Head Patting in Marvel

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Mythic Worries..

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 The police were taking statements while some student was gawking at the incident. All the crooks were turned in by Brian and afterwards, he took Ryan out of the university with a full convoy. Ryan tried to argue that it wasn't necessary but Brian was helpless about this.

"This was Sir Hiddle's direct order."

Before he left, Ryan had a chat with George Stacy and Gwen. "Thank you son for helping my daughter ." Captain George Stacy said. He was grateful for what Ryan had done, but he was also suspicious as to why he could notice that someone was following his daughter. 'Unless...he was following her too.'

George didn't follow his hunch at the moment and his desire to interrogate this man in front of him to make sure that he wasn't secretly her boyfriend. He had more important things that needed his attention right now. Interrogating the crooks and finding out exactly who had targeted his daughter. 

"I just did what I thought was right," Ryan said monotonously. He just nodded to everything the police said. He felt more tired dealing with the police compared to fighting the crooks. He was defeated not by fighting but the questions afterward. '"how do you know Gwen was targeted?" " Do you take a self defence class? " and many more questions. Even Brian questioned him about his action and fighting skills. He just wanted to go home and pop open some beer after the day he had. 

Gwen was comforted by some police officers at the time. Ryan saw that and felt lazy to deal with the aftermath. He snuck away to the SUV and was driven to his house in Brooklyn by Brian. 

"Wait, what about my car?" he asked.

"I'll bring it over later." Brian replied.

It took a lot of convincing to make sure that Hiddle doesn't take him back to the Manor. He reluctantly accepted some condition such as to never engage without backup, or never engage at all. "Just run away, like Dana did."

During Ryan sneaking away, Gwen was sitting in the backseat of her father's police car. She was talking to her father's partner before he became a captain through the opened door .

George came over and said, " Your friend already went home Gwen." 

"He is not my friend ," she said automatically. As she heard herself said those words,she thought maybe after today she could became friends with him . Her opinions about him sleeping in class and cheating still doesn't change, but she didn't dislike him as much anymore.


"What- No!" 

There was sense of camaraderie that was born especially after a high risk situation. Ryan had no motive to save her, but he still did it anyway. She was extremely grateful for that. She wanted to text him to say her thanks, but she realised she didn't have his number. 

Ryan went home and took a shower. For him, saving Gwen was the extreme opposite of his personality. He took his mind off the incident by watching some anime and relaxing in the sofa. 

Kinda anticlimactic for those who yearn for heroes saving the beauty cliche, fall in love and so on. For Ryan, that stuff only exists in fairy tales. He spent a few days doing nothing before the next trade session came. 

[Thursday : Group chat.] 

Vampire Kid: That's the protagonist syndrome kid. Like you transmigrate somewhere, and it's up to you to save people or shit. 

The doctor : I do agree with @VampireKid on this one. You made a bad decision, kid. 

Queenelf: I think that kind of sweet. 

Retired mechanic: Just smoke them next time. Leave no future enemy. There won't be an archenemy if people would just kill them. 

Mythic :... Don't be a hero kid. You need to realise that you are in the real world now. Not some fantasy. 

Mythic pov. 

'Another one with hero syndrome,'  he thought. "I wonder how long he can survive there."

For Mythic, he had watched and interacted with a lot of people in the trading system. Hot-headed, brash fools will always died early on. He felt that Ryan was going the same way. While thinking, he lit up a cigarette, and took a puff. 

He still remembers a kid by then named <Bat-Squad> whose last chat was to tell him about his  upcoming fight with the Joker.The kid was active in the chat, really naive, and had a kind heart. Then, he became offline forever after his battle. 

Mythic watched many people come and go . He had the system for more than 5 years. Not many people could climb through authority because they lost their life feeling overconfident. "The system is not omnipotent, please realise that."

He wanted to yell at all those kids who lost their lives. They could just trade here. They will not automatically become overpowered, become a god or else. 

In the real world, there was no protagonist halo like in a story, in which the mc always saved his life, always won a fight, always in great luck. 

