Head Patting in Marvel

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Vampires

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In a dim alley in hell's kitchen.

 A female agent was running while clutching her bleeding left shoulder. 

"Haa.. Haa.. Haa.. Damn it all.." 

She was sent to investigate the rumor of a Vampire Bible, a direct order from the director of her organization. 

After infiltrating a gangster hideout, she was ambushed by a few vampire while she was witnessing a gangsters trades with the vampire kind by the guise of human trafficking.

She fought off the vampires with her baton, and now was retreating while the vampires were chasing her. She needed to survive till backup arrived. 

Barbara was cursing the director for this mission out loud. "It was supposed to be a simple mission!"

"You can't run now you little rat!" Vampire Goon #1 said. 

He kicked Barbara from her side, smashing her to the wall. Her ribs cracked and her head was violently shaken from the impact of the superhuman strength. 

"You really thought you could escape from the noble creatures of the night?" the vampires snickered. They have been chasing her for a few blocks. She was really slippery and it irked them greatly. 

Barbara cursed her bad luck, her director, her ex-lover, and everyone that made her into who she was today. Now she was going to die in an alleyway like some stray dogs. 

She spits out the blood in her mouth, raised her middle finger and cursed the vampires, "Fuck You!"

The vampires weren't amused and one of them punched her in the ribs again. *Crack* Her ribs were broken this time. "Stop!" Vampire Goon #3 yelled before #1 could kill her.

 "Deacon Frost wants her back alive".

Her eyes were unwilling when she heard that. She knew that she'll end up with a worse fate than death if she falls into the hand of the vampires. She wanted to run but her injury was too severe. Her breathing slowed down, her eyes weren't focusing.

The dim alley turned into complete darkness as she fell to the floor. 

Before she passed out, she heard some shots and some yelling.

 "Maybe backup is here,” A final thought she had before she fully lost consciousness. She only saw a white silhouette rushing in before everything went black.

A few hours before this happened.


Kai went to a home visit for a couple who's going through childbirth. The Mexican descent, illegal immigrant – who can barely speak English, ran to Kai's clinic asking for help when his wife's water broke.

He couldn’t afford to go to the hospital, so he went to Kai's clinic as he heard rumours from his other illegal immigrant friends about a doctor there that treated them kindly, only charging a low amount of money.

The moment he entered the clinic, he yelled for the doctor as he was panicking. Skye freaked out when a stranger was yelling in Spanish. Lana was trying to calm him down, but he kept yelling. Kai heard the commotion and came out from his consulting office.

The man saw Kai and grabbed him. He spoke hastily in Spanish,  "Please help my wife! Please help my wife!" 

The doctor understood the situation, then replied in the same language to Skye’s and Lana’s shock.

"Please calm down first and tell me the situation calmly. You're scaring other people here. Don't worry, I'll help if I can." Kai said while calming the man. 

The man nodded and released him. He started to talk about his wife's situation.

Kai grabbed his medical kit, some medication, and went with the man to his home where his wife is. He also brought a stretcher with him, just in case.

"I'm going to his house to help. You can close the clinic now. It's late anyway. And Skye… make sure you finish the exercise I give you before going to sleep. 

Before leaving the clinic, he made sure to inform Lana about some necessary procedures. The little girl pouted while the assistant nodded.

Kai followed the man to his house 5 blocks away. He rode at the back of the man's scooter  to get there. Luckily it's just an ordinary childbirth without needing any intensive operations.

However, the wife was too tired from the long childbirth, so he has to help otherwise the baby will suffocate. Kai brought his x-ray glasses to make sure of that. After helping the couple with the childbirth, a pair of Mexican twins was born.

"Congratulations, they are both girls.”

After managing the baby, a checkup for both the babies and their mother, Kai returned home feeling exhausted. The man did offer to ride his scooter back, but Kai rejected it and advised him to stay with his wife for now. 

He asks him to bring his daughters and wife for checkup later in the clinic. The man bows his head in gratitude for the kind doctor. It was a story he would tell to his daughters when they grow up later.

Though exhausted, Kai was in a good mood. During his walk home, the quest count had increased when he checked.

[ Save people using medical skills (8/10). ]

It counted for the three of them. The quest count didn't move for almost 2 months since he adopted Skye and finally moved today. 

He was walking towards his clinic instead of going straight home. He needed to put the medical kit first and sterilize them. It was then he heard some screaming coming from the alley where he was 5 blocks away from his clinic.

"Should I go or not?" 

Kai was not the type of person who goes around the neighborhood at night saving people from thugs in a leotard. But he cannot ignore things that were happening in front of him, especially if he could do something about it. He let out a long sigh, "Haaa, let's go then…"

Moving towards the source of the disturbance, he heard someone claiming to be ‘a noble creature of the night’. 

He cringed at the juvenile choice of words. When Kai moved closer, he witnessed a man punching a woman in the rib. He also saw the defiance the woman had by showing her middle finger towards the hooligan. It raised his sense of respect for the woman.

Looking closely, Kai noticed that the hooligans have red eyes, a pale skin, and claws instead of nails. 

"The vampires." He muttered coldly as he realized their existence here.  "Maybe someday I'll meet Blade in this universe."

As soon as he confirmed that the enemy was a vampire, he showed no mercy towards them. 

The main body was asleep, so he took out a special gun from the inventory. The gun used a silver bullet, an item he bought without thinking much before. But it is useful against vampires.

Kai shot at the leading hooligan without warning. The vampire that just punched the woman, was shot in his head and he turned directly into ashes. Vampire 2# and 3# then became alert of the sudden attacker.

