bad guys. Gwen noticed they were still holding hand, and she said sternly, "You can let go now." 

'Too bad,' he thought in his heart.

Ryan looked at Gwen, and the intention to tease her intensified. He mimicked her yelling in a funny voice, "Gooo Run Away Ryan". 

Gwen blushed and thought  'I really should punch this guy in the face.' She glared menacingly which prompted him to stop. They looked at each other and found out the situation was kinda funny. "Hahaha"

Brian and another guard secured the area. The rest of the guards apprehended the low quality crooks that were still incapacitated in the lecture hall. Less than 5 minutes later, George arrived with several police cars.

The sound of police sirens blaring throughout the entire university, signaling that the matter was over. 



We Will Have Fun There!



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