Mythic tried his best to guide newbies. He wanted them to at least be able to save their life. Right now he's mad at Ryan. Maybe his action will have a snowball effect, the newbie will never know. 

"What if the crooks that he fights have a Superpowered boss that seeks revenge. What if he becomes entangled in a conspiracy."

And many more what ifs. He bombarded the chat trying to make the kid realize that. He felt mad was also because of his fear. He was greatly fearful that he will lose someone close to him..again. 

Ryan POV

"Boy...Mythic sure is mad, " Ryan thought as he saw Mythic continuously typing. He didn't regret saving Gwen. But he did regret taking stupid action like fighting the crooks. 

Hydra : Alright I will not try to be a hero anymore. But if I saw it myself and can do something about it, I won't hesitate to do that. 

The doctor : Just use a clone kid. You can play a hero all you like! No consequences. 

Mythic : Don't encourage him doc.! 

VampireKid: Do you like the girl Hydra? Is that why you saved her? 

Queenelf : intrigued.gif

Hydra :you can send a gif here? 

Queenelf: higher authority kid, higher authority. 

Hydra : I don't actually, although she is pretty, I'm pretty sure she hates me. 

Ryan thought, 'I don't know if she still hates me though, but my instinct told me if I say that, I will get more lectures from Mythic.'

He talked some more in the group chat. In this world, he always felt tired when he needed to deal with other people. Continuous questioning and conversation was exhausting for him. But if he has 24 hour time everyday for the trading session, he was sure he could continue chatting in the group non-stop.

While chatting, Ryan browsed some items by making the group chat in a small window panel. He was laughed at by VampireKid when he said he missed trading time just for chatting. 

Now that he has learned the parallel thinking skills, it's easier for him to split his consciousness, doing two things at the same time. 

When Ryan was browsing, a new name pops out in the chat 

Mephisto : Who's the marvel kid? 

You are reading story Head Patting in Marvel at novel35.com

Hydra : Hello senior. That's me. 

Mephisto : Nice to meet you kid, make sure you don't die early. Becomes like me, a survivor. 

Hydra: I'll try my best. 

He talked to Mephisto in a personal chat. He then learned that the Mephisto version of the Marvel world is in the 15th century. Ryan was excited and was looking forward to hear all about it. Mephisto's home world variation was when Kamar Taj did interfered in the secular world. 

In the 15th century the Ancient One became an Overlord and unified the world. After that, human society achieved industrial revolution, making the 15th century like the 2000s millennium.

Surprisingly, most characters of the comic were born during this time instead of waiting for the year 2000s or the 19th century. The mutants were treated like a normal human. Many become heroes of the masses although there were still some troublemakers. 

The world didn't have to fear an internal threat as the sorcerer protects the earth and no government made some restrictive law for the sake of controlling superheroes. 

Ryan learned many alternate versions of history from Mephisto. Mephisto was pretty excited about to tell his story. He gave Ryan some tips as to how to control your identity from the sorcerers, what you should take note of when dealing with Asgardian and many more. Mephisto gave him some advice, but it was the opposite of what Mythic preached.  

Mephisto philosophy was, "Make sure you don't have any regret. If you want to save people, just do it, want to become a villain, just do it. You have a rare second chance in life, why should you waste it becoming worried about everything." 

He did share some of his life experiences, some which made Ryan wanted to punch him in the face across dimensions. That bastard's social life was very messy. Ryan lost count on how many girls had been corrupted by him. 

At the same time, Ryan topped up his knowledge reserve in the elementary level. Then, he stared at the hot item categories, refreshing the screen to try to get new items. 

Mythic said that some item was so rare that it sold out the moment it was put on sale. Ryan now still needed his magic circuit skills. He got some magic knowledge, tomes and grimoires but he couldn't do anything from it as he didn't have a source of magic. 

He continued his action, but at the last moment, he managed to get new content in the hot page, in which he buys it directly without checking it. 