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 "Who the hell are you!" Vampire goon #3 asked.

"A pest killer.” Kai replied as he saw the first vampire leaving nothing but ashes. It was fairly simple in killing vampires. He didn’t have to clean up any traces as they were self cleaning. 

The vampires yelled and ran towards the doctor, wanting to kill him for killing their breathens. 

Kai didn’t react much and was still calm even facing the obvious hostility. It's because he has nothing to fear.


Kai managed to kill another vampire from a headshot before he came near. If it's a normal gun, then maybe the vampire could avoid it. But the bullet speed was twice as fast as the normal ones.

The last vampire managed to close the distance between Kai and him. He swiped his claw to Kai's neck, aiming for his arteries. 

He needed to get the woman to Deacon Frost as fast as he could, fearing the consequences of a failed mission. ‘But if I die here none of it has meaning.’

Kai avoided the swipe easily and aimed the gun directly at the vampire's head in close distance. Then, he pulled the trigger and made a clean shot at point blank. The last vampire also turned into ash before he could even comprehend how Kai moved at the same speed as him, who was a supernatural being. 

3 vampires, but it couldn't even make him sweat. Kai brushed off the ashes from the vampire that was killed near him. He turned to the unconscious woman and took out his x-ray eyes.

"A fractured skull, broken ribs and bones are puncturing her lungs, claw wound on her left shoulder, and loss of blood. How is she still breathing?" 

He kneeled on the floor and administered emergency first aid. Luckily, he has a stretcher. It was the type that has wheels on it.

He picked up the woman in his arms like a princess, placed her on the stretcher, then rushed to his clinic. Without any treatment, she will die in a few minutes. 

During this time, in the warehouse with the human goods, the vampires could sense that their comrades have disappeared. 

"Chloe, Zoe, and Edward have been killed.” The leader of this group has a solemn expression on his face.

"Go and find the woman. The blood god ceremony plan could NOT be leaked." 

6 elite vampires who heard the order nodded and dispersed to find the girl in different directions.

Even the leader participated in the search for the woman. They didn't know how much the woman knew and they couldn’t take any chances. The woman must be silenced tonight! 

After the vampires left, the warehouse became silent. Numerous corpses of the gangsters and the merchandise were killed by the vampires after the trading was uncovered.

Kai brought Barbara to the clinic and laid her down on the surgical table. She was in trouble because of the punctured lungs. He had to do a surgery to save the girl right away!

Hei tested the girl's blood type using a simple test paper TheDoctor gave. He also had made some of the paper on his own and spreaded it to the medical society.

Finding the corresponding blood, he inserted a tube inside her arm for a blood transfusion. 

After half an hour of surgery, Barbara was finally stabilized. He wrapped up the surgery and bandaged her wound. 

He started with her head first as she has a fractured skull, but it isn't serious enough for him to do something about it.

He didn't expect that before he finished ,she jolted up from the surgery table, took a scalpel, and pressed it against his throat. She asked with a threat in her voice, "Where am I?”

The female agent was anxious. ‘Did the vampire get me? Why am I in a clinic?’ Many thoughts were running in her head at full speed the moment her consciousness came back. 

Surprisingly, the doctor has no fear for her actions.

"You're at my clinic. You better think twice about trying to kill the man that just saved you from the vampires." 

Kai moved the scalpel away in annoyance, and kept bandaging her head.

Barbara didn’t let her guard down and observed her surroundings. She did, however, allow the doctor to finish up. 

Kai explained,  "You have a punctured lung because of your broken ribs poking into it. I had to do emergency surgery on you. I've already called an ambulance, so you can continue treatment at the hospital."

The doctor walked to the medicine cabinet, took out painkillers, and threw it to the woman. 

"Take two of these, it'll help with the pain".

He then ignored her, and went to clean up the surgical instrument. She was still suspicious about her situation, but he didn’t care.

‘Where's my backup? Why am I in a clinic? Why does the doctor say that he saved me? Did he fight off the vampires, something that even me, an elite agent, couldn't?’

The pain almost made her pass out again, so she took the pills as the doctor said. 

Her backup at the time, was trying his hardest to track her. Her tracker chip goes off a few blocks away from her actual location as it was damaged by the vampire's attack.

A few minutes after the drug kicked in, Barbara walked outside the surgical room, in which she found out that she was in a normal clinic. There's a waiting room, a consultation room, medicines rack, and everything a normal clinic would have.

Barbara finds out she wasn't held here or trapped. Kai approached her after finishing the clean up with a wheelchair and asked, "The ambulance will be here in a few minutes. Do you need to call someone?"

"Yeah, I do." She accepted the doctor's offer while sitting in the wheelchair. Meanwhile, she observed him closely. A 191 to 193 cm tall, black haired doctor with a thick eye bag on his face. She made a call to her supposed backup, and revealed her location and the name of the clinic.

Ending the call, she turned to Kai and asked him, "What happened to the vampires?” As she could see that Kai clearly know about the situation, it'll be idiotic to censor her speech now.


 Kai spoke a single word. He was too exhausted today. The woman was shocked when she heard it and observed him more closely. A few minutes later, an ambulance and a black SUV arrived at the clinic at the same time.

The man in the black SUV first goes to the ambulance. After speaking a few words, the ambulance drove away without taking Barbara with them. Her backup had arrived to take her away, and the ambulance was out of their jurisdiction. 

Further away in the darkness, the backup didn’t notice that a black shadow with red eyes was observing him from the opposite building when he entered the clinic. 

“Found you.” The shadow muttered before he disappeared. 


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