Betraying his excitement, he doesn't know whether to laugh or to cry about the item. He got the item ; [ Magic scroll : Ter 1 Magic] an item scroll enchanted with a notice-me-not charm, making him unnoticeable to every muggle around him. The magic will last for a day or if it is cancelled by the user. 

Time was up for today's trade. He got some new items such as a mini spider drone. (a drone that looks like a spider), a ham and egg grass plant from Toriko's world, some rare liquor, and many more miscellaneous items. 

Next week on Tuesday, he took two more exams. 'There's no Gwen this time,' he thought.  He just breezed through the exam today. After the last one tomorrow, he will get 3 months off for the winter vacation. 

On Wednesday, Ryan woke up in a good mood. He cooked the ham and egg grass and placed it on a plate. It tasted heavenly the moment he put it in his mouth. He put on a white collared dress shirt, with a black pants and black shoes, Louis Vuitton belt and a rolex watch to match.

He dressed up because he planned to go to the Knights company after the exam. He already notified his father about his visit. He drove off in his sports car, arriving at the university at 8.30 am. He walked to the exam hall during he saw Gwen who was talking to her friend in front of the exam hall.

He felt awkward seeing her so he tried to stay out of eye contact and gets out of sight. Suddenly Gwen calls him from behind him, "Hey Ryan.'' 

Ryan, who was still wearing a black mask, greeted Gwen reluctantly. " Morning Gwen," he said in an awkward tone.

"Were you running off because you see me?" Gwen asked straightforwardly. She was saddened when she saw Ryan run off when he saw her

"I just thought I'll be awkward." Ryan replied in self-defense.  

He didn't lie, he really thought it'd be awkward. Gwen noticed his honesty and her mood was lifted. " Just because you saved me, doesn't mean that I'll fawn over you or anything. But you did run off that day without me thanking you, so don't run off today." 

Ryan's heart skipped a beat, it's not that he thought Gwen liked him or anything, but she directly cut off his running route, making it impossible for him to get away from her invitations.

" Your exam will be finished at noon. Right,? I'll treat you to lunch as a thank you afterward." 

It was not a negotiation, Ryan had to go because she didn;t know whether she would see him again next semester.

"Give me your number, I'll text you after I finish my exam." Ryan said defeatedly as he saw her smiling face. He was outwitted before he could even do anything about it. 

He took out his smartphone, which instantly attracted Gwen's attention. 

" What phone is this?  What brand? It's so pretty". 

Ryan smiles at the barrage of question and said confidently, "This is a smartphone."

"Seriously? Smartphone didn't look like that. I have seen the smartphone before."

" Of course you haven't seen it. It's the only one in the world," Ryan grinned. He bought it from the system shop, maybe in a few years smart technology will be released but now, he's the sole owner of a smartphone. 

Gwen looked at him suspiciously. She couldn't help it  as he sounded too much like a scammer. After finishing the exam, they went and had lunch together. 

At first it was awkward for him, but now, Gwen was gradually becoming his friend. The first one in this unfamiliar world. They talked about a lot of things. Gwen did question and made fun of him for sleeping in class, and his previous behaviour, in which Ryan fabricated some lies to cover up. 

"Also, why do you wear a mask?" asked Gwen.

"Just in crowded places, it's a habit of mine," Ryan answered. 

"You didn't wear a mask before, when did this become a habit? You know a habit took a long time to form right?" Gwen asked in a doubtful tone. 

He coughed out his drink. "Nevermind that, has your father said anything?" He skirted the question as he couldn't answer that it was a habit during the Coronavirus era in his previous world right? 

Luckily Gwen bit his bait. "My dad caught the baldies leader before. He wanted to get revenge. Now, the entire group had been torn down by my dad," she said proudly. "The police captain?" 

"No, he's a police capt…" Gwen stopped as she got embarrassed. She thought he'd call her father officer again. Ryan tried to hold his laughter, but he gave out immediately,  "Hahaha..." 




We Will Have Fun There!




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